Tuesday, July 30, 2024

809 英翻中 (509) Thank to the Lord, healing my eye sick. 謝謝上帝醫治我的眼病. 30/07/2024

809 英翻中 (509)   Thank to the Lord, healing my eye sick.   謝謝上帝醫治我的眼病.    30/07/2024

Our Abba Father in heaven, we long for Your truth and Your words. Thank you for giving us the gift of the living water of life and pouring it into our hearts with your incomparable and abundant love.

When we are weak;                                                                                                                                    when we are tempted;                                                                                                                                    When we are in trouble;                                                                                                                          when we go our own way;

Please let the Holy Spirit fill us, comfort and warm us, remind us and help us, and lead us to walk in the Lord’s will.  Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

我們在天上的阿爸父, 我們切慕祢的真理, 渴想祢的話語, 感謝祢把生命的活水恩賜給了我們, 用無比豐盛的愛澆灌在我們在的心裡.

當我們軟弱無能的時候;                                                                                                                            當我們受試探的時候;                                                                                                                                  當我們困難重重的時候;                                                                                                                            當我們偏行己路的時候;

求祢讓聖靈充滿我們, 安慰溫暖我們, 提醒幫助我們, 引領我們行在主的心意之中.  奉主耶穌基督的聖名禱告.  啊們.

2. He Expresses His Anxiety (1:6–7)                                                                                                        2.  他表現出他的焦慮(16–7

 “I am amazed that you are so quickly moving away!” This was the first reason for Paul’s anxiety: the Galatians were deserting the grace of God. (The verb indicates they were in the process of deserting and had not fully turned away.)                                                                                             我很驚訝您這麼快就離開了!這是保羅憂慮的第一個原因:加拉太人正在拋棄上帝的恩典。 (動詞表示他們正處於空襲過程中,尚未完全轉身離開。)

Paul struck while the iron was hot. God had called them in His grace and saved them from their sins. Now they were moving from grace back into law. They were abandoning liberty for legalism! And they were doing it so quickly, without consulting Paul, their “spiritual father,” or giving time for the Holy Spirit to teach them. They had become infatuated with the religion of the Judaizers, just the way little children follow a stranger because he offers them candy.                                      保羅在熨斗燙的時候就罷工了。上帝曾在他們的恩典中呼召他們,使他們脫離了罪惡。現在他們正從恩典回到法律。他們放棄了法制自由!他們如此迅速地做到了這一點,而沒有諮詢他們的“屬靈之父保羅,也沒有花時間讓聖靈教他們。他們迷戀猶太人的宗教,就像小孩子跟隨陌生人一樣,因為他為他們提供糖果。

 “The grace of God” is a basic theme in this letter (Gal. 1:3, 6, 15; 2:9, 21; 5:4; 6:18). Grace is simply God’s favor to undeserving sinners. The words grace and gift go together, because salvation is the gift of God through His grace (Eph. 2:8–10). The Galatian believers were not simply “changing religions” or “changing churches” but were actually abandoning the very grace of God! To make matters worse, they were deserting the very God of grace! God had called them and saved them; now they were deserting Him for human leaders who would bring them into bondage. “                                                                                                                                                   上帝的恩典是這封信的基本主題(加1:3, 6, 15; 2:9, 21; 5:4; 6:18)。恩典只是上帝對不當罪人的支持。恩典和恩賜這兩個詞並存,因為救恩是上帝藉著他的恩典所賜的恩賜(弗28-10)。加拉太信徒不僅僅是在改變宗教改變教會,而且實際上是在拋棄上帝的恩典!更糟的是,他們正在拋棄恩典之神!上帝呼召了他們,救了他們。現在他們正在為人類領袖拋棄祂,而人類領袖將他們束縛。

We must never forget that the Christian life is a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ. A man does not become a Christian merely by agreeing to a set of doctrines; he becomes a Christian by submitting to Christ and trusting Him (Rom. 11:6). You cannot mix grace and works, because the one excludes the other. Salvation is the gift of God’s grace, purchased for us by Jesus Christ on the cross. To turn from grace to law is to desert the God who saved us.                               我們永遠不能忘記,基督徒的生活是通過耶穌基督與上帝之間的活潑關係。一個人不會僅通過同意一系列教義就成為基督徒。他屈服於基督並信任他而成為基督徒(羅馬書116)。您不能混合寬限期和工作,因為一個排除了另一個。救恩是上帝恩典的禮物,是耶穌基督在十字架上為我們所購買的。從恩典轉向律法,就是拋棄拯救我們的上帝。

But they were guilty of another sin that gave Paul great anxiety: they were perverting the gospel of God. The Judaizers claimed to be preaching “the gospel,” but there cannot be two gospels, one centered in works and the other centered in grace. “They are not preaching another gospel,” wrote Paul, “but a different message— one so different from the true gospel that it is no gospel at all.” Like the cultists today, the Judaizers would say, “We believe in Jesus Christ—but we have something wonderful to add to what you already believe.” As if any man could “add” something better to the grace of God!                                                                                                                        但是他們犯了另一種使保羅感到極大焦慮的罪過:他們在歪曲上帝的福音。猶太人宣稱是在宣揚福音,但不能有兩本福音書,一部以工作為中心,另一部以恩典為中心。保羅寫道:他們不是在傳福音,而是一種不同的信息,它與真實的福音有很大不同,根本就不是福音。猶如今天的邪教主義者一樣,猶太人會說:我們相信耶穌基督,但是我們可以為您已經相信的事物增添些奇妙的東西。好像有人可以添加更好的東西給上帝的恩典! 

The word translated “pervert” in Galatians 1:7 is used only three times in the New Testament (Acts 2:20; Gal. 1:7; James 4:9). It means “to turn about, to change into an opposite character.” The word could be translated “to reverse.” In other words, the Judaizers had reversed the gospel—they had turned it around and taken it back into the law! Later in this letter, Paul explains how the law was preparation for the coming of Christ, but the Judaizers had a different interpretation. To them, the law and the gospel went together. “Except ye be circumcised after the manner [law] of Moses, ye cannot be saved” (Acts 15:1).                                                                                               加拉太書     17中翻譯的變態一詞在新約中僅使用了3次(使徒行傳220;加17;雅各書49)。意思是轉身,變成相反的角色。這個詞可以翻譯為反向。換句話說,猶太人把福音顛倒了-他們把福音轉了過來,並帶回了法律之中!保羅在這封信的稍後部分解釋了法律是如何為基督的複臨做準備的,但是猶太人則有不同的解釋。對於他們來說,法律與福音並駕齊驅。除非按照摩西的律法行割禮,否則就無法得救(使徒行傳151)。

What was this “deserting and perverting” doing to the Galatian Christians? It was troubling them (Gal. 1:7). This verb “trouble” carries with it the idea of perplexity, confusion, and unrest. You get some idea of the force of this word when you see how it is used in other places. “Trouble” describes the feelings of the disciples in the ship during the storm (Matt. 14:26). It also describes the feelings of King Herod when he heard that a new King had been born (Matt. 2:3). No wonder Paul was anxious for his converts: they were going through great agitation because of the false doctrines that had been brought to the churches. Grace always leads to peace (see Gal. 1:3), but the believers had deserted grace and therefore had no peace in their hearts.                                     對加拉太基督徒的這種絕望和變態是什麼?令人不安的是他們(加17)。動詞麻煩帶有困惑,混亂和動蕩的思想。當您看到它在其他地方的用法時,您會對這個詞的作用力有所了解。麻煩描述了暴風雨中船上門徒的感受(太14:26)。它還描述了希律王聽到新國王的誕生時的感受(太23)。難怪保羅為他的s依者著急:由於被帶到教會的錯誤教義,他們正在經歷極大的激動。恩典總是帶來和平(見  13),但是信徒們拋棄了恩典,因此內心沒有和平。

Keep in mind that God’s grace involves something more than man’s salvation. We not only are saved by grace, but we are to live by grace (1 Cor. 15:10). We stand in grace; it is the foundation for the Christian life (Rom. 5:1–2). Grace gives us the strength we need to be victorious soldiers (2 Tim. 2:1–4). Grace enables us 547 Galatians 1 to suffer without complaining, and even to use that suffering for God’s glory (2 Cor. 12:1–10). When a Christian turns away from living by God’s grace, he must depend on his own power. This leads to failure and disappointment. This is what Paul meant by “fallen from grace” (Gal. 5:4)—moving out of the sphere of grace into the sphere of law, ceasing to depend on God’s resources and depending on our own resources.                             請記住,神的恩典所涉及的不僅僅是人的救贖。我們不僅要因恩典而得救,而且要因恩典而活(林前15:10)。我們在恩典中站著;它是基督徒生活的基礎(羅51-2)。恩典給了我們成為勝利的士兵所需的力量(提後   21-4)。恩典使我們547個加拉太書1遭受苦難而沒有抱怨,甚至將苦難用於神的榮耀(林前121-10)。當基督徒放棄靠上帝的恩典生活時,他必須依靠自己的能力。這導致失敗和失望。這就是保羅所說的從恩典中墮落(加54)的意思-從恩典領域轉移到法律領域,不再依賴上帝的資源,也不再依賴我們自己的資源。

No wonder Paul was anxious. His friends in Christ were deserting the God of grace, perverting the grace of God, and reverting to living by the flesh and their own resources. They had begun their Christian lives in the Spirit, but now they were going to try to continue in the power of the flesh (Gal. 3:3).                                                                                                                                            難怪保羅很著急。他在基督裡的朋友們正在拋棄恩典的上帝,扭曲上帝的恩典,並依靠肉體和自己的資源生活。他們本來是在聖靈中開始基督徒的生活,但現在他們打算繼續以肉體的力量繼續生活(加   33)。

Having explained his authority and expressed his anxiety, Paul then took the third step.                  保羅解釋了自己的權威並表達了焦慮之後,便邁出了第三步。

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