Tuesday, February 25, 2025

989 英翻中 (789) Second section of Pslam 詩篇第二段 19/02/2025

989 英翻中 (789)                       Second section of Pslam           詩篇第二段                    19/02/2025


God’s people speak to the Lord (v. 43). Like Nehemiah, we can send up “telegraph prayers” to the Lord right in the midst of our work and our battles (Neh. 2:5; 4:4; 5:19; 6:9, 14; 13:14, 22, 31). When we are confronted by the enemy, the Lord will not give us words we have never pondered from the Scriptures, but His Spirit can remind us of what we have read and learned (John 14:25–26). The writer connected God’s Word with his mouth, because the word meditate in the Hebrew means “to mutter.” The ancient Jews spoke the Word audibly as they meditated and prayed (Josh. 1:8).                                                                                                                                                             上帝的子民向主说话(第 43 节)。 像尼希米一样,我们可以在我们的工作和战斗中向主发送“电报祈祷”(尼希米記 2:54:45:196:91413:1422 , 31). 当我们面对敌人时,主不会给我们沒有在圣经中記載过的话,但祂的灵可以提醒我们所读和学到的話語(约翰福音 1425-26)。 作者将上帝的话语与他的口联系起来,因为默想这个词在希伯来语中的意思是“喃喃自语”。 古代犹太人在默想,和祈祷时大声说出圣言(约书亚记 1:8)。

Our lives speak for the Lord (vv. 44–45). if our “walk” agrees with our “talk.” The best defense of the faith is a transformed life that is compassionate toward others. Our obedience to the Lord and our loving ministry to others (Matt. 5:13–16) demonstrate the reality of our faith far better than anything else. Because we know and obey “the word of truth” (v. 43), we are able to enjoy freedom from the bondage of sin (v. 45), for it is the truth that makes us free (John 8:32; James 1:25; 2:12).                                                                                                                                                我们的生命为主说话(44-45 兩节)。 如果我们的“行事為人”与我们的“说话”一致。 对信仰最好的捍卫是改变生活,对別人富有同情心。 我们对主的顺服和对他人的爱心事工(马太福音 5:13-16)比其他任何事情都更能证明,我们信心的实存。 因为我们知道并遵守“真理的道”(第 43 节),所以我们能够享受脱离罪恶捆绑的自由(第 45 节),因为真理使我们自由(约翰福音 8:32;雅各书 1:252:12)。 

Finally, God’s people speak to others (vv. 46–48). If we truly love God and His Word, we will not be ashamed to share the Word even with important people like kings (vv. 6, 80; Rom. 1:16; Phil. 1:20; 2 Tim. 1:12; 2:15; 1 Peter 4:16). When we delight in the Word, love it, and obey it, sharing the message with others comes naturally. To witness means to tell others what we have seen and heard concerning Jesus Christ (Acts 4:20) and what He has done for us. A satisfied Christian is an awesome witness whose testimony God can use to convict and convert others. We do not worship the Bible, but we do honor God’s Word and lift our hands to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving for His gift. In many churches, the entire congregation stands when the Scriptures are brought in and publicly read. (See 28:2; 63:4; 134:2; 141:2.) The basic Christian virtues (1 Cor. 13:13) are seen in those who live by God’s Word: faith (v. 42), hope (v. 43), and love (vv. 41, 47—48). Love is mentioned three times because “the greatest of these is love.” (On loving God and His Word, see vv. 97, 113, 119, 127, 140, 159, 163, 165, 167; 1 Tim. 1:5.)                                                                    最后,上帝的子民与未信的人交谈(46-48 等节)。 如果我们真的爱上帝和祂的话语,我们就不会,甚至与国王這樣重要人物分享聖言为耻(680 节;罗马书 1:16;腓立比书 1:20;提摩太后书 1:12 2:15;彼得前书 4:16)。 当我们以上帝的话语为乐,热爱并遵守祂的話語时,与他人分享信息就会會很自然。 见证意味着告诉别人我们所见所闻关于耶稣基督的事(使徒行传 4:20)以及祂为我们所做的事。 內心满足的基督徒是一个了不起的见证人,上帝可以使用他的见证,来使別人定罪和转变。 我们不敬拜圣经,但我们尊重聖言,并向主举手赞美和感谢祂的恩赐。 在许多教会中,当圣经带进来,并公开宣读时,全体会众都必須站着。 (见  28:263:4134:2141:2。)基督徒的基本美德(哥林多前書 13:13)体现在那些靠上帝的话语生活的人身上:信心(第 42 节)、盼望( 43 节)和爱(第 4147-48 节)。 爱提到三次,因为“其中最大的是爱”。 (关于爱上帝和祂的话语,见第 97113119127140159163165167 节;提摩太前书 15。) 

Zayin (vv. 49–56)—The Ministry of Memory                                                                                    Zayin49-56 节)—— 记住職事 

If the psalmist was a priest or a Levite, and he probably was, then he was required to be an expert on the book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy means “second law.” The book records Moses’ “farewell speech” that he gave to prepare the new generation of Israelites for the conquest of Canaan. After forty years of wandering, the nation would stop being nomads and would become settlers, but new generations would come along and be prone to forget the lessons of the past. In Deuteronomy, you find the word remember fifteen times and the word forget fourteen times. Some things in the past we must forget (Phil. 3:12–14), but some things we must never forget. “He who does not remember the past is condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana).                          如果诗人是祭司或利未人(他很可能是),那么他必须是申命记的专家。 申命记的意思是“第二定律”。 这本书记录了摩西为准备新一代以色列人征服迦南而发表的“告别演说”。 经过四十年的流浪,这个民族将不再是游牧民族,而是成为定居者,但新的一代人会出现,并且很容易忘记过去的教训。 在申命记中,你会发现十五次 记住这词,十四次 忘记这词。 有些过去的事情我们必须忘记(腓立比书 3:12-14),但有些事情我们绝不能忘记。 “不记得过去事的人,注定要重蹈覆辙”(乔治 · 桑塔亚那 George Santayana’)。 

God remembers His people (vv. 49–51). When applied to the Lord, the word remember means “to pay attention to, to work on behalf of.” Being omniscient, God cannot forget anything, but He can decide not to “remember it against us” (Isa. 43:25; Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:12; 10:17). That is the negative side; the positive side is that He “remembers” to do us good and give us His blessing. He remembered Noah and delivered him (Gen. 8:1); He remembered Abraham and delivered Lot (Gen. 19:29); He remembered Rachel and Hannah and enabled them to conceive (Gen. 30:22; 1 Sam. 1:19). Remembering is not recalling, for God never forgets; it is relating to His people in a special way. The psalmist prayed that God would use the Word to work on his behalf. The writer had hope because of the promises God had given to him, and he prayed that those promises would be fulfilled. When Daniel found in the prophecy of Jeremiah the promise of Israel’s deliverance from captivity, he immediately began to pray for the promise to be fulfilled (Dan. 9). True faith not only believes the promises but also prays for God to work. In his believing and praying, the writer found encouragement (“comfort” comes from the Latin meaning “with strength”), and he did not abandon his faith or run away from his problems. He was revived with new life!                  上帝记念祂的子民(49-51 等节)。 当用在主身上时,记住这词的意思是“注意,为……工作”。 由于无所不知上帝,祂不会忘记任何事情,但祂可以决定不“记念我们”(以赛亚书 43:25;耶利米书 31:34;希来伯书 8:1210:17)。 那是消极的一面; 积极的一面是,祂“记得”要对我们好,给我们祝福。 祂记念挪亚并拯救了他(创世記 8:1); 祂记念亚伯拉罕并拯救了罗得(创世记 19:29); 祂想起了拉结和哈拿,并使她们能够怀孕(创世记 30:22;撒母耳记上 1:19)。 记住不是回忆,因为上帝永远不会忘记; 它以一种特殊的方式与祂的子民連繫。 诗人祈求上帝使用圣言为他做工。 作者因为上帝给他的应许而充满希望,他祈祷这些应许会实现。 当但以理在耶利米的预言中发现以色列人从被掳中得救的应许时,他立即开始祈求应许实现(但以理  9)。 真正的信心不仅相信应许,而且祈求上帝的作。 在他的相信和祈祷中,作者找到了鼓励(“安慰”来自拉丁语,意思是“有力量”),他没有放弃他的信仰或逃避他的问题。 他重获新生! 

His people remember God’s Word (vv. 52–54). How could this spiritual leader know the “ancient laws” that God gave Moses centuries before? The nation had preserved the Word (Deut. 31:24–29) and taught it to each new generation (Deut. 4:1–14), and this is the obligation of the church today (2 Tim. 2:2). Unless the Word of God is honored, taught, and obeyed in a church, that congregation is one generation short of extinction. The psalmist was indignant at what the worldly people (“the arrogant”) were doing as they abandoned Israel’s spiritual heritage (vv. 53, 104, 128, 163), and he wept over their evil deeds (v. 136). Anger alone can be very destructive, but anger plus love pro[1]duces anguish, and anguish can lead to constructive action. His response was to turn God’s statutes into songs and to use the Word to praise the Lord (v. 54; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16)他的子民记得神的话(52-54 节)。 这位属灵领袖怎么会知道几个世纪前上帝赐给摩西的“古代律法”呢? 这个国家保存了这个词(申命记 31:24-29)并将它教导给每一代新人(申命记 4:1-14),这是当今教会的义务(2 Tim. 2:2)。 除非上帝的话语在教会中得到尊重、教导和服从,否则该教会就差一代人的灭绝了。 诗人对世人(“傲慢的人”)抛弃以色列属灵产业的所作所为感到愤慨(53104128163 节),并为他们的恶行哭泣(136 节)。 单独的愤怒可能是非常具有破坏性的,但是愤怒加上爱会产生痛苦,而痛苦可以导致建设性的行动。 他的回应是将神的律例变成诗歌,并用话语来赞美主(第 54 节;以弗所书 5:19;歌罗西书 3:16)。 

He did not consider God’s law a burden to bear; he saw the Word as a blessing to share—and he sang it! Praise that is not based on the truth of Scripture is unacceptable to the Lord. We are on a difficult pilgrimage from earth to heaven, and we need God’s songs to encourage us and to help us wit[1]ness to others along the way (Acts 16:22–34). We are strangers on the earth, and the Bible is our guidebook to this world (vv. 19, 64) and to ourselves (v. 64).                                                        他不认为上帝的律法是一种负担; 他将圣言视为分享的祝福——而且他歌唱了它! 不基于圣经真理的赞美是主所不能接受的。 我们正踏上从地上到天堂的艰难旅程,我们需要上帝的诗歌来鼓励我们,并帮助我们在路上向他人作见证(使徒行传 1622-34)。 我们在世上是客旅,而圣经是我们走向这个世界(1964 节)和我们自己(64 节)的指南。 

His people remember His name (vv. 55–56). The name of God—Jehovah, Yahweh—is full of meaning and power. To translate it only as “I AM” is to miss much of the dynamic that it contains (Ex. 6:1–3). We might paraphrase it, “I am present, I am actively present, and I can do what I choose when I choose to do it.” God’s name Yahweh speaks not only of His existence and His eternality, but also of His sovereignty, His power, and the dynamic working out of His will in this world. The ancient Jewish people so revered His name that they feared to use it and substituted Adonai, lest they sin against their God. In the book of Psalms alone, there are more than one hundred references to the name of the Lord. We are to love His name (5:11), sing praises to His name (7:17; 9:2; 18:49), and glorify His name (29:2). It is through His great name that we triumph over our enemies (44:5; 54:1; 118:10–12), so we should always call on His name for help (116:4, 13, 17). To remember His name is to encourage our hearts to trust Him, obey Him, and not be afraid. “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, Lord [Yahweh], have not forsaken those who seek You” (9:10 nkjv).                                                                            祂的子民记得祂的名字(55-56 节)。 上帝的名字——耶和华,耶和华是充满了意义和力量。 仅将其翻译为“我是”会错过其中包含的大部分动态(出 6:1-3)。 我们可以这样解释:“我在场,我在场,我可以在我选择的时候做我选择的事。” 上帝的名字雅威不仅说到他的存在和永恒,还说到他的主权、他的能力,以及他的意志在这个世界上的动态运行。 古代犹太人非常尊崇他的名字,以至于他们害怕使用它并用 Adonai 代替,以免他们得罪他们的上帝。 仅在诗篇中,就有一百多次提到主的名字。 我们要爱他的名(5:11),歌颂他的名(7:179:218:49),并荣耀他的名(29:2)。 正是通过他伟大的名字,我们才能战胜敌人(44:554:1118:10-12),因此我们应该始终呼求他的名字来寻求帮助(116:41317)。 记住他的名字就是鼓励我们的心相信他,顺服他,不要害怕。 “认识你名的人必投靠你,因为你,主 [耶和华],没有丢弃那些寻求你的人”(9:10 nkjv)。

To remember God’s name is to ask Him to remember us and work on our behalf. We must do this when we are in the darkness and afraid (v. 55), or when we are lonely and discouraged (42:6). “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Prov. 18:10). If you want to know how strong His name is, study the names of God in the Old Testament and the “I am” statements of Jesus in the gospel of John. But be sure to imitate the psalmist and make it your practice to trust and honor His name in every aspect of life (v. 56 niv), not just during emergencies.                                                                                                                                              记住上帝的名字就是要求他记住我们并为我们工作。 当我们处于黑暗和恐惧中(第 55 节),或当我们感到孤独和灰心时(42:6),我们必须这样做。 “耶和华的名是坚固台; 义人奔入便得平安”(箴 18:10)。 如果你想知道他的名字有多强大,请研究旧约中上帝的名字和约翰福音中耶稣的“我是”声明。 但一定要效法诗人,在生活的各个方面(第 56 节),而不只是在紧急情况下,将信靠和尊崇祂的名作为你的习惯。

Heth (vv. 57–64)—God Is All We Need                                                                                                  赫(57-64 节)——上帝就是我们所需要的一切

Whenever the people of Israel failed God and turned to idols for help, it was evidence that they did not really believe Jehovah was adequate to meet their needs. In the time of Elijah, Israel tried to remedy the drought by turning to Baal, the Canaanite storm god, but it was the Lord who sent the rain in answer to the prophet’s prayer. When the enemy threatened to invade their land, the leaders of Israel often ran to Egypt for help, as though Jehovah was unconcerned and unable to deliver them. The psalmist in this section makes it clear that the Lord God Almighty is all we need.                                                                                                                                                              每当以色列人辜负上帝而转向偶像寻求帮助时,这就表明他们并不真正相信耶和华足以满足他们的需要。 在以利亚时代,以色列人试图通过求助于迦南风暴之神巴力来补救旱灾,但耶和华却应允了先知的祷告而降雨。 当敌人威胁要入侵他们的土地时,以色列的领袖们常常跑到埃及求援,好像耶和华漠不关心,也无力拯救他们。 这部分的诗人清楚地表明,全能的主上帝就是我们所需要的。 

God is our portion (vv. 57–58). This is real estate language and refers to the apportioning of the land of Canaan to the tribes of Israel (78:55; Josh. 13—21). The priests and Levites were not given an inheritance in the land because the Lord was their inheritance and their portion (Num. 18:20–24; Deut. 10:8–9; 12:12). Jeremiah, the priest called to be a prophet, called the Lord “the portion of Jacob” (Jer. 10:16; 51:19; Lam. 3:24), and David used the same image in Psalm 16:5–6. (The “lines” in 16:6 refer to the property lines of one’s land, the inheritance given by God.) Believers today have a rich spiritual inheritance in the Lord Jesus Christ, for God’s fullness is in Him and we are “complete in him” (Col. 2:9–10). He is our life (Col. 3:4) and our “all in all” (Col. 3:11). Because we are in Him, we have “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Our riches in Christ are revealed in the Word, which is our “spiritual bankbook,” and His wealth can never diminish. The psalmist had made promises to obey the Lord (vv. 8, 15–16, 32–34, 47, 106, 115), but that is not how we get our wealth from the Lord. What He provides for us is a gracious gift, not a loan, and we are not required to promise to repay Him (Rom. 11:33–36). Accept the inheritance He has given you, rejoice in it, and trust Him to supply every need.            上帝是我们的分(57-58 节)。 这是不动产用语,指的是将迦南地分配给以色列各支派(78:55;约书亚记 13-21)。 祭司和利未人在这片土地上没有得到继承权,因为耶和华是他们的继承权和他们的分(民数记 18:20-24;申命记 10:8-912:12)。 蒙召成为先知的祭司耶利米称耶和华为“雅各的产业”(耶利米书 10:1651:19;耶利米哀歌 3:24),大卫在诗篇 16:5-6 中也使用了同样的形象 . 16:6 中的“界线”指的是土地的财产界线,是上帝赐予的产业。)今天的信徒在主耶稣基督里拥有丰富的属灵产业,因为上帝的丰盛在他里面,我们“完全在 他”(歌罗西书 2:9-10)。 他是我们的生命(歌罗西书 3:4)和我们的“一切”(歌罗西书 3:11)。 因为我们在他里面,所以我们拥有“一切关乎生命和敬虔的事”(彼得后书 13)。 我们在基督里的丰富体现在圣言中,这是我们的“属灵存折”,而他的财富永远不会减少。 诗人曾应许要服从主(第 815-1632-3447106115 节),但这不是我们从主那里得到财富的方式。 他为我们提供的是恩赐,而不是贷款,我们不需要承诺偿还他(罗 11:33-36)。 接受祂赐给你的产业,为之欢喜,并相信祂会供应一切需要。

God is our Master (vv. 59–61). The land inherited by the Israelites actually belonged to the Lord (Lev. 25:23) and He cared for it (Deut. 11:8–17). If the people obeyed the terms of the covenant, God would bless the people and their labors in the land, but if they turned to idols, He would chasten them, first in the land and then in other lands. Loving obedience was the condition for God’s blessing, even as it is today. Our mind belongs to Him (“I considered my ways”) and our feet belong to Him (“turned my steps”). Our time belongs to Him and we must not delay obeying His will (v. 60). In ancient days, no servant could say “No,” no servant could linger or postpone doing the master’s will, and no servant could give excuses or say “I forgot.” The servant’s responsibility is to hear the master’s orders, remember them, and obey them immediately.            上帝是我们的主人(59-61 节)。 以色列人继承的土地实际上属于耶和华(利未记 25:23),他看顾它(申命记 11:8-17)。 如果人们遵守盟约的条款,神会祝福他们和他们在这片土地上的劳动,但如果他们转向偶像,他会先在这片土地上,然后在其他土地上惩罚他们。 爱的顺服是上帝祝福的条件,即使在今天也是如此。 我们的思想属于他(“我思量我的道路”),我们的脚属于他(“转动我的脚步”)。 我们的时间属于他,我们绝不能延迟服从他的旨意(第 60 节)。 在古代,没有仆人可以说“不”,没有仆人可以拖延或推迟执行主人的旨意,没有仆人可以找借口或说“我忘记了”。 仆人的责任是听到主人的命令,记住它们,并立即服从它们。

God is our greatest joy (vv. 61–64). It should be the Christian’s greatest joy to know God, love Him, hear His voice, and obey His will. Praying to Him and praising Him should be more refreshing to us than sleep. Being with His people should satisfy our hearts, and we should see the love and glory of God in all of creation.  Whether we are lying on our bed at midnight, meditating on His Word (vv. 55, 62, 147–148), fellow[1]shipping with God’s people, or taking a walk in God’s glorious creation, we love God, listen to Him, and thank Him. “All who fear you” is a fine description (vv. 63, 74, 79, 120 nkjv), for the fear of God ought to mark the people of God. In spite of the disobedience of mankind and the ravages of sin that destroy God’s creation, the earth is still full of God’s lovingkindness, and though we are pilgrims and strangers on this earth, God is our home (90:1) and we have nothing to fear.                                                                                              上帝是我们最大的喜乐(61-64 节)。 认识神、爱祂、聆听祂的声音、顺从祂的旨意,应该是基督徒最大的喜乐。 向祂祈祷和赞美应该比睡觉更让我们精神焕发。 与祂的子民在一起应该满足我们的心,我们应该在所有受造物中看到上帝的爱和荣耀。 无论我们是半夜躺在床上,默想他的话语(5562147-148 节),与上帝的子民同行,还是在祂荣耀的创造中散步,我们都爱神,聆听,并且感谢 “敬畏你的人”是一个很好的描述(637479120 nkjv),因为敬畏上帝应该是上帝子民的标志。 尽管人类的悖逆和罪恶的蹂躏破坏了上帝的创造,地球仍然充满了上帝的慈爱,尽管我们在这个地球上是客旅和客旅,但上帝是我们的家(90:1),我们一无所有害怕。

Teth (vv. 65–72)—God Is Good, All the Time                                                                                            泰特(65-72 节)——上帝永远是良善的 

The emphasis in this psalm is on what is good in the life of the believer. The Hebrew word tob is used six times in these eight verses and can be translated good, pleasant, beneficial, precious, delightful, and right. God does what is good God is good and because what He does is “according to his word” and His Word is good (v. 39). Neither His character nor His Word will ever change, so, “God is good all the time.”                                                                                                                  这篇诗篇的重点是信徒生活中的善事。 希伯来文的 tob 在这八节经文中被用了六次,可译为良好、愉快、有益、宝贵、令人愉快和正确。 神行善是因为神是良善的,因为他所做的是“照他的话”,他的话是好的(39节)。 他的品格和他的话语都不会改变,所以,“上帝永远是善良的。” 

God does what is good (v. 65–66). The phrase “according to” is used frequently in Psalm 119 to relate a request or a fact to the Word of God. God acts according to the precepts, promises, and principles revealed in His Word, and we should pray and act accordingly. To ask God for something that is not according to His will and His Word is to ask ignorantly and selfishly (James 4:3), and if He gives the request to us, we will be sorry and wish we had not prayed. This happened to Israel when they asked God for flesh to eat (106:15; Num. 11:31–35). Therefore, we should pray the prayer of verse 66, for the better we know God’s Word, the better we can pray in God’s will and obey God’s will.                                                                                                               上帝行善(第 65-66 节)。 诗篇 119 中经常使用短语“根据”来将请求或事实与上帝的话语联系起来。 神按照祂话语中所启示的诫命、应许和原则行事,我们应该照着祷告和行事。 向上帝祈求一些不符合他的旨意和他的话语的东西就是无知和自私地祈求(雅各书 4:3),如果他把这个请求交给我们,我们会后悔并希望我们没有祈祷。 这发生在以色列人身上,当时他们向上帝祈求肉食(106:15;民数记 11:31-35)。 所以我们要作66节的祷告,越明白神的话,就越能按神的旨意祷告,越能顺服神的旨意。

God overrules evil and from it brings good (vv. 67–71). The psalmist had disobeyed the Word and gone astray. His sin was probably not a flagrant act of rebellion but of ignorance (Lev. 5:17–19; Num. 15:28), and God in His love sent affliction to discipline him (Heb. 12:1–11). At the time, this discipline was not pleasant, but it brought God’s servant back to the place of obedience, so it was worth it (vv. 71, 75). However, there are times when we are obedient and we still experience suffering, but God uses that suffering to mature us and teach us His Word. Spurgeon said that the promises of God shine the brightest in the furnace of affliction. There are times when suffering comes from the enemies of God, whose hearts are insensible (“covered with fat”; 17:10; 73:7), but the Lord can even use godless opposition for our good and His glory (Rom. 8:28; 1 Peter 1:6–9; 4:12–19). The most evil act ever performed on this earth was the crucifixion of the Lord of glory on a cross, yet God used that to bring His salvation to the world.                                                      上帝掌管邪恶,并从中带来美好(67-71 节)。 诗人违背了神的话语而误入歧途。 他的罪很可能不是明目张胆的反叛行为,而是无知(利未记 5:17-19;民数记 15:28),出于慈爱的上帝降下苦难来管教他(来 12:1-11)。 当时,这种管教并不愉快,但它使神的仆人回到顺服的地步,所以这是值得的(7175节)。 然而,有时我们很顺服,但我们仍然会经历苦难,但上帝会利用这种苦难使我们成熟并教导我们他的话语。 司布真说,神的应许在苦难的熔炉中最闪耀。 有时苦难来自神的仇敌,他们的心麻木(“蒙着脂油”;17:1073:7),但主甚至可以为了我们的益处和祂的荣耀而使用不敬虔的反对(罗马书 8 :28;彼得一书 1:6-94:12-19)。 在这个地球上做过的最邪恶的行为是将荣耀的主钉在十字架上,但上帝却用它来将他的救恩带给世界。 

God uses the Word to show us good (v. 72). The word better (“precious,” niv) is tob in the Hebrew. This is the second time in the psalm that the writer has com[1]pared God’ s truth to treasure (v. 14), and he will use this image again in verses 127 and 162. David used it in 19:10. The person of faith does not live by the priorities and values of the world (Heb. 11:24–27) but puts the will of God ahead of everything else. When we find the good treasures of truth in the precious Word of God, we rejoice in the goodness of the Lord and have no desire to wallow in the things of this world. No matter what our situation may be, we can affirm from our hearts, “God is good—all the time!” Yodh (vv. 73–80)—Read the Instructions Led by God’s Spirit, the author wrote this long psalm to convince us to make knowing and obeying the Word of God the most important activities in our lives. In the previous section, he reminded us how necessary God’s Word is when we are experiencing difficulties, but it does not stop there. We need God’s Word for all of life. He mentioned several ministries of the Word that are necessary in the life of the faithful child of God.上帝使用话语向我们显明美好(第 72 节)。 更好(“珍贵”,niv)这个词在希伯来语中是tob 这是诗篇中作者第二次将神的真理比作宝藏(14 节),他将在 127  162 节中再次使用这个意象。大卫在 19:10 中使用了它。 有信仰的人不会按照世界的优先次序和价值观生活(来 11:24-27),而是将上帝的旨意置于一切之上。 当我们在神宝贵的话语中找到真理的宝贵宝藏时,我们就会因主的良善而欢喜,并且不想沉迷于这个世界的事物。 无论我们的处境如何,我们都可以从心里肯定:“神是良善的——一直都是!” Yodh (vv. 7380)——阅读上帝之灵引导的指示,作者写了这首长诗说服我们把认识和遵守上帝的话语作为我们生活中最重要的活动。 在上一节中,他提醒我们,当我们遇到困难时,神的话语是多么必要,但并不止于此。 我们一生都需要上帝的话语。 他提到了上帝忠心儿女生活中必不可少的几项圣言事工。

We learn about ourselves (v. 73). When you pur[1]chase a new appliance, you take time to read the owner’s manual. The Bible is the owner’s manual for God’s people. It is the only book that tells the truth about where we came from, why we are here, what we must do to succeed in life, and where we are going. God made us (139:13–18) and knows us better than we know ourselves, and He shares this knowledge in His Word. As we read, we “see ourselves” in the people and circumstances described in the pages of the Bible. We do not see “past history” but present reality! Unbelievers have no idea what the world and its people are really like, for the “real world” and the “real people” are presented in the pages of the Bible. The Bible is a mirror in which we see ourselves—and do something about what we see (James 1:22–27).                              我们了解自己(第 73 节)。 当您购买新设备时,您会花时间阅读用户手册。 圣经是上帝子民的用户手册。 这是唯一一本讲述我们从哪里来、我们为什么在这里、我们必须做什么才能在生活中取得成功以及我们要去哪里的真相的书。 上帝创造了我们(139:13-18)并且比我们自己更了解我们,并且他在他的话语中分享了这一知识。 当我们阅读时,我们会在圣经中描述的人物和环境中“看到自己”。 我们看到的不是“过去的历史”,而是现在的现实! 非信徒不知道世界和它的人究竟是什么样子,因为“真实的世界”和“真实的人”都在圣经的书页中呈现。 圣经是一面镜子,我们可以从中看到自己——并对所看到的采取行动(雅各书 122-27)。 

We become a blessing to others (vv. 74, 79). When we hope in God’s Word, we have joy in life, and this helps us to encourage others. “Be kind, for every[1]one you meet is fighting a hard battle” (Plato). Are people happy to see us arrive or are they happier when we leave? When our friends and acquaintances have burdens, do they turn to us for help, or do we add to their burdens? We are commanded to bear our own burdens courageously and to help others bear their burdens (Gal. 6:2, 5).                                                                                                                                              我们成为别人的祝福(7479 节)。 当我们仰望上帝的话语时,我们的生活就会充满喜乐,这有助于我们鼓励他人。 “要善良,因为你遇到的每一个人都在打一场艰苦的战斗”(柏拉图)。 人们很高兴看到我们的到来,还是在我们离开时更开心? 当我们的朋友和熟人有负担时,他们是向我们求助,还是我们增加他们的负担? 我们被命令勇敢地背负自己的重担,并帮助他人背负他们的重担(加 6:25)。 

We receive God’s best in our afflictions (vv. 75–78, 80). Life is difficult and we must accept from the hand of God both the pleasant experiences and the unpleasant (Job 2:1–10; Phil. 4:10–13). In the dark hours of life, the Word is a light that shows us the way (v. 105), and we do not go stumbling down the wrong paths. We have the love of God to comfort us and the promises of God to encourage us. We may not delight in our circumstances, but we pray that God will use them to spread the gospel and glorify His name (Phil. 1:12–16). The enemy attacks us, but we turn to the Word and find the help that we need. Our determination in Christ is that we shall not be ashamed. God’s decrees are perfect and they come from His loving heart (33:11), so we have nothing to fear.                                                                                                                                          我们在苦难中得到神最好的(75-7880 节)。 生活是艰难的,我们必须从上帝手中接受愉快和不愉快的经历(约伯记 2:1-10;腓立比书 4:10-13)。 在生命的黑暗时刻,圣言是指引我们道路的光(第 105 节),我们不会在错误的道路上跌跌撞撞。 我们有上帝的爱来安慰我们,有上帝的应许来鼓励我们。 我们可能不喜欢我们的环境,但我们祈祷上帝会使用它们来传播福音并荣耀他的名字(腓立比书 1:12-16)。 敌人攻击我们,但我们求助于神的话,找到我们需要的帮助。 我们在基督里的决心是我们不会感到羞耻。 上帝的法令是完美的,它们来自他的慈爱之心(33:11),所以我们无所畏惧。

When all else fails, read the instructions.                                                                                                当所有其他方法都失败时,请阅读说明。 

Kaph (vv. 81–88)—Faith and Patience                                                                                                  Kaph81-88 节)——信心和耐心 

The focus is on the responses of the believer while he waited for the Lord to judge his enemies and deliver him from persecution and danger. His oppressors were also the enemies of the Lord and of Israel, so his concern was more than personal. Satan has been seeking to exterminate the Jews (v. 87) since the time the nation was in Egypt, and he will continue until the end times (Rev. 12). The Christian life is a battleground, not a playground, and we must expect tribulation (John 16:33).  重点是信徒在等待主审判他的敌人并拯救他脱离迫害和危险时的反应。 压迫他的人也是耶和华和以色列的敌人,所以他的担忧不仅仅是个人的。 自民族在埃及以来,撒旦一直在寻求灭绝犹太人(第 87 节),他将继续直到世界末日(启示录 12 章)。 基督徒的生活是战场,而不是游乐场,我们必须预料到苦难(约翰福音 16:33)。 

Fainting but hoping (vv. 81–83). His inner per[1]son was exhausted from longing for God to work. His eyes were strained from watching for some evidence of His presence (Lam. 2:11). He felt like a dried-up wine[1]skin that had been thrown aside as useless. However, he never gave up hope, for no matter how dark the hour, the future is our friend because Jesus is our Lord. “It is always too soon to quit” (V. Raymond Edman).                                                                                                      昏倒但充满希望(81-83 节)。 他的内心因渴望上帝工作而筋疲力尽。 他的眼睛因为要寻找他存在的证据而变得紧张(耶利米哀歌 2:11)。 他觉得自己就像一个干涸的酒皮,被扔在一边,毫无用处。 然而,他从未放弃希望,因为无论时刻多么黑暗,未来都是我们的朋友,因为耶稣是我们的主。 “戒烟总是为时过早”(V.雷蒙德埃德曼)。 

Questioning but waiting (vv. 84–85). “How long?” he asked in verse 84, and “When?” in verses 82 and 84. These questions have often been asked by suf[1]fering saints (see on 6:3), even by the martyrs in heaven (Rev. 6:9–11), because they are the natural response of people who are suffering. (See Jer. 12:3–4; 15:15; 20:11–12.) It is difficult for most people to wait for the things they can see—a traffic jam to end, a checkout line to speed up, an important letter or e-mail to arrive—and it is even more difficult to wait for our unseen Lord to work out His will. It is through “faith and patience” that we inherit what God has appointed for us (Heb. 6:12; see Rom. 15:4). Our trials will pro[1]duce patience if we trust in the Lord (James 1:3–4). The enemy may be digging pits, but the Lord will see to it that they fall into them first (9:15; Prov. 26:27).                  质疑但等待(84-85 节)。 “多久?” 他在第 84 节问道,“什么时候?” 在第 82 84 节。这些问题经常被受苦的圣徒(见 6:3 注释),甚至天上的殉道者(启 6:9-11)问到,因为这些问题是那些不信的人的自然反应。 痛苦。 (见耶利米书 12:3-415:1520:11-12。)大多数人很难等待他们看到的事情——交通堵塞结束,结账队伍加快, 重要的信件或电子邮件到达——等待我们看不见的主实现他的旨意就更难了。 正是通过“信心和忍耐”,我们才能继承上帝为我们指定的一切(来 6:12;见罗 15:4)。 如果我们信靠主,我们的试炼就会生出忍耐(雅各书 13-4)。 仇敌可能正在挖坑,但主会确保他们先掉进去(9:15;箴言 26:27)。 

Trusting and reviving (vv. 86–88). Is the enemy spreading lies about you? God’s Word is dependable and can be trusted (vv. 128, 142, 151, 160). Do you feel like your defeat is very near? Rest on His promises and rely on His love. When the Father allows His chil[1]dren to go into the furnace of affliction, He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat. He knows how long and how much. To walk by faith will bring unrest and weakness, but to meditate on the Word will bring peace and power. Once again, the psalmist prayed for new life (see v. 25) and the Lord revived him. “Your Father in heaven loves you too much to harm you, and He is too wise to make a mis[1]take” (Robert T. Ketcham).                                                                                                信任和复兴(86-88 节)。 敌人在散布关于你的谎言吗? 神的话是可靠的,可以信赖(128142151160 节)。 你觉得你的失败已经很近了吗? 倚靠祂的应许,倚靠祂的爱。 当父亲允许他的孩子们进入苦难的熔炉时,他的眼睛一直盯着时钟,手放在恒温器上。 他知道多长时间和多少。 凭信心行事会带来不安和软弱,但默想神的话会带来平安和力量。 诗人再次为新生命祈祷(见第 25 节),主使他复活。 “你在天上的父亲太爱你了,不会伤害你,他太聪明了,不会犯错误”(罗伯特·T·凯查姆)。 

Lamedh (vv. 89–96)—Change and the Changeless The familiar hymn “Abide with Me” says, “Change and decay in all around I see.” If that was true in 1847 when Henry Lyte wrote those words, how much truer it is today! To younger people, change is a treat, but to older folks, change is a threat. We like to relax in our comfort zone and resist the dramatic changes going on around us and within us. But if we do, we fail to grow spiritually and we miss the opportunities God gives us to reach others with the gospel. The psalmist made some wonderful affirmations, which if heeded, will anchor us to the eternal and enable us to be used of God during these turbulent times.                                                                                                                                                      Lamedh(第 89-96 节)——变化与不变 熟悉的赞美诗“与我同在”说:“我看到周围的变化和衰败。” 如果这在 1847 年亨利·莱特 (Henry Lyte) 写下这些话时是真的,那么今天更是如此! 对年轻人来说,改变是一种享受,但对老年人来说,改变是一种威胁。 我们喜欢在我们的舒适区放松,抵制我们周围和我们内心发生的巨大变化。 但如果我们这样做,我们就无法在灵性上成长,而且我们会错过上帝给我们的机会,让我们用福音接触他人。 诗人做了一些美妙的肯定,如果听从这些肯定,我们就会锚定永恒,并使我们能够在这些动荡的时代被上帝使用。 

God’s Word is settled (v. 89). Ever since Satan asked Eve, “Indeed, has God said …?” (Gen. 3:1), the enemy has been attacking the Word of God. Atheists, agnostics, philosophers, scientists, and garden-variety sinners of all kinds have ignored the Bible, laughed at it, and tried to do away with it, but it still stands. Though born in eternity, God’s Word is rooted in history and speaks to every generation that will listen. The Word is “founded forever” (v. 152) and will endure forever (v. 162). (See Matt. 24:34–35.) Build your life on the Word of God and you will weather all the changes of life!                                                                                                                                            上帝的话已经确定(第 89 节)。 自从撒但问夏娃:“上帝真的说过……吗?” (创世记 3:1),敌人一直在攻击神的道。 无神论者、不可知论者、哲学家、科学家和各种各样的普通罪人都忽视了圣经,嘲笑它,并试图废除它,但它仍然存在。 上帝的话语虽然诞生于永恒,却植根于历史,并向每一代愿意聆听的人说话。 道是“永远根基”(第 152 节)并将永远长存(第 162 节)。 (见马太福音 24 34-35。)将你的生活建立在神的话语之上,你将经受住生活中所有的变化!

God is faithful (v. 90a). Pause and read Psalm 90 and see what Moses had to say about the eternal God and the changes of life. From generation to generation, He is God, and we can commit ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren to His care. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were three decidedly different kinds of men, but God was the “God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob.”                                                                                                                      上帝是信实的(第 90 节上)。 暂停并阅读诗篇 90 篇,看看摩西对永恒的上帝和生命的改变所说的话。 世世代代,他是上帝,我们可以将自己、我们的孩子、我们的孙子和我们的曾孙交给他照顾。 亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各是三种截然不同的人,但上帝是“亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的上帝”。



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