289 中翻英(29) The peace of God. 耶穌基督的平安 610 中翻英 (310) ".... Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable." "身上肢體, 人以為軟弱的,更是不可少. " 12/13/2023 609 中翻英 (309) "Self-rightousness" is the greatest sin. "自義"是最大的驕傲罪. 12/12/2023 608 中翻英 (308) A basic attitude of the servant of God is to please Him. 上帝仆人的基本的態度,就是要討上帝的喜歡. 12/11/2023 607 中翻英 (307) The Word became flesh (二). 道成肉身(二). 12/10/2023 606中翻英(306) You also should wash one another's feet."你們也當彼此洗腳. " 約13:14 12/9/2023 605 中翻英 (305) Blessed is everyone who does trust God. 凡信靠上帝的, 必蒙祝福. 12/8/2023 604 中翻英 (304) No Israel, there is no salvation. 沒有以色列就沒有救恩. 12/7/0203 603 中翻(303) I can do all things in Him that strengthens me. 靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做. 12/6/2023 602 中翻英 (302) Without Israel, there is no salvation. 沒有以色列, 就沒有救恩. 12/5/2023 601 中翻英 (301) God feeds us and gives us water to drink in wilderness. 上帝在沙漠中滿足我們吃和喝的一切須要. 12/4/2023
600 中翻英 (300) The Word became flesh (一). 道成肉身(一). 12/3/2023
599 中翻英(299) Lord, we keep Your word. 主阿, 我們要遵行祢的話. 12/2/2023 598 中翻英 (298) God is love. 上帝就是愛. 12/1/2023 597 中翻英 (297) Don't be a ungraceful man. 不要作忘恩負義的人. 11/30/2023 595 中翻英 (295) Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩節喜樂! 11/28/2023 594 中翻英(294)Now offer the parts of your body as a slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. 現今也要照樣將肢體獻給義作奴仆, 以至于成圣. 11/27/2023 593 中翻英 (293) Let me use success as material for thankfulness: 容我利用成功生感恩的心. 11/26/2023 592 中翻英 (292) Gratitude is the Christian life. 感恩是基督信仰者的生活. 11/25/2023 591 中翻英(291) Depend upon the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 憑著聖靈, 字句叫人死, 聖靈叫人活. 11/24/2023 590 中翻英 (290) Thanksgiving day is worthwhile to our created God praying for His mighty power. 盼望主內訪友都在這感恩節向創造我們的主發出感恩的禱告. 11/23/2023 589 中翻英 (289) Realities of Faith. 信心的實存. 11/22/2023 588 中翻英 (288) Have Mercy on Me, Lord! 主阿! 憐憫我. 11/21/2023 587 中翻英 (287) Have a mercy upon us, our Lord. 求主開恩賜福給我們. 11/20/2023 586 中翻英 (286) Lord, have a mercy on me. 主阿, 恩賜我憐憫. 1/19/2024 585 中翻英 (285) God’s intention is to use these trials to empower us spiritually growing. 上帝的心意卻要借著這些試煉,使我們得到屬靈的增長. 11/18/2023 584 中翻英 (284) Thanks be to God, who always leads us to triumph in Christ. 感謝上帝,常帥領我們在基督里夸胜 . 11/17/2023 583 中翻英 (283) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做 . 11/16/2023 582中翻英(282) First learning from Him to be meek and humble, then get rest for your souls. 首先學習主的柔和謙卑, 然後就得享安習. 11/15/2023 581 中翻英 (281) A table in the wilderness has been prepared for everyone, please enjoy it. 曠野筵席已經為所有的人預備齊全, 請來享用. 11/14/2023 580 中翻英 (280) David did whatever God wanted him to do, i.e. he is after His own heart. 大衛做任何事都遵行上帝的旨意, 因此他是合乎上帝心意的人. 11/13/2023 579 中翻英 (279) In our return and rest we will be saved; in quietness and stability will be our strength. 我們得救在乎歸回安息,得力在乎平靜安穩. 11/12/2023 578 中翻英 (278) Oh, Lord forgives my sin. 阿, 主阿! 求赦免孩子的罪. 11/11/2023 577 中翻英(277) They all agreed with themselves and continued in prayer. 都同心合意的恒切禱告. 11/10/2023 576 中翻英 (276) Be facing the reality and obeying God will be His beloved children. 面對實存並順服上帝的信徒是主所愛的. 11/9/2023 575 中翻英 (275) Never give up! 永不放棄! 11/9/2023 574 中翻英 (274) Help His child conqueror through the lust of his eye by Him who loved me. 靠著愛我的主,使孩子胜過眼目的情慾. 11/7/2023 573 中翻英(273)Lord, help us to stand against the devil's schemes by putting full armor of Yours. 求主助我們穿上祢賜的全副軍裝 抵擋(against)魔鬼的詭計. 11/6/2023 572 中翻英(272) Lord, have a mercy on me! 主阿, 求祢憐憫我! 11/5/2023 571 中翻英 (271) Faithe is reality. 信心是實存. 570 中翻英 (270) God is a mercyful God. 上帝是大有憐憫的上帝. 11/3/2023 569 中翻英 (269) The love of God is the source of all spiritual blessings. 上帝的愛, 就是一切屬靈祝福的源頭. 11/2/2023 568 中翻英 (268) Nothing is impossible for God. 在上帝沒有難成的事. 11/1/2023 567 中翻英 (267) God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. 上帝就是光,在祂毫無黑暗. 10/31/2023 566 中翻英 (266) Love your enemies." (Matthew 5:44) 要愛你們的仇敵. 10/30/2023 565 中翻英 (265) The unite of the church members does matters. 教會的合一確實重要. 10/29/2023 564 中翻英 (264) We present our bodies as a living sacrifice. 我們將身體獻上,當作活祭. 10/28/2023 563 中翻英 (263) I am pleased to do Your will, O my God. 我的上帝, 我樂意照祢的旨意行. 10/27/2023 562 中翻英 (262) God's will must be fulfilled. 上帝的旨意必須成全. 10/26/2023 561 中翻英 (261) Never give up! 永不放棄! 10/25/2023 560 中翻英 (260) Have a Mercy on me, Lord. 主阿! 憐憫我這罪人. 10/24/2023 559 中翻英 (250) We, believers must recognize God. 信徒必須認識上帝. 10/23/2023 558 中翻英 (258) We were bought by the Jesus' blood. 我們是基督用祂寶血贖回的. 10/21/2023 557 中翻英 (257) Believers, resurrected with Christ. 我們信徒与基督一同复活. 10/20/2023 556 中翻英 (256) The truth will set you free. 真理使你們得自由. 10/19/2023 555 中翻英 (255) Don't judge and despise your brother. 不要論斷和輕看你的弟兄 10/18/2023 554 中翻英 (254) God's will must be obeyed. 上帝的旨意必必遵守. 10/17/2023 553 中翻英 (253) Christians' long longsuffering is for glorious Lord. 基督徒的歡然受苦, 是為榮耀主的權能. 10/16/2023 552 中翻英 (252) David is a man after God's heart. 大衛是合乎上帝心意的人. 10/15/2023 551 中翻英 (231) The structure of these sentences are easy be confused. 易出錯的句子. 10/14/2023 550 中翻英 (250) Have a Mercy on me, Lord. 主阿, 求祢憐憫我. 10/13/2023 549 中翻英 (249) Lord's Prayer. 主禱文. 10/12/2023 548 中翻英 (248) We are bodies of Jesus Christ. 我們是基督的身體. 10/11/2023 547 中翻英 (247) Cast your burden on the Lord. 將你的重擔卸給上帝. 10/10 2023 546 中翻英 (246) Jesus is the friend of tax collectors and sinners. 主是稅吏和罪人的朋友. 10/9/2023 545 中翻英 (245) The widow offer out of all she had to live on. 這寡婦把一切養生的都投上了. 10/8/2023 544 中翻英 (244) God's timing is important for our life. 上帝的時間對我們生命很重要. 10/7/2023 543 中翻英 (243) God's time is perfect. 上帝的時間真美好. 10/6/2023 542 中翻英 (242) Realities of faith. 信心的實存. 10/5/2023 541 中翻英 (241)Without faith it is impossible to please God. 沒有信心絕不可能取悅上帝. 10/4/2023 540 中翻英 (240) Have a Mercy on me, Lord! I am a sinner. 我是罪人, 求主憐憫! 10/3/2023 539 中翻英 (239) Where is our tresures, where our heart is? 你財寶在那裡, 心也在那裡? 10/2/2023 538 中翻英 (238) Abraham's prayer is depended on the character of God. 亞伯拉罕的代求禱告是根据上帝的神格. 10/1/2023 537 中翻英 (237) Giving is the foundation of Christianity.施捨是基督信仰人的職責. 9/30/2023 536 中翻英 (236) Lord will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. 主要用圣靈給你們施浸. 9/29/2023 535 中翻英 (235) Lord, all I have, what I am, and all I hope — are yours. 主阿,凡我所有的,我所是的,和我所盼望的, 都是你的. 9/28/2023 534 中翻英 (234) But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. 只要心里尊主基督為圣. 9/27/2023 533 中翻英 (233) Now faith is being sure of certain of what we hope for and certain of what we don't see. 信是所望之事的實底, 未見之事的確據. 9/27/2023 532 中翻英 (232) Lord have a mercy for me. 主阿, 憐憫孩子. 9/25/2023 531 中翻英 (231) God's grace is enough for us. 上帝的恩典夠你用. 9/24/2023 530 中翻英 (230) Our testimony is to confirm Christ Himself in our daily actions. 在天路的旅程中,基督乃是我們隨時所帶著的見證. 9/23/2023 530 中翻英 (230) Our testimony is to confirm Christ Himself in our daily actions. 在天路的旅程中,基督乃是我們隨時所帶著的見證. 9/23/2023 528 中翻英 (228) Everyone wanted to touch Him. 患十二年血漏的婦人, 一摸耶穌, 病就好了. 9/22/2023 . 527 中翻英 (227) God is the true light. 上帝是真光. 9/21/2023 526 中翻英 (226) I AM your fortress. 上帝是我的盾牌. 9/20/2023 525 中翻英 (225) We are to serve the church with the knowledge of the Christ. 我們要用所認識的基督來服事教會. 9/19/2023 524 中翻英 (224) How great God's power are. 上帝的能力浩大. 10/18/2023 523 中翻英 (223) God's will is always good for us. 上帝的旨意原是好的. 9/17/2023 522 中翻英 (222) My grace is enough for you. 我的恩典夠你用. 9/16/2023 521 中翻英 (221) When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. 你們禱告的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人. 9/15/202 520 中翻英 (220) Our God is worth to be praised. 我們的上帝配當讚美. 9/14/2023 519 中翻英 (219) Only by Jesus' precious blood shed for us. 惟靠耶穌的寶血. 9/13/2023 518 中翻英 (218) I know my God。 It is enoug。 認識我的神,這就夠了。 9/12/2023 517 中翻英 (517) God mades Christ Jesus our righteousness. 上帝使主耶穌成為我們的公義. 9/11/2023 516 中翻英 (216) The salvation of Noah's family by faith.挪亞因著信, 全家得救. 9/10/ 2023 515 中翻英 (215) God is faithful. 上帝是信實的. 9/9/2023 514 中翻英 (214) The modern ship-lock in Netherland. 荷蘭鹽水淡水混合船閘. 9/8/2023 513中翻英 (213) Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 用和平 彼此聯絡, 竭力保守圣靈所賜合而為一的心. 9/7/2023 512 中翻英 (212) Abide in me, and I in you.你們要住在我里面, 我也住在你們里面. 9/6/2023 511 中翻英 (211) The ancient Chinese Hydraulic Engineering. 中國古代水利工程. 9/5/2023 510 中翻英 (210) Thanksgiving is the first moral. 感恩是最起碼的美德. 9/4/2023 509 中翻英 (209) Lord is our sheperd, we shall not want. 主是大牧人, 我們必不致缺乏. 9/4/2023 508 中翻英 (208) The Spiritual Artificial Canal.連接長江支流湘江及珠江支流漓江的人工靈渠. 9/3/2023 507 中翻英 (207) In spiritual matters, faith and praying are amazing connecting. 在屬靈的事上, 信心和禱告,是有著多麼惊奇的連結. 9/2/2023 506 中翻英 (206) God's grace is free for our gentle. 外邦人是白白的領受上帝的恩典. 9/1/2023 505 中翻英 (205) Yellow river will be tamed by constructing dam. 馴服黃河用築埧方法可行. 8/31/2023 504 中翻英 (204) What is the meaning to worship God? 何謂敬拜上帝? 8/30/2023 503 中翻英 (203) Hydraulic Engineering history of China 中國水利學史 8/29/2023 502 中翻英 (202) The great ancient irrigation projects in China - Due Jan Weir. 中國古代偉大的水利灌溉工程 - 都江堰 . 8/28/2023 501 中翻英 (201) God's will can only spiritual man understand. 上帝的旨意, 惟有屬靈的人才能識透. 8/27/2023 500 中翻英 (200) God's mercy is a great comfort! 上帝的憐憫是多麼浩大的安慰. 8/26/2023
499 中翻英 (199) Remember God's mercy for giving 懷念上帝的憐憫 ─ 都江堰 8/25/2023 498 中翻英 (198) In Your light, we shall see light. 在祢的光中, 我們必得見光. 8/24/2023 497 中翻英 (197) Lord, grant me Your light and Your truth. 主阿, 求賜我祢的光和真理. 496 中翻英 (196) The Word of Christ is our light and healing.生命之道是我們的亮光和醫治. 8/22/2023 495 中翻英 (195) God is a mercieful and love God. 上帝是有憐憫及慈愛的上帝. 8/21/2023 494 中翻英 (194) As the Yellow River under completely control, the country will be strong and prosperous. 澈底治理黃河成功. 國家必強盛. 8/20/2023 493 中翻英 (193) Let us Praise the Lord with our heart. 讓我們暢開心懷讚美上帝. 8/19/2023 492 中翻英 (192) Water resources is an energy that are very necessary for humankind. 水資源是人類非常必需的能源. 8/18/2023 491 中翻英 (191) God's time is precious. 上帝的時間最美好. 8/17/2023
399 中翻英 (119) The faith reality. 信心的實存. 5/27/2023 398 中翻英 (118) We are all one in Christ. 我們在基督里都成為一了. 5/26/2023 397 中翻英 (117) The cross is the foundation of our faith. 十字架是我們信仰的根基. 5/25/2023 396 中翻英 (116) Jesus is our provider. 祂是我們的供需者. 5/24/2023 395 中翻英 (115) Knowing God is the beginning of wsdom. 認識上帝是智慧的開端. 5/23/2023 394 中翻英 (114) Lord help me to overcome temptation. 主阿! 求祢助我勝過試探. 5/22/2023 393 中翻英 (113) This is the good will of God the Father's predetermined. 這是父神所預定的美意.(西 1:19,2:9) 5/21/2023 392 中翻英 (112) Lord! I will be Your slave. 主阿! 孩願一生一世作祢的奴僕, 5/20/2023 391 中翻英 (111) Lord, You are the bright morning star! 主阿! 祢是明亮晨星. 5/19/2023
390 英翻中 (110) .... Why this waste of perfume? 何用這樣枉費香膏呢? 5/18/2023
389 中翻英 (109) To learn English is not difficult, but to use it is much difficult. 學習英文不難, 但要運用它得體却非易事. 5/17/2023 388 中翻英 (108) God is the absolute truth. 上帝是絕對的真理。 5/16/2023 387 中翻英 (107) Lord, forgive my sin, 主阿! 饒恕我的罪. 5/5/2023 386 中翻英 (106) Translation method is only for helping to make sentance. 翻譯方法僅僅用來幫助英文造句. 5/14/2023 385 中翻英 (105) Yes, God can。 上帝, 祂能。 5/13/2023 384 中翻英 (104) What was happened after Lord's resurrection? 主复活以后的事. 5/12/2023 383 中翻英 (103) Lord, Your Will is so precious! 主阿! 孩子遵守祢的旨意. 5/11/2023 382 中翻英 (102) By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible. 摩西因著信离開埃及, 不怕王怒; 因為他恒心忍耐, 如同看見那不能看見的主. 5/10/2023 381 中翻英 (101) Lord, have mercy on me. 主阿, 求祢施憐憫. 5/9/2023 380 中翻英 (110) David was a after God's heart man. 大衛是合乎神心意的人 . 5/8/2023 379 中翻英 (109) Lord ! help me to follow Jesus. 求主使孩子學像主基督. 5/7/2023 378 中翻英 (108) English grammar is esenntial for learning English. 英文文法是學習英文造句的重要因素. 5/6/2023 377 中翻英(107) Faith makes the reality of what we don't see. 信心使未見的事做為成實存. 5/5/2023 376 中翻英 (106) Happy are you if you know this and do it." (John 13:17) 你們既知道這事,若是去行就有福了。 5/4/2023
375 中翻英 (105) The harlot of Babylon contains all evil 's spirits of pretense and hypocrisy! 淫婦 巴比倫包括了一切假裝和虛偽的靈! 03/05/2023 374 中翻英 (104) Have Mercy on me, Lord! 主阿! 求祢施憐憫. 5/2/2023 373 中翻英 (103) God's faithful guidance is the way we must follow. 上帝忠信的帶領的道路必須跟隨。 5/1/2023288 中翻英(28) Agreement in English Sentence. 英文句子結構上的一致性 2/5/2023 287 中翻英(27) The great power of the cruciifixion. 十字架的大能。 2/4/2023 286 中翻英(26) After God's blessing is war. 上帝祝福後就是戰爭. 2/3/2023 285 中翻英(25) God's providence is all。 上帝的祝福是我們的一切。 2/2/2023 284 中翻英(24) Be joyful always。 要常常喜樂。 2/1/2023 283 中翻英(83) Trust God,don't doubt His power to keep. 信靠主, 祂必保守祂的能力. 1/31/2023 282 中翻英(82) Have a Mercy on me, Lord。 主阿,可憐我。 1/30/2023 281 中翻英(81) I will be like the dew to Isreal; .... 我必向以色列如甘露..... 1/29/2023 280 中翻英(80) The Lord chases the one whom He loves. 主所愛的,祂必管教. 1/28/2023 279 中翻英(29) Enjoy learning English. 享受學英文. 1/27/2023 278 中翻英(28) Don't give up! 千萬不要放棄! 1/26/2023 277 中翻英(27) It is a good way to learn English. 學英文的好方法。 1/25/2023 276中翻英(26) Am I inspired by the Holy Spirit? 我是否受聖靈的感動? 1/24/2023
275 中翻英(25) Am I first of all minister to the Lord? 我是否盡力先服事主? 1/23/2023 274 中翻英(24) What shall we do? 我們怎樣行才好呢? 1/22/2023 273 中翻英(23) Don't Resists God's Will. 不要抗拒神的旨意. 1/21/2023 272 中翻英(22) The best is yet to come. 最好的就要來了. 1/20/2023 271 中翻英(21) Never give up! 勇往直前, 永不放棄! 1/19/2023
270 中翻英(20) Knowing Christ Jesus. 認識主基督. 1/18/2023 269 中翻英(19) The gift of the Holy Spirit. 聖靈的恩賜. 1/17/2023 268 中翻英(18) The miracle of new birth! 重生的神跡. 1/16/2023 267 中翻英(17) Jehovah-jireh. 耶和華以勒(上帝必有預備). 1/15/2023 266 中翻英(16) Joseph is a fruitful vine. 約瑟是多結果子的葡萄樹. 1/14/2023 265中翻英(15) What God gives, He gives! 上帝賜給你, 祂就是賜給你! 1/13/2023 264 中翻英 (15) God seeks first-fruits for His hour of supreme demand.上帝要你獻最好的 263中翻英 (14) Be rejoice in the God of my salvation.因救我的上帝喜樂. 1/11/2023 262 中翻英 (13) Trust in God. 要信靠上帝 1/10/2023 261 中翻英 (12) God's grace is enough for us(1). 上帝的恩典夠我們用(一). 1/9/2023 260 中翻英 (11) God's grace is enough for us. 上帝的恩典夠我們用。 1/8/2023 259 中翻英 (10) How to translate Chinese into a English sentence 怎樣將中文翻成英文 1/7/2023 258 中翻英 (九) A table in the Wilderness 曠野的筵席 1/6/2023 257 中翻英 (八) Have a mercy on me. 主阿, 憐憫我. 1/5/2023 256 中翻英 (七) Peace with God. 與上帝和好. 1/4/2023 255 中翻英 (六) Seize your opportunity 要抓住機會 1/3/2023 254 中翻英 (五) How excellent is Your name。 祢的名何其美。 1/2/2023 253 中翻英 (四) What is God's will? 什麼是上帝的旨意? 1/1/2023 252 中翻英 (3) What is God's will? 什麼是上帝的旨意? 12/31/2022 251 中翻英 (二) What is God's will? 麼是上帝的旨意? 12/30/2022 250 中翻英 (一) God's will 上帝的旨意 12/29/2022 249 中翻英 (149) 恭賀新年喜樂 Happy New Year ! 12/28/2022 248 The Word Became Flesh. 道成肉身 12/16/2022
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