Sunday, July 7, 2024

791 英翻中 (491) The road of grace. 恩典的路. 07/07/2024

791 英翻中 (491)                     The road  of grace.                   恩典的路.                          7/7/2024      

愛我們的主耶穌基督, 謝謝祢賜我們恩典之路.  這得救的恩典是我們不當得的, 祢却白白的賜給我們.  祢捨命在十字架上, 用祢的寶血付完我們的罪債, 我們才能到天堂與祢會面.  奉主耶穌基督的聖名禱告.  阿們.

CHAPTER TWO      HOW RICH YOU ARE!                              Ephesians 1:4–14                          第二課                        你是多么富有!                                           以弗所书   1:4-14

One of the funniest cartoons I ever saw showed a pompous lawyer reading a client’s last will and testament to a group of greedy relatives. The caption read, “I, John Jones, being of sound mind and body, spent it all!”                                                                                                                            我看过的最有趣的漫画之一,是一位自负的律师向一群贪婪的亲戚宣读客户的遗嘱,和它的內容。标题写道:我,约翰·琼斯(John Jones),身心健全,花光了所有的一切!

When Jesus Christ wrote His last will and testament for His church, He made it possible for us to share His spiritual riches. Instead of spending it all, Jesus Christ paid it all. His death on the cross and His resurrection make possible our salvation. He wrote us into His will, then He died so the will would be in force. Then He arose again that He might become the heavenly Advocate (lawyer) to make sure the terms of the will were correctly followed!                                                  当耶稣基督为的教会写下最后的遗嘱时,祂让我们有可分享祂属灵的豐盛。耶稣基督并没有花光所有的钱,而是付清了所有的钱。耶穌在十字架上的死和祂的复活使我们的得救成为可能。 把我们写进祂的遗嘱里,然后祂死了,这样遗嘱才会生效。然后祂又复活了,可能会成为我們在天上的中保(律师),以确保遗嘱的条款得到正确遵守和執行!

In this long sentence, Paul named just a few of the blessings that make up our spiritual wealth.   在这长句中,保罗仅列举了构成我们属灵豐盛的几

1.  Blessings from God the Father (1:4–6)                                                                                                1.  来自父上帝的祝福(1:4-6

He has chosen us (v. 4). This is the marvelous doc[1]trine of election, a doctrine that has confused some and confounded others. A seminary professor once said to me, “Try to explain election and you may lose your mind. But try to explain it away and you may lose your soul!” That salvation begins with God, and not with man, all Christians will agree. “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you” (John 15:16). The lost sinner, left to his own ways, does not seek God (Rom. 3:10–11); God in His love seeks the sinner (Luke 19:10).                                                                                     上帝拣选了我们(第 4 节)。这是奇妙的拣选教义,教义让一些人感到困惑,也让另一些人感到混淆。一位神学院教授曾经对我说,试着解释揀选,你可能会失去理智。但是试着把它解释清楚,可能会失去你的灵魂!  救恩始于上帝,而不是人,所有基督徒都会同意。不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们(约   15:16)。喪失的罪人任性行事,不寻求上帝(罗   3:10-11);上帝在祂的大爱中寻找罪人(路   19:10)。

Note that God chose us even before He created the universe, so that our salvation is wholly of His grace and not on the basis of anything we ourselves have done. He chose us in Christ, not in ourselves. And He chose us for a purpose: to be holy and without blame. In the Bible, election is always unto something. It is a privilege that carries a great responsibility.                                       请注意,上帝甚至在创造宇宙之前就选了我们,因此我们的救恩完全是出于祂的恩典,而不是基于我们自己所做的任何事情。祂在基督里拣选了我们,而不是我们自己。祂拣选我们是为了一个目的:使我們成为圣洁,沒有過失 在圣经中,拣选总是为了某事。这是負有重大责任的榮幸之事

Does the sinner respond to God’s grace against his own will? No, he responds because God’s grace makes him willing to respond. The mystery of divine sovereignty and human responsibility will never be solved in this life. Both are taught in the Bible (John 6:37). Both are true, and both are essential.                                                                                                                                             罪人是否會违背自己的意愿,来回应上帝的恩典? 不會,他回应是因为上帝在祂的恩典裡使他愿意回应。上祂的主权和人回應的奥秘,永远解不开。 两者都在圣经中教导(约   6:37)。两者都是正确的,而且两者都是必不可少的。

You will note that all three persons in the Godhead are involved in our salvation (see also 1 Peter 1:3). As far as God the Father is concerned, you were saved when He chose you in Christ in eternity past. But that alone did not save you. As far as God the Son is concerned, you were saved when He died for you on the cross. As far as God the Spirit is concerned, you were saved when you yielded to His conviction and received Christ as your Savior. What began in eternity past was fulfilled in time present, and will continue for all eternity!                                                                 你会注意到,所有三上帝的位格都参与了我们的救恩(另见  彼前   13)。就父上帝而言,当祂在永恒的过去,在基督里拣选你时,你就得救了。但这并不能拯救你。就子上帝而言,当祂在十字架上为你死时,你就得救了。就圣灵上帝而言,当你屈服于祂的定罪,并接受基督为你的救主时,你就得救了。在永恒的过去就开始了,在现在的时刻中應驗,并将持续到永恒!

He has adopted us (v. 5). Here we meet that misunderstood word predestination. This word, as it is used in the Bible, refers primarily to what God does for saved people. Nowhere in the Bible are we taught that people are predestined to hell, because this word refers only to God’s people. The word simply means “to ordain beforehand, to predetermine.” Election seems to refer to people, while predestination refers to purposes. The events connected with the crucifixion of Christ were predestined (Acts 4:25–28). God has pre[1]destined our adoption (Eph. 1:5) and our conformity to Christ (Rom. 8:29–30), as well as our future inheritance (Eph. 1:11).                                               收养了我们(第 5 节)。在这里,我们遇到了常易误解的  预定。它被使用在圣经中,主要是指上帝为得救的人所做的。圣经中没有任何地方教导我们说,人注定要下地狱,因为这词只指上帝的子民。 它的意思是  预先定,预定。揀选似乎是指人,而预定是指目的。与基督钉十字架有关的事件是预定的(徒  425-28)。上帝已经预定了我们的名分(弗   1:5)和我效法基督(罗   8:29-30),以及我们未来的产业(弗1:11)。

Adoption has a dual meaning, both present and future. You do not get into God’s family by adoption. You get into His family by regeneration, the new birth (John 3:1–18; 1 Peter 1:22–25). Adoption is the act of God by which He gives His “born ones” an adult standing in the family. Why does He do this? So that we might immediately begin to claim our inheritance and enjoy our spiritual wealth! A baby cannot legally use this inheritance (Gal. 4:1–7), but an adult son can—and should! This means that you do not have to wait until you are an old saint before you can claim your riches in Christ.                                                                                                                     收養具有双重意义,包括现在和未来。你不是通过收养进入上帝的家庭。你是藉由聖靈重生而进入上帝的家庭(约   31-18;彼前   122-25)。收养是上帝的作为,藉由祂的作為,让祂的  出生成为家庭中的成年人。 上帝为什么这样做? 因為这样我们就可以立即开始取用我们的产,并享受屬靈的豐盛! 婴儿不能合法地使用这笔产(加   4:1-7),但成年的儿子可以 而且应该!这意味着不必等到成为年老圣徒之后,才能要求獲取自己在基督里丰盛的產業

The future aspect of adoption is found in Romans 8:22–23, the glorified body we will have when Jesus returns. We already have our adult standing before God, but the world cannot see this. When Christ returns, this “private adoption” will be made public for everyone to see!                      养的未来方面可以在罗马书 822-23兩節中找到,當耶稣再来时,我们将拥有荣耀的身体。我们是成年的形態站在上帝面前,但世人看不到这一点。 当基督再来时,我們 私自领养 者,将公开眾人觀看

He has accepted us (v. 6). We cannot make ourselves acceptable to God, but He, by His grace, makes us accepted in Christ. This is our eternal position that will never change. Some translations read “which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved” (nasb). Or, “He has be-graced [literal translation] us in the Beloved.” The idea is the same. Because of God’s grace in Christ, we are accepted before Him. Paul wrote Philemon to encourage him to accept his runaway slave, Onesimus, using the same argument. “If he owes you anything, I will pay it. Receive him as you would receive me” (Philem. 17–19, paraphrased). The parallel is easy to see.                                     上帝接纳了我们(第 6 节)。我们不能让自己为上帝所悦纳,但祂借着祂的恩典,作成在基督里我们被接纳。 这是我们永远不会改变的永恒地位另有人翻译  這恩典是祂在爱子裡白白赐予我们(新美國標準版)。或者,祂在爱的身上使我們蒙恩(直译)。  想法都是一样的。因为上帝的恩典在基督里,我们在祂面前被接纳。保罗写信给腓利门,鼓励他接納逃跑的奴隶阿尼西母,是用同样的论點。如果他欠你什么,我会偿还你的。像接待我一样接待他(门   17-19等節,比較闡釋)。平行比較容易明白。


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