Saturday, September 30, 2023

537 中翻英 (237) Giving is the foundation of Christianity.施捨是基督信仰人的職責. 9/30/2023

537 中翻英 (237)       Giving is the foundation of Christianity.施捨是基督信仰人的職責.  9/30/2023

「有施散的,卻更增添。」(箴   11:2 新國際版

神對物質的管理原則,乃根据收嗎哪的原則,就是「多收的也沒有余,少收的也沒有缺。」(出   16:18  以及  林后   8:14-15)這意思是說,如果少收的不致于缺乏,那么多收的就必須甘心樂意的不要有余。我們有許多人已在經歷中證實這個原則的寶貴。若我們關心那些少收的而對他們有負擔,神也必同樣的關心我們,使我們多有收獲。但如果我們單只顧念自己的需要,那么我們最高冀望所能得著的,也不過是僅獲些微而不致缺乏而已。


September 30th

“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; .....” (Proverbs 11:24 NIV)

God’s principle of material management is based on the principle of gathering manna, that is, “Whoever gathers much will have no surplus, and whoever gathers little will have no shortage.” (Exodus 16:18 and 2 Corinthians 8:14-15) This means that , if those who receive less will not be in want, then those who receive more must be willing not to have more than enough. Many of us have experienced the value of this principle. If we care about those who harvest little and are burdened with them, God will also care about us and make us harvest abundantly. But if we only care about our own needs, then the highest we can hope for is only a little but not enough.

It is a privilege of a child of God to be able to help the needs of our brothers in the Lord. It is not too much to put most of our income on it. Those who only know how to receive rarely have the opportunity to receive more from the Lord, but those who have learned to give regularly will always have the opportunity to receive from the Lord so that they can give more to others. The more you use your wealth on others, the more your income will increase. The more you try to save, the more you will be damaged by "rust" and "thieves".

Friday, September 29, 2023

536 中翻英 (236) Lord will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. 主要用圣靈給你們施浸. 9/29/2023

 536 中翻英 (236)     Lord will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.  要用圣靈給你們施浸.                                                                                           9/29/2023


「但那在我以后來的,能力比我更大,........ 祂要用圣靈与火給你們施浸。」(太   3:11 新國際版

神只把上好的禮物送給祂的儿女們。不幸得很,因著它們非常丰富,我們反而輕看這些美好的恩物。舊約里的圣徒沒有我們這樣蒙恩,卻比我們更加樂意珍視圣靈澆灌下來的寶貴恩賜。在他們的日子里,這恩賜只給与少數特選的人,就如祭司、士師、君王和先知等。而現在卻是每一個神的儿女所共享的,請你想想,我們這些微不足道的人,因著信靠基督,便可以享受這位圣靈,就是在以往世代,神的朋友摩西,蒙愛的君王大衛,和大有能力的先知以利亞所得著的那一位圣靈。難怪主耶穌說:「凡婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施浸約翰的,然而天國里最小的,比他還大!」(太   11:11)。

September 29

"But he who is coming after me is more powerful than I, and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." (Matthew 3:11)

God gives only the best gifts to His children. Unfortunately, because they are so abundant, we despise these wonderful gifts. The saints in the Old Testament were not as blessed as we are, but they were more willing than we to cherish the precious gifts poured out by the Holy Spirit. In their days, this gift was given only to a select few, such as priests, judges, kings, and prophets. But now it is shared by every child of God. Please think about it. We, the insignificant people, can enjoy this Holy Spirit because of our faith in Christ. In the past generations, God’s friend Moses and the beloved king The Holy Spirit received by David and the powerful prophet Elijah. No wonder the Lord Jesus said: “No one born of woman has risen greater than John the Baptist, but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he!” (Matthew 11:11).

Thursday, September 28, 2023

535 中翻英 (235) Lord, all I have, what I am, and all I hope — are yours. 主阿,凡我所有的,我所是的,和我所盼望的, 都是你的. 9/28/2023

535  中翻英 (235)    Lord, all I have, what I am, and all I hope — are yours.                                              主阿,凡我所有的,我所是的,和我所盼望的,   都是你的.     9/28/2023     

  我們在天上的父,   願人都稱祢的名為聖,   願祢的國降臨.    凡我們所有的,所是的,和所盼望的,   都是你的.     孩子願將一切獻上當作活祭,   供主使用.   奉主耶穌基督的名禱告.     阿們.

九月二十八日的曠野筵席是充滿上帝的恩典菜餚,   凡我們所有的,所是的,和所盼望的,   都是上帝所賜的.   主內訪友,   請讓將一切獻上,  當作活祭, 供主使用.

「惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。」(羅   5:8 新國際版

若是看見了救贖我們的代价是何等重大,我們除了將自己奉獻給祂之外,還能做什么呢?保羅在羅馬書第十二章一節如此聲稱;「所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,當把身體獻上,  當作活祭, .....」在羅馬書開頭的十一章里,他一直不斷的細述神諸般的怜憫。神的愛如何引領基督死在十字架上,叫我們可以生活在生命的新樣里。而在基督里那同一的愛再一次吸引我們歸回到祂那里去。我們面對這個完全無私的大愛,保留自己,就比獻上自己為難多了。一個蒙恩多年的基督徒而沒有將自己完全奉獻給神,那實在是一件令人全然惊奇的事,因為,神豈不是用無可測量的代价買贖我們回來嗎?所以我們甘心樂意的選擇,就是在我們的身上和靈里榮耀神,因為那「是屬神的」(林前6:19-20)。這是神在我們身上的權利,不是我們施与神的恩惠。我不是屬于自己的,我豈敢盜取屬于神的東西?「主阿,我所有的,我所是的,和我所盼望的——一切都是你的。」

September 28

“But God demonstrates his own love toward us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV)

What else can we do but dedicate ourselves to Him, if we were seeing how great the cost of our redemption?  Paul declared in (Romans 12:1): "Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, ...."  From the beginning of Romans the first eleven chapters, he has been detailing all the ways of God's mercy.  How God used His love leading Christ to die on the cross so that we can be born again in a new life.  Then in the same love of Christ draws us back to Him again.  As we faced this completely selfish-less love, it is much more difficult to retain ourselves than to sacrifice ourselves. It is really surprising that a more yearly blessed Christian does not fully dedicate himself to God.   Does God not pay an immeasurable price to buy us back ? Therefore we are willingly to choose to sacrifice our body and spirit for glorifing God, because "we are belong to God" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). This is God’s right askin for us, not our privilage to God. I am not belong to myself, how dare I steal it from God?  “Oh, Lord, all I have, what I am, and all I hope — are yours.”

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

534 中翻英 (234) But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. 只要心里尊主基督為圣. 9/27/2023

534 中翻英 (234)   But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  只要心里尊主基督為圣.                                                                 9/27/2023


「只要心里尊主基督為圣。」(彼前   3:15 新國際版

許多基督徒沒有經歷過圣靈的能力,乃因著他們缺乏敬畏祂的心。他們所以缺少敬畏,乃是因著他們的眼睛尚未被開啟,因而沒有看見圣靈內住, 及同在的嚴肅事實。圣靈住在信徒的里面,這是一件無可爭辯的實存,但他們卻沒有看見。為什么有些神的儿女是過著得胜的生活,但另有些卻經常在失敗的情況中?這個差別,不在于有沒有圣靈的同在(因為每一位神的儿女,都有圣靈的內住),乃在于有些信徒認識圣靈內住的同在,而有些信徒卻沒有這种認識。為此其結果是:有者乃清楚認識他們的生命是屬于神的,而有些卻仍然認自己是生命的主人。只要我們看見了自己的心是神居住的所在,就會有革命性的巨變。

September 27

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV)

Many Christians have not experienced the power of the Holy Spirit because they lack the fear of Him. The reason why they lack awe is because their eyes have not yet been opened, and therefore they have not seen the solemn fact of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a reality that the Holy Spirit dwells in believers, but they do not see it. Why do some of God's children live victorious lives while others are constantly in a state of failure? This difference does not lie in whether there is the presence of the Holy Spirit (because every child of God has the Holy Spirit living in him), but in that some believers know the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, while some believers do not have this knowledge. The result is that some people clearly understand that their lives belong to God, while others are still controlling their own lives. As long as we understand that our heart is God dwelling place, there will be a revolutionary upside-down change.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

533 中翻英 (233) Now faith is being sure of certain of what we hope for and certain of what we don't see. 信是所望之事的實底, 未見之事的確據. 9/27/2023

533 中翻英 (233)     Now faith is being sure of certain of what we hope for and certain of what                                      we don't see.    信是所望之事的實底, 未見之事的確據.        9/27/2023

九月二十六日的晨曦甘露完成顯示了上帝的憐憫的實存(Reality).     編輯者是學科學的,   我深信是上帝創造了我,   我肯定不是從猴子演化來的.     為什麼?     因為牠們至今還不能說人的語言.   也不會從地上用兩隻手指撿起來一樣物品來.

「那時,耶穌說,"父阿,天地的主,我感謝你,因為你將這些事,向聰明通達的人,就藏起來,向嬰孩就顯出來。.....」                                                                                                                                     (太   11:25 新國際版


September 26

“At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.’ ”           (Matthew 11:25 NIV)

Not long ago, as having just saved,  I was going to preach in the countryside.  I had a good education and was very familiar with the Bible knowledge, so I thought I was well qualified to teach the villagers, many of whom were illiterate country women. After many tryings, I found that although these women were illiterate, they had an inner and very spiritual mind about our Lord.  Although I knew the Bible which they were hardly struggled to read, but they knew the Lord Jesus whom was descriped in the Bible by their hearts. I have a lot of knowledge and doctrines within my mind, but they have a lot of spiritual understanding in their spiritual mind.  Then I had not yet begun to understand that without the discipline of the cross, everything I had preached  that it was only becoming an obstacle to the work of the Holy Spirit.  Today, a lot of Christian teachers are teaching others with the only physical discipline just like what I have at that time! But praising to God, He reveals Himself to the little children.

Monday, September 25, 2023

532 中翻英 (232) Lord have a mercy for me. 主阿, 憐憫孩子. 9/25/2023

532  中翻英 (232)            Lord have a mercy for me.              主阿, 憐憫孩子.                9/25/2023


「我們卻是天上的國民,并且等候救主,就是主耶穌基督。」(腓   3:20 新國際版


September 25

"But our citizenship is in heaven, and we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."            (Philippians 3:20 NIV)

Even though we can cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean by our own efforts, we cannot rise up from the earth to the sky by our own power. Heaven is not a place that the church will reach in the future, because the church is already there. Heaven is the birthplace of the church and its current status, but it is not her future destination. In this case, there is no question about by our efforts to reach heaven. I frankly admit that when I say this, it seems extreme, but it is true. Oh! If only we could see again the wonder of our heavenly calling! This call does not guide us to heaven, but lets us know that we belong to heaven and are already in heaven! Therefore, we Christians are not striving to reach heaven by ourselves. We are now citizens of heaven, and all our love and affection are firmly tied to heaven.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

531 中翻英 (231) God's grace is enough for us. 上帝的恩典夠你用. 9/24/2023

531 中翻英 (231)       God's grace is enough for us.     上帝的恩典夠你用.       9/24/2023        

九月二十四日的晨曦甘露夠我飲用, 最曠野真的有筵席夠我充饑.  編輯者隱瞞了數十年, 沒有將上帝愛我最佳, 及最多的恩典, 來榮耀上帝.  在我剛進入台灣大學讀書的時候, 是帶著生病的大哥一起靠主的曠野筵席活著.  上帝沒有拋棄我們, 祂總和我們在一起, 引領我們, 賜我們足夠用的甘露及曠野瑪啦達二十年之久.  親愛的的訪友, 這是實存(Reality)的神跡.  不然, 我怎能寫出上帝的作為是那麼的實存.   

掃羅(後來改稱保羅)是那麼的自以為是, 以綑綁殺害有基督信仰的門徒, 為實行他以前相信的神旨意.  當他行在大馬色的路去抓基督徒時, 他遇見復活的主耶穌基督的大光.  然後, 改名為保羅,  盡一生寶貴的生命, 傳揚基督耶穌的復活.  只要他一站在眾人面前, 傳講福音, 復活的主就與他同在, 見證了主耶穌基督的復活, 所以主耶穌基督復活, 實存在使徒保羅的身上.

「我們這許多人,在基督里成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此。」                                (羅 12:5 新國際版

主耶穌和祂的子民聯為一身,我們在祂里面互相聯絡作肢體的這個概念,与大數的掃羅蒙召悔改時所發生的這件事,是緊緊連在一起的。主首先對他說的話是:「我是你所逼迫的耶穌。」(徒 9:5)這句話很鄭重的提醒掃羅一件事:凡触犯祂子民的,就是触犯了祂。主耶穌這句話,在一個非常特出的過程中,導致了掃羅從祂所領受教會那偉大奧秘的啟示。但主耶穌并非說了這句話就算了,祂不容許掃羅只是停留在屬天的奧秘里。緊隨這啟示之后是一個有實際行動和后果的命令:「起來,進城去,你所當做的事,必有人告訴你。」(徒 9:6)「必有人告訴你。」他必須等候去接受他所痛恨之人的教導!若离開這班他定意下手除滅的門徒,掃羅便毫無救助了。這個關鍵他可能不會知道。

September 24

“So we, who are many, are one body in Christ and are joined together as members.”          (Romans 12:5 NIV )

The idea that the Lord Jesus and His people are one body, that we are all joined together as members in Him, is closely connected with what happened when Saul of Tarsus was called to repent. The first words the Lord said to him were: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."  (Acts 9:5) This sentence solemnly reminded Saul of one thing: Anyone who offends His people has offended Him. These words of the Lord Jesus led, in a very remarkable process, to the revelation of the great mystery of the Church which Saul had received from Him. But the Lord Jesus did not let it go after saying these words. He did not allow Saul to just stay in the heavenly mysteries. This revelation was followed by a command with practical action and consequences: "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." (Acts 9:6) "You will be told." He had to wait. To be taught by the one he hates! Without this group of disciples whom he was determined to destroy, Saul would be helpless. He may not know this key.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

530 中翻英 (230) Our testimony is to confirm Christ Himself in our daily actions. 在天路的旅程中,基督乃是我們隨時所帶著的見證. 9/23/2023

530 中翻英 (230)  Our testimony is to confirm Christ Himself in our daily actions.                                    在天路的旅程中,基督乃是我們隨時所帶著的見證.           9/23/2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

九月二十三日的曠野筵席中,   有一盤稀有的菜餚,   基督徒奔走天路時,   隨時所帶著的都是為基督作見證見證.     

「把杠穿在柜旁的環內,以便抬柜。」(出   37:5 新國際版


September 23

"And he inserted the poles through the rings on the sides of the ark to carry it."         (Exodus 37:5 NIV)

The Ark of the Covenant had no fixed pedestal. In all its description of the tabernacle, the Bible never mentions how the floor beneath was to be made. Of course, under the floor of the tabernacle, there was also the same desert sand that every Israelite's feet stepped on. Our Christian testimony is to confirm Christ Himself in our daily actions. The two poles of the Ark ensured that it was always ready to be carried forward. Likewise, our testimony should never be static, but should always be lively, fresh, and full of life. What I mean here is not that when a need comes, we immediately respond to it with dramatic displays. What I mean that is a fresh testimony always being ready, a practical demonstration of what God can do. Christ is the testimony we carry with us on our pilgrimage, and our preaching of Him with our tongues is only secondary. Furthermore, every step along this journey leads to a new discovery of Christ.

Friday, September 22, 2023

528 中翻英 (228) Everyone wanted to touch Him. 患十二年血漏的婦人, 一摸耶穌, 病就好了. 9/22/2023

 528 中翻英 (228)                 Everyone wanted to touch Him.                                                                                                         患十二年血漏的婦人, 一摸耶穌, 病就好了.                    9/22/2023

九月二十二日的晨曦甘露真是顯示有基督信仰者的信心.   親愛的主內訪友,   在您困苦多難時,   您有沒有更親主, 摸祂呢?

「眾人都想要摸祂.  ......」(路     6: 19 新國際版)


「凡摸著祂的人,就都好了。」(可     6:56)。神無需經常的向我們解釋祂的道路。

September 22

"Everyone wanted to touch Him." (Luke 6:19)

None of us can fathom God’s mysterious ways, and none of us can determine how He should work. There was a Chinese child. When he was twelve years old, his mother took him to a temple on the mountain to worship. He and his mother stood in front of the shrine. He looked at the idol and thought to himself: "You are dirty and ugly. Not worthy of worship. I don’t believe you can save me, so what’s the point of worshiping you?” But out of respect for his mother, he had no choice but to join in the worship ceremony. Afterwards, when her mother went down the mountain in a sedan chair to go home, he took the opportunity to walk to the open space behind the temple, raised his eyes to the sky and said, "God, no matter who you are, I don't believe you will live in that dirty shrine. You are So great, I don't know how to find you, but I commit myself into your hands because sin is very powerful and the world is drawing. Whoever you are, I commit myself to you .” Thirty years later, I met him and preached the gospel to him. He said: "Today is the first time I have met the Lord Jesus, but this is the second time I have met God. Something happened to me on that mountain top a long time ago."

"Everyone who touches Him becomes healed." (Mark 6:56). God does not need to constantly explain His ways to us.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

527 中翻英 (227) God is the true light. 上帝是真光. 9/21/2023

527 中翻英 (227)                God is the true light.      上帝是真光.                        9/21/2023

九月二十一日的曠野筵席是真正的晨曦甘露.   我們仰賴祢的真光,   帶領我們走這世上的道路.   若我們依賴自己所點的火把,   則此行的終結是「躺在悲慘之中」(賽50:11).

「...... 這人行在暗中,沒有亮光,當倚靠耶和華的名,仗賴自己的神。」                                                (賽   50:10 新國際版

當我們發覺自己陷進黑暗里時,有一個極大的危險,就是下手點火(11節),用個人的微焰來圍繞自己,盼望借此照亮前面的路。「我已把事情再三考慮過了,我已綜合觀察過了,我覺得很有把握……我的判斷是……。」上述的思想和感覺,并非光的源頭,它們不過是我們自己所點的火把而已。把這些思想和感覺投進神的光中,我們就會發現它們既缺乏深度,也不夠明亮。如此行的人末了是「躺在悲慘之中」(賽50:11)。如果我們所期待的是混亂,那我們盡管仰賴這些權宜之計(自己點的火把)。但請記得,人的火光永不能驅散黑暗。光只是從神而來,讓我們仰望祂罷!即使這里是全然黑暗,在祂那里永遠是光明的,而「在祢的光中,我們必得見光。」(詩   36:9

September 21

"..... Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God." (Isaiah 50:10 NIV)

As we find ourselves mired in darkness, but when you start a light fires, you will lie down in torment (verse 11), trying to light surrounding ourselves with a small personal flame in the hope  to led us a way ahead. "I have thought it over and over again; I have made comprehensive observations, and I feel very confident ..... and my judgment ....." The above thoughts and feelings are not from the true light, but it is just a light fired torches by ourselves. When we cast these thoughts and feelings into the true light of God, we discovered that it lacks both depth and brightness. Those who do it like that will end up with "will lie down in torment (Isaiah 50:11 NIV) " .  If our expecting were the chaos, maybe you can do it (self-lit torches). But remember, human reflected-light can never dispel darkness.  Only by God's true light can dispel the darkness.  Let us look up to Him!  Even if there is total darkness here, there is always light with Him, and “ ..... in Your light we see light.” (Psalm 36:9 NIV)


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

526 中翻英 (226) I AM your fortress. 上帝是我的盾牌. 9/20/2023

526 中翻英 (226)                      I AM your fortress.    上帝是我的盾牌.                            9/20/2023

我們在天上的父, 謝謝祢應許作我的盾牌, 就讓孩子學像亞伯拉罕(亞伯蘭), 不要懼怕, 勇往直前, 為主作見證.  奉主耶穌基督的名禱告.  阿們.

九月二十日的曠野筵席備有難喫下咽的苦菜.    親愛的的主內訪友, 您認為如何?    當您遇到苦苦相逼的境遇,   您依靠主的盾牌來抵擋嗎?

「這事以后,耶和華在异象中有話對亞伯蘭說,"亞伯蘭,你不要懼怕,我是你的盾牌,必大大的賞賜你。"」(創   15:1 新國際版




September 20

"After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:  "Do not be afraid, Abram; I am your shield,  your very great reward." (Genesis 15:1 NIV)

God says,  "fear not", because He feels fear or doubt in His servant's hearts. Notice what happened before God said this. After Abram accepted the wine and bread from Melchizedek, he easily refused the reward from King Sodom. When he returned home, doubts and various questions may have filled his mind, such as: Was it wise for him to refuse all help without compromise? Will his integrity and selflessness make him make new enemies?

Thank God, there is divine assurance for every doubt, because "the word of God came to Abram." How did God deal with his fear? God was to be his shield. What about his future? God Himself wants to be His highest reward. How much should Abram thank God. Because he was not deceived by King Sodom into accepting a trivial gift in place of the great blessings given by God.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

525 中翻英 (225) We are to serve the church with the knowledge of the Christ. 我們要用所認識的基督來服事教會. 9/19/2023

525 中翻英 (225)   We are to serve the church with the knowledge of the Christ.                                                                                     我們要用所認識的基督來服事教會.                                                                    9/19/2023

九月十九日的晨曦甘露實在是甘甜.   用道理傳講福音,   我們不會出錯.     因為有一定的邏輯綱要.     但是注重 "生命".    就必須真的與主耶穌基督有親密的關係.    換句話說,   就是對基督有確切的認識.     "認識祢獨一的上帝,   並認識祢所差來的耶穌基督;   這就是永生" (約翰福音 17 章 3 節  ).

「二人在以哥念,同進猶太人的會堂,在那里講的叫猶太人和希利尼人信的很多。」(徒   14:1 新國際版



September 19

"At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue.  There they spoke so effectively that a great number Jews and Greeks believed." (Acts 14:1 NIV)

When we stand up to preach, the audience can immediately tell that we are emphasizing doctrine or life. If we pay attention to doctrine, we will never be in risk. We will carefully stand within the scope of the doctrinal outline in order to be absolutely safe and avoid any possible misunderstandings: we will lay out the reasons in a logical order, and through an inductive process, we will achieve a theoretically impeccable in conclusion. But if we pay attention to life, the method of our preaching will be great different. We will care less about technical accuracy because we already know that there are situations in which reason alone will never sustain us. As long as we can place Christ in His living person before the audience and allow the audience to encounter Him face to face, then we will know that our goal has been achieved.

We are to serve the church with the Christ whom we know definitly.  Ministry requires me to see something before God. God makes this thing fresh in my mind to enable me taking it out and putting before the church.



Monday, September 18, 2023

524 中翻英 (224) How great God's power are. 上帝的能力浩大. 10/18/2023

524 中翻英 (224)        How great God's power are.     上帝的能力浩大.                  10/18/2023        


「并知道祂向我們這信的人所顯的能力,是何等浩大。」(弗   1:19 新國際版



September 18

"And His incompareably great power for us who believe.  ....." (Ephesians 1:19 NIV )

This power is really great. It’s so great that unless God opens our eyes, we can’t see how great it is; so great that even the saints in Ephesus don’t know;  so great that no matter what you think about it, you can’t imagine. They couldn't imagine how great it was, so they would have ask Paul to pray for them; and to ask God giving them the spirit of wisdom and revelation to enlighten  their hearts' eyes, so that they could know how great it was. We have no way of saying how great this power is, it is always greater than we think and know.

How great does this power really is?  Paul said,  "According to the mighty power that God worked in Christ." We have to pay special attention to this short phrase "according to". We need to see the power that He displays toward those who believe, according to the mighty power He exercises in Christ. In other words, how great is the power of God working in Christ, how great is God's power working in the church, the same great power of God working in Christ, will working on us who believe Him, there is no difference at all.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

523 中翻英 (223) Never give up! 永不放棄! 9/17/2023

523 中翻英 (223)                Never give up!                      永不放棄!                                9/17/2023

九月十七日的晨曦甘露浸透編輯者的內心.     親愛的的訪友,   您能體會約瑟的心境嗎?  

「從前你們的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的。」(創   50:20 新國際版


September 17

“You meant harm to me, but God meant it for good.” (Genesis 50:20 )

God had a special mission for Joseph, to use him to save the Israelites from famine and death. His way with His servants was very unusual, but later on, Joseph could still say to his brothers, "God sent me before you for preserve my life." Joseph understood God's way and His good intentions.  Do we understand His purpose is the question today? Not only does God lead us as we intend to serve God now, but God's hand is already on us in our earliest years. Before we were born, He had already arranged our environment based on His predestine.  Although we sometimes feel that we are born into the wrong family, God has determined whose children we should be. Some of us agree with the parents God has given us, but would like to change our brothers, sisters or relatives. Joseph had good reason to think so, for his brothers were plotting evil against him. All the paths in our lives are prepared by God for us. Everything has His intention that is for our good. If we don’t see God’s hand at work in His calling, then we miss a great opportunity to praise Him.   

Saturday, September 16, 2023

522 中翻英 (222) God's grace is enough for you. 上帝的恩典夠你用. 9/16/2023

522 中翻英 (222)        God's grace is enough for you.            上帝的恩典夠你用.             9/16/2023

九月十六日晨曦默思, 主耶穌啟示祂的子民,   祂的恩典夠我們用.    親愛的主內訪友,   不知道您有沒有在您的人生中領悟到祂的應許?    保羅為他身上的剌,   向主禱告祈求三次之多,   上帝給他的回應是,   "我的恩典夠你用,   因為我的能力, 是在人的軟弱上顯得完全."

" 祂對我說,我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力,是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。 "                    (林后   12:9 新國際版


September 16

“But He said to me,  'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' ”  (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)

It is interesting that Paul rarely mentions the nature of the "revelation and vision of the Lord" to which he is alluded in 2 Corinthians Chpt. 12. Paul once said that it is useless to boast in these things. He was forced to reveal his experiences "fourteen years ago".  Oh! Fourteen years! However, there are many people among us. As long as they receive something directly from God, the whole city will know it immdeately.  If they are required to keep it for secret two years, its very hard for them to do it! But even though Paul waited so long (fourteen years), he still did not tell us what the realy of the vision was. He only mentioned that it was a further knowledge of Christ. He tells us of the result of the vision --- "a thorn in the flesh" --- and of God's answer to his three prayers for that favor. It was not the vision itself, but the Lord's gracious answer to him, which brought to many people the gret help.

Friday, September 15, 2023

521 中翻英 (221) When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. 你們禱告的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人. 9/15/2023

521 中翻英 (221)                When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites.                                                                                            你們禱告的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人.                           9/15/202

九月十五日晨思默想是多麼對有基督信仰者禱告的警惕.   不要企圖表演做主的信徒.    要從心裡活像主.      過著「屬主」的生活,說「屬主」的話語,采取「從心裡學像主」的態度,然而這一切都是憑著學像主的樣式去做.     就不假冒為善.

「你們禱告的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人.」(太   6:5 新國際版



September 15th

"..... When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, ....." (Matthew 6:5 NIV)

A lot of us are acting be like Christians to show others. We live a "spiritual" life, speak "spiritual" words, and adopt a "spiritual" attitude, but all of this is done by us. Maybe we are actually doing a good job, but involved the effort is enough to warn us. It is far a way from God's will.  We enforce ourselves to avoid this things or that. What is a intense and strenuous work! Have you ever found speaking a language different from your mother lanquge? It is very hard. You know what I mean. No matter how hard you work it.  You can't make it. Because you need to enforce yourself to speak it being like your mother lanquge.  As you speak your mother lanquge, it is nothing easier than that. You speak it calmly and naturally, and you don’t need to think weather it is reasonably. That naturely speaking shows what you are a christian.

In the Christian life, nothing can hurt our spiritual life more than "acting".  On the other hand, there is much blessing as you use your own words, to pray, to behavior just be like natural expressions of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.