Saturday, February 22, 2025

988 英翻中 (788) PSALM 90 詩篇90篇---智慧的人生 22/02/2025

988 英翻中 (788)            PSALM 90                    詩篇90篇---智慧的人生                   22/02/2025

親愛的主內訪友, 編輯者活到95歲, 仍然能與你們分享主恩, 看似與摩西的詩篇90篇禱告有些異樣?  不是的, 上帝特別憐憫我.  在我過去的94歲的生活中, 我數算的是那些是我的歲月,而不是我的日子,因為人都必須一天天地度過歲月,都不知道還剩下多少日子。成功的人生日子是在主裡有平安, 榮耀主的成功日子所組成的, 即所謂 "智慧的人生"。當我數算自己的日子時, 我不得不感謝上帝的憐憫, 祂使我沒有白白渡過94年歲月(years).  因為我們都是活在祂的旨意中. 對嗎?  這就是摩西所說的: 人一般都能活到七十歲, 強壯的可以活到八十歲的含義. 要活到超過80歲, 那你就得數算自己的日子(days).  要感恩, 真心的感謝主在祂裡面有平安的憐憫.                             

PSALM 90                                                                                                                                                    詩篇 90

This is the oldest psalm in The Psalms, and it was written by Moses, the man of God (Josh. 14:6; Ezra 3:2). It deals with themes that began with the fall of our first parents and will continue to be important and puzzling until the return of our Savior: eternal God and frail humans, a holy God and sinful man, life and death, and the meaning of life in a confused and difficult world. It’s possible that Moses wrote this psalm after Israel’s failure of faith at Kadesh Barnea (Num. 13— 14), when the nation was condemned to journey in the wilderness for forty years until the older generation died. That tragedy was followed by the death of Moses’ sister Miriam (Num. 20:1), and his brother, Aaron (Num. 20:22–29). And between those two deaths, Moses disobeyed the Lord and struck the rock (Num. 20:2–13). How did Moses manage to become a “man of God” after forty years in pagan Egypt that ended in failure, forty years in Midian as a humble shepherd, and forty more leading a funeral march through the wilderness? Life was not easy for Moses, but he triumphed, and in this psalm he shared his insights so that we, too, might have strength for the journey and end well.                                                                這是詩篇中最古老的詩篇,由神人摩西寫了十首(書 14:6;拉 3:2)。它涉及的主題始於我們始祖的墮落,並且在我們的救世主回歸之前將繼續重要和令人費解:永恆的上帝和脆弱的人類,聖潔的上帝和有罪的人,生與死,以及在一個混亂和困難的世界中生命的意義。摩西可能是在以色列人在加低斯巴尼亞(民數記 13-14)失信之後寫下這首詩篇,當時這個民族被判在曠野漂流四十年,直到老一輩死去。這場悲劇之後,摩西的妹妹米利暗(民 20:1)和他的兄弟亞倫(民 20:22-29)也相繼過世。在兩次死亡之間,摩西違背了主的命令,擊打了磐石(民 20:2-13)。摩西在異教埃及四十年,以失敗告終,在米甸作卑微的牧羊人四十年,又四十年在曠野帶領送葬隊伍,他是如何成為「神人」的呢?摩西的生活並不容易,但他勝利了,在這首詩中,他分享了他的見解,以便我們也能在人生旅途中擁有力量並獲得美好的結局。

We Are Travelers and God Is Our Home (vv. 1–2)  我們是旅客,神是我們的家(1- 2)                   “For we are aliens and pilgrims before you, as were our fathers” said King David (1 Chron. 29:12 nkjv). For all mortals, life is a pilgrimage from birth to death, and for believers, it is a journey from earth to heaven, but the road is not an easy one. Jacob called the 130 years of his pilgrimage “few and evil” (Gen. 47:9), and he was a pilgrim to the very end, for he died leaning on the top of his staff (Heb. 11:21). For eighty years, Moses had lived a somewhat settled life, first in Egypt and then in Midian, but after that he spent forty years in the wilderness, leading a nation of complaining former slaves who didn’t always want or appreciate his leadership. Numbers 33 names forty-two different places Israel camped during their journey, but no matter where Moses lived, God was always his home. He “lived in the Lord.” He knew how to “abide in the Lord” and find strength, comfort, encouragement, and help for each day’s demands. Moses pitched a special tent outside the camp, where he went to meet the Lord (Ex. 33:7–11). This is the Old Testament equivalent of the New Testament admonition, “Abide in me” (see John 15:1–11). We must all make the Lord “our dwelling” (91:9).                                                  「因為我們在你們面前是寄居的,是寄居的,與我們的列祖一樣」(代上 29:12 新欽定版)。對所有凡人來說,生命是一場從出生到死亡的朝聖之旅,對信徒來說,則是一場從塵世到天堂的旅程,但這條路並不平坦。雅各稱他的 130 年朝聖之旅「又短又苦」(創 47:9),而他自始至終都是一位朝聖者,因為他拄著拐杖死去(來 11:21)。八十年來,摩西先是在埃及,然後在米甸,過著某種安定的生活,但此後他在曠野度過了四十年,領導著一個為梅爾奴隸抱怨的國家,他們並不總是想要或欣賞他的領導。民數記 33 章列出了以色列人在旅途中安營的四十二個不同地方,但無論摩西住在哪裡,上帝始終是祂的家。他「住在主裡面」。他知道如何“住在主裡面”,並為每天的需要找到力量、安慰、鼓勵和幫助。摩西在營外搭了一個特別的帳篷,他就在那裡迎接耶和華(出埃及記 33:7-11)。這在舊約聖經中相當於新約聖經的勸告「你們要住在我裡面」(參考  約翰福音 15:1-11)。我們都必須以主為「我們的居所」(91:9)。                         Moses addressed God as Elohim, the God of power and the God of creation. He described God “giving birth” to the mountains (v. 2; Job 15:7; 38:8, 28–29) and forming the world. To people in the ancient world, mountains symbolized that which was lasting and dependable, and to the Jews, mountains spoke of the everlasting God of Israel (93:1–2). There were six generations from Abraham to Moses—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi, Kohath, Amram, and Moses—and the same God had guided and blessed them! Those of us who have godly ancestors certainly have a rich heritage and ought to be thankful. In the midst of a changing world, living as we do in a “frail tent” (2 Cor. 5:1–4), it is good to hear Moses say, “The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27 AB).                                                                                                                                        摩西稱上帝為埃洛希姆(Elohim),即力量之上帝和創造之上帝。他描述祂「生出」山(第 2 節;約伯記 15:7;38:8, 28-29)並創造了世界。對古代世界的人們來說,山脈象徵著持久和可靠,而對猶太人來說,山脈象徵著以色列永恆的上帝(93:1-2)。從亞伯拉罕到摩西,有六代-亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、利未、哥轄、暗蘭和摩西-同一位上帝引導並祝福他們!我們這些擁有敬虔祖先的人當然擁有豐富的遺產,應該感恩。在瞬息萬變的世界中,我們生活在「脆弱的帳篷」中(哥林多後書 5:1-4),很高興聽到摩西說:「永恆的上帝是你們的避難所和居所,下面有永遠的膀臂托著你們」(申命記 33:27 AB)。

We Are Learners and Life Is Our School (vv. 3–12)                                                                              我們是學習者,生命就是我們的學校(3-12節)                                                                                   Moses was “educated in all the learning of the Egyptians” (Acts 7:22 nasb), but the lessons he learned walking with God were far more important. In the school of life (v. 12), we need to learn two important lessons: life is brief and passes swiftly (vv. 4–6), so make the most of it; and life is difficult and at times seems futile (vv. 7–11), but this is the only way to mature. Were there no sin in the world, there would be no suffering and death; but people made of dust defy the God of the universe and try to repeal the inexorable law of sin and death, “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” (Gen. 3:19 nkjv). While we all thank God for modern science and the ministry of skilled medical personnel, we cannot successfully deny the reality of death or delay it when our time comes. The school of life is preparation for an eternity with God, and without Him, we cannot learn our lessons, pass our tests, and make progress from kindergarten to graduate school!                                                                                          摩西「學過埃及人一切的學問」(使徒行傳7:22 新美國標準版),但他所學到的與上帝同行的教訓更為重要。在生命的學校(12節)中,我們需要學習兩個重要的教訓:生命短暫而舜間即過(4-6節),所以要充分利使用它;生活是艱難的,有時似乎是徒勞的(7-11節),但這是使聖徒成熟的唯一途徑。如果世界上沒有罪,就不會有苦難和死亡;  但塵土製成的人卻藐視宇宙之上帝,並試圖廢除罪惡和死亡的不可阻擋的法則,「你本是塵土,仍要歸於塵土」(創世記 3:19 新欽定版)。雖然我們都感謝上帝賜予現代科學和熟練的醫務人員,但我們不可能地否認死亡的現實或推遲它的到來。生命的學校是為與祂永遠在一起做準備,沒有祂,我們就無法學習功課、通過考試、從幼兒園到研究所取得進步!                                                                                         The older we get, the better we understand that life is brief and moves past very swiftly. God dwells in eternity (Isa. 57:15) and is not limited by time. He can cram many years of experience and work into one person’s lifetime or make the centuries flash past like the days of the week (2 Peter 3:8). Compared with eternity, even a long life is like yesterday when it is past or like the changing of the guards while we are sleeping (a “watch” was four hours). Only God is eternal, and we humans are like objects suddenly swept away by a flash flood (Matt. 7:24–27) or grass that comes and goes. In the East, the grass often grows on very thin soil and has no deep roots (Matt. 13:20–21). A field will be lush and green in the morning but become withered before nightfall because of the hot sun. (See 37:1–2; 92:7; 103:15; Isa. 40:6–7; 1 Peter 1:24.) God is the one whose command “turns us back” (v. 3; see 104:29; 146:4; Job 34:15; Eccl. 3:20), and we need to fear and honor Him and use our lives for His glory. In the school of life, those students learn the most who realize that the dismissal bell rings when they least expect it!                                                                                                                                                                 我們年紀越大,就越明白生命是短暫的,轉瞬即逝。上帝住在永恆之中(以賽亞書 57:15),不受時間的限制。祂可以將多年的經驗和工作塞進一個人的一生中,或者讓幾個世紀像一周中的日子一樣一閃而過(彼得後書3:8)。與永恆相比,即使是漫長的生命,當它過去時也如同昨天,或者就像我們熟睡時的一更(“一更”是四小時)。只有上帝是永恆的,而我們人類就像突然被洪水沖走的物體(太   7:24-27)或瞬間生長的草, 轉瞬即枯乾。在東方,草通常生長在非常薄的土壤上,而且根部不深(太13:20-21)。田野在早晨是鬱鬱蔥蔥的草,但到了傍晚就因烈日而枯萎了。 (參閱   37:1-2;92:7;103:15;以賽亞書 40:6-7;彼得前書 1:24。)上帝的命令「使我們回頭」(第 3 節;參考 104:29;146:4;約伯記 34:15;參考他所傳福音 3:29;146:4;約伯記 34:15;見 3:20)。在人生的學校裡,那些在最意想不到的時候意識到放學鈴聲響起的學生是學得最多的!                                                                                                                                In verses 7–11, Moses reflected on Israel’s sad experience at Kedesh Barnea (Num. 13—14), when the nation refused to obey God and enter the Promised Land. This foolish decision led to four decades of trials and testings in the wilderness while the older generation died off, except for Joshua and Caleb. God is “slow to anger” (Ex. 34:6), but the repeated complaints and rebellions of His people tested even His longsuffering. (See Ex. 32:10; Num. 11:11, 33; 12:9; 25:3; 32:10, 13; Deut. 4:24–25; 6:15; 9:7, 18–19.) God saw what Israel did and God knew what Israel intended to do! No secrets are hidden from Him. The twenty-year-olds would be close to sixty when the nation returned to Kadesh Barnea, and Moses saw eighty years as the limit for humans. He died at 120 and Joshua at 110, but King David was only 70 when he died. Sin takes its toll on the human race, and we no longer see lifespans recorded like those in Genesis 5. We don’t like to think about the wrath of God, but every obituary in the newspaper is a reminder that “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). We finish our years “like a sigh” (v. 9 nasb) and marvel that it all went by so fast! So, now is the time to ask God for wisdom to become better students and stewards of our time and opportunities (v. 12; Deut. 32:29). We number our years, not our days, but all of us have to live a day at a time, and we do not know how many days we have left. A successful life is composed of successful days that honor the Lord.                                                                     在 7-11 節中,摩西反思了以色列人在基低斯巴尼亞(Kedesh Barnea)(民 13-14)的悲慘經歷,當時以色列人拒絕服從上帝並進入應許之地。這個愚蠢的決定導致了四十年在荒野中的考驗和試驗,而老一輩除了約書亞和迦勒之外都相繼死去。祂「不輕易發怒」(出 34:6),但祂的子民一再的抱怨和叛逆,甚至試驗祂的忍耐。 (參考   出 32:10;民 11:11, 33;12:9;25:3;32:10, 13;申命記 4:24-25;6:15;9:7, 18-19。)神看見以色列人所做的事,也知道以色列人打算做什麼!沒有什麼秘密可以瞞過他。當民族回到卡迭石巴尼亞時,二十歲的人就接近六十歲了,摩西認為八十歲是人類的極限。他120歲去世,約書亞110歲去世,但大衛王去世時才70歲。罪對人類造成了損失,我們不再看到像創世記第 5 章那樣記錄壽命。我們「像嘆息一樣」結束了我們的歲月(《新國際版》第 9 節),並驚嘆這一切都過得如此之快!因此,現在是時候祈求上帝賜給我們智慧,讓我們成為更好的學生,更好地管理我們的時間和機會(12節;申命記  32:29)。我們計算的是我們的歲月,而不是我們的日子,但我們所有人都必須一天天地度過,都不知道還剩下多少天。成功的人生是由榮耀主的成功日子所組成的。                              

We Are Believers and the Future Is Our Friend (vv. 13–17)                                                                我們是信徒,未來是我們的朋友(13-17節)                                                                                      Yes, life is a difficult school, and God disciplines us if we fail to learn our lessons and submit to His will, but there is more to the story. In spite of the “black border” around this psalm, the emphasis is on life and not death. The past and present experiences of life prepare us for the future, and all of life prepares us for eternity. When you contrast verses 13–17 with verses 7–12, you can see the difference. This closing prayer emphasizes God’s compassion and unfailing love, His desire to give us joy and satisfaction even in the midst of life’s troubles, and His ability to make life count for eternity. When Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord, the future is your friend.                                                                    是的,生活像是一所艱難的學校,如果我們未能吸取教訓並順服上帝的旨意,祂就會管教我們,但故事還有更多內容。儘管這首詩篇周圍有“黑色邊框”,但重點是生命而不是死亡。過去和現在的生活經驗讓我們為未來做好準備,所有的生活也讓我們為永恆做好準備。當你將第 13-17 節與第 7-12 節進行比較時,你可以看到差異。這個結束祈禱強調了上帝的憐憫和堅定不移的愛,即使在生活的困境中,他也渴望給我們喜樂和滿足,以及他讓生命永恆的能力。當耶穌基督是你的救主和主時,未來就是你的朋友。                                                                                                    “Return” (v. 13) carries the idea of “turn again— turn from your anger and show us the light of your countenance” (Ex. 32:12; Num. 6:23–26; Deut. 32:36). “How long?” is a question frequently asked (see 6:3). In verse 14, Moses may have been referring to the manna that fell each morning, six days a week, and met the physical needs of the people (Ex. 16:1–21). It was a picture of Jesus Christ, the bread of life. The manna sustained life for the Jewish people for nearly forty years, but Jesus gives life to the whole world for all eternity! When we begin the day with the Lord and feed on His Word (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4), then we walk with Him throughout the day and enjoy His blessing. The nourishment of the Word enables us to be faithful pilgrims and successful learners.                                          「迴轉」在(第 13 節)的意思是「迴轉-轉離你的怒氣,將你臉上的榮光顯給我們看」(出 32:12;民 6:23-26;申 32:36)。 “多久?”這是一個常被問到的問題(參考 6:3)。在第 14 節中,摩西可能指的是每週六天每天早晨降下的嗎哪,以滿足人們的物質需要(出埃及記 16:1-21)。這是耶穌基督的圖畫,生命的糧。嗎哪為猶太人維持了近四十年的生命,但耶穌卻為整個世界帶來了永恆的生命!當我們與主一起開始新的一天並以祂的話語為食時(申   8:3;        馬太福音 4:4),我們就會整天與上帝同行並享受祂的祝福。聖言的滋養使我們能夠成為忠實的朝聖者和成功的學習者。                                                                                                                                   There are compensations in life that we may not appreciate until we enter eternity. Moses prayed that God would give him and his people as much joy in the future as the sorrow they had experienced in the past. Paul may have had this in mind when he wrote Romans 8:18 and 2 Corinthians 1:5 and 4:16–18— except that God promises His children far more blessing than the burdens they carry! The glory to come far exceeds the suffering that we bear today. Moses lost his temper and could not enter Canaan (Num. 20:2–13), but he did get to the Promised Land with Jesus and share God’s glory with Elijah and three of the disciples (Matt. 17:1–8).                                                                                                                     生命中有些補償是我們在進入永恆之前可能無法體會到的。摩西祈求上帝賜給他和他的人民未來的歡樂,就像他們過去所經歷的悲傷一樣。保羅在寫《羅馬書》8:18、《哥林多後書》1:5 和 4:16-18 時可能已經想到了這一點 —— 但上帝應許給祂的孩子們的祝福遠多於他們所能背負的重擔!將來的榮耀遠遠超過我們今天所承受的苦難。摩西發脾氣,無法進入迦南(民  20:2-13),但他確實與耶穌一起到達了應許之地,並與以利亞和三個門徒分享了上帝的榮耀(太17:1-8)。                                                                                                                                                            Whatever the Lord doesn’t compensate for here on earth will be compensated in heaven (1 Peter 5:10), and this includes our works for Him. At times, Moses must have felt that his work was futile, temporary, and not worth doing. Many times the people broke his heart and grieved his spirit. He sacrificed to serve them, and they rarely appreciated him. But no work done for the Lord will ever go unrewarded, and those who do the will of God abide forever (1 John 2:17). Even a cup of cold water given in Jesus’ name will receive its reward (Matt. 10:42; 25:31–46). The favor of the Lord does not desert us in our old age, in times of affliction, or when we come to die, and the blessings of our work and witness will go on. In verse 13, Moses addressed God as Jehovah, the God of the covenant who will never break His promises, and that is the God we love, worship, and serve.                                                         凡主在地上沒有補償的,都會在天上得到補償(彼得前書 5:10),這包括我們為祂所做的工作。有時,摩西一定覺得他的工作是徒勞無功的、暫時的、不值得做的。很多時候,人們傷了他的心,傷了他的靈。他為服務他們而犧牲,但他們卻很少感激他。但為主所做的一切工作都不會得不到回報,那些遵行上帝旨意的人永遠長存(約翰一書 2:17)。即使奉耶穌的名喝一杯冷水也會得到其獎賞(太 10:42;25:31-46)。主的恩惠不會在我們年老時、在患難時或在我們臨死時離開我們,我們的工作和見證所帶來的祝福會繼續下去。在第13節中,摩西稱神為耶和華,是立約的上帝,永遠不會違背自己的應許,也是我們所愛、敬拜和事奉的神。                              Life is brief, so Moses prayed, “Teach us.” Life is difficult, and he prayed, “Satisfy us.” His work at times seemed futile, so he prayed, “Establish the work of our hands.” God answered those prayers for M0ses, and He will answer them for us.  The future is your friend when Jesus is your Savor and Lord.             生命短暫,所以摩西禱告說:“教導我們。”  生活很艱難,他祈禱:“讓我們滿意吧。”有時他的工作看起來毫無意義,所以他祈禱:“建立我們雙手的工作。”上帝回應了摩西的這些祈禱,祂也會為我們回應這些祈禱。 當耶穌成為你的救主和主時,未來就是你的朋友。

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