983 英翻中 (783) PSALM 10 詩篇第10篇 14/02/2025
PSALM 10 詩篇 10 The problem in Psalm 9 is the enemy invading from without, while the problem in Psalm 10 is the enemy corrupting and destroying from within.9 There were wicked nations around Israel (9:5), but there were also wicked people within the covenant community (10:4), people who claimed to know God, but whose lives proved they did not know God (Titus 2:16). They know there is a God, but they live as though there is no God or no final judgment. They are “practical atheists” who are their own gods and do whatever they please. 詩篇第9篇的問題是敵人從外面入侵,而詩篇第10篇的問題是敵人從內部敗壞和毀滅。他們知道有一位上帝,但他們的生活就好像沒有上帝或沒有最終的審判一樣。他們是“實際的無神論者”,他們自己就是神,為所欲為.
Questioning God (v. 1)質疑神(第 1 節) The psalmist wrestles with the age-old problem, “Why doesn’t God do something about the prosperity of the wicked (vv. 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15) and the misery of the afflicted (vv. 2, 8–10, 12, 14, 17, 18)?” It’s also discussed in 13:1–3; 27:9; 30:7; 44:23–24; 73; and 88:13–15, as well as Job 13:24ff. and Jeremiah 14. The wicked are marching through the land, but the Lord seems to be distant and unconcerned. During the past century, millions of godly people have lost their homes, jobs, possessions, families, and even their lives because of the ruthless deeds of evil leaders, and where was God? (See 22:1, 11; 35:22; 38:21; 42:9; 43:2; 71:12; 74:1; 88:14.) God has expressed a special concern for widows, orphans, and the helpless (68:5; 82:3; Deut. 10:18; 24:17–21; 26:12–13; 27:19), yet He is not to be found. He “covers His eyes” as though nothing is happening (see Lev. 20:4; 1 Sam. 12:3; Prov. 28:27). 詩篇作者苦苦思索這個古老的問題:「為什麼神不為惡人的繁榮(第 2、3、4、7、10、15 節)和困苦人的痛苦(第 2、8-10、12、14、17、18 節)採取行動呢?」 13:1-3 也對此進行了討論; 27:9; 30:7; 44:23-24; 73;和 88:13-15,以及約伯記 13:24ff。和耶利米書 14。在過去的一個世紀裡,數以百萬計的敬虔之人因邪惡領袖的殘暴行為而失去了家園、工作、財產、家庭,甚至生命,神在哪裡? (參閱22:1、11;35:22;38:21;42:9;43:2;71:12;74:1;88:14。)上帝對寡婦、孤兒和無助的人表示特別關心(68:5;82:3;申命記10:18;24:1712; 。他“蒙著眼睛”,好像什麼事都沒發生一樣(參考利20:4;撒12:3;箴28:27)。
Rejecting God (vv. 2–13) The psalmist now describes these wicked people, what they do, and why they do it. He gives four statements that express what they believe, because what they believe determines how they behave. 拒絕神(2-13節)現在,詩篇作者描述了這些惡人、他們所做的事以及他們為什麼這樣做。他給了四個陳述來表達他們的信念,因為他們的信念決定了他們的行為方式。 “There is no God” (vv. 2–4, see v. 4 NASB). Believing this lie frees the wicked to do whatever they please, for they become their own god. “You shall be as God” (Gen. 3:5; 6:5). The wicked cleverly plot against the righteous and hotly pursue them until they get what they want. These evil workers live to please themselves and fulfill their selfish desires, and then brag about their si ns (Phil. 3:18–21)! They revile the Lord (vv. 3, 13 niv) and “stick their nose up” when anybody challenges them. 「沒有神」(第 2-4 節,見第 4 節 NASB)。相信這個謊言可以讓惡人為所欲為,因為他們成為了自己的神。 「你便如神」(創 3:5;6:5)。惡人巧妙地陰謀對付義人,緊追不捨,直到他們得償所願。這些作惡的人活著是為了取悅自己,滿足他們的自私慾望,然後誇耀他們的罪孽(腓3:18-21)!當有人挑戰他們時,他們辱罵主(3、13節)並「嗤之以鼻」。 “I shall not be moved” (vv. 5–7). This arrogant attitude comes from an ignorance of the laws of God, because unconverted people have no understanding of the Word of God or the ways of God (1 Cor. 2:10–16). Because God is longsuffering, they think they’re getting away with their sins (Eccl. 8:11). Peace and prosperity give them a false sense of security that will end very suddenly. (See Luke 12:13–21 and 1 Thess. 5:1–3.) Telling lies and swearing oaths they have no plans to keep, they escape the penalties of the law and pursue their devious ways. Like people savoring tasty food, they keep lies under their tongues and enjoy them (Job 20:12–15; Prov. 4:17). Paul quoted verse 7 in Romans 3:14. It is the godly who have God’s promise of true security (15:15; 16:8; 21:7; 62:2; 112:6). 「我必不至動搖」(5-7節)。這種傲慢的態度來自於對神的律法的無知,因為未歸正的人不了解神的話語或神的道路(哥林多前書 2:10-16)。因為上帝是長久忍耐的,所以他們認為自己的罪孽可以逃脫(傳道書 8:11)。和平與繁榮給他們一種虛假的安全感,這種安全感會突然消失。 (參考路加福音 12:13-21 和帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:1-3。)他們說謊,發誓,卻無意遵守,逃避法律的懲罰,繼續走邪路。就像人們品嚐美食一樣,他們把謊言藏在舌下並享受其中(約伯記 20:12-15;箴言 4:17)。保羅引用了羅馬書3:14第7節。敬虔的人擁有神所應許的真正的安全(15:15;16:8;21:7;62:2;112:6)。 “God doesn’t see me” (vv. 8–11). Like ferocious lions, wicked people hide and watch for opportunities to pounce on the helpless prey, and like hunters or fishermen, they catch their prey in their nets. They are sure that the law won’t catch up with them or the Lord notice what they do. The lion is often used as a picture of ruthless sinners who attack others (17:12; 37:32; 56:6; 59:3; 64:4). 「神看不見我」(8-11節)。邪惡的人像兇猛的獅子一樣,躲藏起來,伺機撲向無助的獵物,又像獵人或漁夫一樣,用網捕捉獵物。他們確信法律不會追上他們,或主會注意到他們的所 “God will not judge me” (vv. 12–13). At this point, the psalmist cries out to God for help, and he uses three different names for God: Jehovah, the God of the covenant, and El and Elohim, the God of power. The wicked boast that God will not investigate their sins or judge them, but God says, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23). The Lord will keep His covenant promises to His people, and there will be a day of reckoning when sinners will be judged by a righteous God. “Arise, O God” takes us back to Numbers 10:35 and the triumphant march of Israel. 「神必不審判我」(12-13節)。此時,詩篇作者向上帝呼求幫助,他用了三個不同的名字來稱呼上帝:耶和華,立約的上帝,以及伊勒和埃洛希姆,大能的上帝。惡人誇口說神不會追查他們的罪,也不會審判他們,但神說:「你的罪必追究你的罪」(民 32:23)。主會信守對祂子民的聖約應許,到了清算的日子,罪人將受到公義的神審判。 「神啊,興起」帶我們回到民 10:35 和以色列凱旋的行軍。 Read those statements again and see if they don’t express the outlook of lost sinners today. 再讀一遍這些話,看看它們是否表達了當今失喪罪人的觀點。
Trusting God (vv. 14–18) As the psalm draws to a close, the writer expresses his full confidence that God is on His throne and has everything under His control. The Lord may not explain to us why some people seem to get away with their evil deeds, but He does assure us that He will judge sinners and ultimately defend His own. In this paragraph, the Lord answers all four of the statements of the wicked that are quoted in verses 2–13. 信靠神(14-18節)當詩篇接近尾聲時,作者表達了他完全相信神坐在他的寶座上,一切都在他的掌管之下。主可能不會向我們解釋為什麼有些人似乎能逃脫他們的惡行,但祂確實向我們保證祂會審判罪人並最終捍衛祂自己的罪人。在這段經文中,主回答了第 2-13 節所引用的惡人的所有四個言論。 God sees what is going on (v. 14). This answers the claim in verses 8–11 that the Lord pays no attention to what the wicked are doing. Even more, God sees the trouble (outward circumstances) and grief (inward feelings) caused by the wicked as they persecute the helpless, and He will take the matter in hand. The poor and needy can safely commit themselves into the hands of the Lord (55:22; 1 Peter 5:7). 神知道所發生的事(14節)。這回答了第 8-11 節的主張,即主不關注惡人的所作所為。更重要的是,神看到惡人因對待無助的人而造成的麻煩(外在環境)和悲傷(內心感受),他會處理這件事。窮人和有需要的人可以安全地將自己交託在主的手中(55:22;彼得前書 5:7)。 God judges sin (v. 15), and this answers the false claim of verses 12–13. The psalmist prays that the Lord will carefully investigate each sinner’s life and works, until every evil deed is exposed and judged. But he asks that the sinners be judged in this life and their power removed (“break the arm”). This prayer isn’t always answered. (See Rev. 6:9–11.) 上帝審判罪(第 15 節),這回答了第 12-13 節的錯誤主張。詩人祈求主仔細檢視每一個罪人的生活和行為,直到每一個惡行都被揭露和審判。但他要求罪人在今生受到審判,並消除他們的權力(「折斷手臂」)。這個祈禱並不總是得到回應。 (參閱啟 6:9-11。) God is King (v. 16). The wicked claim that there is no God (vv. 1–4), but the truth is that God is and He rules over all! (See 2:6; 5:2; 24:7–10; 29:10; 1 Sam. 8:6–7.) After their deliverance fr om Egypt, the Israelites sang praises to their King: “The Lord shall reign forever and ever” (Ex. 15:18). 神是王(第 16 節)。惡人聲稱沒有神(1-4節),但事實是神存在,並且他掌管萬有! (參閱 2:6;5:2;24:7-10;29:10;撒 8:6-7。)以色列人從埃及被解救出來後,向他們的王唱詩讚美:「耶和華必作王,直到永永遠遠」(出 15:18)。 God defends His own people (vv. 17–18). The wicked boast that they will not be moved (vv. 5–7), but God has other plans for them. He hears the prayers of the persecuted, He sees their plight, He strengthens their hearts for whatever trials He permits (Rom. 8:28), and He eventually judges those who abuse them. People of faith can depend on the God of heaven, but the self-confident and arrogant “people of the earth” have no future with the Lord. Life without the Lord is empty and vain (49:12–20; 62:9). Christians have their citizenship in heaven (Phil. 3:20), and their names are written down in heaven (Luke 10:20). They don’t belong to this world, although their ministry is in this world. God’s people have been “redeemed from the earth” (Rev. 14:3) and have heaven as their home. The phrase “them that dwell on the earth” is found often in the book of Revelation (3:10; 6:10; 8:13; 11:10; 12:12; 13:8, 12, 14; 14:6; 17:2, 8) and describes not only where these unbelievers live but what they live for—the things of the earth. The “earth dwellers” may seem to have the upper hand today, but wait until the Lord reveals His hand! 上帝保護祂自己的子民(17-18節)。惡人誇口說他們不會動搖(5-7節),但神對他們另有計劃。他聽受迫害者的祈禱,他看到他們的困境,他讓他們的心堅強起來,以應對他所允許的任何考驗(羅馬書8:28),並且他最終審判那些虐待他們的人。有信仰的人可以依靠天上的神,但自信傲慢的「地上的人」在主面前是沒有前途的。沒有主的生命是空虛而虛榮的(49:12-20;62:9)。基督徒擁有天上的公民身分(腓3:20),他們的名字也記錄在天上(路加福音10:20)。他們不屬於這個世界,儘管他們的事工是在這個世界。神的子民已經「從地上被救贖」(啟14:3),並以天堂為家。 「住在地上的人」一詞常出現在《啟示錄》中(3:10;6:10;8:13;11:10;12:12;13:8,12,14;14:6;17:2,8),它不僅描述了這些非信徒生活的地方,也描述了他們為了什麼而活-地上的事物。今天,「地上的居民」似乎佔了上風,但要等到主顯露出他的手來!
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