987 英翻中 (787) PSALM 14 詩篇 14 18/02/2025
愛我們的主耶穌基督, 孩子深受祢 94 年的培植的恩典, 出生半歲祢差遣美國, 美以美會宣教士 REV. William Richard Johnson, 從1971年長江極大洪水災難中拯救我們全家.
在高中祢差遣有如父上帝仁慈般的鄧岳宗英文老師照顧我, 在大學又差遣台灣大學土木系徐世大教授, 親自耳提面命的諄諄告誡, 要把所學的用在貧苦過日子的農民身上, 用生命, 時間, 和愛來澆灌我, 使孩子成為土木系學生都認為是艱難讀懂的 "水文學" 喜愛的孩子, 在你愛的教導下, 讓我能共同在你的名下添上撰寫 "實用水文學" 一書的抄寫者, 學生永遠記得你栽培我的恩典.
主阿. 從此孩子就拌著這麼多祢賜的恩典, 並在祢的旨意中把生命, 時間, 及愛回饋社會. 求主耶穌基督再恩賜, 讓孩子在95歲的一年中, 能完成舊約詩篇的英翻中. 教孩認識祢更多, 更深. 奉主耶穌的名禱告. 阿們.
PSALM 14 詩篇 14 The psalm deals with the character and conduct of the “practical atheist” and adds to the messages of Psalms 10 and 12. The three psalms present a vivid picture of the ungodly—their proud attitude (10), their deceitful words (12), and now their corrupt deeds (14). All that they are, say, and do comes from their arrogant (and ignorant) belief that “there is no God.” Psalm 14 is duplicated in Psalm 53 with two changes: Psalm 53 uses the name “God” (Elohim) instead of “Jehovah” and replaces 14:6 with an addition to verse 5. David contrasted “the workers of iniquity” in Israel with the godly remnant (“the generation of the righteous” vv. 4–5) who sought God and obeyed the terms of His covenant. During the reign of King Saul, the spiritual level of the nation was very low, and many Jews followed the bad example of Israel’s first king. But even in the worst of times, God has cared for His faithful remnant and has been their refuge in times of trouble. Note the characteristics of the “practical atheists.” 這首詩篇論述了「實際無神論者」的性格和行為,並補充了詩篇 10 和 12 篇的信息。他們所做的一切、所說的和所做的一切都來自於他們傲慢(和無知)的信念:「沒有上帝」。詩篇 53 篇重複了詩篇 14 篇,但有兩處變化:詩篇 53 篇用“上帝”(Elohim)這個名字代替“耶和華(Jehovah) ”,並在第 5 節中添加了 14 篇 6 節的內容。在掃羅王統治期間,國家的屬靈情況非常低下,許多猶太人效法以色列第一位國王掃罹的壞榜樣。但即使在最糟糕的時期,上帝仍然照顧祂忠心的餘民,並在他們遇到困難時成為他們的避難所。請注意「實用無神論者」的特徵。
Wilful Folly—They Ignore God (vv. 1–3) Our English word fool comes from a Latin word that means “bellows,” suggesting that the fool is a person “full of hot air.” In the Hebrew language, there are three basic words for “fool”: kesyl, the dull, stupid fool; ewiyl, the unreasonable and perverted fool; and nabal, the brutish person who is like a stubborn animal. Nabal is the word used in 14:1, and it was the name of a man who was brutish and refused to help David (1 Sam. 25). People who say “There is no God” are not necessarily lacking normal intelligence; in fact, they may have good minds. However, they lack spiritual wisdom and insight. The nabal fool has a moral problem in the heart, not a mental problem in the head. The American evangelist Billy Sunday used to say that sinners can’t find God for the same reason criminals can’t find policemen—they aren’t looking! Nabal fools are self-righteous and don’t need or want God. They want to live their own lives the way they please. Their problem is willful ignorance and not lack of normal intelligence (2 Peter 3:5; Rom. 1:18–28). But this decision causes sad consequences in both their character and their conduct. By leaving God out of their lives, they cause their inner person to become more and more corrupt—the heart (v. 1), the mind (vv. 2, 4), and the will (v. 3). The Hebrew word means “rotten, putrid, decayed.” It is used to describe Jeremiah’s useless sash (Jer. 13:7). When God looks down to investigate (Gen. 6:5, 11–12; 11:15; 18:21), He sees people who are filthy (v. 3), a word that describes milk that has become rancid. “Gone aside” means they have turned their backs on God (Jer. 2:21) and refuse to fulfill the purpose for which they were created—to glorify God. 故意愚昧 — 他們輕視上帝(1-3節) 我們的英語單字 “傻瓜(fool)” 來自拉丁語,意思是“風箱”,表明傻瓜是一個“充滿熱氣”的人。在希伯來文中,「傻瓜」有三個基本字:kesyl,遲鈍、愚蠢的傻瓜; ewiyl,不講道理、變態的傻瓜;還有拿八,這個野蠻人,像頑固的動物。拿八是 14:1 所用的詞,是個粗野且拒絕幫助大衛的人的名字(撒母耳記上 25)。說「沒有神」的人不一定缺乏正常的智力;事實上,他們可能有很好的頭腦。然而,他們缺乏屬靈的智慧和洞察力。愚人的內心有道德問題,而不是頭腦中有精神問題。美國佈道家比利‧桑迪曾經說過,罪人找不到上帝,就像罪犯找不到警察一樣──他們沒有尋找!拿八愚人自以為是,不需要也不想要上帝。他們想按照自己喜歡的方式生活。他們的問題是故意無知,而不是缺乏正常的智力(彼得後書 3:5;羅馬書 1:18-28)。但這個決定為他們的性格和行為帶來了悲慘的後果。他們將神排除在他們的生活之外,導致他們的內心變得越來越敗壞-心(1節)、心思(2、4節)和意志(3節)。希伯來文的意思是「腐爛的、腐敗的、腐爛的」。它用來形容耶利米無用的腰帶(耶利米書 13:7)。當神俯視察看時(創 6:5, 11-12; 11:15; 18:21),他看到的是骯髒的人(第 3 節),這個字描述的是已經腐臭的牛奶。 「偏僻」表示他們背棄了神(耶利米書 2:21)並拒絕實現他們被造的目的-榮耀神。 This indictment is universal: all people, individually or all together, cannot do anything at all that is good enough to merit heaven—no one, no, not one. Paul quotes from this passage in Romans 3 as part of his proof that the whole world is guilty before God and can be saved only by the grace of God as revealed in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:9–26). Human depravity doesn’t mean that all persons are as wicked as they can be, or that all are equally bad, or that no man or woman can ever do anything good (Luke 11:13). It simply means that all have a fallen nature they cannot change, and that apart from the grace of God, none can be saved from eternal judgment. 這種控訴是普遍存在的:所有人,無論是個人還是集體,都無法做出任何足以配得上天堂的事情——沒有人,沒有,沒有人。保羅引用了羅馬書第 3 章中的這段經文,作為他的證據的一部分,證明全世界在神面前都是有罪的,只有靠耶穌基督所啟示的神的恩典才能得救(羅馬書 3:9-26)。人類的墮落並不表示所有人都邪惡到了極點,或所有人都同樣邪惡,或沒有男人或女人能行善(路加福音11:13)。它只是意味著所有人都有無法改變的墮落本性,如果沒有上帝的恩典,沒有人可以從永恆的審判中被拯救出來。
Sudden Fear—They Meet God (vv. 4–6) 突然的恐懼-他們遇見了上帝(4-6節) Someone asked the agnostic British philosopher Bertrand Russell what he would say if, when he died, he suddenly found himself standing before God. Russell replied, “You did not give us sufficient evidence!” If the heavens above us, the earth beneath our feet, the wonders of nature around us, and the life and conscience within us don’t convince us of the existence of a wise and powerful Creator, how much more evidence must the Lord give? An atheistic Russian cosmonaut said he’d looked carefully while in space and didn’t see God. Someone commented, “If he’d opened the door of the space capsule, he would have met Him!” The time comes when God and the sinner suddenly meet. (See Belshazzar in Daniel 5, the rich farmer in Luke 12:13–21, and the people in Rev. 6:12–17.) 有人問英國不可知論哲學家伯特蘭·羅素,如果他死後突然發現自己站在上帝面前,他會說什麼。拉塞爾回答說:“你沒有給我們足夠的證據!”如果我們頭頂的天、腳下的地、我們周圍的自然奇觀、我們內心的生命和良心都不能讓我們相信有一位智慧而強大的造物主的存在,那麼主還需要提供多少證據呢?一位無神論的俄羅斯太空人說,他在太空中仔細觀察,並沒有看到上帝。有人評論說:“如果他打開太空艙的門,他就會見到他!”神與罪人突然相遇的時刻就到了。 (參閱《但以理書》第 5 章中的伯沙撒,《路加福音》12:13-21 中的富農,以及《啟示錄》6:12-17 中的人民。) Verse 4 gives us two more indictments: these practical atheists take advantage of the weak and the poor, and they will not call upon the Lord. To “eat people like bread” is a biblical metaphor for exploiting the helpless (27:2; 35:25; 53:4; Mic. 3:1–3; Lam. 2:16; and see Isa. 3:12; Jer. 10:25; Amos 2:6–8; Mic. 2:2; 7:3). People must never be used as a means to an end or “treated as consumer goods,” as Eugene H. Peterson expresses it.11 Instead of praying to God, the wicked prey on the godly. But then the Lord suddenly appears in judgment, and He identifies Himself with the remnant of faithful believers. We don’t know what event David was referring to, but the parallel passage in 53:5 suggests a great military victory that left all the enemy dead, unburied, and therefore humiliated. Some interpret the scene as a metaphor of a court case and connect it with verse 6: “You evildoers frustrate the plans [counsel] of the poor” (niv). Imagine God suddenly appearing in court and ousting the crooked judge! Whatever the meaning, this much is clear: God is in the generation of the righteous, God is their refuge when the enemy attacks, and God will protect His own people. 第 4 節給了我們另外兩項控訴:這些實際的無神論者利用弱者和窮人,他們不會呼求主。 「吃人如同吃餅」是聖經中對剝削無助者的比喻(27:2;35:25;53:4;彌迦書3:1-3;哀歌2:16;參考以賽亞書3:12;耶利米書10:25;阿摩司書2:6-8;彌賽亞2:12;耶2:2;7:3)。正如尤金‧彼得森 (Eugene H. Peterson) 所言,人絕不能被用作達到目的的手段,或「被視為消費品」。但隨後主突然出現在審判中,他將自己等同於忠心信徒的餘民。我們不知道大衛指的是什麼事件,但 53:5 中的平行段落暗示了一次偉大的軍事勝利,使所有敵人都死了,沒有埋葬,因此受到羞辱。有些人將這一場景解釋為法庭案件的隱喻,並將其與第 6 節聯繫起來:「你們這些作惡的人挫敗了窮人的計劃[勸告]」(新修訂本)。想像上帝突然出現在法庭上並驅逐了不誠實的法官!不管是什麼意思,有一點是很清楚的:神在義人的世代中,當敵人攻擊時,神是他們的避難所,神會保護他自己的子民。
Joyless Future—They Have No God (v. 7) 無喜樂的未來-他們沒有神(第 7 節) God has promised that the Redeemer will one day come to Zion and deliver His people in mighty power (Isa. 59:16–21; Jer. 31:33–34), and Paul affirmed this at the close of his great discussion of the future redemption of the Jewish nation (Rom. 11:25–32). The word captivity in verse 7 doesn’t refer to the Babylonian captivity, for Jeremiah made it clear that it would end in seventy years (Jer. 25:8–14). The phrase “bring back the captivity” means “to restore the fortunes, to radically change circumstances from bad to very good.” The day will come when Jesus Christ will return, defeat His enemies, cleanse the nation of Israel, and establish His righteous kingdom on this earth (Zech. 10—14). What a time of rejoicing that will be when the prayer “thy kingdom come” is fulfilled! 上帝已應許,救贖主有一天會來到錫安,以大能拯救他的子民(以賽亞書 59:16-21;耶利米書 31:33-34),保羅在他關於猶太民族未來救贖的偉大討論結束時確認了這一點(羅馬書 11:25-32)。第 7 節的「囚禁」一詞並非指巴比倫的囚禁,因為耶利米明確表示,囚禁將在七十年後結束(耶利米書 25:8-14)。 「帶回囚禁」一詞的意思是「恢復曲調,從根本上改變環境從壞到好」。有一天,耶穌基督會再來,擊敗祂的敵人,潔淨以色列國,並在地上建立祂公義的國度(亞 10-14)。當「願祢的國降臨」的禱告得以實現時,那將是多麼令人喜樂的時刻啊! But what about the wicked? They have no future with the Lord because they preferred not to know the Lord or live for Him. They lived according to the desires of their own heart, not to please the Lord and glorify Him. Those who reject Jesus Christ will spend eternity apart from the Lord and will honestly be able to say in hell, “There is no God—here!” 但惡人又如何呢?他們與主沒有未來,因為他們寧願不認識主,也不為主而活。他們按照自己內心的願望而生活,而不是為了取悅主並榮耀祂。那些拒絕耶穌基督的人將永遠與主分離,並且能夠在地獄裡誠實地說:“這裡沒有神!”
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