911 英翻中 (611) Stay in the Running! 繼續奔跑! 11/14/2024
CHAPTER ELEVEN STAY IN THE RUNNING! Hebrews 12 第十一章 繼續奔跑! 希伯來書 12
If the apostle Paul were alive today, he would probably read the sports pages of the newspaper and follow the progress of various teams and athletes. Why? Because several athletic references in his letters indicate his interest in sports. Of course, both the Greeks and the Romans were keenly interested in athletic contests, not only for their physical well-being, but also for the honor of their towns and countries. It was a patriotic thing to be a good athlete and to bring glory to your country. 如果使徒保羅今天還活著,他很可能會閱讀報紙的體育版塊,關注各個球隊和運動員的進展。為什麼?因為在他的信中提到了幾個運動項目,表明他對運動很感興趣。當然,希臘人和羅馬人都對體育比賽有著濃厚的興趣,不僅是為了他們的身體健康,也是為了他們的城鎮和國家的榮譽。成為一名優秀的運動員並為你國家帶來榮耀是一件愛國的事情。
The writer of Hebrews combined these two themes of athletics and citizenship in this important twelfth chapter. The atmosphere is that of the footraces in the arena. We can see the runners laying aside their trailing weights and striving to run their races successfully. Some get weary and faint, while others endure to the end and win the prize. First the writer pictures the race (Heb. 12:1–13), and then emphasizes citizenship in the heavenly city (Heb. 12:14–29). In the minds of his readers, these two themes would go together, for no one could take part in the official games unless he was a citizen of the nation. 希伯來書的作者在這重要的第十二章中結合了競技和公民這兩個主題。氣氛就像賽場上的賽跑。我們可以看到賽跑者放下他們的訓練重量,努力跑得成功。有的人累得暈倒,有的人堅持到最後贏了獎品。作者首先描繪了種族(希伯來書 12:1-13),然後強調了天城的公民身份(來 12:14-29)。在他的讀者心目中,這兩個主題會並存,因為除非他是國家公民,否則任何人都不能參加官方比賽。
The one theme that runs through this chapter is endurance (Heb. 12:1 [“patience”], 2–3, 7; also see 10:32, 36 [“patience”]). The Jewish believers who received this letter were getting weary and wanted to give up; but the writer encouraged them to keep moving forward in their Christian lives, like runners on a track (see Phil. 3:12–14). He pointed out three divine resources that encourage a Christian to keep going when the situation is difficult. 貫穿本章的一個主題是忍耐(希伯來書 12:1 “忍耐”, 2-3, 7;另見 10:32, 36 “忍耐”)。收到這封信的猶太信徒已經厭倦了,想要放棄;但作者鼓勵他們在基督徒的生活中繼續前進,就像在跑道上奔跑一樣(見 腓立比書 3:12-14)。他指出了三種神聖的資源,可以鼓勵基督徒在環境困難時可以繼續前進。
1. The Example of the Son of God (12:1–4) 1. 上帝兒子的榜樣(12:1-4)
When I
was in junior high school, I had a coach who felt it his duty to make an
athlete out of me. Everybody in my class could have told him he was wasting his
time, because I was the worst athlete in the class—per[1]haps in the
school! I entered a city-wide school competition, running the low hurdles. I
knocked down six hurdles, fractured my left ankle, and immediately abandoned my
sports career. (Shortly after, the coach enlisted in the army. I may have
driven him to it.) 當在初中時,我的體育教練,覺得訓練我成為成功的運動員是他的責任。全班人都可以告訴他,這是在浪費時間,因為我是班上最差的運動員 —
也許是全校最差的!我曾參加全市所有的學校的一場比賽,是低欄比賽。我踢倒了六個低欄,左腳踝骨折,並立即放棄了我的運動生涯。 (不久之後,教練應徵入伍。可是我逼他如此做的。)
Coach Walker used several techniques to get me to do my best. “Other students have done it, and so can you!” was one of his encouragements. “Just think of what it will do for you physically!” was another. “Now, watch the other kids—see how they do it!” was a third. As I reflect on this experience, I am amazed to discover that these same three approaches are used in this paragraph, to encourage us in the Christian race. 沃克教練使用他全力以赴的幾種技巧來訓練我。 他先鼓勵我說,“其他同學都做得到,你也可以!” 接著用另一種方法鼓勵我說 ,“ 想想這訓鍊對你的身體有多大的好處!” 最後他,“現在,看看其他的同學 — 看看他們是怎麼做的!” 當我回想那這段他訓練我的過程時,驚奇地發現,它用的就是本段所講述的同樣三種方法,鼓勵我們如何參加基督徒信心的比賽。
around at the winners (v. 1a)! The “great … cloud [assembly, mass] of witnesses”
was introduced to us in Hebrews 11. They are the heroes of the faith. It is not
suggested here that these men and women now in heaven are watching us as we run
the race, like people seated in a stadium. The word “witnesses” does not mean
“spectators.” Our English word martyr comes directly from the Greek word
translated “witness.” These people are not witnessing what we are doing;
rather, they are bearing witness to us that God can see us through. God bore
witness to them (Heb. 11:2, 4–5, 39) and they are bearing witness now to us. 環顧在信心上獲勝者(第 1 節上半段)!希伯來書第 11 章向我們介紹了 “有信心的人偉大…雲彩的見證人 ‘聚集、環繞的雲彩’ ”。他們是信心的英雄。這裡並不是說目前在天堂的那些人正在看著我們信徒的信心比賽時,就像坐在體育場裡的觀眾一樣。 “見證人” 不是
“旁觀者”。英語單詞 “ 殉道者(martyr)” 是直接從希臘語的 “見證” 翻譯過來的。他們並沒有目睹我們正在做的事情;然而,却在向我們見證,上帝能透過他們的見證看透我們。上帝為他們作見證(希伯來書 11:2, 4-5, 39),他們現在正在為我們作見證。
“I rarely read the Old Testament, except for Psalms and Proverbs,” a believer once told me. " 有位信徒曾經告訴我, “我很少讀舊約聖經,除了詩篇和箴言。”
“Then you are missing a great deal of spiritual help,” I replied. I asked him to open to Romans 15:4 and read the verse aloud. 我回答說, “那你就失去了很多屬靈上的幫助,” 我讓他打開羅馬書 15章4節, 並大聲朗這節經文。
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” “從前所寫的聖經都是為教訓我們寫的,叫我們因聖經所生的耐心和安慰,可以得著盼望。”
I then explained that “patience” means “endurance,” and that “comfort” means “encouragement.” One of the best ways to develop endurance and encouragement is to get to know the godly men and women of the Old Testament who ran the race and won. If you are having problems with your family, read about Joseph. If you think your job is too big for you, study the life of Moses. If you are tempted to retaliate, see how David handled this problem. 然後我對他解釋說,“耐心”的意思是“忍耐”,而“舒適”的意思是“鼓勵”。培養忍耐和鼓勵的最好方法之一,是認識舊約中那些跑過信徒信心比賽,並獲勝的敬虔的信徒。如果你的家人遇到問題,請閱讀有關在埃及當宰相的約瑟(Joseph)的一生。如果你認為你的工作對你來說負擔太重一些,請研究摩西的生平。如果你想報復,看看大衛是如何處理他對掃羅王的心態。
Look at yourself (v. 1b)! Athletes used to wear training weights to help them prepare for the events. No athlete would actually participate wearing the weights because they would slow him down. (The modern analogy is a baseball player who swings a bat with a heavy metal collar on it before he steps to the plate.) Too much weight would tax one’s endurance. 看看你自己(1 節後半段)!運動員常常在比賽前,加上額外負重量來訓練,以幫助他們為比賽時更加有力量。沒有運動員會在比賽前會真正加上這配重,因為它們會減慢他的賽跑速度。 (以現代棒球運動員在踏上盤子之前揮動帶有重金屬項圈的球棒作比喻。)太多的重量會損傷人的耐力。
What are the “weights” that we should remove so that we might win the race? Everything that hinders our progress. They might even be “good things” in the eyes of others. A winning athlete does not choose between the good and the bad; he chooses between the better and the best. 為了贏得比賽,我們應該去除哪些“配重”? 凡一切阻礙我們前進的東西。甚至它們可能在別人眼中都是“好東西”。獲勝的運動員不會在好與壞之間做出選擇;他要在更好的和最好的之間做出選擇。
We should also get rid of “the sin that so easily entangles” (Heb. 12:1 niv). While he does not name any specific sin, the writer was probably referring to the sin of unbelief. It was unbelief that kept Israel out of the Promised Land, and it is unbelief that hinders us from entering into our spiritual inheritance in Christ. The phrase “by faith” (or “through faith”) is used twenty-one times in Hebrews 11, indicating that it is faith in Christ that enables us to endure. 應該擺脫“容易纏累我們的罪”(希伯來書 12:1 新國際版)。雖然他沒有說出任何具體的罪名,但作者可能指的是 “不信” 的罪。是“不信”使以色列人無法進入應許之地,也是“不信”使我們無法進入我們在基督裡應得的屬靈產業。 “靠著信”(或“藉由信”)這個短語在希伯來書 11 章使用了 21 次,表明是對基督的信心使我們能夠堅忍。
Look at Jesus Christ (vv. 2–4)! He is “the author [originator] and finisher of our faith.” It was in “looking to him” that we were saved, for to look means “to trust.” When the dying Jews looked to the uplifted serpent, they were healed, and this is an illustration of our salvation through faith in Christ (Num. 21:4–9; John 3:14–16). “Looking unto Jesus” describes an attitude of faith and not just a single act. 仰望耶穌基督(2-4等節)!祂是“我們信心創始成終的主”。我們得救是“仰望主”,因為“仰望”意味著“相信”。當被毒蛇咬後垂死的猶太人,只要仰望被高舉的銅蛇時,他們就得了醫治,這是預表我們因信基督而得救的例證(民數記 21:4-9;約翰福音 3:14-16)。 “仰望耶穌”描述信仰的心志,而不僅僅是行為。
When our Lord was here on earth, He lived by faith. The mystery of His divine and human natures is too profound for us to understand fully, but we do know that He had to trust His Father in heaven as He lived day by day. The writer of Hebrews quoted our Lord saying, “I will put my trust in him” (Heb. 2:13). (The quotation is from Isa. 8:17.) The fact that Jesus prayed is evidence that He lived by faith. 當我們的主在世時,祂憑著信心生活。祂的神性和人性的奧秘太深奧,我們無法完全理解,但我們確實知道,祂在每日的生活中必須信靠天上的父。希伯來書的作者引述我們主的話說,“我要倚靠祂”(希伯來書 2:13)。 (引自 以賽亞書 8:17。)耶穌祈禱的事實證明祂是憑信心生活的。
Our Lord endured far more than did any of the heroes of faith named in Hebrews 11, and therefore He is a perfect example for us to follow. He endured the cross! This involved shame, suffering, the “contradiction [opposition]” of sinners, and even temporary rejection by the Father. On the cross He suffered for all the sins of all the world! Yet He endured and finished the work the Father gave Him to do (John 17:4). Though the readers of Hebrews had suffered persecution, they had not yet “resisted unto blood” (Heb. 12:4). None of them was yet a martyr. But in Jesus’ battle against sin, He shed His own blood. 我們的主比希伯來書 11 章中提到的任何一位信心英雄,所忍受的都多得多,因此祂是我們可以效仿的完美榜樣。他忍受了十字架苦難!包括羞恥、痛苦、罪人的“反抗 ‘敵對’ ”,甚至承受天父暫時拒絕。在十字架上,祂為全世上所有的罪受苦!然而,祂忍受並完成了父交給祂的工作(約翰福音 17:4)。希伯來書的讀者雖然遭受了迫害,但他們還沒有“抵擋到流血”(希伯來書 12:4)。他們都還不是殉道者。但在耶穌與罪的爭戰中,祂流出自己的寶血為世人贖罪。
What was it that enabled our Lord to endure the cross? Please keep in mind that during His ministry on earth, our Lord did not use His divine powers for His own personal needs. Satan tempted Him to do this (Matt. 4:1–4), but Jesus refused. It was our Lord’s faith that enabled Him to endure. He kept the eye of faith on “the joy that was set before him.” From Psalm 16:8–10, He knew that He would come out of the tomb alive. (Peter referred to this messianic psalm in his sermon at Pentecost, Acts 2:24–33.) In that psalm (16:11) David spoke about “fullness of joy” in the presence of the Father. Also, from Psalm 110:1, 4, Jesus knew that He would be exalted to heaven in glory. (Peter also quoted this psalm, Acts 2:34–36.) So “the joy that was set before him” would include Jesus’ completing the Father’s will, His resurrection and exaltation, and His joy in presenting believers to the Father in glory (Jude 24). 是什麼使得我們的主能忍受十字架的苦難?請記住,祂在地上事奉期間,並沒有使用祂的大能來滿足祂個人的需要。撒但試探祂去這樣做(馬太福音 4:1-4),但耶穌拒絕了。是祂的信心使祂能夠忍受。我們的主以信心的眼光只看到“擺在祂面前的喜樂”。從詩篇 16篇8至10節,知道祂會活活的從墳墓裡出來。 (彼得在五旬節的講道中提到了這首彌賽亞詩篇,記載在使徒行傳 2:24-33。)在那詩篇(詩篇 16:11)中,大衛談到在父面前“喜樂的豐盛”。此外,從詩篇 110 篇 1和4兩節中,耶穌知道祂會在榮耀中被高舉到天上。 (彼得還在使徒行傳 2:34-36引用了這首詩篇。)因此,“擺在他面前的喜樂”包括耶穌完成天父的旨意、復活和升天,以及在榮耀中將信徒呈獻給天父的喜樂(猶大書 24)。
Throughout this epistle, the writer emphasized the importance of the future hope. His readers were prone to look back and want to go back, but he encouraged them to follow Christ’s example and look ahead by faith. The heroes of faith named in the previous chapter lived for the future, and this enabled them to endure (Heb. 11:10, 14–16, 24–27). Like Peter, when we get our eyes of faith off the Savior, we start to sink (Matt. 14:22–33). 在這封書信中,作者強調了未來盼望的重要。他的讀者容易想過去,也想回頭,但他鼓勵他們效法基督的榜樣,憑信心向前看。前一章提到的信心英雄為未來而活,這使他們能夠忍受(希伯來書 11:10, 14-16, 24-27)。像彼得在加利利海上向主走去一樣,當我們將信心的目光從救主身上移開時,就會立刻開始下沉(馬太福音 14:22-33)。
Since Christ is the “author and finisher of our faith,” trusting Him releases His power in our lives. I could try to follow the example of some great athlete for years and still be a failure. But if, in my younger days, that athlete could have entered into my life and shared his know-how and ability with me, that would have made me a winner. Christ is both the exemplar and the enabler! As we see Him in the Word and yield to His Spirit, He increases our faith and enables us to run the race. 由於基督是“我們信心的創始成終者”,深信祂會將祂的大能釋放在我們生活中。我可以嘗試效仿一些偉大運動員的榜樣多年,但仍然失敗。但是,若在我年輕的時候,那個運動員就進入我的生活,並與我分享他的專業知識和能力,那將使我成為贏家。基督既是榜樣又是推動者!當我們在話語中看到祂,並順服祂的聖靈時,祂就會增加我們的信心,使我們能夠贏得賽跑。
2. The Assurance of the Love of God (12:5–13) 2. 上帝大愛的確據(12:5-13)
When we are suffering, it is easy to think that God does not love us. So the writer gave three proofs that chastening comes from the Father’s heart of love. 當我們受苦時,很容易認為上帝不愛我們。所以作者給出了三個證據,證明管教來自天父的大愛。
The Scriptures (vv. 5–6). The quotation is from Proverbs 3:11–12, a statement that his readers had known but had forgotten. (This is one of the sad consequences of getting “dull” toward the Word; see Heb. 5:11–12.) This quotation (Heb. 12:5–6) is an “exhortation,” which literally means “encouragement.” Because they forgot the Word, they lost their encouragement and were ready to give up! 聖經( 5至6兩 節)。引文出自箴言 3章11-12等節,這是他的讀者知道但忘記了的聲明。 (這是對話語“遲鈍”的可悲後果之一;見 希伯來書 5:11-12。)這引自(希伯來書 12:5-6)兩節經句是“勸勉”,字面意思是“鼓勵。”因為他們忘記了上帝的話語,所以失去了鼓勵,準備放棄!
The key words in this quotation are “son,” “children,” and “sons.” These words are used six times in Hebrews 12:5–8. They refer to adult sons and not little children. (The word “children” in Heb. 12:5 should be “sons.”) A parent who would repeatedly chasten an infant child would be considered a monster. God deals with us as adult sons because we have been adopted and given an adult standing in His family (see Rom. 8:14–18; Gal. 4:1–7). The fact that the Father chastens us is proof that we are maturing, and it is the means by which we can mature even more. 這段引文中的關鍵詞是“兒子”、“孩子”和“眾兒子”。這些詞在希伯來書 12章5-8等節中使用過六次。他們指的是成年兒子,而不是小孩。 (希伯來書 12:5 中的“孩子”應該是“眾兒子”。)反复管教嬰兒的父母會視為怪物。上帝把我們當作成年的兒子對待,因為我們是收養的,並在祂的家庭中成為成年人(見 羅馬書 8:14-18;加 4:1-7)。天父管教我們,是我們成熟的證明,也是使我們更為成熟的方法。
Chastening is the evidence of the Father’s love. Satan wants us to believe that the difficulties of life are proof that God does not love us, but just the opposite is true. Sometimes God’s chastening is seen in His rebukes from the Word or from circumstances. At other times He shows His love by punishing (“the Lord … scourgeth”) us with some physical suffering. Whatever the experience, we can be sure that His chastening hand is controlled by His loving heart. The Father does not want us to be pampered babies; He wants us to become mature adult sons and daughters who can be trusted with the responsibilities of life. 管教是天父大愛的憑據。撒但要我們相信,生活上的艱難是證明上帝不愛我們,但事實恰恰相反。有時,上帝的管教可以從祂的話語或環境的斥責中看出。在其他時候,祂都通過用一些使身體痛苦懲罰我們(“主……鞭打”)來表達祂的愛。無論經歷怎樣,我們都可以肯定,祂管教的手是受祂慈愛的心所控制。天父不想讓我們成為溺愛的嬰兒;祂希望我們成為成熟的成年兒女,可以負擔生活的責任。
Personal experience (vv. 7–11). All of us had a father and, if this father was faithful, he had to discipline us. If a child is left to himself, he grows up to become a selfish tyrant. The point the writer made (Heb. 12:7–8) is that a father chastens only his own sons, and this is proof that they are his children. We may feel like spanking the neighbors’ children (and our neighbors may feel like spanking ours), but we cannot do it. God’s chastening is proof that we are indeed His children! 個人經驗(第 7-11 節)。我們都有父親,如果我們的父親是忠誠的,他就必須管教我們。如果父親任其孩子自生自滅,他長大後就會成為自私的暴君。作者提出的觀點,是父親只管教自己的兒子,這證明他們是他的孩子(希伯來書 12:7-8)。我們可能想管教,鞭打鄰居的孩子(我們的鄰居可能想打我們的孩子),但這都做不到。上帝的管教證明我們確實是祂的兒子!
I have met in my ministry people who professed to be saved, but for some reason they never experienced any chastening. If they disobeyed, they seemed to get away with it. If I resisted od’s will and did not experience His loving chastening, I would be afraid that I was not saved! All true children of God receive His chastening. All others who claim to be saved, but who escape chastening, are nothing but counterfeits—illegitimate children. 我在教會事奉中遇到過自稱得救的人,但出於某種原因,他們從未經歷過任何管教。如果他們不服從,他們似乎可以逃脫懲罰。如果我抵擋上帝的心意,沒有經歷祂慈愛的管教,只怕我還沒有得救!上帝所有真正的兒女都必須接受祂的管教。凡自稱得救,卻逃避管教的,都不過是贗品 — 私生子。
Why do good earthly fathers correct their kids? So that their offspring might show them reverence (respect) and obey what they command. This is why the heavenly Father corrects us: He wants us to reverence Him and obey His will. A child who does not learn subjection to authority will never become a useful, mature adult. Any of God’s children who rebel against His authority are in danger of death! “Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” (Heb. 12:9). The suggestion is that, if we do not submit, we might not live. “There is a sin unto death” (1 John 5:16). 為什麼地上的好父親會糾正他們的孩子?以便他們的後代可以對他們表示敬畏(尊重)並遵守他們的命令。這就是為什麼天父要糾正我們:祂要我們敬畏祂,服從祂的旨意。不學會服從權威的孩子永遠不會成為有用的、成熟的成年人。任何反抗上帝權柄的兒女都有死亡的危險! “我們豈不更當順服萬靈之父而得生嗎?” (希伯來書 12:9)。建議是,如果我們不順服,我們可能無法存活。 “有至於死的罪”(約翰一書 5:16)。
We can see now how this twelfth chapter relates to the five exhortations in Hebrews. As a Christian drifts from the Word and backslides, the Father chastens him to bring him back to the place of submission and obedience. (If God does not chasten, that person is not truly born again.) If a believer persists in resisting God’s will, God may permit his life to be taken. Rather than allow His child to ruin his life further and disgrace the Father’s name, God might permit him to die. God killed thousands of rebellious Jews in the wilderness (1 Cor. 10:1–12). Why should He spare us? Certainly this kind of chastening is not His usual approach, but it is possible, and we had better show Him reverence and fear. He chastens us for our profit so that we might share His holy character. 現在可以看到第十二章是如何與希伯來書中的,五項勸勉是如何聯繫的。當基督徒偏離上帝的話語,並退後時,天父會管教他,使他回到委身和順服的地方。 (如果祂不管教,那人就沒有真正重生。)如果信徒堅持抗拒上帝的旨意,祂可能會允許那信徒的生命被奪去。與其讓祂的兒子進一步毀掉他的生活,讓天父的名蒙羞,上帝可能會允許他死去。上帝在曠野殺死了數以千計反叛的猶太人(哥林多前書 10:1-12)。祂為什麼要饒恕我們這叛逆的兒子? 如此的管教當然不是上帝一慣的做法,但這是可能的,我們最好對上帝表現出敬畏和恐懼。祂管教我們是為了我們的利益,以便我們可以分享祂的聖潔品格。
The blessed results (vv. 11–13). No chastening at the time is pleasant either to the father or to his son, but the benefits are profitable. I am sure that few children believe it when their parents say, “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” But it is true just the same. The Father does not enjoy having to discipline His children, but the benefits afterward make the chastening an evidence of His love. 祝福的後果(11-13 等節)。對父親或兒子來說,當時的管教都不愉快,但是對雙方都有好處。我敢肯定,當他們的父母說,“這對我的傷害比對你的傷害更大”時,很少有孩子會相信這句話。但事實却是如此。天父不喜歡管教祂的孩子,但管教之後的益處,使管教成為祂大愛的證據。
What are some of the benefits? For one thing, there is “the peaceable fruit of righteousness.” Instead of continuing to sin, the child strives to do what is right. There is also peace instead of war—“the peaceable fruit of righteousness.” The rebellion has ceased and the child is in a loving fellowship with the Father. Chastening also encourages a child to exercise in spiritual matters—the Word of God, prayer, meditation, witnessing, and so forth. All of this leads to a new joy. Paul described it: “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). 有哪些管教的益處? 首先有“公義平安的果子”。孩子不再繼續犯罪,而是努力做有益於人的事。世上只有和平,而不是戰爭 —“正義的和平的果子”。叛逆已經停止,孩子與天父有愛的交流。管教也鼓勵祂的兒子在屬靈的事上的鍛鍊 — 上帝的話語、禱告、默想、見證等等。所有這一切都帶來了新的喜樂。保羅將其描述為:“公義、和平、聖靈中的喜樂”(羅馬書 14:17)。
Of course, the important thing is how God’s child responds to chastening. He can despise it or faint under it (Heb. 12:5), both of which are wrong. He should show reverence to the Father by submitting to His will (Heb. 12:9), using the experience to exercise himself spiritually (Heb. 12:11; 1 Tim. 4:7–8). Hebrews 12:12–13 sound like a coach’s orders to his team! Lift up your hands! Strengthen those knees (Isa. 35:3)! Get those lazy feet on the track (Prov. 4:26)! On your mark, get set, GO! 當然,重要的是上帝的孩子如何回應祂的管教。他可以輕視它或因它而昏倒(希伯來書 12:5),這兩者都是錯誤的。他應該順服天父的旨意(希伯來書 12:9),用這種經歷來鍛煉自己的靈性(希伯來書12:11;提摩太前書 4:7-8),以此來表示對天父的敬畏。希伯來書 12章12-13等節, 聽起來像是教練對他的團隊的命令!舉起你的雙手!加強你對膝蓋跪著禱告(以賽亞書 35:3)!讓那些懶惰的腳再次踏上正軌(箴言 4:26)!在你的起跑點上,準備好,開始跑吧!
The example of God’s Son, and the assurance of God’s love, certainly should encourage us to endure in the difficult Christian race. But there is a third resource. 上帝兒子的榜樣,以及祂大愛的保證,應該鼓勵我們在艱難的基督徒賽跑中堅忍。但是還有第三種資源。
4. The Enablement of God’s Grace (12:14–29) 4. 上帝恩典的大能(12:14-29)
As we run the Christian race, what is our goal? The writer explained the goal in Hebrews 12:14: Peace with all men, and holiness before the Lord. (Remember “the peaceable fruit of righteousness,” Heb. 12:11.) These two goals remind us of our Lord’s high priestly ministry— King of peace and King of righteousness (Heb. 7:1–2). It requires diligence to run the race successfully lest we “fail of the grace of God” (Heb. 12:15). God’s grace does not fail, but we can fail to take advantage of His grace. At the end of the chapter, there is another emphasis on grace (Heb. 12:28). 當我們參加基督徒的比賽時,我們的目標是什麼?作者在希伯來書 1章14節 中已經解釋:與世人和平,在主面前成聖。 (記住“公義所結的平安果子”,希伯來書 12:11。)與世人和平,在主面前成聖的兩個目標,使我們想起我們主的大祭司事工 — 和平的王和公義的王(希伯來書 7:1-2)。成功地賽跑需要勤奮,否則我們“辜負了上帝的恩典”(希伯來書 12:15)。上帝的恩典從不會落空,但我們可能無法在祂的恩典上得力。在本章的結尾,還有對恩典強調的另一重點(希伯來書 12:28)。
In this section, the writer encouraged his readers to depend on the grace of God by urging them to look by faith in three directions. 在這段裡,作者鼓勵他的讀者依靠上帝的恩典,敦促他們憑信心往三個方向注視。
Look back—the bad example of Esau (vv. 15–17). Esau certainly failed to act on God’s grace. The account is given in Genesis 25:27–34; 27:30–45. Esau was “a profane person,” which means “a common person, one who lives for the world and not God.” (Our English word literally means “outside the temple,” or not belonging to God.) Esau despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob, and he missed the blessing because it was given to Jacob. (It was supposed to go to Jacob anyway, but it was wrong for Jacob to use trickery to get it. See Gen. 25:19–26.) Afterward, Esau tried to get Isaac to change his mind, but it was too late. Even Esau’s tears availed nothing. 回頭注視 — 以掃的壞榜樣(希伯來書 12 : 15-17 )。以掃當然沒有照上帝的恩典行事。創世記 25章27-34和創世記 27章30-45等節記載它們的始末;。以掃是“褻瀆的人”,意思是“為世人而不為上帝而活的普通人”。 (英文的直譯是“在聖殿外”,或者不屬於上帝。)以掃鄙視他長子的名分,把它賣給了雅各,他錯過了祝福,因為這祝福給了雅各的。 (本來應該是屬於雅各的,但雅各却用詭計弄到它,這是他的錯誤。見 創世記 25:19-26。)後來,以掃試圖讓他父親以撒改變主意,但為時已晚。以掃即使流淚,也無濟於事。
What sins will rob us of the enabling of God’s grace? These verses tell us: lack of spiritual diligence, bitterness against others (see Deut. 29:18), sexual immorality, and living for the world and the flesh. Some people have the idea that a “profane person” is blasphemous and filthy, but Esau was a congenial fellow, a good hunter, and a man who loved his father. He would have made a fine neighbor—but he was not interested in the things of God. 什麼罪會剝奪我們獲得上帝恩典的能力? 經文告訴我們是:缺乏屬靈的勤奮,對別人有怨恨(見 申命記 29:18),淫亂,為世界和肉體而活。有些人認為“褻瀆的人”是褻瀆和污穢的,但以掃是和藹可親的,好獵,愛他父親的人。他本可以成為好鄰居 — 但他對上帝的事沒有興趣。
God’s grace does not fail, but we can fail to depend on God’s grace. Esau is a warning to us not to live for lesser things. 上帝的恩典從不會落空,但我們可能依靠祂的恩典也失敗。以掃的事件警告我們不要為小事而活。
Look up—the glory of the heavenly city (vv. 18–24). The writer of Hebrews contrasted Mount Sinai and the giving of the law with the heavenly Mount Zion and the blessings of grace in the church (see Ex. 19:10–25; 20:18–21; Deut. 4:10–24). He described the solemnity and even the terror that were involved in the giving of the law (Heb. 12:18–21). The people were afraid to hear God’s voice, and even Moses feared and trembled! God set boundaries around the mount, and even if an animal trespassed, it was slain with a spear (“dart”). Of course, God had to impress on His people the seriousness of His law, just as we must with our own children. This was the infancy of the nation, and children can understand reward and punishment. 仰望天上家鄉的榮耀(18-24 等節)。希伯來書的作者,將頒布律法的西奈山與天上家鄉的錫安山,和教會中恩典的祝福進行對比(見 出 19:10-25;20:18-21;申 4:10-24) 。他描述了頒布律法時的嚴肅,甚至很恐怖(希伯來書 12:18-21)。百姓害怕聽到上帝的聲音,連摩西都害怕戰兢!上帝在山上設定了界限,即使有動物闖入,也會被矛(“鏢”)殺死。當然,上帝必須讓祂的子民明白祂律法的嚴肅性,就像我們對待自己的孩子一樣。這是國家的萌芽期,子民應能理解獎賞和懲罰。
What a relief it is to move from Mount Sinai to Mount Zion! Mount Sinai represents the old covenant of law, and Mount Zion represents the new covenant of grace in Jesus Christ (see Gal. 4:19–31). The heavenly city is God’s Mount Zion (see Ps. 2; 110:1–2, 4). This is the city that the patriarchs were looking for by faith (Heb. 11:10, 14–17). The earthly Jerusalem was about to be destroyed by the Romans, but the heavenly Jerusalem would endure forever. 從西奈山搬到錫安山是何等的解脫!西奈山代表律法的舊盟約,錫安山代表耶穌基督恩典的新盟約(見 加拉太書 4:19-31)。天上的城是上帝的錫安山(見 詩篇 2;110:1-2,4)。這是先祖們憑著信心尋找的城市(希伯來書 11:10, 14-17)。地上的耶路撒冷即將被羅馬人摧毀,但天上的耶路撒冷將永遠存在。
He described the “citizens” that make up the population of this city. Innumerable angels are there. The church is there, for believers have their citizenship in heaven (Phil. 3:20), and their names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20). “Firstborn” is a title of dignity and rank. Esau was actually Isaac’s firstborn, but he rejected his privileges and lost his blessing and birthrigh 作者描述了構成這座城的人是“公民”。無數的天使在那裡。教會就在那裡,因為信徒在天上有公民權(腓立比書 3:20),他們的名字寫在天上(路加福音 10:20)。 “長子”是尊貴和地位的稱號。以掃實際上是以撒的長子,但他拒絕了他的榮幸,失去了他的祝福和長子的榮幸。
God is there, of course, and so are the Old Testament saints (“spirits of just men made perfect”). Jesus Christ the Mediator is there, the One who shed His blood for us. We learned that Abel is still speaking (Heb. 11:4), and here we discover that Christ’s blood speaks “better things than that of Abel” (Heb. 12:24). Abel’s blood spoke from the earth and cried for justice (Gen. 4:10), while Christ’s blood speaks from heaven and announces mercy for sinners. Abel’s blood made Cain feel guilty (and rightly so) and drove him away in despair (Gen. 4:13–15), but Christ’s blood frees us from guilt and has opened the way into the presence of God. Were it not for the blood of the new covenant, we could not enter this heavenly city! 誠然,上帝在那裡,舊盟約的聖徒也在那裡(“義人的靈命得成全”)。中保耶穌基督在那裡,就是為我們流血贖罪的上帝。我們能了解亞伯仍藉由他的血在說話(希伯來書11:4),在這裡我們發現基督的血在說話“比亞伯的血說的更好”(希伯來書 12:24)。亞伯的血從地上說話,並為正義而呼喊(創世記 4:10),而基督的血從天上說話,並宣布對罪人的憐憫。亞伯的血讓該隱感到內疚(這是理所當然的),並在絕望中將他趕走(創世記 4:13-15),但基督的血使我們擺脫了罪惡感,並開闢了通往到上帝面前的道路。若不是新盟約之血,我們無法進入這座天上的城!
“Why is
there so little preaching and teaching about heaven?” a friend asked me. And
then he gave his own answer, which is probably correct. “I guess we have it so
good on earth, we just don’t think about heaven.” 朋友問我,“為什麼關於天堂的講道和教導這麼少?”然後,他自己給出答案,這可能是正確的。 “我想我們在地球上過得很好,就不考慮天堂的事。”
the days are difficult and we are having a hard time enduring, that is when we
should look up and contemplate the glories of heaven. Moses “endured, as seeing
Him who is invisible” (Heb. 11:27). The patriarchs endured as they
looked ahead to the city God was preparing for them. One way to lay hold of
God’s grace is to look ahead by faith to the wonderful future He has prepared
for us. 當日子難熬、日子不容易度過的時候,就是應該仰望天上的榮光的時候。摩西“如同看見那不能看見的主,就忍耐了”(希伯來書 11:27)。族長們忍耐著,望著上帝為他們預備的城。握住上帝恩典的一種方法是憑信心仰望祂為我們準備的美好未來。
Look ahead—the unshakable kingdom (vv. 25–29). God is speaking to us today through His Word and His providential workings in the world. We had better listen! If God shook things at Sinai and those who refused to hear were judged, how much more responsible are we today who have experienced the blessings of the new covenant! God today is shaking things. (Have you read the newspapers lately?) He wants to tear down the “scaffolding” and reveal the unshakable realities that are eternal. Alas, too many people (including Christians) are building their lives on things that can shake. 注視前方 — 不可動搖的國度(25-29 等節)。今天,上帝藉由祂的話,和祂為這世界預備所有的作為,對我們說話。我們最好聽!如果上帝在西奈山震動,那些不聽的人受到審判,今天經歷新盟約祝福的我們,責任該何其重大!上帝今天正在震動事物。 (你最近有沒有看報?)祂想拆掉“鷹架支撐”,揭示永恆不變,且不可動搖的實存(realities)。唉,太多的人(包括基督徒在內)把他們的生活建立在可震動的事上。
The “shaking” quotation is from Haggai 2:6 and refers to that time when the Lord shall return and fill His house with glory. As events draw nearer to that time, we shall see more shaking in this world. But a Christian can be confident, for he shall receive an unshakable kingdom. In fact, he is a part of God’s kingdom today. “震動”的引述來自哈該書 2章6節,指的是主再來,並以榮耀充滿祂的殿的時候。隨著事件顯示祂再來越來越接近的時候,我們將看到這個世界發生更多的震動。但基督徒可以有信心,因為他會得到不可動搖的國度。事實上,他今天是上帝國度的一部分。
What shall we do as we live in a shaking world? Listen to God speak and obey Him. Receive grace day by day to serve Him “with reverence and godly fear.” Do not be distracted or frightened by the tremendous changes going on around you. Keep running the race with endurance. Keep looking to Jesus Christ. Remember that your Father loves you. And draw on God’s enabling grace. 生活在震動的世界中,我們該怎麼辦?聽上帝說話,並順服祂。日復一日地接受祂的恩典,“懷著敬畏和敬虔的心”事奉祂。不要因周圍發生的巨大變化而分心或害怕。繼續以堅忍賽跑。繼續仰望耶穌基督。記住你的天上的父親愛你。並汲取上帝賜予的恩典。
While others are being frightened, you can be confident. 當別人害怕時,你可以確信。
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