915 英翻中(615) Thanksgiving is a good medicine. 感恩是良藥. 11/26/2024
感恩是基督信仰者的生命, 因为在我們一生中, 祂都看顾我們, 没有缺乏;我們感恩,因为主耶稣拯救了我們, 创造了我們; 我們感恩, 因為主耶穌基督為我們的罪, 釘死在十字架上, 付上我們的全部罪債, 賜我們永生的應許. 親愛的主內訪友, 您有過主帶領您渡過堅難的日子的經驗嗎? 感恩是良藥.
2. Who Wrote the Book of Proverbs and How Is It Written? 2. 箴言是誰寫的,是怎麼寫的書面? Author. In 1:1, 10:1, and 25:1, we’re told that King Solomon is the author of the proverbs in this book. God gave Solomon great wisdom (1 Kings 3:5–15), so that people came from the ends of the earth to listen to him and returned home amazed (4:29–34; Matt. 12:42). He spoke three thousand proverbs, most of which are not included in this book. The Holy Spirit selected only those proverbs that the people of God should understand and obey in every age. 3 作者。 在 1:1、10:1 和 25:1 三段中,我們得知是所羅門王寫的。神賜給所羅門王極大的智慧(王上 3:5-15),所以人們從天涯海角趕來聆聽他驚訝地回家了(4:29-34;馬太福音12:42)。他講了三千句諺語,其中大部分本書中未包含這些內容。聖靈只選擇那些上帝子民所認為的箴言每個年齡層都應該理解和服從。 3 But other servants, guided by God’s Spirit, were also involved in producing this book. “The men of Hezekiah” (Prov. 25:1) were a group of scholars in King Hezekiah’s day (700 BC) who compiled the material recorded in chapters 25—29, and in Proverbs 30 and 31, you meet “Agur the son of Jakeh” and “King Lemuel,” although many scholars think “Lemuel” was another name for Solomon. Most of the material in this book came from King Solomon, so it’s rightly called “the proverbs of Solomon” (1:1). 但其他僕人在上帝聖靈的引導下,也參與了本書的製作。 “男人們希西家」(《箴言》25:1)是國王的一群學者希西家時代(公元前 700 年)的材料編寫者記載在第 25 章至第 29 章以及箴言第 30 章和31,你遇見「雅基的兒子亞古珥」和「王雷米爾”,儘管許多學者認為“雷米爾”是所羅門的另一個名字。大部分材料在這本書出自所羅門王之手,所以這是正確的稱為「所羅門的箴言」(1:1)。 As every Bible reader knows, Solomon began his reign as a man of wisdom but ended his life practicing the greatest folly (1 Kings 11; Deut. 17:14–20). In order to achieve his political goals and keep the king[1]dom in peace, Solomon allied himself to other nations by marrying hundreds of women, and these heathen princesses gradually turned his heart away from loyalty to the Lord. How tragic that Solomon didn’t even obey the precepts he wrote in his own book! 每個聖經讀者都知道,所羅門開始了他的作為一個智者統治,但結束了他的一生 修行這是最大的愚昧(列王紀上 11 章;申命記 17:14-20)。在為了實現他的政治目標並保持王國的和平,所羅門與其他國家結盟透過與數百名婦女結婚,而這些異教徒公主們逐漸讓他的心遠離了忠誠歸給主。所羅門甚至不服從,這是多麼悲慘他在自己的書中寫下的戒律! Approach. “Always do right—this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” Mark Twain said that, and President Harry S. Truman liked the quotation so much he had it framed and placed on the wall behind his desk in the Oval Office. 方法。 「永遠做正確的事——這會讓一些人感到滿意並讓其他人感到驚訝。馬克吐溫說過,並且哈里·S·杜魯門總統非常喜歡這句話大部分他都把它裱起來並放在後面的牆上他在橢圓形辦公室的辦公桌。 Whether or not they tell the whole truth, clever say[1]ings like Twain’s are like burrs that stick in your mind. You find yourself recalling them and quoting them. This is especially true of proverbs, some of which are now so ancient they’ve become clichés. I once had to tell a pastor that my schedule wouldn’t allow me to accept his kind invitation to speak at his church. He replied, “Oh, well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.” The proverb he quoted has been around a long time. Chaucer quoted a version of it in one of his poems— in 1385! 不管它們是否說的是全部真相,像吐溫這樣的聰明言論就像毛刺一樣深深地印在你的腦海裡。你發現自己在回憶它們並引用它們。諺語尤其如此,其中一些是如今,它們已經如此古老,已經成為陳腔濫調。我曾經不得不告訴牧師我的行程不允許我這樣做接受他的盛情邀請,到他的教會演講。他回答說:“哦,好吧,沒有冒險,就沒有收穫。”他引用的這句諺語流傳已久。喬叟在他的一首詩中引用了它的一個版本——1385年! Almost every tribe and nation has its share of proverbs expressed in ways that make it easy to “hang” proverbial wisdom in the picture gallery of your mem[1]ory. “Every invalid is a physician,” says an Irish proverb, and a Serbian proverb reads, “If vinegar is free, it is sweeter than honey.” A proverb from Crete is a favorite of mine: “When you want a drink of milk, you don’t buy the whole cow.” Centuries ago, the Romans smiled at timid politicians and soldiers and said to each other, “The cat would eat fish, but she doesn’t want to get her feet wet.” 幾乎每個部落和國家都有自己的份額以易於「掛起」的方式表達的諺語你記憶中的圖片庫中的諺語智慧。一位愛爾蘭人說:“每個病人都是醫生”塞爾維亞諺語說:「如果醋是免費的,比蜜還甜。克里特島的一句諺語是我最喜歡的一句:「當你想喝牛奶時,你不會買整頭牛。幾個世紀前,羅馬人對膽怯的政治家和士兵微笑彼此說:"貓會吃魚,但她不想把她的腳弄濕。" As an intellectual exercise, I challenge you to expand those four proverbs into four paragraphs of explanation. If you do, you’ll learn to appreciate the brevity and richness of good proverbs. Proverbs are pithy statements that summarize in a few choice words practical truths relating to some aspect of everyday life. The Spanish novelist Cervantes defined a proverb as “a short sentence based on long experience.” From a literary point of view, that isn’t a bad definition. 作為一項智力練習,我挑戰你將這四句諺語擴展為四段解釋。如果你這樣做,你就會學會欣賞簡短而豐富的好諺語。諺語是用幾句話概括的精闢陳述與日常生活某些面向相關的實際真理。西班牙小說家塞萬提斯將諺語定義為“基於長期經驗的簡短句子。從文學的角度來看,這並不是一個糟糕的定義。 Some people think that our English word proverb comes from the Latin proverbium, which means “a set of words put forth,” or, “a saying supporting a point.” Or, it may come from the Latin pro (“instead of,” “on behalf of ”) and verba (“words”); that is, a short state[1]ment that takes the place of many words. The proverb “Short reckonings make long friendships” comes across with more power than a lecture on forgiving your friends. One of my junior high school teachers, when she heard the low murmur of pupils talking in class, would say, “Empty barrels make the most noise,” and that would take care of the problem. 有些人認為我們的英文單字諺語來自拉丁諺語,意思是“一組提出的字詞」或「支持某一觀點的說法」。或者,它可能來自拉丁語 pro(“而不是”,“在代表”)和verba(“言語”);也就是說,用簡短的陳述來取代許多單字。諺語“短暫的算計會帶來長久的友誼”比寬恕你的講座更有力量的朋友們。我的一位國中老師,當她聽到課堂上學生低聲說話的聲音,會說,“空桶發出的噪音最大”,並且這樣就可以解決這個問題了。 The Hebrew word mashal is translated “proverb,” “parable,” and even “allegory,” but its basic meaning is “a comparison.” Many of Solomon’s proverbs are com[1]parisons or contrasts (see 11:22; 25:25; 26:6–9), and some of his proverbs present these comparisons by using the word better (see 15:16–17; 16:19, 32; 17:1; 19:1). 希伯來文“mashal”被翻譯為“諺語”,“寓言”,甚至“寓言”,但其基本含義是“比較一下。”所羅門的許多箴言都是比較或對比(參閱11:22;25:25;26:6-9),並且他的一些諺語透過以下方式進行了這些比較使用「更好」這個字(參考15:16-17;16:19, 32;7:1;19:1)。 Throughout the centuries, familiar maxims and proverbial sayings have been compiled into books, but no collection is more important than the Old Testament book of Proverbs. For one thing, the book of Proverbs is a part of Scripture and therefore is inspired by the Spirit of God (2 Tim. 3:16–17). Proverbs contains much more than clever sayings based on man’s investigation and interpretation of human experience. Because God inspired this book, it is a part of divine revelation and relates the concerns of human life to God and the eternal. The book of Proverbs is quoted in the New Testament 4 and therefore has a practical application to the lives of believers today. 幾個世紀以來,人們所熟悉的格言和諺語已編成書,但沒有比舊的收藏更重要的了遺囑箴言書。一方面,這本書箴言是聖經的一部分,因此受到神的靈的啟發(提後書 3:16-17)。箴言不只包含聰明的格言基於人類的調查和解釋人類的經驗。因為上帝啟發了這本,是啟示的一部分 ,並將人類生命的關注與上帝和永恆聯繫起來。 《新約》4 引用了《箴言》,因此對當今信徒的生活有實際應用。 According to 2 Timothy 3:16–17, “All Scripture is … profitable” in four ways: for doctrine—that’s what’s right; for reproof—that’s what’s not right; for correction—that’s how to get right; and for instruction in righteousness—that’s how to stay right. You will find all four of these purposes fulfilled in the book of Proverbs. These inspired sayings teach us about God, man, sin, creation, and a host of other doctrinal topics. These proverbs rebuke and reprove sinners for their lying, laziness, drunkenness, sexual sins, and other personal failures. But Proverbs doesn’t stop with conviction; the book also administers correction, telling us how to turn from sin and mend our ways. It shows us how to stay on the path of wisdom and not stray again. 根據《提摩太後書》3:16-17,「聖經…在四個方面都是有益的」:對教義來說-這是正確的;為了責備-這是不對的;糾正-這就是正確的方法;以及正義的教導——這就是保持正義的方法。你會發現這四個目的在箴言中都得到了實現。這些受啟發的名言教導我們有關上帝、人、罪、創造以及許多其他教義主題。這些箴言斥責罪人的說謊、懶惰、醉酒、性犯罪和其他個人失敗。但箴言並非只停留在信念上;這本書也進行糾正,告訴我們如何遠離罪惡並改正自己的行為。它告訴我們如何繼續走在智慧的道路上,不再迷失。 My friend Dr. Bob Cook, now home with the Lord, told me that he started reading Proverbs regularly when he was just a boy. There are thirty-one chapters in Proverbs, so if you read a chapter a day, you can read the book through once a month. Bob’s father promised to give him a dollar every time he faithfully finished reading the book, so every year Bob gained spiritual treasure and earned twelve dollars just by reading Proverbs. 我的朋友鮑伯‧庫克博士現在與主同在,他告訴我,他小時候就開始定期閱讀箴言。箴言一共有三十一章,所以如果你每天讀一章,你就可以一個月讀一遍這本書。鮑伯的父親答應他每次忠實地讀完這本書就給他一美元,因此每年鮑勃都獲得了精神財富,僅通過閱讀箴言就賺了十二美元。 Traditional man-made proverbs don’t always agree with each other and aren’t always right, but you can trust the book of Proverbs. “Look before you leap” advises caution, while, “He who hesitates is lost” warns you not to miss your golden opportunity. Which maxim do you follow? “Many hands make light work” is contradicted by “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” However, the proverbs in Scripture are consistent with each other and with the total pattern of divine truth given in the Bible. Furthermore, the children of God have the Holy Spirit to guide them as they seek for God’s wisdom in God’s Word, because the Holy Spirit is “the Spirit of wisdom” (Isa. 11:2; Eph. 1:17). 傳統的人造諺語並不總是相互一致,也不總是正確的,但你可以相信《箴言》這本書。 「三思而後行」告誡你要謹慎,而「猶豫不決」則警告你不要錯過千載難逢的機會。您遵循哪一條格言? 「人多力量大」與「廚師太多,湯壞了」是矛盾的。然而,聖經中的箴言彼此是一致的,並且與聖經中給出的神聖真理的總體模式是一致的。此外,當神的兒女在神的話語中尋求神的智慧時,有聖靈引導他們,因為聖靈是「智慧的靈」(以賽亞書 11:2;以弗所書 1:17)。 But we still have to answer the important question, “Why did Solomon use proverbs and not some other kind of literary approach as he recorded these divine truths?” Keep in mind that, apart from kings, prophets, and priests, the average Jewish adult didn’t own copies of their sacred books and had to depend on memory to be able to meditate on God’s truth and discuss it (Deut. 6:1–9). If Solomon had written a lecture on pride, few people would remember it, so he wrote a proverb instead: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Prov. 16:18 niv). There are only seven words in the original Hebrew, and even a child could memorize seven words! 但我們仍然必須回答一個重要的問題:“所羅門在記錄這些神聖真理時為什麼使用諺語而不是其他某種文學方法?”請記住,除了國王、先知和祭司之外,普通的猶太成年人沒有聖書,必須依靠記憶才能默想上帝的真理並進行討論(申命記 6:1) –9).如果所羅門寫過一篇關於驕傲的演講,那麼很少有人會記得它,所以他寫了一句諺語來代替:「驕傲在毀滅之前,驕傲的精神在跌倒之前」(《箴言》16:18)。 希伯來原文只有七個單字,連小孩都能記住七個單字! Because proverbs are brief and pictorial, they are easy to memorize, recall, and share. Edward Everett’s two-hour oration at the Gettysburg battlefield is written in American history books, but Abraham Lincoln’s two-minute Gettysburg Address is written on the hearts of millions of people. Believers who learn the key proverbs in this book will have at their disposal the wisdom they need for making right decisions day after day. The truths found in Proverbs touch upon every important area of human life, such as acquiring and using wealth, making and keeping friends, building a happy home, avoiding temptation and trouble, controlling our feelings, disciplining the tongue, and building godly character. 由於諺語簡短且形象化,因此很容易記憶、回憶和分享。愛德華·埃弗里特在葛底斯堡戰場上的兩小時演講被載入美國歷史書[1],而亞伯拉罕·林肯的兩分鐘蓋茲堡演說則銘刻在數百萬人的心中。學習本書中關鍵諺語的信徒將擁有日復一日做出正確決定所需的智慧。箴言中的真理涉及人類生活的每一個重要領域,例如獲取和使用財富、結交和維持朋友、建立幸福的家庭、避免誘惑和麻煩、控制我們的感情、管教舌頭以及建立敬虔的品格。 Analysis. But why didn’t the Holy Spirit direct the authors to arrange these proverbs in topical fashion, so we could quickly find what we need to know? Derek Kidner reminds us that the book of Proverbs “is no anthology, but a course of education in the life of wisdom.” 5 As we read Proverbs chapter by chapter, the Spirit of God has the freedom to teach us about many subjects, and we never know from day to day which topic we’ll need the most. Just as the Bible itself isn’t arranged like a systematic theology, neither is Proverbs. What Solomon wrote is more like a kaleidoscope than a stained-glass window: We never know what the next pattern will be. 分析。但為什麼聖靈不指示作者將這些諺語按主題排列,以便我們可以快速找到我們需要知道的內容?德瑞克‧基德納提醒我們,《箴言》「不是選集,而是智慧生活的教育課程」。 當我們逐章閱讀箴言時,神的靈可以自由地教導我們許多主題,而我們每天都不知道我們最需要哪個主題。正如《聖經》本身並不是系統神學一樣,《箴言》也不是。所羅門所寫的更像是萬花筒,而不是彩色玻璃窗:我們永遠不知道下一個圖案會是什麼。 The first nine chapters of Proverbs form a unit in which the emphasis is on “wisdom” and “folly,” personified as two women. (The Hebrew word for wisdom is in the feminine gender.) In chapters 1, 8, and 9, Wisdom calls to men and women to follow her and enjoy salvation, wealth, 6 and life. In chapters 5, 6, and 7, Folly calls to the same people and offers them immediate satisfaction, but doesn’t warn them of the tragic consequences of rejecting Wisdom: condemnation, poverty, and death. Chapters 10—15 form the next unit and present a series of contrasts between the life of wisdom and the life of folly. The closing chapters of the book (16—31) contain a variety of proverbs that give us counsel about many important areas of life. 《箴言》的前九章構成一個單元,重點是“智慧”和“愚昧”,擬人化為兩個女人。 (希伯來文中智慧這個字是陰性的。)在第 1、8 和 9 章中,智慧號召男人和女人追隨她並享受救贖。 As you survey Solomon’s approach, you can see how wise God was in arranging the book this way. Wisdom isn’t some abstract treasure that’s so far away we can’t grasp it. Through His Word and by His Spirit, God is every day calling us to the life of wisdom. If we want to live wisely, we must begin with commitment to Jesus Christ, who is “the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:30). Wisdom and Folly each want to control our lives, and we must make the choice. 當你檢視所羅門的方法時,你會發現上帝這樣安排這本書是多麼明智。智慧並不是某種遙不可及、我們無法掌握的抽象寶藏。神每天透過祂的話語和聖靈呼召我們過智慧的生活。如果我們想要明智地生活,我們必須從對耶穌基督的委身開始,祂是「神的智慧」(哥林多前書 1:30)。智慧和愚蠢都想控制我們的生活,我們必須做出選擇。 After we have committed ourselves to the Lord and His wisdom, we must recognize that there are consequences to the decisions we make. The proverbs in chapters 10—15 depict so vividly the contrasts that exist between the life of wisdom and the life of folly, between faith and unbelief, obedience and disobedience. We can’t compromise and expect God to bless. The final section of the book (chapters 16—31) contains the further counsels we need for developing spiritual discernment and making wise decisions. 當我們將自己交託給主和祂的智慧之後,我們必須認識到我們所做的決定是有後果的。第10至15章的箴言如此生動地描述了智慧生活與愚昧生活、信心與不信、順服與悖逆之間的對比。我們不能妥協並期望上帝保佑。本書的最後一部分(第 16-31 章)包含了我們發展屬靈洞察力和做出明智決定所需的進一步建議。
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