Friday, July 19, 2024

803 英翻中 (503) Paul emphasize the Unification of both in Christ 19/7/2024 以弗所書強調犹太人和外邦人在基督里的統一.

803 英翻中 (503)         Paul emphasize the Unification of both in Christ。                                                                                以弗所書強調犹太人和外邦人在基督里的統一.                                                            19/7/2024

3.  Unification: What Jews and Gentiles Are in Christ (2:19–22)                                                          3. 统一:犹太人和外邦人在基督里是什么(弗   2:19-22

Paul repeated the word “one” to emphasize the unifying work of Christ: “made both one” (Eph. 2:14); “one new man” (Eph. 2:.15); “one body” (Eph. 2:16); “one Spirit” (Eph. 2:18). All spiritual distance and division have been overcome by Christ. In the closing verses of this chapter, Paul gave three pictures that illustrate the unity of believing Jews and Gentiles in the church.                   保罗重复了“一”这个词来强调基督的合一工作:“使二人合而为一”(弗 2:14); “一个新人”(弗 2:.15); “一个身体”(弗 2:16); “一个灵”(弗 2:18)。所有属灵的距离和分裂都被基督克服了。在本章的最后几节,保罗给出了三幅图画,说明在教会中信主的犹太人和外邦人的合一。

One nation (v. 19a). Israel was God’s chosen nation, but they rejected their Redeemer and suffered the consequences. The kingdom was taken from them and given to “a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matt. 21:43). This “new nation” is the church, “a chosen generation … a holy nation, a peculiar people” (Ex. 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9). In the Old Testament, the nations were reckoned by their descent from Shem, Ham, or Japheth (Gen. 10). In the book of Acts, we see these three families united in Christ. In Acts 8, a descendant of Ham is saved, the Ethiopian treasurer; in Acts 9, a descendant of Shem, Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul the apostle; and in Acts 10, the descendants of Japheth, the Gentiles in the house[1]hold of the Roman soldier, Cornelius. Sin has divided mankind, but Christ unites by His Spirit. All believers, regardless of national background, belong to that “holy nation” with citizenship in heaven (Phil. 3:20–21).         一国(19 节)。以色列是上帝的选民,但他们拒绝了他们的救赎主并承受了后果。王国从他们手中夺走,赐给“一个结果子的民族”(马太福音 21:43)。这个“新国家”就是教会,“一个被拣选的世代……一个圣洁的国家,一个特殊的民族”(出埃及记 19:6;彼得前书 2:9)。在旧约中,列国是按照他们从闪、含或雅弗的后裔来计算的(创世记 10 章)。在使徒行传中,我们看到这三个家庭在基督里联合。在使徒行传第 8 章中,埃塞俄比亚的司库,含的后裔得救了;在使徒行传第 9 章,闪的后裔,大数的扫罗,后来成为使徒保罗;在使徒行传 10 中,雅弗的后裔,罗马士兵哥尼流家里的外邦人。罪使人类分裂,但基督借着他的灵联合起来。所有信徒,无论其民族背景如何,都属于拥有天国公民身份的“圣洁民族”(腓 3:20-21)。

One family (v. 19b). Through faith in Christ, we enter into God’s family, and God becomes our Father. This wonderful family of God is found in two places, “in heaven and earth” (Eph. 3:15). Living believers are on earth; believers who have died are in heaven. None of God’s children are “under the earth” (Phil. 2:10) or in any other place in the universe. We are all brothers and sisters in the one family, no matter what racial, national, or physical distinctions we may possess.             一个家庭(第 19 b)。借着对基督的信心,我们进入神的家,神成为我们的父。上帝这个奇妙的家庭存在于两个地方,“在天上和地上”(以弗所书 3:15)。活着的信徒在地上;死了的信徒在天堂。上帝的儿女都没有“在地底下”(腓立比书 2:10)或在宇宙中的任何其他地方。我们都是同一个家庭中的兄弟姐妹,无论我们拥有何种种族、民族或身体差异。

One temple (vv. 20–22). In the book of Genesis, God “walked” with His people (Gen. 5:22, 24; 6:9), but in Exodus, He decided to “dwell” with His people (Ex. 25:8). God dwelt in the tabernacle (Ex. 40:34–38) until Israel’s sins caused “the glory to depart” (1 Sam. 4). Then God dwelt in the temple (1 Kings 8:1–11), but, alas, again Israel sinned and the glory departed (Ezek. 10:18–19). God’s next dwelling place was the body of Christ (John 1:14), which men took and nailed to a cross. Today, through His Spirit, God dwells in the church, the temple of God. God does not dwell in man-made temples, including church buildings (Acts 7:48–50). He dwells in the hearts of those who have trusted Christ (1 Cor. 6:19–20), and in the church collectively (Eph. 2:20–22).                 一座圣殿(20-22 节)。在创世记中,上帝与祂的子民“同行”(创世记 5:22246:9),但在出埃及记中,祂决定与祂的子民“同住”(出埃及记 25:8)。上帝住在会幕中(出埃及记 40:34-38),直到以色列人的罪导致“荣耀消失”(撒上前书 4)。然后上帝住在圣殿里(列王纪上 81-11),但是,唉,以色列再次犯罪,荣耀消失了(结 1018-19)。上帝的下一个居所是基督的身体(约翰福音 1:14),人们拿起它钉在十字架上。今天,通过他的灵,上帝住在教会,上帝的殿中。上帝并不住在人造的圣殿中,包括教堂建筑(使徒行传 748-50)。他住在那些相信基督的人的心中(林前 6:19-20),也住在教会里(弗 2:20-22)。

The foundation for this church was laid by the apostles and New Testament prophets. Jesus Christ is the Foundation (1 Cor. 3:11) and the Chief Cornerstone (Ps. 118:22; Isa. 8:14). The cornerstone binds the structure together; Jesus Christ has united Jews and Gentiles in the church. This reference to the temple would be meaningful to both the Jews and the Gentiles in the Ephesian church: the Jews would think Old Position New Position “without Christ” “in Christ” (Eph. 2:13) “aliens” “a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9) “strangers” “no more strangers” (Eph. 2:19) “no hope” “called in one hope” (Eph. 4:4) “without God” (Eph. 2:12) “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 1:3) of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem, and the Gentiles would think of the great temple of Diana. Both temples were destined to be destroyed, but the temple Christ is building will last forever. “I will build my church” (Matt. 16:18). The Holy Spirit builds this temple by taking dead stones out of the pit of sin (Ps. 40:2), giv[1]ing them life, and setting them lovingly into the temple of God (1 Peter 2:5). This temple is “fitly framed together” as the body of Christ (Eph. 2:21; 4:16), so that every part accomplishes the purpose God has in mind.                                           这个教会的根基是由使徒和新约先知奠定的。耶稣基督是根基(林前 3:11)和主要房角石(诗篇 118:22;赛 8:14)。基石将结构结合在一起;耶稣基督在教会中将犹太人和外邦人联合起来。提到圣殿对以弗所教会中的犹太人和外邦人都有意义:犹太人会认为旧位置新位置“没有基督”“在基督里”(以弗所书 2:13)“外星人”“一个圣洁的国家” ”(彼得前书 2:9)“外人”“不再作外人”(弗 2:19)“没有指望”“一指望”(弗 4:4)“没有神”(弗 2:12 )“我们主耶稣基督的神和父”(弗 1:3)在耶路撒冷的希律圣殿,外邦人会想到戴安娜的大圣殿。这两座圣殿注定要被摧毁,但基督正在建造的圣殿将永远存在。 “我要建造我的教会”(马太福音 16:18)。圣灵通过从罪坑中取出死石(诗篇 40:2),赋予它们生命,并慈爱地将它们安置在上帝的殿中(彼得前书 2:5),从而建造了这座圣殿。这座圣殿作为基督的身体“被完美地组合在一起”(弗 2:214:16),因此每一部分都实现了上帝的旨意。

As you look back over this chapter, you cannot help but praise God for what He, in His grace, has done for sinners. Through Christ, He has raised us from the dead and seated us on the throne. He has reconciled us and set us into His temple. Neither spiritual death nor spiritual distance can defeat the grace of God! But He has not only saved us individually, He has also made us a part of His church collectively. What a tremendous privilege it is to be a part of God’s eternal program! This leads to two practical applications as we close this study.                                                             当你回顾这一章时,你会忍不住赞美上帝,因为他在恩典中为罪人所做的一切。借着基督,祂使我们从死里复活,并使我们坐在宝座上。他使我们和好,并把我们安置在他的圣殿里。精神上的死亡和精神上的距离都不能打败上帝的恩典!但他不仅拯救了我们个人,还使我们集体成为他教会的一部分。成为上帝永恒计划的一部分是何等巨大的特权!当我们结束这项研究时,这导致了两个实际应用。

First, have you personally experienced the grace of God? Are you spiritually dead? Are you distant from God? Or have you trusted Christ and received that eternal life that only He can give? If you are not sure of your spiritual position, I urge you to turn to Christ by faith and trust Him. Like the nation of Israel, you may have been given many spiritual privileges, only to reject the God who gave them. Or, like the Gentiles, you may have turned away from God and lived deliberately in sin and disobedience. In either case, “there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:22–23). Call on Christ—He will save you.                         第一,你有没有亲身经历过神的恩典?你在灵性上死了吗?你离上帝很远吗?或者你是否相信基督并获得了只有他才能给予的永生?如果你不确定自己的属灵地位,我敦促你凭信心转向基督并相信他。像以色列民族一样,您可能获得了许多属灵特权,却拒绝了赐予他们的上帝。或者,像外邦人一样,你可能已经背弃了上帝,故意生活在罪恶和不顺服中。无论哪种情况,“都没有区别,因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了上帝的荣耀”(罗马书 3:22-23)。呼求基督——他会拯救你。

Second, if you are a true believer in Christ, are you helping others to trust Him? You have been raised from the dead—do you “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4)? Do you share this good news of eternal life with others? You are no longer at enmity with God, but are you spreading the good news of “peace with God” with those who are still fighting Him?                                                         其次,如果你是一个真正的基督信徒,你是在帮助别人相信他吗?你已经从死里复活了——你“行事有新意”(罗马书 6:4)?你有没有与他人分享这个永生的好消息?你不再与神为敌,而是向仍在与神争战的人传播“与神和好”的好消息吗?

Jesus Christ died to make reconciliation possible. You and I must live to make the message of reconciliation personal. God has “given to us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18). We are His ambassadors of peace (2 Cor. 5:20). Our feet should be shod “with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:15). “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” (Matt. 5:9).                                                                                                                                       耶稣基督的死是为了使和解成为可能。你和我必须活着,使和解的信息个人化。上帝“赐给我们和好的事工”(林后 5:18)。我们是他的和平大使(2 Cor. 5:20)。我们的脚应该“为和平的福音作好准备”(弗 6:15)。 “使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为上帝的儿女”(马太福音 5:9)。

A missionary was preaching in the village market, and some of the people were laughing at him because he was not a very handsome man. He took it for a time, and then he said to the crowd, “It is true that I do not have beautiful hair, for I am almost bald. Nor do I have beautiful teeth, for they are really not mine; they were made by the dentist. I do not have a beautiful face, nor can I afford to wear beautiful clothes. But this I know: I have beautiful feet!” And he quoted the verse from Isaiah: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace” (Isa. 52:7). Do you have beautiful feet?                                                             一个传教士在村里的集市上讲道,一些人嘲笑他,因为他不是一个很帅的人。他拿了一会儿,然后对众人说:“我的头发确实不漂亮,因为我几乎秃了。我也没有漂亮的牙齿,因为它们真的不是我的;它们是牙医制作的。我没有漂亮的脸蛋,也买不起漂亮的衣服。但这个我知道:我有一双漂亮的脚!”他引用了以赛亚的诗句:“那报好消息,传平安的,他的脚在山上是何等美丽”(赛    52:7)。你有漂亮的脚吗?

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