Monday, September 16, 2024

853 英翻中 (553) STOP! THIEF! 不要再偷! 9/16/2024

853  英翻中 (553)                  STOP! THIEF!                             不要再偷!                     9/16/2024

CHAPTER NINE                  STOP! THIEF!                      Galatians 5:1–12                                       第九課                                    停止! 小偷!                      加拉太書5112

Paul’s doctrine of grace is dangerous!” cried the Judaizers. “It replaces law with license. Why, if we do away with our rules and abandon our high standards, the churches will fall apart.”           猶太律法師大叫,“保羅的恩典教義很危險!他用它來代替律法及執照。 為什麼,如果我們不遵守律法,並放棄高的標準,教會就會分離崩潰。”

First-century Judaizers are not the only ones afraid to depend on God’s grace. Legalists in our churches today warn that we dare not teach people about the liberty we have in Christ lest it result in religious anarchy. These people misunderstand Paul’s teaching about grace, and it is to correct such misunderstanding that Paul wrote the final section of his letter (Gal. 5—6).                並非只有一世紀的猶太律法師害怕依靠上帝的恩典。 今天,教會中的律法主義警告說,我們在教會若只教導人在基督裡的自由,可能會導致教會形成無秩序狀態。 這些人誤解了保羅關於恩典的教義,並且為了糾正這種誤解,保羅寫了他信的最後部分(加    5-6  兩章)。

Paul turned now from argument to application, from the doctrinal to the practical. The Christian who lives by faith is not going to become a rebel. Quite the contrary, he is going to experience the inner discipline of God that is far better than the outer discipline of man-made rules. No man could become a rebel who depends on God’s grace, yields to God’s Spirit, lives for others, and seeks to glorify God. The legalist is the one who eventually rebels, because he is living in bondage, depending on the flesh, living for self, and seeking the praise of men and not the glory of God.    保羅現在從論證轉向應用,從理論引到實踐。 靠信心生活的基督徒不會叛逆。 恰恰相反,他將要經歷上帝的內在紀律,遠遠優於人為規則的外在紀律。沒有人能成為一個依靠上帝的恩典、順服聖靈、為他人而活、尋求榮耀上帝的叛逆者。 律法主義者最終會背叛,因為他生活在捆綁中,依靠肉體,為自己而活,尋求人的讚美,而不是榮耀上帝。

No, Paul’s doctrine of Christian liberty through grace is not the dangerous doctrine. It is legalism that is the dangerous doctrine, because legalism attempts to do the impossible: change the old nature and make it obey the laws of God. Legalism succeeds for a short time, and then the flesh begins to rebel. The surrendered Christian who depends on the power of the Spirit is not denying the law of God or rebelling against it. Rather, that law is being fulfilled in him through the Spirit (Rom. 8:1–4). It is easy to see the sequence of thought in these closing chapters:                           不,保羅關於藉由恩典來實現基督信徒自由的教義,不是危險的教義。律法主義才是危險的學說,因為律法主義試圖去做不可能的事情:改變舊的本性,並使人服從上帝的律法。律法主義在短時間內成功,然後肉體開始叛逆。依靠聖靈大能的投降的基督徒,並沒有否認上帝的律法或反抗上帝的律法。相反,律法是藉著聖靈在他裡面實現的(羅81-4)。在這些結尾的章節中很容易看到這思想的順序:

1.  I have been set free by Christ. I am no longer under bondage to the law (Gal. 5:1–12).              1.  我被基督釋放了。不再受法律約束(加   51-12)。

2.  But I need something—Someone—to control my life from within. That Someone is the Holy Spirit             (Gal. 5:13–26).                                                                                                                    2.  但是我需要某事 --- --- 來從內部約束我的生活。這人就是聖靈(加   513–26)。

3.  Through the Spirit’s love, I have a desire to live for others, not for self (Gal. 6:1–10).                3. 通過聖靈的愛,我渴望為別人而不是為自己而活(加    61-10)。

4.  This life of liberty is so wonderful, I want to live it to the glory of God; for He is the One making it possible (Gal. 6:11–18).                                                                                                          4.  這種自由的生活真是太奇妙,我想把為上帝的榮耀而活。因為祂是使萬事成為可能的那一位(加    611-18)。

Now, contrast this with the experience of the person who chooses to live under law, under the discipline of some religious leader:                                                                                                          現在,將此與選擇靠律法生活,在一些宗教領袖的紀律下生活的人的經驗,進行對比:   

1.  If I obey these rules, I will become a more spiritual person. I am a great admirer of this religious leader, so I now submit myself to his system.                                                                        1.  如果我遵守這些規則,我將成為一個更加屬靈的人。我是這位宗教領袖的特出仰慕者,所以現在我投身於他的體系。

2.  I believe I have the strength to obey and improve myself. I do what I am told and measure up to the standards set for me.                                                                                                                      2.  我相信我有能力服從和改善自己。凡告知我的,都遵守為我設定的標準。

3.  I’m making progress. I don’t do some of the things I used to do. Other people compliment me on my obedience and discipline. I can see that I am better than others in my fellowship. How wonderful to be so spiritual.                                                                                                                    3.  我正大力的求進步。我不做以前做過的事。其他人都稱讚我服從和守紀律。我可以看到在 團契方面我比其他人更好。如此在屬靈上的人真是太好了。

4.  If only others were like me! God is certainly fortunate that I am His. I have a desire to share this with others so they can be as I am. Our group is growing and we have a fine reputation. Too bad other groups are not as spiritual as we are.                                                                                      4. 如果只有別人像我一樣!上帝當然很幸運我是他的。我希望與其他人分享這一點,以 便他們能像我一樣。我們的團隊正在成長,我們擁有良好的聲譽。糟糕的是,其他群體並不像我們這樣的靈。

No matter how you look at it, legalism is an insidious, dangerous enemy. When you abandon grace for law, you always lose. In this first section (Gal. 5:1–12), Paul explained what the believer loses when he turns from God’s grace to man-made rules and regulations.                                       無論怎麼看,律法都是陰險的,危險的敵人。當放棄律法寬限期時,你總是會失敗。在第一部分(加   51–12)中,保羅解釋了信徒從上帝的恩典轉向人設定的規章制度時所會遭受的損失。

1. The Slave—You Lose Your Liberty (5:1)                                                                                            1. 奴隸 --- 你失去了自由(51

Paul has used two comparisons to show his readers what the law is really like: a schoolmaster or guardian (Gal. 3:24; 4:2), and a bondwoman (Gal. 4:22ff.). Now he compared it to a yoke of slavery. You will recall that Peter used this same image at the famous conference in Jerusalem (see Acts 15:10).                                                                                                                                        保羅使用過兩次比較,來向讀者展示律法的真實面目:校長或監護人(加   3:24; 42)和女奴隸(加   422 比照研讀)。現在他把它比作奴隸制的軛。還記得彼得在耶路撒冷著名的大公會議上,也使用了同樣的形象(見    15:10)。

The image of the yoke is not difficult to understand. It usually represents slavery, service, and control by someone else over your life; it may also represent willing service and submission to someone else. When God delivered Israel from Egyptian servitude, it was the breaking of a yoke (Lev. 26:13). The farmer uses the yoke to control and guide his oxen because they would not willingly serve if they were free.                                                                                                               軛的圖像不難理解。它通常代表奴隸制,他一生中的服務和受他人的控制;它也可能表示自願意服務,並屈服於他人。當上帝把以色列從埃及的奴役中拯救時,就是軛的破裂(利   26:13)。農夫用軛來控制和引導他的牛耕種,因為若牛有自由,牠們就不會願意工作。

When the believers in Galatia trusted Christ, they lost the yoke of servitude to sin and put on the yoke of Christ (Matt. 11:28–30). The yoke of religion is hard, and the burdens are heavy; Christ’s yoke is “easy” and His burden is “light.” That word easy in the Greek means “kind, gracious.” The yoke of Christ frees us to fulfill His will, while the yoke of the law enslaves us. The unsaved person wears a yoke of sin (Lam. 1:14); the religious legalist wears the yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1); but the Christian who depends on God’s grace wears the liberating yoke of Christ.                           當加拉太的信徒信靠基督時,他們就失去了因罪而加上的奴役鎖鏈,而蒙受了基督的軛(太   1128-30)。宗教的軛是艱苦的,負擔很重。基督的軛是  “輕省的,祂的負擔是  “輕的。在希臘語中,容易一詞的意思是  “仁慈,恩典。基督的軛照祂旨意,使我們釋放得自由,而律法的軛則奴役我們。未得救的人背負罪惡的軛(哀   1:14)。宗教律法主義背負著束縛的軛(加   51);但是依靠上帝恩典的基督徒卻戴著基督的輕省的軛。

It is Christ who has made us free from the bondage of the law. He freed us from the curse of the law by dying for us on the tree (Gal. 3:13). The believer is no longer under law; he is under grace (Rom. 6:14). This does not mean that we are outlaws and rebels. It simply means that we no longer need the external force of law to keep us in God’s will, because we have the internal leading of the Holy Spirit of God (Rom. 8:1–4). Christ died to set us free, not to make us slaves. To go back to law is to become entangled in a maze of “do’s and don’ts” and to abandon spiritual adulthood for a “second childhood.”                                                                                                      是基督使我們擺脫了律法的束縛。祂被掛在樹上為我們的罪而捨命,使我們從律法的詛咒中解脫出來(加   3:13)。信徒不再受律法的約束;他處於恩典之下(羅   6:14)。這並不意味著我們是非法分子和叛亂分子。 這僅表示我們不再需要外在的律法力量,來保持我們活在上帝的旨意中,因為擁有上帝聖靈的內住在我們內心的領導(羅   81-4)。基督是為了使我們得自由而死,而不是使我們成為奴隸。重返律法就是糾纏在  “做與不做”  的迷宮中,放棄屬靈上的成年以實現  “第二次童年

Sad to say, there are some people who feel very insecure with liberty. They would rather be under the tyranny of some leader than to make their own decisions freely. There are some believers who are frightened by the liberty they have in God’s grace; so they seek out a fellowship that is legalistic and dictatorial, where they can let others make their decisions for them. This is comparable to an adult climbing back into the crib. The way of Christian liberty is the way of fulfillment in Christ. No wonder Paul issues that ultimatum: “Do not be entangled again in the yoke of bondage. Take your stand for liberty.”                                                                                      可悲的是,有些人覺得會因自由而失去安全感。他們寧願承受一些領導人的專制統治,也不願自由地來做出自己的決定。有些信徒對自己在上帝恩典中的自由,感到恐懼;因此他們尋求律法和獨裁的援助獎金,他們可以讓別人,為他們做出決定。這相當於成年人再爬回嬰兒床。基督徒自由的方式就是在基督裡實現的方式。難怪保羅發出最後勸誡,不要再受律法的束縛所糾纏了。堅持自由。

2. The Debtor—You Lose Your Wealth (5:2–6)                                                                                      2.  債務人-您失去了財富(52–6

Paul used three phrases to describe the losses the Christian incurs when he turns from grace to law: “Christ shall profit you nothing” (Gal. 5:2); “a debtor to do the whole law” (Gal. 5:3); “Christ is become of no effect unto you” (Gal. 5:4). This leads to the sad conclusion in Galatians 5:4: “Ye are fallen from grace.” It is bad enough that legalism robs the believer of his liberty, but it also robs him of his spiritual wealth in Christ. The believer living under law becomes a bankrupt slave.                                                                                                                                        保羅用三個短語來描述基督徒從恩典轉向法律時所遭受的損失:基督不會給您帶來任何好處(加52);債務人負責制定全部法律(加53);基督對你沒有影響(加54)。這在加拉太書54中得出了一個可悲的結論:你們從恩典中墮落了。法制主義剝奪了信徒的自由是很糟糕的,但也剝奪了他在基督裡的精神財富。依法生活的信徒成為破產的奴隸。

God’s Word teaches that when we were unsaved, we owed God a debt we could not pay. Jesus made this clear in His parable of the two debtors (Luke 7:36–50). Two men owed money to a creditor, the one owing ten times as much as the other. But neither was able to pay, so the creditor “graciously forgave them both” (literal translation). No matter how much morality a man may have, he still comes short of the glory of God. Even if his sin debt is one tenth that of others, he stands unable to pay, bankrupt at the judgment bar of God. God in His grace, because of the work of Christ on the cross, is able to forgive sinners, no matter how large their debt may be.      上帝的話語教導我們,當我們得救時,我們欠上帝的債無法償還。耶穌在他的兩個債務人的比喻中明確了這一點(路加福音736-50)。有兩個人欠債權人一筆錢,一個人欠另一人十倍。但是兩者都沒有能力付款,因此債權人寬恕了他們倆(字面翻譯)。無論一個人有多少道德,他仍然缺乏上帝的榮耀。即使他的罪債是其他人的十分之一,他仍然無力償還,在上帝的審判bar下破產了。由於基督在十字架上的工作,上帝在祂的恩典中能夠寬恕罪人,無論他們的債務有多大。

Thus when we trust Christ, we become spiritually rich. We now share in the riches of God’s grace (Eph. 1:7), the riches of His glory (Eph. 1:18; Phil. 4:19), the riches of His wisdom (Rom. 11:33), and the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). In Christ we have “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3), and we are “complete in him” (Col. 2:10). Once a person is “in Christ,” he has all that he needs to live the kind of Christian life God wants him to live.          因此,當我們信任基督時,我們在精神上變得富有。現在,我們分享上帝恩典的財富(弗   17),祂榮耀的財富(弗   1:18;腓4:19),他的智慧之財富(羅     11:33),以及基督無法找到的財富(弗     38)。在基督裡,我們擁有智慧和知識的所有寶藏(西   23),而我們在他裡面完全(西     2:10)。一旦一個人在基督裡,他便擁有了上帝所希望的那種基督徒生活。

The Judaizers, however, want us to believe that we are missing something, that we would be more “spiritual” if we practiced the law with its demands and disciplines. But Paul made it clear that the law adds nothing—because nothing can be added! Instead, the law comes in as a thief and robs the believer of the spiritual riches he has in Christ. It puts him back into bankruptcy, responsible for a debt he is unable to pay.                                                                                                然而,猶太人希望我們相信我們缺少了一些東西,如果我們以其要求和紀律來實踐法律,我們將更具精神。但是保羅明確指出,法律無所作為-因為無所不能!取而代之的是,律法以賊的形式出現,使信徒搶奪了他在基督裡所擁有的屬靈財富。這使他重新破產,對他無法償還的債務負責。

To live by grace means to depend on God’s abundant supply of every need. To live by law means to depend on my own strength—the flesh—and be left to get by without God’s supply. Paul warned the Galatians that to submit to circumcision in these circumstances would rob them of all the benefits they have in Christ (though circumcision itself is an indifferent matter, Gal. 5:6; 6:15). Furthermore, to submit would put them under obligation to obey the whole law.                靠恩典生活意味著要依靠上帝豐富的各種需要。依法生活意味著依靠我自己的力量-肉體-並且在沒有神的供應的情況下任其生存。保羅警告加拉太書記,在這種情況下屈服割禮會剝奪他們在基督裡所享有的一切益處(儘管割禮本身並不重要,加   56; 6:15)。此外,提交將使他們有義務遵守整個法律。

It is at this point that legalists reveal their hypocrisy, for they fail to keep the whole law. They look on the Old Testament law the way a customer surveys the food in a cafeteria: they choose what they want and leave the rest. But this is not honest. To teach that a Christian today should, for example, keep the Sabbath but not the Passover, is to dismember God’s law. The same Lawgiver who gave the one commandment also gave the other (James 2:9–11). Earlier, Paul had quoted Moses to prove that the curse of the law is on everyone who fails to keep all the law (Gal. 3:10; see Deut. 27:26).                                                                                                                                              正是在這一點上,法學家們暴露了自己的虛偽,因為他們沒有遵守整個法律。他們遵循舊約法律,就像顧客在自助餐廳裡對食物進行調查一樣:他們選擇想要的東西,剩下的留著。但這並不誠實。教導今天的基督徒應該例如遵守安息日而不是逾越節,就是肢解上帝的律法。發出一條誡命的同一個律法者也發出了另一條誡命(雅各書29-11)。保羅早些時候曾引用摩西來證明法律的詛咒是對所有未能遵守所有法律的人的詛咒(加3:10;見申27:26)。

Imagine a motorist driving down a city street and deliberately driving through a red light. He is pulled over by a policeman who asks to see his driver’s license. Immediately the driver begins to defend himself. “Officer, I know I ran that red light—but I have never 571 Galatians 5 robbed anybody. I’ve never killed anybody. I’ve never cheated on my income tax.”                                    想像一下,一個駕車人沿著城市的街道行駛,故意開車闖紅燈。他被要求看他的駕駛執照的警察拉住。駕駛員立即開始為自己辯護。軍官,我知道我闖了紅燈,但我從來沒有571加拉太書5搶劫任何人。我從來沒有殺過任何人。我從來沒有騙過我的所得稅。

The policeman smiles as he writes out the ticket, because he knows that no amount of obedience can make up for one act of disobedience. It is one law, and the same law that protects the obedient man punishes the offender. To boast about keeping part of the law while at the same time breaking another part is to confess that I am worthy of punishment.                                                警察在寫票時微笑著,因為他知道沒有多少服從可以彌補一次不服從的行為。這是一部法律,保護聽話的人的同一部法律也要懲治罪犯。吹噓要保留一部分法律,同時又要破壞另一部分,就是要承認我值得受到懲罰。不會寫下這些話。

Now we can better understand what Paul meant by “fallen from grace” (Gal. 5:4). Certainly he was not suggesting that the Galatians had “lost their salvation,” because throughout this letter he dealt with them as believers. At least nine times he called them brethren, and he also used the pronoun we (Gal. 4:28, 31). This Paul would never do if his readers were lost. He boldly stated, “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, ‘Abba, Father’” (Gal. 4:6). If his readers were unsaved, Paul could never write those words.        現在我們可以更好地理解保羅所說的從恩典中墮落的意思(加   54)。當然,他並不是在暗示加拉太信徒失去了救贖,因為在這封信中,他一直以信徒的身份對待他們。至少有九次他稱他們為弟兄,並且他還使用了代詞我們(加   4:2831)。如果保羅的讀者迷路了,他將永遠做不到。他大膽地說:因為你們是兒子,上帝就將他兒子的靈散發到你們心中,哭著說,'阿爸,父'”(加   46)。如果他的讀者未得到保存,保羅將永遠

No, to be “fallen from grace” does not mean to lose salvation. Rather, it means “fallen out of the sphere of God’s grace.” You cannot mix grace and law. If you decide to live in the sphere of law, then you cannot live in the sphere of grace. The believers in Galatia had been bewitched by the false teachers (Gal. 3:1) and thus were disobeying the truth. They had removed toward another gospel (Gal. 1:6–9) and had turned back to the elementary things of the old religion (Gal. 4:9). As a result, they had become entangled with the yoke of bondage, and this led to their present position: “fallen from grace.” And the tragedy of this fall is that they had robbed themselves of all the good things Jesus Christ could do for them.                                                                                      不,從恩典中墮落並不意味著失去救贖。相反,它的意思是屬於上帝恩典的範圍。您不能將恩典與法律混為一談。如果您決定生活在法律領域,那麼您就不能生活在恩典領域。加拉太的信徒被假的老師迷住了(加31),因此不遵守真理。他們轉向另一福音書(加16-9),並轉回舊宗教的基本知識(加49)。結果,他們陷入了束縛的束縛,這導致他們現在的立場:從恩典中墮落。這個秋天的悲劇是他們搶走了耶穌基督可以為他們做的所有善事。

Paul next presented the life of the believer in the sphere of grace (Gal. 5:5–6). This enables us to contrast the two ways of life. When you live by grace, you depend on the power of the Spirit; but under law, you must depend on yourself and your own efforts. Faith is not dead; faith works (see James 2:14–26). But the efforts of the flesh can never accomplish what faith can accomplish through the Spirit. And faith works through love—love for God and love for others. Unfortunately, flesh does not manufacture love; too often it produces selfishness and rivalry (see Gal. 5:15). No wonder Paul pictured the life of legalism as a fall!                                                      保羅接下來在寬限期介紹了信徒的生活(加      55-6)。這使我們能夠對比兩種生活方式。當你靠恩典生活時,你就依靠聖靈的力量。但是根據法律,您必須依靠自己和自己的努力。信念沒有死;信仰有效(見  雅   214-26)。但是,肉體的努力永遠無法完成信仰可以通過聖靈完成的工作。信念是通過愛而起作用的-對上帝的愛和對他人的愛。不幸的是,肉不會製造愛情;它常常導致自私和競爭(見  加   5:15)。難怪保羅將法治主義的生活描繪成一個秋天! 

When the believer walks by faith, depending on the Spirit of God, he lives in the sphere of God’s grace; and all his needs are provided. He experiences the riches of God’s grace. And, he always has something to look forward to (Gal. 5:5): one day Jesus shall return to make us like Himself in perfect righteousness. The law gives no promise for perfect righteousness in the future. The law prepared the way for the first coming of Christ (Gal. 3:23—4:7), but it cannot prepare the way for the second coming of Christ.                                                                                                              當信徒依靠上帝的聖靈憑信心行走時,他就生活在上帝的恩典範圍內。並且滿足了他的所有需求。他經歷了上帝恩典的豐富。而且,他總是有盼望的東西(加55):有一天,耶穌會回來使我們以完全的公義像他自己。法律不保證將來會實現完全的正義。法律為基督的複臨作了準備(加323-47),但法律卻沒有為基督的複臨作準備。

So, the believer who chooses legalism robs himself of spiritual liberty and spiritual wealth. He deliberately puts himself into bondage and bankruptcy.                                                                      因此,選擇法制的信徒剝奪了自己的精神自由和精神財富。他故意使自己陷入束縛和破產。

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