Saturday, July 13, 2024

797 英翻中 (497) Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord! 求主憐憫! 13/07/2024

797 英翻中 (497)             Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord!             求主憐憫!                 13/7/2024

CHAPTER FOUR                GET OUT OF THE GRAVEYARD          Ephesians 2:1–10                第四課                                    從墓地裡出來                                             以弗所书 2:1-10

Having described our spiritual possessions in Christ, Paul turned to a complementary truth: our spiritual position in Christ. First he explained what God has done for all sinners in general; then he explained what God did for the Gentiles in particular. The sinner who trusts Christ has been raised and seated on the throne (Eph. 2:1–10), and believing Jews and Gentiles have been reconciled and set into the temple (Eph. 2:11–22). What a miracle of God’s grace! We are taken out of the great graveyard of sin and placed into the throne room of glory.                                       保罗描述了我们在基督里的属灵产業之后,转變來講解补充的真理  我们在基督里的属灵地位。首先,他解释了上帝为所有罪人的一切作為;然后他解释上帝特别为外邦人的作為。相信基督的罪人復活,且升天坐在宝座上(弗  2:1-10),犹太人和外邦人信徒已经和好,并一同圣殿裡坐著(弗  2:11-22)。上帝恩典的神跡多麼奇妙!我们带出罪的大墓地,安置在荣耀的宝座上。

Perhaps the easiest way for us to approach this long paragraph is to see in it four specific works.或許处理这长段落的文句最简单的方法,是看其中四件特殊的作為。

1.  Sin’s Work against Us (2:1–3)                                                                                                              1.  罪作敵对我们的工作(2:1-3)

A publisher asked me for a full-length portrait that they could “blow up” and use as a life-size display at their convention booth to promote my tapes. A friend of mine took the picture, and it was a new experience for me. I had been accustomed to sitting for head-and -shoulder photographs, but standing for a full-length photo was something new. I had to watch my posture, the feet had to be placed just right, and the arms and hands—usually forgotten—had to be in just the right position. Fortunately, my photographer friend is an expert, and we managed to get a decent picture in a short time. In these three verses, Paul gave us a full length picture of the terrible spiritual condition of the unsaved person. Note his characteristics.                                     一位出版商向我索要一张全长肖像,他们可以“炸毁”并在他们的会议摊位上用作真人大小的展示来宣传我的磁带。我的一个朋友拍了这张照片,这对我来说是一种新的体验。我已经习惯了坐着只拍头和肩照片,但站着拍全身照却是新鲜事。我必须注意自己的姿势,脚必须放得恰到好处,手臂和手 --- 通常被遗忘 --- 必须处于正确的位置。幸运的是,我的摄影师朋友是专家,我们设法在短时间内拍照像样的照片。在这三节经文中,保罗向我们展示了未得救者可怕的属灵状况的完整画面。注意他的特点。

He is dead (v. 1). Of course, this means spiritually dead; that is, he is unable to understand and appreciate spiritual things. He possesses no spiritual life, and he can do nothing of himself to please God. Just as a person physically dead does not respond to physical stimuli, so a person spiritually dead is unable to respond to spiritual things. A corpse does not hear the conversation going on in the funeral parlor. He has no appetite for food or drink; he feels no pain; he is dead. Just so with the inner man of the unsaved person. His spiritual faculties are not functioning, and they cannot function until God gives him life. The cause of this spiritual death is “trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). In the Bible, death basically means “separation,” not only physically, as the spirit separated from the body (James 2:26), but also spiritually, as the spirit separated from God (Isa. 59:2).                                                                       他死了(第 1节)。当然,这意味着是屬靈上的死亡;也就是说,他无法理解和欣赏属灵的事物。他没有属灵的生命,他不能靠自己做任何事来讨上帝的喜悦。正如肉体死了的人,对肉体的刺激没有反应一样,在屬靈上死了的人,也无法对属灵的事物產出反应。尸体听不到殡仪馆里的谈话。他对食物或饮料没有胃口;他感觉不到疼痛;他死了。未得救之人的内心也是如此。他的属灵能力没有发挥作用,除非上帝给他生命,否则它们不能使其发挥作用。 属灵死亡的原因是“过犯和罪孽”(弗  2:1)。 “罪的工价乃是死”(罗   6:23)。在圣经中,死亡基本上是“分离”,不仅是身体上的分离,也是与肉体的分离(雅  2:26),而且是灵性上的,即灵与上帝分离(赛  59:2)。

The unbeliever is not sick; he is dead! He does not need resuscitation; he needs resurrection. All lost sinners are dead, and the only difference between one sinner and another is the state of decay. The lost derelict on skid row may be more decayed outwardly than the unsaved society leader, but both are dead in sin—and one corpse cannot be more dead than another! This means that our world is one vast grave yard, filled with people who are dead while they live (1 Tim. 5:6).                 不信者不是病了;是他死了! 他不需要复苏;他需要复活。所有喪失的罪人都死了,惟一判定一个罪人和另一个罪人之间的区别是他們的腐烂状态。在贫民窟中喪失者的屍體可能比未得救的社会领袖的屍體在外表上顯得更腐烂,但两者都死在罪中 --- 而且一具尸体不会比另一具尸体死得更利害! 这意味着世界是巨大的墓地,充满了活著的死人(提前   5:6)。

He is disobedient (vv. 2–3a). This was the beginning of man’s spiritual death—his disobedience to the will of God. God said, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen. 2:17). Satan said, “Ye shall not surely die” (Gen. 3:4), and because they believed this lie, the first man and woman sinned and experienced immediate spiritual death and ultimate physical death. Since that time, mankind has lived in disobedience to God. There are three forces that encourage man in his disobedience—the world, the devil, and the flesh.                                                                         他不顺服(2節和第3节上)。是人灵性死亡的开始 他不顺从上帝的旨意。他說,“你們吃的日子必定死”(创  2:17)。撒旦说,“你们不一定死”(创  3:4),因为他们相信撒旦的谎言,第一對男女犯罪,并经历了直接的灵性的死亡和最终肉体的死亡。从那时起,人就一直生活在不顺服上帝的境地。有三种力量鼓励人不顺服 — 世界,魔鬼,和肉体。

The world, or world-system, puts pressure on each person to try to get him to conform (Rom. 12:2). Jesus Christ was not “of this world” and neither are His people (John 8:23; 17:14). But the unsaved person, either consciously or unconsciously, is controlled by the values and attitudes of this world.                                                                                                                                                   世界或世界体系对每个人施加压力,试图让他顺从(罗  12:2)。耶稣基督不“属于这个世界”,祂的子民也不是(约  8:2317:14)。但未得救的人,无论是有意还是无意,都被个世界的价值观和心态所控制。

The devil is “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” This does not mean that Satan is personally at work in the life of each unbeliever, since Satan as a created being is limited in space. Unlike God, who is omnipresent, Satan cannot be in all places at one time. But because of his demonic associates (Eph. 6:11–12) and his power over the world system (John 12:31), Satan influences the lives of all unbelievers, and also seeks to influence believers. He wants to make people “children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2; 5:6). He himself was disobedient to God, so he wants others to disobey Him too.                                                                                                                         魔鬼是“邪靈现在运行在悖逆之子的心中”。不是說撒旦亲自在每个非信徒的生活中工作,因为撒旦亦是受造物,牠活動空间是有限的。与无所不在的上帝不同,撒旦不可能同时出现在所有地方。但由于他的恶魔同伙(弗  6:11-12)和牠对世界体系的权势(约  12:31),撒旦影响了所有非信徒的生活,也试图影响信徒。他想让人们成为“悖逆之子”(弗   2:25:6)。牠自己不顺服上帝,所以,希望别人也悖逆祂。

The world, or world-system, puts pressure on each person to try to get him to conform (Rom. 12:2). Jesus Christ was not “of this world” and neither are His people (John 8:23; 17:14). But the unsaved person, either consciously or unconsciously, is controlled by the values and attitudes of this world.                                                                                                                                                 世界或世界体系对每个人施加压力,试图让他顺从(罗马书 12:2)。耶稣基督不“属于这个世界”,他的子民也不是(约翰福音 8:2317:14)。但未得救的人,无论是有意还是无意,都被这个世界的价值观和态度所控制。

The devil is “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” This does not mean that Satan is personally at work in the life of each unbeliever, since Satan as a created being is limited in space. Unlike God, who is omnipresent, Satan cannot be in all places at one time. But because of his demonic associates (Eph. 6:11–12) and his power over the world system (John 12:31), Satan influences the lives of all unbelievers, and also seeks to influence believers. He wants to make people “children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2; 5:6). He himself was disobedient to God, so he wants others to disobey Him too.                                                                                                                           魔鬼是“现在在悖逆之子心中运行的灵”。这并不意味着撒旦亲自在每个非信徒的生活中工作,因为撒旦作为一个受造物在空间上是有限的。与无所不在的上帝不同,撒旦不可能同时出现在所有地方。但由于他的恶魔同伙(弗    6:11-12)和他对世界体系的权势(约 12:31),撒旦影响了所有非信徒的生活,也试图影响信徒。他想让人们成为“悖逆之子”(弗 2:25:6)。他自己不顺服神,所以他希望别人也悖逆他。

One of Satan’s chief tools for getting people to dis[1]obey God is lies. He is a liar (John 8:44), and it was his lie at the beginning of human history, “Ye shall not surely die,” that plunged the human race into sin. The unsaved multitudes in today’s world system disobey God because they believe the lies of Satan. When a per[1]son believes and practices a lie, he becomes a child of disobedience.                                                                                                                                             撒旦让人们不服从上帝的主要工具之一是谎言。他是个骗子(约 8:44),正是他在人类历史开始时的谎言“你们不一定死”,使人类陷入罪恶之中。当今世界体系中未得救的群众不服从上帝,因为他们相信撒旦的谎言。当一个人相信并实践谎言时,他就会成为一个不服从的孩子。

The flesh is the third force that encourages the unbeliever to disobey God. By the flesh Paul does not mean the body, because of itself, the body is not sinful. The flesh refers to that fallen nature that we were born with, that wants to control the body and the mind and make us disobey God. An evangelist friend of mine once announced as his topic, “Why Your Dog Does What It Does,” and, of course, many dog lovers came out to hear him. What he had to say was obvious, but too often overlooked: “A dog behaves like a dog because he has a dog’s nature.” If somehow you could transplant into the dog the nature of the cat, his behavior would change radically. Why does a sinner behave like a sinner? Because he has the nature of a sinner (Ps. 51:5; 58:3). This sinful nature the Bible calls “the flesh.”                                                                                                             肉体是鼓励不信者违背上帝的第三种力量。保罗所说的肉体并不是指身体,因为身体本身没有罪。肉体是指我们与生俱来的堕落本性,想要控制身体和思想,使我们不顺服上帝。我的一个传道朋友曾经宣布他的话题是“你的狗为什么会这样做”,当然,许多爱狗人士都出来听他讲。他要说的很明显,但往往被忽视:“狗的行为像狗,因为他有狗的本性。”如果你能以某种方式将猫的本性移植到狗身上,他的行为就会发生根本性的变化。为什么罪人的行为像罪人?因为他有罪人的本性(诗 51:558:3)。圣经称这种罪性为“肉体”。

Is it any wonder that the unsaved person is disobedient to God? He is controlled by the world, the flesh, and the devil, the three great enemies of God! And he cannot change his own nature or, of himself, overcome the world and the devil. He needs outside help, and that help can come only from God.                                                                                                                                                     未得救的人不顺服上帝,这有什么奇怪? 他被上帝的三大仇敌 : 世界、肉体和魔鬼所控制!他无法改变自己的本性,也无法战胜世界和魔鬼。他需要外來力量的帮助,而这种帮助只能来自上帝。

He is depraved (v. 3b). The lost sinner lives to please the “desires of the flesh and the wishes of the mind” (literal translation). His actions are sinful because his appetites are sinful. When you apply the word depraved to the unsaved person, you are not saying that he only does evil, or that he is incapable of doing good. You are simply saying that he is incapable of doing anything to merit salvation or meet the high standards of God’s holiness. Jesus said that lost sinners do good to each other (Luke 6:33) and to their children (Luke 11:13), but they cannot do anything spiritually good to please God. The people on Malta who kindly assisted Paul and his friends after the shipwreck certainly did good works, but they still needed to be saved (Acts 28:1–2).                                         他堕落了(第 3节中)。失丧的罪人活着是为了取悦“肉体的慾望和思想的慾望”(直译)。他的行为是有罪的,因为他的慾望是有罪的。当你把 堕落用在未得救的人身上时,你并不是说他只会做坏事,或者他没有能力做好事。你只是簡單的说,他没有能力做任何事来與得救相稱,或达到上帝圣洁高的标准。耶稣说失丧的罪人彼此行善(路  6:33),也对他们的孩子行善(路   11:13),但他们不能做任何属灵善事来取悦上帝。在马耳他島上的居民,善意帮助保罗和他的朋友的人当然做了好事,但他们仍然需要得救(徒   281-2)。

He is doomed (v. 3c). By nature, children of wrath! By deed, children of disobedience! The unsaved person is condemned already (John 3:18). The sentence has been passed, but God in His mercy is staying the execution of the sentence (2 Peter 3:8–10). Man cannot save himself, but God in His grace steps in to make salvation possible. “But God!”—what a difference those two words make! This leads to the second work.                                                                                                       他注定了(第 3节後)。 由於人性,愤怒之子! 不听话的孩子们,以行为为准则!未得救的人已经定罪了(约  3:18)。判决已定,但上帝因怜悯而暂缓执行(彼后  38-10)。人不能自救,但上帝以祂的恩典介入,使救恩成为可能。 “但是上帝!”这句話有什么不同!  它引出了第二件作為。

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