Tuesday, July 16, 2024

800 英翻中 (500) God’s Work through Us. 上帝藉由我们的作為. 16/07/2024

800 英翻中 (500)         God’s Work through Us.          上帝藉由我们的作為.                     16/7/2024

4.  God’s Work through Us (2:10b).                                                                                                    4. 上帝藉由我们的作為(2:10下).

We are “created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” We are not saved by good works, but saved unto good works. The famous theologian John Calvin wrote, “It is faith alone that justifies, but faith that justifies can never be alone.” We are not saved by faith plus good works, but by a faith that works. The basic Scripture on this theme is James 2, where the writer points out that saving faith always results in a changed life. It is not enough to say that we have faith; we must demonstrate this faith by our works.                                                                                                     我们是“在基督耶稣里創造的,可以行善”。 我们不是因行善而得救,而是因得救後才能行善。著名神学家约翰·加尔文(John Calvin)写道,“唯獨因有信心才能称义,但能称义的信心,永远不会孤单。”我们不是因信加善行得救,而是因信得救。关于这主题的基本经文是雅各书 2 章,作者在其中指出得救的信心,总是导致生命的改变。光说我们有信心是不够的;我们必须藉由行为来证明我们的信心。

The Bible speaks of many different kinds of works. There are “the works of the law,” which cannot save (Gal. 2:163:11). There are also “the works of the flesh,” which are listed in Galatians 5:19–21. Paul spoke of “works of darkness” (Rom. 13:12; Eph. 5:11). The “dead works” in Hebrews 6:1 seem to be “works that lead to death,” since “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). The “works of righteousness” in Titus 3:5 refer to religious works, or other good deeds, that sinners try to practice as a means of salvation. Isaiah declared that “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags in His sight” (Isa. 64:6). If our righteousnesses are filthy, what must our sins look like!    圣经谈到许多不同种类的工作。有些“行律法的事”不能拯救(加  2:163:11)。还有“肉体的工作”,列在加拉太书 519-21等節 中.   保罗谈到"黑暗的工作”(罗  13:12    5:11)希伯来书 61 中的“死的工作”似乎是指“导致死亡的工作”,    因为“罪的工价乃是死”(罗  6:23).    提多书 35 中的“义行”是指宗教行为或其他善行,罪人试图将其作为救赎的手段。以赛亚宣称“我们一切的义在祂眼中都像污秽的衣服”(赛   64:6)。如果我们的义是污秽的,那么我们的罪会是什么样子!

The “works” Paul wrote about in Ephesians 2:10 have two special characteristics. First, they are “good” works, in contrast to “works of darkness” and “wicked works.” If you contrast Ephesians 2:10 with Ephesians 2:2 you will see that the unbeliever has Satan working in him, and therefore his works are not good. But the believer has God working in him, and therefore his works are good. His works are not good because he himself is good, but because he has a new nature from God, and because the Holy Spirit works in him and through him to produce these good works.                                                                                                                                                 保罗在以弗所书 210 所写的“作為”有两个特点。首先,它们是“善”的工作,与“黑暗的工作”和“邪恶的工作”相反。如果你对比以弗所书 210節和以弗所书 22節,你会看到不信者有撒但在他里面作工,因此他的行为是不好的。但信徒有上帝在他里面的作為,所以他的行为是好的。他的行为好,不是因为他自己好,而是因为他有来自上帝的新性情,因为圣灵在他里面作為,并經由他产生这些善行。

It is too bad that many believers minimize the place of good works in the Christian life. Because we are not saved by good works, they have the idea that good works are evil; and this is a mistake. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). We do not perform good works to glorify ourselves, but to glorify God. Paul desired that Christ would be magnified in his body, even if it meant death (Phil. 1:20–21). We should “abound to every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8), and be “fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10). One result of a knowledge of the Bible is that the believer is “thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:17 nasb). As believers, we are to be “zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14). Our good works are actually “spiritual sacrifices” that we offer to God (Heb. 13:16).                                                                                                                                             许多信徒将善行在基督徒生活中的地位使它最小化,这太糟糕了。因为我们不是靠善行得救,所以他们认为善行就是恶;这是错误的。 “愿你的光在人前照耀,使人看见你的善行,荣耀你在天上的父上帝”(太  5:16)。我们行善不是为了荣耀自己,而是荣耀上帝。保罗渴望基督在他的身上显大,即使是死亡(腓  1:20-21)。我们应该“多多行善”(林后  9:8),并“在一切善事上结果子”(西  1:10)。圣经智慧的结果之一,是信徒“为各样的善行整装待發”(提后   3:17  新美國標準版)。作为信徒,我们要“热心行善”(多  2:14)。我们的善行实际上是我们献给上帝的“屬靈祭品”(来  13:16)。

It is important to note that we do not manufacture these good works. They are the results of the work of God in our hearts. “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose” (Phil. 2:13). The secret of Paul’s good works was “the grace of God” (1 Cor. 15:10). Our good works are evidence that we have been born again. “Not everyone that saith unto me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Our good works are also testimonies to the lost (1 Peter 2:12). They win us the right to be heard.                                                                                                                               重要的是要注意,我们不是故意做出这些善行。它们是上帝在我们心中作為的结果。 “因為你们立志行事, 都是上帝狃你們心裡運行,   為要成就祂的美意.”(腓  2:13)。保罗行善的秘诀是“上帝的恩典”(林前  15:10)。我们的善行是我们重生的证据。 “凡称呼我‘主啊,主啊’的人,不能都进天国;惟有遵行我天父旨意的人”(太  7:21)。我们的善行也是对失丧者的见证(彼前  2:12)。他们为我们赢得了倾听的权利。

A pastor friend told about a Christian lady who often visited a retirement home near her house. One day she noticed a lonely man sitting, staring at his dinner tray. In a kindly manner she asked, “Is something wrong?”                                                                                                                             牧师的一位朋友讲述一位基督徒女士经常去她家附近的养老院。有一天,她注意到一位孤独的男人坐着,盯着她的餐盘。她和蔼地问,“有事吗?”

“Is something wrong!” replied the man in a heavy accent. “Yes, something is wrong! I am a Jew, and I cannot eat this food!”                                                                                                                       那人用浓重的口音回答道,“有事吗! 对,有事!我是犹太人,我不能吃这种食物!”

  “What would you like to have?” she asked.                                                                                              她问,“你想要点什么?”

  “I would like a bowl of hot soup!”                                                                                                    “我能要碗热汤!”

She went home and prepared the soup and, after getting permission from the office, took it to the man. In succeeding weeks, she often visited him and brought him the kind of food he enjoyed, and eventually she led him to faith in Christ. Yes, preparing soup can be a spiritual sacrifice, a good work to the glory of God.                                                                                                                         她回家准备了汤,得到了办公室的许可,送给那人。在接下来的几个星期里,她经常拜访他,给他带来他喜欢的食物,最终她带领他相信基督。是的,熬汤可以是屬靈上的牺牲,來荣耀上帝的善行。

But these works are not only good; they are also “prepared.” “Good works which God hath before ordained [prepared] that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). The only other time this word is used in the New Testament is in Romans 9:23: “vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.” The unbeliever walks “according to the course of this world” (Eph. 2:2), but the believer walks in the good works God has prepared for him.                                                               但这些作為不仅是好的;他们還是“准备好了的”。 “上帝先前所命定[预备]的善行,叫我们行在其中”(弗   2:10)。新约中唯一的一次使用这词是在罗马书 923節:“在那蒙怜悯先前预备得荣耀的器皿上。”不信的人“是按照今世的風俗而行”(弗  2:2),但信徒行在上帝为他准备的善工上。

This is an amazing statement. It means that God has a plan for our lives and that we should walk in His will and fulfill His plan. Paul is not talking about “kismet”—an impersonal fate that controls your life no matter what you may do. He is talking about the gracious plan of a loving heavenly Father, who wills the very best for us. The will of God comes from the heart of God. “The counsel of the Lord standeth forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations” (Ps. 33:11). We discover God’s exciting will for our lives as the Spirit reveals it to us from the Word (1 Cor. 2:9–13).                                                                                                                                                       这是惊人的声明。是意味着上帝对我们的生活有计划,我们应该按照祂的旨意行事,并完成祂的计划。保罗不是在谈论“kismet无论你做什么都控制你生活的客观命运。他是在谈论慈爱的天父的恩慈计划,祂愿意为我们做到最好。上帝的旨意来自祂的心。 “主的筹算永远堅定,祂心中的思念万代常存”(诗   33:11)。当圣灵从聖言向我们启示时,我们会发现上帝激动我们生命的旨意(林前   29-13)。

It would be helpful to close this chapter with a personal inventory. Which of these four works are you experiencing? Is sin working against you because you have not yet trusted Christ? Then trust Him now! Have you experienced His work for you—in you— through you?                                     用个人操練的清单來结束本章会很有帮助。你体验这四件作品中的那一件? 罪是不是因为你还没有相信基督而做敵对你的工作?那么现在就信靠祂吧!你有没有藉由祂的作為為你    在你身上      由你來作為?

Are you wearing the “graveclothes” or the “graceclothes”? Are you enjoying the liberty you have in Christ, or are you still bound by the habits of the old life in the graveyard of sin? As a Christian, you have been raised and seated on the throne. Practice your position in Christ! He has worked for you; now let Him work in you and through you, that He might give you an exciting, creative life to the glory of God.                                                                                                               你穿的是“安葬的衣服”还是“恩典的新衣服”? 你是在享受在基督里的自由,还是在罪的墓里仍被旧生活的习惯所束缚? 作为基督徒,你已经复活升天,并坐在宝座上。操練你在基督里的地位的作為! 上帝为你工作;现在让祂在你里面并藉由你作工,上帝可能会给你令人兴奋的,创造性的生活,以荣耀祂。

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