Tuesday, September 17, 2024

854 英翻中 (554) How rich we are! 我們多富有! 9/17/2024

854 英翻中 (554)              How rich we are!                       我們多富有!                    9/17/2024         

3.  The Runner—You Lose Your Direction (5:7–12)                                                                              3.  跑步者-您迷失了方向(57–12

Paul was fond of athletic illustrations and used them often in his letters. His readers were familiar with the Olympic Games as well as other Greek athletic contests that always included footraces. It is important to note that Paul never uses the image of the race to tell people how to be saved. He is always talking to Christians about how to live the Christian life. A contestant in the Greek games had to be a citizen before he could compete. We become citizens of heaven through faith in Christ; then the Lord puts us on our course, and we run to win the prize (see Phil. 3:12–21). We do not run to be saved; we run because we are already saved and want to fulfill God’s will in our lives (Acts 20:24).                                                                                                                                     保羅喜歡運動插圖,經常在信件中使用它們。他的讀者熟悉奧林匹克運動會以及其他希臘運動比賽,其中總是包括鞋類。重要的是要注意,保羅從不使用種族形象來告訴人們如何得救。他一直在與基督徒談論如何過基督徒生活。希臘運動會上的選手必須是公民才能參加比賽。通過對基督的信仰,我們成為天堂的公民;然後,主將我們帶入我們的路線,我們便贏得了大獎(參見腓立比書312-21)。我們不會被拯救;我們之所以奔跑是因為我們已經得救了,並且希望在生活中實現上帝的旨意(使徒行傳20:24)。

“You did run well.” When Paul first came to them, they received him “as an angel of God” (Gal. 4:14). They accepted the Word, trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, and received the Holy Spirit. They had a deep joy that was evident to all, and were willing to make any sacrifice to accommodate Paul (Gal. 4:15). But now, Paul was their enemy. What had happened?                                         你跑得很好。保羅第一次來到他們那裡時,他們是上帝的使者接待他(加4:14)。他們接受了道,相信了主耶穌基督,並接受了聖靈。他們有一種所有人都可以感受到的深切的喜樂,並且願意做出任何犧牲來容納保羅(加4:15)。但是現在,保羅是他們的敵人。發生了什麼事?

A literal translation of Galatians 5:7 gives us the answer: “You were running well. Who cut in on you so that you stopped obeying the truth?” In the races, each runner was to stay in his assigned lane, but some runners would cut in on their competitors to try to get them off course. This is what the Judaizers had done to the Galatian believers: they cut in on them and forced them to change direction and go on a “spiritual detour.” It was not God who did this, because He had called them to run faithfully in the lane marked “Grace.”                                                                   加拉太書57的字面翻譯為我們提供了答案:您運行得很好。誰切入你,讓你停止服從真理?在比賽中,每個跑步者都應留在自己指定的車道上,但有些跑步者會與競爭對手競爭,以設法使他們偏離路線。這就是猶太人對加拉太信徒所做的:他們切入他們,強迫他們改變方向,進行精神上的彎路。不是上帝做這件事,因為他叫他們在標有恩典的車道上忠實地奔跑。

His explanation changes the figure of speech from athletics to cooking, for Paul introduces the idea of yeast (leaven). In the Old Testament, leaven is generally pictured as a symbol of evil. During Passover, for example, no yeast was allowed in the house (Ex. 12:15–19; 13:7). Worshippers were not permitted to mingle leaven with sacrifices (Ex. 34:25), though there were some exceptions to this rule. Jesus used leaven as a picture of sin when He warned against the “leaven of the Pharisees” (Matt. 16:6–12); and Paul used leaven as a symbol of sin in the church at Corinth (1 Cor. 5).                                                                                                                                 他的解釋將口語的形式從田徑運動改為烹飪,因為保羅介紹了酵母(酵母)的概念。在舊約中,酵通常被描繪為邪惡的象徵。例如,逾越節期間,不允許在屋子裡放酵母(出埃及記1215-19; 137)。敬拜者不得將酵與犧牲混合在一起(出埃及記34:25),儘管這條規則有一些例外。耶穌警告法利賽人的酵(太166-12)時,以酵為罪的畫像。保羅在哥林多(1 Cor5)的教會中以酵為罪的象徵。

Yeast is really a good illustration of sin: it is small, but if left alone it grows and permeates the whole. The false doctrine of the Judaizers was introduced to the Galatian churches in a small way, but, before long, the “yeast” grew and eventually took over.  The spirit of legalism does not suddenly overpower a church. Like leaven, it is introduced secretly, it grows, and before long poisons the whole assembly. In most cases, the motives that encourage legalism are good (“We want to have a more spiritual church”), but the methods are not scriptural.                                      酵母確實很好地說明了罪惡:它很小,但是如果任其發展,它就會擴散並滲透到整個事物中。猶太人的錯誤教義以很小的方式被引入加拉太教會,但不久之後,酵母就發展起來並最終被接管。法制主義的精神不會突然壓倒教會。像酵一樣,它是秘密引入的,會長出來,不久就會毒害整個裝配體。在大多數情況下,鼓勵法制的動機是好的(我們希望擁有一個更加精神的教會),但方法並不符合聖經。

It is not wrong to have standards in a church, but we should never think that the standards will make anybody spiritual, or that the keeping of the standards is an evidence of spirituality. How easy it is for the yeast to grow. Before long, we become proud of our spirituality (“puffed up” is the way Paul put it [1 Cor. 5:2] and that is exactly what yeast does: it puffs up), and then critical of everybody else’s lack of spirituality. This, of course, only feeds the flesh and grieves the Spirit, but we go on our way thinking we are glorifying God.                                                                        在教會裡有標準是沒有錯的,但是我們永遠不要認為標準會使任何人成為精神上的人,或者我們認為保持標準是靈性的證明。酵母生長的難易程度。不久之後,我們為我們的靈性感到自豪(保羅說的是喘氣” [152] 這正是酵母的作用:它會冒氣),然後批評其他人缺乏靈性。當然,這只會使肉體飽食,使聖靈憂傷,但是我們繼續前進,以為自己是在榮耀上帝。

Every Christian has the responsibility to watch for the beginnings of legalism, that first bit of yeast that infects the fellowship and eventually grows into a serious problem. No wonder Paul is so vehement as he denounces the false teachers: “I am suffering persecution because I preach the cross, but these false teachers are popular celebrities because they preach a religion that pampers the flesh and feeds the ego. Do they want to circumcise you? I wish that they themselves were cut off!” (Gal. 5:11–12, literal translation).                                                                                                   每個基督徒都有責任注意法制主義的開端,這是影響團契並最終發展成嚴重問題的酵母菌。難怪保羅如此猛烈地譴責這些虛假的老師:我遭受迫害是因為我傳講十字架,但這些虛假的老師是受歡迎的名人,因為他們宣揚一種寵愛肉體並養活自我的宗教。他們想給您割禮嗎?我希望他們自己被切斷!(加511–12,直譯)。

Since the death and resurrection of Christ, there is no spiritual value to circumcision; it is only a physical operation. Paul wished that the false teachers would operate on themselves—“castrate themselves”—so that they could not produce any more “children of slavery.”                                  自從基督死亡和復活以來,割禮沒有精神上的價值。這只是物理操作。保羅希望假老師對自己進行鑄造自己的行為,以使他們不再產生奴隸制的孩子

The believer who lives in the sphere of God’s grace is free, rich, and running in the lane that leads to reward and fulfillment. The believer who abandons grace for law is a slave, a pauper, and a runner on a detour. In short, he is a loser. And the only way to become a winner is to “purge out the leaven,” the false doctrine that mixes law and grace, and yield to the Spirit of God.                住在上帝恩典範圍內的信徒是自由的,富有的,並且在通往獎勵和實現的道路上奔跑。放棄法律恩典的信徒是奴隸,貧民和繞道賽跑者。簡而言之,他是個失敗者。成為勝利者的唯一方法是清除酵,這是一種將法律與恩典相融合併屈服於上帝之靈的虛假教義。

God’s grace is sufficient for every demand of life. We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8–10), and we serve by grace (1 Cor. 15:9–10). Grace enables us to endure suffering (2 Cor. 12:9). It is grace that strengthens us (2 Tim. 2:1) so that we can be victorious soldiers. Our God is the God of all grace (1 Peter 5:10). We can come to the throne of grace and find grace to help in every need (Heb. 4:16). As we read the Bible, which is “the word of his grace” (Acts 20:32), the Spirit of grace (Heb. 10:29) reveals to us how rich we are in Christ.                                                                             上帝的恩典足以滿足生活的每一個需求。我們被恩典救了(弗28-10),我們被恩典救了(林前159-10)。恩典使我們能夠忍受苦難(林前129)。恩典使我們更加堅強(太221),使我們可以成為勝利的士兵。我們的上帝是萬有恩典的上帝(彼得一書5:10)。我們可以登上恩典的寶座,並在每一個需要中找到恩典來提供幫助(來4:16)。當我們讀聖經,這是他恩典的道(使徒行傳20:32)時,恩典之靈(來10:29)向我們揭示了我們在基督裡有多富裕。

“And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16).                                    我們所得到的全部都得到了他的豐滿,為恩典而恩典(約翰福音1:16)。

How rich we are!                                                                                                                                      我們多富有!

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