Thursday, March 6, 2025

2 英翻中 Geness (2) 創世記之2 3/6/2025

 2 英翻中                      Geness (2)                                             創世記之2                           3/6/2025

創世記的記載是實存的事實(reality).    始祖亞當和夏娃因背逆上帝的話而犯罪.  罪人惟一能洗淨自己罪孽的方法  --- 信靠主耶穌基督, 因為祂釘死在十字架上的寶血可洗淨我們的罪.   

After Genesis: redemption accomplished                                                                                                  God revealed His great plan of salvation gradually. First, He gave a promise (Gen. 3:15), the first salvation promise found in the Bible. It’s the promise of a Redeemer who would be born of a woman, defeat Satan, and bring salvation to mankind. The promised Savior would be a man and not an angel and would save humans and not fallen angels (Heb. 2:5–18).                                                                                        創世記之後:救贖的完成,上帝逐漸顯明了祂偉大的救贖計畫。首先,祂給了一個應許(創 3:15)這是聖經中第一個救贖,的應許。這是救贖主的應許,祂將由女人所生,擊敗撒旦,為人類帶來拯救。應許的救世主將是一個人,而不是天使,祂會拯救人類而不是墮落的天使(來 2:5-18)。                                                                                         Where would this promised Redeemer come from? Genesis 12:1–3 answers that question: the Redeemer will be a Jew, from the people of Abraham. Through a miracle of God, Abraham and Sarah had Isaac, and Isaac was the father of Jacob. But Jacob had twelve sons who founded the twelve tribes of Israel. Which of them would give the world the Savior? Genesis 49:10 tells us: the Redeemer will come from the tribe of Judah.                           這位應許的救贖主從何而來?創世記 12:1-3 回答了這個問題:救贖主將是亞伯拉罕後裔的猶太人。藉著上帝的奇蹟,亞伯拉罕和撒拉生下了以撒,而以撒是雅各的父親。但雅各有十二個兒子,他們創立了以色列十二支派。他們中的哪一個會為世界帶來救世主?創世記 49:10 告訴我們:救贖主將來自猶大支派。                                                                                                                            The book of Exodus tells how God built the great Hebrew nation as they suffered in the land of Egypt and then delivered them by His great power. They should have claimed their inheritance in Canaan, but in unbelief they disobeyed God and ended up wander ing forty years in the wilderness (Num. 13—14). Joshua led the new generation into the land and there established the nation.                          《 出埃及記》講述了神如何在埃及地受苦時建立了偉大的希伯來民族,然後用祂的大能拯救了他們。他們本應在迦南獲得繼承權,但由於不信,他們違背了神,最終在曠野漂流了四十年(民 13-14)。約書亞帶領新一代進入那片土地,並在那裡建立了國家。                                                  After the tragic era of the rule of the judges and the reign of Saul, recorded in Judges and 1 Samuel, God anointed David as king and revealed that the promised Redeemer would come from David’s family (2 Sam. 7). He would not only be “the son of David,” but he would be born in Bethlehem, the city of David (Mic. 5:2). Through Isaiah the prophet, God announced that the Redeemer would be born of a virgin in a miracu lous way (Isa. 7:14; see Luke 1:26–38).                                                                                     在《士師記》和《撒母耳記上》中記載的士師統治和掃羅統治的悲慘時代之後,上帝膏立大衛為王,並透露應許的救贖主將來自大衛的家族(《撒母耳記下》7)。他不僅是“大衛的子孫”,而且還將出生在大衛城伯利恆(彌5:2)。透過先知以賽亞,上帝宣告救贖主將以神蹟的方式由童女所生(以賽亞書 7:14;參考路加福音 1:26-38)。                                                                          Of course, throughout the Old Testament ages, Satan did all he could to thwart the plans of God. Cain belonged to the devil (1 John 3:12) and killed his brother Abel, but God gave Seth to continue the godly line (Gen. 4:25–26).  During the flood, God preserved Noah and his family, and from the family of Shem, Abraham was born, the father of the Hebrew nation.                                                                               當然,在整個舊約時代,撒但盡其所能地阻撓上帝的計劃。該隱屬於魔鬼(約翰一書 3:12)並殺死了他的兄弟亞伯,但上帝賜給賽特來延續敬虔的血統(創 4:25-26)。在洪水期間,上帝保全了諾亞和他的家人,閃(Shem)家族誕生了希伯來民族之父亞伯拉罕。                                 On at least four occasions, the godly line was threatened with extinction. Twice Abraham lied about Sarah his wife and she was taken by pagan rulers (12:10–20; 20:1ff.), and his son Isaac committed the same sin and jeopardized his wife Rebekah (26:6–16). During the dark days of the later Hebrew monarchy, the wicked Queen Mother Athaliah had all the royal sons slain, but one little prince, Joash, was rescued to continue the Davidic line (2 Kings 11).                                                                                           至少有四次,敬虔的血統受到滅絕的威脅。亞伯拉罕兩次對他的妻子撒拉撒了謊,導致她被異教統治者帶走(12:10-20;20:1 比照研讀),他的兒子以撒也犯了同樣的罪,危及了他的妻子利百加(26:6-16)。在後來希伯來君主制的黑暗時期,邪惡的太后亞他利雅殺死了所有的王室兒子,但只有一位小王子約阿施被救出來,延續了大衛的血統(王下 11)。                                         How did it all end? “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law” (Gal. 5:4–5 nkjv). The angel announced to the shepherds, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).                                                                                                                                             這一切是如何結束的? 「及至時候滿足,神就差遣祂的兒子為女子所生,且生在律法以下,要把律法以下的人贖出來」(加拉太書 5:4-5  新欽定版)。天使向牧人宣告:「今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督」(路加福音2:11)。                                                                     The promise had been fulfilled! And it all started in Genesi.                                                                          承諾已經兌現了!而這一切都始於創世記!                                                                                           Now let’s join Moses and read his magnificent inspired record of the creation of the heaven, the earth, and human life.                                                                                                                                                現在讓我們和摩西一起閱讀他關於創造天地和人類生命的宏偉記錄。                                                                                                                                

Notes                                                                                                                                                              註

1 It’s doubtful that the ancient theologians ever asked this partic ular question, but the topic isn’t totally irrelevant. Angels are spirits and have no physical bodies, except temporarily when sent on special missions; so how do they occupy space? Thomas Aquinas discussed the matter in his Summa Theologica, so the question is important.                                                                                                      1 古代神學家是否曾問過這個特殊問題值得懷疑,但這個主題並非完全無關。天使是靈體,沒有肉體,除非暫時被派去執行特殊任務;那麼它們如何占據空間呢?托馬斯·阿奎那在他的《神學大全》中討論了這個問題,所以這個問題很重要。                                                                                 2 A.W.Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1961), 39.    .”                      2 A.W.Tozer,《神聖的知識》(紐約:Harper and Brothers,1961),39。                                        3 Of course, every human being will exist forever, either in heaven or hell, but as far as this world is concerned, we’re all strangers and pilgrims “only passing through. "                                                          3 當然,每個人都會永遠存在,要么在天堂,要么在地獄,但對於這個世界來說,我們都是陌生人和朝聖者,“只是過路的”                                                                                                                       4 “Lonely” doesn’t suggest that God needed friends. The word means “solitary.”                                       4 「孤獨」並不表示上帝需要朋友。這個字的意思是「孤獨」。                                                         5 A.W. Tozer, The Christian Book of Mystical Verse (Harrisburg, Pa.: Christian Publications, 1963), 7.  5 A.W. Tozer,《基督教神秘詩集》(賓夕法尼亞州哈里斯堡:基督教出版社,1963 年),7.      6 Inour day, “process theology” grew out of the teachings of the British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947), and his disciple Charles Hartshorne gave it wide exposure. Process theology was popularized by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner in his book When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Kushner claimed that God was too weak now to do anything about cancer, war, and the tragedies of life; but as we trust Him and do good, we strengthen Him to do better. For the evangelical point of view, see On Process Theology edited by Ronald H. Nash (Baker Book House, 1987), and my book Why Ussis 1 When Bad Things Happen to God’s People (Fleming H. Revell, 1984).                                                      6 今天,「過程神學」源於英國哲學家阿爾弗雷德·諾斯·懷特海(Alfred North Whitehead,1861-1947)的教義,他的弟子查爾斯·哈茨霍恩(Charles Hartshorne)對其進行了廣泛的宣傳。拉比(Rabbi Harold S. Kushner)在他的著作《當壞事發生在好人身上時》中普及了過程神學。庫許納聲稱上帝現在太軟弱了,無法對癌症、戰爭和人生悲劇採取任何行動;但當我們相信祂並行善時,我們就會加強祂的力量,讓祂做得更好。關於福音派的觀點,請參閱 Ronald H. Nash 編輯的 On Process Theology (Baker Book House, 1987) 和我的書 Why Ussis 1 When Bad Things Happen to God’s People (Fleming H. Revell, 1984)。                                                                                                    7 The conjunction “and” in the Christian baptismal formula is important, for it shows the equality of the Persons of the Godhead.                                                                                                                                7 基督教洗禮公式中的連接詞「和」很重要,因為它顯示了神格中的平等。  9 哈博士艾恩賽德在芝加哥穆迪教堂擔任了十八年的牧師,他常常透過描述一扇門來說明這一真理,門上掛著一塊牌子,上面寫著「任何願意的人都可以來」。相信這一點,你走進門就得救了。然後你回頭一看,看到門內側掛著另一個標語:“在世界創立之前就在基督裡被揀選了。”                                            8 The doctrine of divine election is not an excuse to not share the gospel with others. The same God who ordained the end— the salvation of the lost—has also ordained the means to the end, which is the witness of His people and their prayers for success for His Word. God chooses people to salvation and then calls them by His gospel (2 Thess. 2:13–14). The two go together. We don’t know who the elect are, and we have been ordered to take the gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8).                          8 神聖揀選的教義並不是不與他人分享福音的藉口。同一位神既命定了目的-失喪者的救贖-也命定了達到目的的手段,即祂子民的見證和他們為祂的道成功而祈禱。神揀選人得救,然後用祂的福音呼召他們(帖後 2:13-14)。兩人並肩而行。我們不知道選民是誰,但我們奉命將福音傳給全世界(可 16:15;使徒行傳 1:8)。                                                                                                9 Dr. H.A. Ironside, for eighteen years pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church, used to illustrate this truth by describing a door, over which hung a sign that read, “Whosoever will may come.” Believing that, you walked through the door and were saved. Then you looked back and read another sign hanging over the inside of the door: “Chosen in Christ before the foun dation of the world.”                                                  9 哈博士艾恩賽德在芝加哥穆迪教堂擔任了十八年的牧師,他常常透過描述一扇門來說明這一真理,門上掛著一塊牌子,上面寫著「任何願意的人都可以來」。相信這一點,你走進門就得救了。然後你回頭一看,看到門內側掛著另一個標語:“在世界創立之前就在基督裡被揀選了。”    10 These chapter divisions are arbitrary since there is an overlap ping of generations in the narratives as there always is in human history. Technically, the “generations of Jacob” begins at 37:2, but Jacob’s story starts much earlier and moves Isaac into the background. There is no section labeled “the genera tions of Joseph” since Joseph is a part of the Jacob narrative which closes the book of Genesis.                11 See Morgan’s The Analyzed Bible and Living Messages of the Books of the Bible, both published by Fleming H. Revell.                                                                                                                                        10 這些章節的劃分是任意的,因為敘述中存在著世代重疊,就像人類歷史上一直存在的那樣。從技術上講,「雅各的後代」是從 37:2 開始的,但雅各的故事開始得更早,並將以撒移至幕後。沒有標記為「約瑟的後代」的部分,因為約瑟是創世記結尾的雅各敘述的一部分。 11 參見摩根的《分析的聖經》和《聖經各書的活生生的信息》,兩本均由弗萊明·H·雷維爾出版。

CHAPTER TWO  第二章                                                                                                                              Genesis 1  創世記 1 

                                                                                                                                                              WHEN GOD SPEAKS, SOMETHING HAPPENS    當上帝說話時,就會有事情發生 

Some people call the president of the United States “the most powerful leader in the world,” but more than one former president would disagree. Ex presidents have confessed that their executive orders weren’t always obeyed and that there wasn’t much they could do about it.                                                有些人稱美國總統為“世界上最有權勢的領導人”,但不止一位前總統不同意。前總統都承認,他們的行政命令並不總是得到遵守,而且他們對此無能為力。                                                                        For example, during President Nixon’s first term in office, he ordered the removal of some ugly temporary buildings on the mall, eyesores that had been there since the World War I era, but it took many months before the order was obeyed. When journalists began writing about “the imperial presidency,” Nixon called the whole idea “ludicrous.” 1 Presidents may speak and sign official orders, but that’s no guarantee that any thing will happen.                                                                                                 例如,尼克森總統在第一任期下令拆除商場上一些醜陋的臨時建築,這些建築自第一次世界大戰以來一直存在,但花了好幾個月的時間才執行。當記者開始談論「帝國總統」時,尼克森稱整個想法「荒謬」。                                                                                                                                        However, when God speaks, something happens! “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Ps. 33:9 nkjv). When you consider the acts of God recorded in Genesis 1, you can’t help but bow in reverent worship, for His creative acts reveal a God of power and wisdom whose word carries authority.                                                                                                                                                     然而,當上帝說話時,事情就發生了! 「因為祂說,事就成就;祂一吩咐,事就立定」(詩篇 33:9 新欽定版)。當你思想創世記第一章所記載的神的作為時,你會情不自禁地低頭敬拜,因為他創造的作為彰顯了一位有能力和智慧的神,他的話語帶著權柄。                                           God creates (1:1–2) .  Three books of the Bible open with “beginnings”: Gen. 1:1; Mark 1:1; and John 1:1. Each of these beginnings is important. “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1) takes us into eternity past when Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, existed as the eternal Son of God. John wasn’t suggesting that Jesus had a beginning. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who existed before all things because He made all things (John 1:3; Col. 1:16–17; Heb. 1:2). Therefore, John’s “beginning” antedates Genesis 1:1.2 .                                                                                                                                          上帝創造 (1:1-2).  聖經的三卷書都以「開端」開頭:創 1:1;馬可福音 1:1;和約翰福音 1:1。每一個開始都很重要。 「太初有道」(約翰福音 1:1)將我們帶入永恆的過去,那時耶穌基督,上帝的活話,作為祂永恆兒子而存在。約翰並不是說耶穌有一個開始。耶穌基督是上帝永恆的兒子,祂在萬物之前就存在了,因為祂創造了萬物(約翰福音 1:3;歌羅西書 1:16-17;希伯來書 1:2)。因此,約翰福音的「開頭」早於創世記 1:1.2.                                                                               The gospel of Mark opens with, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” The message of the gospel didn’t start with the ministry of John the Baptist, because the good news of God’s grace was announced in Genesis 3:15. As Hebrews 11 bears wit ness, God’s promise was believed by people throughout Old Testament history, and those who believed were saved. (See Gal. 3:1–9 and Rom. 4.) The ministry of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, was the beginning of the proclamation of the message concern ing Jesus Christ of Nazareth (see Acts 1:21–22 and 10:37).                        馬可福音的開頭是「上帝的兒子耶穌基督福音的開頭」。 福音聖人的信息並不是從施洗約翰的事工開始的,因為祂恩典的好消息是在創世記3:15中宣告的。正如希伯來書第 11 章所見證的,在整個舊約歷史中,上帝的應許都為人們所相信,並且那些相信的人都得救了。 (參考加拉太書 3:1-9 和羅馬書 4。)耶穌的先驅施洗約翰的事工是宣講有關拿撒勒人耶穌基督信息的開始(參考使徒行傳 1:21-22 和 10:37)。                                                                                                 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1) refers to the dateless past when God brought the universe into existence out of nothing (Ps. 33:6; Rom. 4:17; Heb. 1:3). 3 Genesis 1:1–2 is the declaration that God created the universe; the detailed explanation of the six days of God’s creative work is given in the rest of the chapter.                                                                                                   「起初上帝創造天地」(創 1:1)指的是神從無到有創造宇宙的永恆過去(詩篇 33:6;羅馬書 4:17;希伯來書 1:3)。 3  本章的其餘部分給出了上帝六天創造工作的詳細解釋。                               Thirty–two times in this chapter, this creative God is called Elohim, a Hebrew word that emphasizes His majesty and power. (The covenant name “Jehovah” appears for the first time in Gen. 2:4.) Elohim is a plu ral noun that is consistently used in connection with singular verbs and adjectives. (Hebrew tenses are singular, dual, or plural.) Some think that this plural form is what grammarians call the “plural of majesty,” or it might also be a hint that God exists in three persons. In Scripture, Creation is attributed to the Father (Acts 4:24) and to the Son (John 1:1–3) and to the Holy Spirit (Ps. 104:30).               在這一章中,這位富有創造力的上帝有三十二次被稱為耶洛因(Elohim),耶洛因是希伯來詞,強調祂的威嚴和力量。 (聖約名稱「耶和華」首次出現在創世記 2:4 中。)耶洛因是一個複數名詞,始終與單數動詞和形容詞連用。 (希伯來語時態有單數、雙數或複數之分。)有些人認為這種複數形式就是語法學家所說的 “威嚴複數”,或者也可能暗示上帝以三個位格存在。在聖經中,創造被歸因於聖父(使徒行傳 4:24)、聖子(約翰福音 1:1-3)和聖靈(詩篇 104:30)。                                                                                                                                                            Elohim reveals His power by creating everything by merely speaking the word. Matter is not eternal; it began when God spoke everything into existence (Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11; 5:13). Scripture doesn’t reveal why God chose to start His creative work with a chaotic mass that was dark, formless, and empty,4 but the Holy Spirit, brooding over the waters, 5 would bring order out of chaos and beauty and fullness out of emptiness. 6 He can still do that today with the lives of all who will yield to Him.                                                                                                                                                                     耶洛因(Elohim)啟示出話語就創造了一切,從而揭示了祂的力量。物質不是永恆的;物質開始於祂用話語創造一切(弗 3:9;歌羅西書 1:16;啟 4:11;5:13)。聖經並沒有揭示為什麼上帝選擇從黑暗、無形、空虛的混亂物質開始祂的創造工作,4  但是聖靈在水面上沉思,5  可以從混亂中帶來秩序,從空虛中帶來美麗和充實。 6 上帝今天仍然可以用所有願意對屈服祂的人生命來做到這一點                                                                                                                                                             The nations that surrounded the people of Israel had ancient traditions that “explained” the origin of the universe and humankind. These myths involved mon sters that battled in deep oceans and gods who fought 14 Genesis 1 battles to bring the universe into being. But the simple account in Genesis presents us with one God who alone created all things and is still in control of His cre ation. Had the Jewish people paid close attention to what Moses wrote, they would never have worshipped the idols of their pagan neighbors.                                                                                                                                            以色列人民周圍的國家有著「解釋」宇宙和人類起源的古老傳統。這些神話涉及在深海中戰鬥的怪物和為創造宇宙而進行的 14 場創世紀 1 戰鬥的諸神。但創世記中的簡單記載向我們展示了一位上帝,祂獨自創造了萬物,並且仍然掌管著祂的創造。如果猶太人密切注意摩西所寫的內容,他們就永遠不會崇拜異教鄰居的偶像。

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