Saturday, September 16, 2023

522 中翻英 (222) God's grace is enough for you. 上帝的恩典夠你用. 9/16/2023

522 中翻英 (222)        God's grace is enough for you.            上帝的恩典夠你用.             9/16/2023

九月十六日晨曦默思, 主耶穌啟示祂的子民,   祂的恩典夠我們用.    親愛的主內訪友,   不知道您有沒有在您的人生中領悟到祂的應許?    保羅為他身上的剌,   向主禱告祈求三次之多,   上帝給他的回應是,   "我的恩典夠你用,   因為我的能力, 是在人的軟弱上顯得完全."

" 祂對我說,我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力,是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。 "                    (林后   12:9 新國際版


September 16

“But He said to me,  'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' ”  (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)

It is interesting that Paul rarely mentions the nature of the "revelation and vision of the Lord" to which he is alluded in 2 Corinthians Chpt. 12. Paul once said that it is useless to boast in these things. He was forced to reveal his experiences "fourteen years ago".  Oh! Fourteen years! However, there are many people among us. As long as they receive something directly from God, the whole city will know it immdeately.  If they are required to keep it for secret two years, its very hard for them to do it! But even though Paul waited so long (fourteen years), he still did not tell us what the realy of the vision was. He only mentioned that it was a further knowledge of Christ. He tells us of the result of the vision --- "a thorn in the flesh" --- and of God's answer to his three prayers for that favor. It was not the vision itself, but the Lord's gracious answer to him, which brought to many people the gret help.

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