986 英翻中 (784) PSALM 13
This psalm was probably written during David’s difficult years of exile when King Saul was pursuing him. There were times when he confessed, “There is but a step between me and death” (1 Sam. 20:3). By the grace of God, David turned his sufferings into songs and left those songs behind to encourage us in our trials (2 Cor. 1:2–11). In this brief psalm, David deals with his feelings, his foes, and his faith. 這首詩很可能是在大衛流亡的艱難歲月中,當掃羅王追捕他時寫的。他曾坦白說:「我離死亡只有一步之遙」 (撒母耳記上 20:3)。感謝上帝的恩典,大衛將自己的苦難化為歌曲,並留下這些歌曲來鼓勵我們克服困難(哥林多後書 1:2-11)。在這首簡短的詩篇中,大衛談論了他的感受、他的敵人和他的信心。
The Inward Struggle—His Feelings (vv. 1–2) 內心的掙扎-他的感受(1-2節) God had promised David the throne of Israel, yet that day of coronation seemed further and further away. Saul was doing evil things, and God wasn’t judging him, and yet David was doing good things and felt abandoned by the Lord. David was certainly disturbed by what the enemy was doing, but he was more concerned about what the Lord was not doing. “How long?” is a familiar question in Scripture (see 6:3) and is a perfectly good question to ask if your heart is right with God. The saints in heaven even ask it (Rev. 6:10). When we’re in trouble and pray for help, but none comes, we tend to feel deserted. David felt that God was ignoring him and that this alienation was final and complete. He also felt that God was hiding His face from him instead of smiling upon him (see 30:7; 44:24; Lam. 5:20). To behold God’s face by faith and see His glory was always an encouragement to David (11:7; 17:15; 27:4, 8; 31:16; 34:5; 67:1), but now he felt abandoned. 上帝已經應許大衛以色列的王位,但加冕的日子似乎越來越遙遠。掃羅做壞事,上帝卻沒有審判他,而大衛卻做了善事,卻覺得被上帝拋棄了。大衛當然對敵人的所作所為感到不安,但他更擔心上帝沒有做的事情。 “多久?”是《聖經》中一個常見的問題(參閱 6:3),也是一個非常好的問題,用來詢問你的心是否與上帝同在。甚至天堂裡的聖徒也問這個問題 (啟示錄 6:10)。當我們遇到麻煩並祈求幫助,但卻沒有人提供幫助時,我們往往會感到孤獨。大衛感覺到上帝忽視了他,而這種疏遠是最終的、徹底的。他也感覺到上帝沒有對他微笑,而是掩面不看他(參閱 30:7;44:24;哀 5:20)。憑著信心仰望上帝的面容並看見祂的榮耀對大衛來說一直是一種鼓勵(11:7;17:15;27:4, 8;31:16;34:5;67:1),但現在他感到被拋棄了。 Feeling like he was left to David tried to devise various ways to overcome the enemy (“wrestle with my thoughts,” niv), but nothing seemed to satisfy him. But faith is living without scheming; it means not leaning on our own experiences and skills and trying to plot our own schedule (Prov. 3:5–6). There were storm clouds in the sky, hiding the sun, but the sun was still shining. It’s a dangerous thing to give in to our feelings, because feelings are deceptive and undependable (Jer. 17:9). When Jacob heard the news about Simeon being left hostage in Egypt, he gave up and announced that everything was against him (Gen. 42:36) when actually God was causing everything to work for him. We must not deny our feelings and pretend that everything is going well, and there is no sin in asking, “How long?” But at the same time, we must realize how deceptive our feelings are and that God is greater than our hearts (1 John 3:20) and can lift us above the emotional storms of life. David eventually learned to replace the question “How long, O Lord?” with the affirmation “My times are in your hands” (31:15). This is a lesson that all believers must learn. 大衛感覺自己被孤立了,他試圖想出各種方法來戰勝敵人(“與我的思想搏鬥”,niv),但似乎沒有什麼能讓他滿意。但信仰就是不策劃生活;這意味著不要依賴我們自己的經驗和技 能,也不要試圖規劃我們自己的時間表(箴言 3:5-6)。天空烏雲密布,遮住了太陽,但是太陽仍然閃耀。屈服於自己的感覺是一件危險的事情,因為感覺具有欺騙性且不可靠(耶利米書 17:9)。當雅各聽到西面在埃及被當作人質的消息時,他放棄了,並宣稱一切都是與他作對(創世記 42:36),而事實上是上帝讓一切都為他而動。我們絕不能否認自己的感受,假裝一切都進展順利,問「還有多久?」也沒有什麼罪。但同時,我們必須認識到我們的感覺是多麼具有欺騙性,上帝比我們的心大(約翰一書 3:20),可以幫助我們克服生活中的情緒風暴。大衛最後學會了用「主啊,還要等多久?」來代替這個問題。並肯定「我終身的事在你手中」(31:15)。這是所有信徒都必須學習的功課。
The Outward Danger—His Foes (vv. 3–4) 外面的危險-他的敵人(3-4節) It’s good to have peace within you, but you also need protection around you. That’s why David prayed to the Lord and made three requests. The first was, “Look on me,” a plea for the Lord to fix His eyes on His servant and scrutinize him. David felt that God had hidden His face and he wanted Him to turn His face toward him again. His second request was that the Lord answer Him and send some kind of encouragement. David felt he had been deserted and that his prayers were accomplishing nothing. “Give light to my eyes” was the third prayer. This involved not only spiritual enlightenment (19:8) but also physical and emotional vitality and strength (Ezra 9:8; 1 Sam. 14:24–30). When the mind and body are weary, how easy it is to be discouraged! Perhaps David was even ill and in danger of death (v. 3; see 7:5). If he died, what would happen to the throne of Israel? 內心平靜是件好事,但你也需要周圍的保護。因此大衛向主祈禱並提出三個請求。第一個是“看著我”,懇求主注視著他的僕人並審視他。大衛感覺到上帝掩面而去,他希望上帝再次將臉轉向他。他的第二個請求是希望主回答他並給他一些鼓勵。大衛感到自己被拋棄了,他的祈禱毫無效果。第三個祈禱是「讓我的眼睛明亮起來」。這不僅涉及精神啟蒙(19:8),也涉及身體和情緒的活力和力量(拉 9:8;撒母耳記上 14:24-30)。當身心疲憊的時候,人是多麼容易灰心喪志啊!或許大衛甚至生病了,處於死亡的危險中(第 3 節;參閱 7:5)。如果他死了,以色列的王位會怎麼樣? As much as David was concerned about his own needs, he was concerned even more with the glory of God (v. 4). After all, God had chosen David and had commanded Samuel to anoint him king, and if David failed, God’s name would be ridiculed. “Don’t allow the enemy to gloat over me!” was his prayer. The word moved in verse 4 means “to waver, to be agitated, to totter and shake” (see 10:6). If David began to waver, the faithful people of the land would think that God was unable to fulfill His own promises. (See 35:19–21; 38:16–17.) 大衛雖然關心自己的需要,但他更關心上帝的榮耀(第 4 節)。畢竟,上帝已經選擇了大衛,並命令撒母耳膏他為王,如果大衛失敗了,上帝的名字就會被嘲笑。 “別讓敵人幸災樂禍!”是他的祈禱。第四節中的「感動」一詞的意思是「動搖、激動、搖晃和震動」(見 10:6)。如果大衛開始動搖,這片土地上忠實的人民就會認為上帝無法兌現自己的承諾。 (參閱 35:19-21;38:16-17)參閱 35:19-21;38:16-17)
The Upward Look—His Faith (vv. 5–6) 往上看-他的信仰(第 5-6 節) The little word but indicates a transition from fear to faith and from questioning to claiming God’s promises. In their false confidence, let the enemy rejoice, but David will rejoice in the Lord his God! David’s feelings had been on a roller coaster, but God was still on the throne, and His character had not changed. God’s mercy (steadfast love) was all that David needed, for it would never fail (see 25:6; Isa. 63:9; Lam. 3:22–23). God’s people don’t live on explanations; they live on promises, and those promises are as unchanging as the character of God. “According to your faith be it unto you” (Matt. 9:29). 但是這個小詞顯示從恐懼到信心,從質疑到要求神的應許的轉變。讓敵人因他們虛假的信心而歡欣鼓舞吧,但大衛卻會因耶和華他的神而歡欣鼓舞!大衛的心情就像坐雲霄飛車一樣,但神仍然坐在寶座上,神的性情沒有改變。大衛所需要的就是上帝的憐憫(堅定不移的愛),因為它永遠不會失敗(參考25:6;以賽亞書63:9;哀歌3:22-23)。神的子民不靠解釋而活;他們靠應許而活,而這些應許就像上帝的品格一樣不變。 「就照著你們的信給你們成就吧」(太 9:29)。 Relying on the Lord leads to rejoicing in the Lord and His salvation (yeshua). The word bountiful focuses on the goodness of God and His generosity in dealing with His people in grace. (See 103:2; 116:7; 119:17; 142:7.) The NIV translates it, “The Lord has been good to me.” David’s circumstances haven’t changed, but the Lord has changed him, and that occurred when David stopped looking at his feelings and his foes and by faith started looking to the Lord. 依靠主會導致因主和祂的救恩而喜樂(yeshua)。豐富這個字集中在神的良善和祂以恩典對待祂的子民的慷慨。 (參閱 103:2;116:7;119:17;142:7。)新國際版聖經將其翻譯為:“耶和華善待我。”大衛的處境沒有改變,但主改變了他,當大衛不再專注於自己的感覺和敵人,並憑著信心開始仰望主時,這一切就發生了。
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