916 英翻中 (616) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端. 11/26/2024
3. What is the Key Verse That Helps “Unlock” the Book? 3. 幫助「解鎖」這本書的關鍵經文是什麼? I suggest that 1:7 is the key verse we’re looking for: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning [chief part] of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” This statement is amplified in 9:10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy [Holy One] is understanding.” (See also Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10.) 我認為第 1 章 7 節是我們要尋找的關鍵經文:“敬畏耶和華是知識的開端(主要部分);愚昧人卻藐視智慧和訓誨。” 9:10 中進一步闡述了這一說法:“敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識聖者[聖者]就是聰明。” (另參約伯記 28:28;詩篇 111:10。) There are at least eighteen references to “the fear of the Lord” in Proverbs (1:7, 29; 2:5; 3:7; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 14:2, 26–27; 15:16, 33; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; 24:21; 31:30). If you read all these verses carefully, you’ll get a good idea of what this important biblical phrase means. 箴言中至少有十八處提到「敬畏耶和華」(1:7, 29;2:5;3:7;8:13;9 : 10;14:2, 15:16, 33;19:23;23:21;如果您仔細閱讀所有這些經文,您將很好地了解這個重要的聖經短語的 If we truly “fear the Lord,” we acknowledge from our hearts that He’s the Creator, we’re the creatures; He’s the Father, we’re His children; He’s the Master, we’re the servants. It means to respect God for who He is, to listen carefully to what He says, and to obey His ord, knowing that our disobedience displeases Him, breaks our fellowship with Him, and invites His chas[1]tening. It’s not the servile fear of the slave before the master but the reverential and respectful fear of the child before the parent. Children fear not only because their parents can hurt them, but also because they can hurt their parents. Proverbs 13:13 admonishes us to fear God’s commandments, which suggests that the way we treat our Bible is the way we treat God. 如果我們真正“敬畏主”,我們就從心裡承認祂是造物主,我們是受造之物;他是父親,我們是他的孩子;他是主人,我們是僕人。它意味著尊重神,仔細聆聽祂所說的話,並服從祂的命令,知道我們的不服從會令祂不悅,破壞我們與祂的團契,並招致祂的管教[1]。這不是奴隸在主人面前的奴性恐懼,而是孩子在父母面前的敬畏和尊敬。孩子害怕不僅因為父母會傷害他們,還因為他們會傷害父母。箴言 13:13 告誡我們要敬畏上帝的誡命,這表明我們對待聖經的方式就是對待上帝的方式。 “But what is this fear of the Lord?” asks Charles Bridges, and he answers the question adequately: “It is that affectionate reverence by which the child of God bends himself humbly and carefully to his Father’s law. His wrath is so bitter, and His love so sweet; that hence springs an earnest desire to please Him, and—because of the danger of coming short from his own weakness and temptations—a holy watchfulness and fear, ‘that he might not sin against Him.’ ” 7 “但是什麼是敬畏主呢?”查爾斯·布里奇斯 (Charles Bridges) 問道,他充分回答了這個問題:「正是透過這種深情的敬畏,上帝的孩子謙卑而謹慎地服從了天父的律法。他的憤怒如此苦澀,他的慈愛如此甘甜;因此,他會產生一種懇切的願望來取悅他,並且——因為他有因自己的軟弱和誘惑而失敗的危險——一種神聖的警醒和恐懼,'免得他得罪他。' " 7 The six verses that precede this key verse (1:7) explain why the book of Proverbs was written: to give us wisdom, instruction, understanding, subtlety (prudence), knowl[1]edge, discretion, learning, and counsel. Everything depends on wisdom; the other seven words are practically synonymous with it. 鑰匙之前的六節經文第 1 節(1:7)解釋了為什麼寫《箴言》:給我們智慧、指導、理解、精明(審慎)、知識[1]、判斷力、學習和忠告。一切取決於智慧;其他七個字其實是它的同義詞。 Louis Goldberg says that wisdom means exhibiting “His [God’s] character in the many practical affairs of life.” 8 Instruction carries the idea of discipline, a parent’s correction that results in the building of the child’s character. Understanding means the ability to grasp a truth with insight and discernment. Prudence (“subtlety”) is the kind of intelligence that sees the reasons behind things. People with prudence can think their way through complex matters and see what lies behind them, and thereby make wise decisions about them. (In a negative sense, the word translated “prudence” means craftiness. It is used to describe Satan in Gen. 3:1.) 路易斯·戈德堡說,智慧意味著「在生活的許多實際事務中展示他[上帝]的品格。」指導帶有紀律的理念,父母的糾正會導致孩子品格的塑造。理解意味著透過洞察力和洞察力掌握真理的能力。謹慎(「微妙」)是一種能看見事物背後原因的智慧。謹慎的人可以思考複雜的問題,並看到背後的原因,從而做出明智的決定。 (在消極意義上,翻譯為「謹慎」的詞意味著狡猾。它在創世記3:1 中用來描述撒旦。) The word translated knowledge comes from a Hebrew root that describes skill in hunting (Gen. 25:27), sailing (2 Chron. 8:18), and playing a musical instrument (1 Sam. 16:16). Knowledge involves the ability to distinguish; the Latin equivalent gives us our English word science. Discretion is the ability to devise wise plans after understanding a matter. The negative meaning is “to devise a plot.” 翻譯後的知識這個字來自希伯來文根,描述狩獵(創 25:27)、航海(代下 8:18)和演奏樂器(撒母耳記上 16:16)的技能。知識涉及辨別能力;拉丁語中的對應詞為我們提供了英語單字“科學”。判斷力是在了解事情後製定明智計劃的能力。消極的意思是「策劃陰謀」 The Hebrew root for learning means “to lay hold of, to grasp, to acquire or buy.” When we grasp something with the mind, then we have learned it. The word translated counsel is related to the verb “to steer a ship.” Counsel is wise guidance that moves one’s life in the right direction. 「學習」的希伯來文字根意思是「抓住、掌握、取得或購買」。當我們用頭腦掌握某件事時,我們就學會了它。翻譯後的「勸告」一詞與動詞「駕駛一艘船」有關。忠告是明智的指導,可以將一個人的生活引向正確的方向。 You’ll find these eight words repeated often in the book of Proverbs; when you put them together, you have a summary of what Solomon means by wisdom. 你會發現這八個字在箴言書中經常重複;當你把它們放在一起時,你就可以總結出所羅門所說的智慧是什麼意思。
4. What Does Proverbs Say about Jesus Christ? 4. 箴言對耶穌基督有什麼說法? In Jesus Christ “are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3), and He is our wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24, 30). Solomon was the wisest ruler who ever lived, and yet Jesus Christ is “greater than Solomon” in both His wisdom and His wealth (Matt. 12:42). Certainly all the beautiful qualities of wisdom described in Proverbs are seen in Jesus Christ, and His earthly walk is a pattern for God’s people to follow (1 John 2:6). 「所有智慧和知識的寶藏都藏在耶穌基督裡面」(西 2:3),祂就是我們的智慧(林前 1:24, 30)。所羅門是有史以來最有智慧的統治者,而耶穌基督的智慧和財富都「比所羅門更大」(太 12:42)。當然,箴言中所描述的智慧的所有美麗品質都在耶穌基督身上看到,祂在地上的行事為人是上帝子民效仿的榜樣(約翰一書2:6)。 The description of wisdom in Proverbs 8:22–31 suggests Jesus Christ as the eternal wisdom of God, but that isn’t the main thrust of the passage. Solomon per[1]sonifies wisdom as the joyful son of a father, a master craftsman, and reminds us that wisdom is one of God’s eternal attributes. God magnified His wisdom in the way He created the universe. The “laws of nature” that form the basis for modern science were “built into” the universe by the wisdom of God. When we honestly study creation, no matter what branch of science we follow, we’re only thinking God’s thoughts after Him. Jesus Christ, the eternal creative Word, was there in the beginning (John 1:1–5; Heb. 1:1–4; Col. 1:15–17). 9 Wise people learn the eternal “wise principles” of life built into creation and seek to obey them. 箴言 8 章 22-31 節中對智慧的描述顯示耶穌基督是神永恆的智慧,但這並不是這段經文的主旨。所羅門將智慧視為天父的快樂兒子、工匠大師,並提醒我們智慧是上帝永恆的屬性之一。神在創造宇宙的方式上彰顯了祂的智慧。構成現代科學基礎的「自然法則」是透過上帝的智慧「建構」到宇宙中的。當我們誠實地研究創造時,無論我們遵循哪個科學分支,我們只是在追隨上帝的想法。耶穌基督,永恆的創造之道,在太初就存在(約翰福音 1:1-5;希伯來書 1:1-4;歌羅西書 1:15-17)。9 智者學習生命中永恆的“智慧原則”,並努力遵守它們。
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