Monday, July 22, 2024

805 英翻中 (505) The power of the cross reconciled Jews and Gentiles to each other and to God. 十字架的大能使犹太人和外邦人彼此和解, 并与上帝和好. 23/07/2024

805 英翻中 (505)The power of the cross reconciled Jews and Gentiles to each other and to God.                                    十字架的大能使犹太人和外邦人彼此和解, 并与上帝和好.     23/7/2024

2.  It Was Important to the Gentiles (3:6–8)                                                                                            2.  这对外邦人很重要(弗   3 : 6-8

In  2:11–22, we discovered that Christ’s work on the cross accomplished much more than the salvation of individual sinners. It reconciled Jews and Gentiles to each other and to God. It is this truth that Paul presented here, and you can imagine what exciting news it would be! The truth of “the mystery” reveals to believing Gentiles that they have a wonderful new relationship through Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                              在以弗所書 211-22等節 中,我们发现基督在十字架上的工作所成就的,远不止只是拯救我們罪人。使犹太人和外邦人彼此和解,并与上帝和好。保罗在这里提出的就是这真理,想象看,这将是多么令人振奋的消息! “奥秘”的真理向相信基督的外邦人揭示,他们藉由耶稣基督建立了奇妙的新关系。

To begin with, they are fellow-heirs with the Jews and share in the spiritual riches God gave them because of His covenant with Abraham (Gal. 3:29). In Christ, being a Jew or a Gentile is neither an asset nor a liability, for together we share the riches of Christ. The Gentiles are also fellow-members of the body of Christ, the church. “There is one body” (Eph. 4:4). Our human birth determines our racial distinctions, but our spiritual birth unites us as members of the same body (1 Cor. 12:12–14). Christ is the Head of this body (Eph. 5:22–23), and each individual member shares in the ministry (Eph. 4:10–13). Finally, in their new relationship, the Gentiles are partakers of God’s promises. Once they were outside the covenant, with no claims on the promises of God (Eph. 2:12), but now, in Christ, they share the promises of God with the believing Jews. In Romans 11:13–15, Paul explained that believing Gentiles share in the spiritual riches that God gave to Israel. But in Romans 11:1–12, Paul explained that God has not, because of the church, negated His promises to Israel. The church today shares in the spiritual riches of Israel, but one day God will restore His people and fulfill His promises concerning their land and their kingdom.首先,他们与犹太人同为后嗣,并分享上帝因与亚伯拉罕立约而赐给他们的属灵财富(加  3:29)。在基督里,身为犹太人或外邦人既不是产業,也不是责任,因为我们一起分享基督的丰富。外邦人也是基督身体 --- 教会的同工。 “身体只有一个”(弗  4:4)。人的出生决定了我们的种族,但我们的属灵出生将我们团结为一個身体的成员(林前  1212-14)。基督是这身体的元首(弗   5:22-23),每个成员都参与事工(弗  4:10-13)。最后,在他们的新关系中,外邦人分享了上帝的应许。外邦人曾经在圣约之外,不能对上帝的应许有任何懇求(弗   2:12),但现在,在基督里,他们与相信的犹太人分享上帝的应许。在罗马书 1113-15等節中,保罗解释说,相信的外邦人分享上帝赐给以色列的属灵财富。但是在罗马书 111-12等節中,保罗解释说,上帝并没有因为教会,而否定祂对以色列的应许。今天的教会分享以色列的属灵财富,但总有一天上帝会复兴祂的子民,实现祂关于他们的土地和王国的应许。

“The mystery” not only gives believing Gentiles a new  relationship, it also reveals that there is a new power available to them (Eph. 3:7). This power is illustrated in the life of Paul. God saved him by grace and gave him a stewardship, a special ministry to the Gentiles. But God also gave Paul the power to accomplish this ministry. The word working here is energeia from which we get our word (energy). The word power is dunamis, which gives us our words dynamic and dynamite. Paul has already told us about this mighty power in Ephesians 1:19–23, and he will mention it again in Ephesians 3:20 and Ephesians 4:16. The mighty resurrection power of Christ is available to us for daily life and service.                                                                                                                     “奥秘”不仅给相信的外邦人新的关系,还表明他们有一种新的能力可用(弗   3:7)。这种能力在保罗的生平中得到体驗。上帝經由恩典拯救了他,并赐给他管家的职位,是对外邦人的特殊事工。但是上帝也给了保罗完成这个事工的能力。在这里 工作是能量,英文 能量(energy)”一詞的由來。大能 (power)是希臘文(dunamis),它给了英文   动力(dynamic)”  是希臘文(dynamite)这词。保罗已经在以弗所书 119-23等節中告诉我们大能,他将在以弗所书 320 和以弗所书 416 節中再次提及。我们可以在日常生活和事奉中,获得基督偉大的复活的大能。

Finally, there is available to the Gentiles new riches: “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). Paul called them “exceeding riches” (Eph. 2:7), but here he described them as “unfathomable.” The words can also be translated “untraceable,” which means that they are so vast you cannot discover their end. (Some students suggest that “untraceable” might also carry the idea that “the mystery” cannot be traced in the Old Testament since it was hidden by God.)     最后,外邦人可以获得新的丰富:“基督测不透的丰富”(弗  3:8)。保罗称它们为“极其丰富”(弗  2:7),但在这里他称它们为“深不可测”。 也可以译为“无法追踪”,这意味着它们是如此深遠,以至于你无法发现它们的尽头。 (有些神学生认为“无法追踪”也可能带有旧约中“奥秘”的想法,因为它被上帝隐藏了。

Are these riches available to every believer? Yes! In fact, Paul made it clear that he himself had no special claim on God’s wealth, for he considered himself “less than the least of all saints” (Eph. 3:8). The name Paul (Paulus) means “little” in Latin, and perhaps Paul bore this name because he realized how insignificant he really was (Acts 13:9). He called himself “the least of the apostles” (1 Cor. 15:9), but at least he was an apostle, which is more than we can claim. Here he called himself, not “the least of all saints,” but “less than the least of all saints” (Eph. 3:8), and he later calls himself the “chief of sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). Understanding the deep truths of God’s Word does not give a man a big head; it gives him a broken and contrite heart.                                                   任何信徒都可以获得这些财富吗? 是的! 事实上,保罗明确表示,他自己对上帝的财富没有特别的要求,因为他认为自己“比众圣徒中最小的还小”(弗  3:8)。保罗(Paulus)这个名字在拉丁语中的意思是“小”,也许保罗之所以取这名字是因为他意识到自己是多么的渺小(徒  13:9)。他称自己为“使徒中最小的”(林前  15:9),但至少他是使徒,这是我们所能声称他的。在这里他称自己不是“众圣徒中最小的”,而是“比众圣徒中最小的还小”(弗  3:8),后来他称自己为“罪人之首”(提前   1:15 )。明白聖言深奥真理,并不会让人头大;而是让他有颗破碎及痛悔的心。

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