Saturday, July 6, 2024

790 英翻中 (490) The Christian’s riches in Christ. 在基督裡信徒的豐盛. 06/07/2014

790 英翻中 (490)    The Christian’s riches in Christ.   在基督裡信徒的豐盛.                     6/7/2014

In a society where wealth is often the measurement of success, popular author and Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe unravels Ephesians to reveal the countercultural nature of the gospel. Through helpful illustrations and analysis, he opens our eyes to the riches that we already have in Christ though we rarely take advantage of them.  Not only has God given us the promise of an eternity in heaven, He has given us the reality of a relationship with Him right here on earth. Be encouraged in this good news and stop seeking the things of this world, for we already have the priceless gift of eternal life in Christ!   在一個以財富作為成功衡量標準的社會中,受歡迎的作家兼聖經教師華倫·魏士比博士(Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe)揭示了以弗所書,揭示了福音的反文化本質。透過有益的例證和分析,他讓我們看到在基督裡已經擁有的豐富——儘管我們很少使用它們。上帝不僅僅應允賜給我們天上的永生福分,並且祂賜予我們在地上與祂建立的實存關係。受到這個好消息的鼓勵,不要再追求這個世界的事物,因為我們已經在基督裡擁有了永生的無價禮物!  

3. The Aim (1:3)                                                                                                                                          3. 目標 (1:3)

Each book in the Bible has its own special theme and message, even though it may deal with many different topics. Genesis is the book of beginnings; Matthew is the book of the kingdom; Galatians is the book of liberty. Ephesians 1:3 states its theme: the Christian’s riches in Christ.  聖經中的每卷書都有它自己獨特的主題和信息,儘管它可能涉及許多不同的標題。創世記是開始之書;馬太福音是天國的書;加拉太書是基督徒自由之書。以弗所書 13 陳述了它的主題:在基督裡信徒的豐盛。

The source of our blessings. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” God the Father has made us rich in Jesus Christ! When you were born again into God’s family, you were born rich. Through Christ you share in the riches of God’s grace (Eph. 1:7; 2:7), God’s glory (Eph. 1:18; 3:16), God’s mercy (Eph. 2:4), and “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). Our heavenly Father is not poor; He is rich—and He has made us rich in His Son.                        我們蒙福的源泉。願頌讚歸與我們的上帝和主耶穌基督的父。  父上帝使我們在耶穌基督裡的豐盛!當你重生到上帝的家中時,你一生下來就俱備豐盛。藉著基督,你分享上帝豐盛的恩典(弗   1:72:7)、上帝的榮耀(弗   1:183:16)、上帝的憐憫(弗   2:4)和  那測不透的基督的豐盛(弗  3:8)。我們的天父不貧窮;祂是豐盛富有的 祂使我們因祂的兒子而富有。

J. Paul Getty, one of the richest men in the world, was worth an estimated $1.3 billion. The weekly income of some of the “oil sheiks” runs into the millions. Yet all of this wealth is but “pennies” when compared with the spiritual wealth we have in Christ. In this letter, Paul explained to us what these riches are and how we may draw on them for effective Christian living.                                                                                                                                                        保羅. 格得(J. Paul Getty) 是世界上最富有的人之一,估計其財產有 13 億美元。一些  石油族長  每週收入達到數百萬。然而,與我們在基督裡擁有的屬靈財富相比,所有這些財富都不過是  幾分錢 在這封信中,保羅向我們解釋了這些財富是什麼,以及我們可以如何利用它們來有效地過基督徒生活。

The scope of our blessings. We have “all spiritual blessings.” This can be translated “all the blessings of the Spirit,” referring to the Holy Spirit of God. In the Old Testament, God promised His earthly people, Israel, material blessings as a reward for their obedience (Deut. 28:1–13). Today, He promises to supply all our needs “according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19), but He does not promise to shield us from either poverty or pain. The Father has given us every blessing of the Spirit, everything we need for a successful, satisfying Christian life. The spiritual is far more important than the material.                                                                        我們福氣的範圍。我們擁有  一切屬靈的福氣 這可以翻譯為  聖靈的一切祝福,指的是上帝的聖靈。在舊約中,上帝應許祂地上子民以色列物質上的福氣,作為他們順服的獎賞(申   28:1-13)。今天,祂應許  按著祂榮耀的豐盛,藉著基督耶穌  供應我們所有的需要(腓  4:19),但祂並沒有應許,保護我們免於貧窮或痛苦。天父上帝已賜給我們聖靈的每一個祝福,以及我們成功,令人滿意的基督徒生活所需的一切。屬靈遠比物質重要。

The Holy Spirit is mentioned many times in this letter, because He is the One who channels our riches to us from the Father, through the Son. Not to know and depend on the Holy Spirit’s provision is to live a life of spiritual poverty. No wonder Paul began his Ephesian ministry asking some professed Christians if they really knew the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1–7). We might ask professed Christians today, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” If the answer is no, then you are not saved. “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Rom. 8:9). Unless you have the witness of the Spirit (Rom. 8:15–16), you cannot draw on the wealth of the Spirit.                                                                                                                                 在這封信中多次提到聖靈,因為祂是將我們的豐盛,從父上帝藉著祂的兒子加給我們的那一位。不知道和依賴聖靈的供應,就是過著屬靈貧窮的生活。難怪保羅一開始他的以弗所事工,詢問一些自稱為基督徒的人是否真的認識​​聖靈(徒   191-7)。今天我們可能會問自稱是基督徒的人,你們信的時候有沒有接受聖靈?  如果答案是否定的,那麼你就沒有得救。  人若沒有基督的靈,就不屬祂的(羅   8:9)。除非你有聖靈的見證(羅   8:15-16),否則你無法使用聖靈的豐盛恩典。

The sphere of our blessings : “in heavenly places in Christ.” Perhaps a clearer translation would be “in the heavenlies in Christ.” The unsaved person is interested primarily in earthlies, because this is where he lives. Jesus called them “the children of this world” (Luke 16:8). The Christian’s life is centered in heaven. His citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20); his name is written in heaven (Luke 10:20); his Father is in heaven; and his attention and affection ought to be centered on the things of heaven (Col. 3:1ff.). Evangelist D. L. Moody used to warn about people who were so “heavenly minded they were no earthly good,” but that is not what Paul was describing. “The heavenlies” (literal translation) describes that place where Jesus Christ is right now (Eph. 1:2) and where the believer is seated with Him (Eph. 2:6). The battles we fight are not with flesh and blood on earth, but with satanic powers “in the heavenlies” (Eph. 6:12).                                           我們福氣的領域是  在天上基督裡。或許更清楚的翻譯是 在諸天的基督裡面。未得救的人主要是對地上的事物感興趣,因為這是他生活的地方。耶穌稱他們為這世界的孩子(路   16:8)。基督徒的生活是以天堂為中心。他是天上的公民(腓   3:20);他的名字記在天上(路  10:20);他的父親在天上;他的注意力和感情應該集中在天上的事情      (西   3:1 比照研讀)。福音宣教士慕廸常常警告那些  心懷天國的人,他們在世上不會好的,但這不是保羅所描述的。諸天(直譯)描述了耶穌基督現在所在的地方(弗   1:2)以及信徒與祂同在的地方(弗   2:6)。我們不是打的地上血肉的仗,而是與  天上  撒旦的權勢敵對(弗   6:12)。

The Christian really operates in two spheres: the human and the divine, the visible and the invisible. Physically, he is on the earth in a human body, but spiritually he is seated with Christ in the heavenly sphere—and it is this heavenly sphere that provides the power and direction for the earthly walk. The president of the United States is not always seated at his desk in the White House, but that executive chair represents the sphere of his life and power. No matter where he is, he is the president, because only he has the privilege of sitting at that desk. Likewise with the Christian: no matter where he may be on this earth, he is seated in the heavenlies with Jesus Christ, and this is the basis of his life and power.                                                                                  基督徒實際上在兩個領域運作:人與上帝,可見的與不可見的。以肉體來講,他以人的身體在地上,但在屬靈上,他與基督一同在天上 正是這個天上的領域為在地上行走提供了大能和方向。美國總統並不總是坐在白宮的辦公桌前,但那位執行座椅代表了他的生活和權力範圍。無論他在哪裡,他都是總統,因為只有他配坐在那張辦公桌前的座位上。基督徒也是如此:無論他在地上的什麼地方,他都與耶穌基督一起坐在天上,這是他生命和能力的基礎。

When she was young, Victoria was shielded from the fact that she would be the next ruling monarch of England lest this knowledge spoil her. When her teacher finally did let her discover for herself that she would one day be Queen of England, Victoria’s response was, “Then I will be good!” Her life would be controlled by her position. No matter where she was, Victoria was governed by the fact that she sat on the throne of England.                                                                當維多利亞年輕時,她沒有意識到將成為英格蘭的下一位君主,害怕她知道後,會慣壞她。當她的老師最後讓她知道會有一天成為英國女王時,維多利亞的回答是,那我會很好的!  她的生活將被她的地位所控制。無論她身在何處,維多利亞都受到她坐在英格蘭王位這一事實所支配。

The fact that Paul is writing about wealth would be significant to his readers, because Ephesus was considered the bank of Asia. One of the seven wonders of the world—the great temple of Diana—was in Ephesus and was not only a center for idolatrous worship, but also a depository for wealth. Some of the greatest art treasures of the ancient world were housed in this magnificent building. In this letter, Paul will compare the church of Jesus Christ to a temple and will explain the great wealth that Christ has in His church. Paul has already used the word riches, but you may want to check other “financial” words such as inheritance (Eph. 1:11, 14, 18; 5:5) and fullness, or filled (Eph. 1:10, 23; 3:19; 4:10, 13; 5:18). Paul is saying to us, “BE RICH!”    保羅所寫有關財富的事實,對他的讀者來說意義重大,因為以弗所城是當時認為亞洲的銀行。世界七大奇蹟之一 宏偉的戴安娜寺廟就在以弗所,它不僅是偶像崇拜的中心,也是財富的寶庫。古代世界的一些最偉大的藝術珍品,被安置在這座宏偉的建築內。在這封信中,保羅將耶穌基督的教會比作這寺廟,並解釋基督在教會中擁有的豐盛恩典。保羅已經使用了 豐盛這個詞,但可能你需要檢查其他有關  財務  的單詞,例如, 基業(弗   1:11, 14, 18; 5:5)和豐滿,或被充滿(弗    1:10, 23 3:194:10, 135:18)。保羅對我們說,享受豐盛!

 4. The Analysis                                                                                                                                         4. 分析

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is as carefully structured as that great temple of Diana, and it contains greater beauty and wealth! We inherit the wealth by faith and invest the wealth by works. Without this balance, our spiritual riches do us no good.                                                          保羅寫給以弗所人的書信,就像戴安娜的寺廟一樣精心編排,但更富麗堂皇! 我們用信心來繼承這豐盛,以行動來運作。若沒有這種平衡的操練,這屬靈的豐盛恩典對我們沒有好處。

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