Monday, November 25, 2024

914 英翻中 (614) Proverb Chpater one. 箴言第一章. 11/25/2024

914 英翻中 (614)               Proverbs Chpater one.           箴言書第一章.                    11/25/2024

愛我們的主耶穌基督, 謝謝祢使孩子依靠祢賜下的能力, 開始向世人作見證.  只有聖經在箴言中,多次的教導父母, 用杖鞭打小孩, 管教他, 可以賜他生命. 正合乎箴言書的目的. 人活著不只是謀生,而是要活出上帝所賜的生命!孩子與祢賜下的愛妻, 每晚工作停下後, 就一起讀詩篇和箴言. 多次重複讀到要用杖管教小孩. 所以決心用祢賜下剩餘的生命, 把箴言仔細讓世人了解作者的心意.  奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.  阿們. 

PROVERBS CHAPTER ONE 箴言第一章 (註:原著作者Rev. Warren W. Wiersbe華倫魏士比牧師)                                                                                                                                                                        Introduction to the Book of Proverbs DON’T JUST MAKE A LIVING, MAKE A LIFE!                箴言簡介:  不只是謀生,而是要活出上帝所賜的生命!

     My wife, Betty, is the navigator in our household. For more than forty years, I’ve depended on her to plan our ministry trips and our occasional holidays and to direct me when I’m driving. She knows that I don’t have a good sense of direction and have even been known to get lost just a few miles from home. But the Lord gave her built-in radar, and I’ve learned to trust her, whether we’re in the big city, the African bush, or the English countryside.                                                           我的妻子貝蒂是我們家的領航員。四十多年來,我一直依賴她計劃我們的事工旅行和偶爾的假期並在我開車時指導我。她知道我沒有很好的方向感甚至會在距離酒店僅幾英里的地方迷路了家。但主給了她內建雷達,我已經學會信任她,無論我們在大城市,非洲叢林,或英國鄉村。                                                                                                                                                                     I need a similar “spiritual radar” to guide me when I’m embarking on a “study journey” through a book of the Bible. That radar is provided by the Holy Spirit, who guides us into God’s truth (John 16:13) and, if we let Him, keeps us from going on unprofitable detours. But if I begin my journey by answering some basic questions about the book I’m studying, the Holy Spirit will find me better prepared for His teaching ministry.                                                                                         同時我需要類似的「屬靈的雷達」來引導我,  正在通過“學習之旅”的聖經。那個雷達是由聖靈提供的,祂引導我們進入上帝的真理(約翰福音 16:13),不讓魔鬼帶領我們走上無益的彎路。但如果我從回答一些基本問題開始,  有關於我正在學習的的旅程 ---《聖靈》的問題會發現我正為祂的教導事工做好了更好的準備。                                                                                                      

 The questions I ask myself are :   我問自己的問題是:

(1)    What is the major theme of the book?                                                                                            (2) Who wrote the book and how is it written?                                                                                    (3) What is the key verse that helps “unlock” the message of the book?                                              (4) What does this book say about Jesus Christ?                                                                                      (5) What must I do to get the most out of this book?                                                                               ( 1聖經” 的主題是什麼?                                                                                                                   ( 2聖經” 是誰寫的,是怎麼寫的?                                                                                                   ( 3 )  幫助「解鎖」的關鍵 聖經” 經文是什麼?及聖經的資訊?                                                 ( 4  聖經” 對耶穌基督說了些什麼?                                                                                             ( 5我必須做什麼才準備才能充分使用這 聖經

Let’s get prepared for our pilgrimage through Proverbs by answering these five questions.      讓我們透過回答這五個問題,   為朝聖之旅做好準備 箴言” ,                                                                                                   

1.  What Is the Major Theme of the Book of Proverbs?                                                                  1.  “箴言”  的主題是什麼諺語?                                                                                                                                                                                                     One word answers the question: wisdom. In Proverbs, the words wise and wisdom are used at least 125 times, because the aim of the book is to help us acquire and apply God’s wisdom to the decisions and activities of daily life.                                                                                   "智慧" 一字就可以回答這個問題。在箴言中,「明智」和「智慧」這兩個詞至少被使用了 125 次,因為這它的目的是要幫助我們獲得並將上帝的智慧應用在我們對日常生活的決策和活動中。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The book of Proverbs belongs to what scholars call the “wisdom literature” of the Old Testament, which also includes Job and Ecclesiastes. 1  The writers of these books wrestled with some of the most difficult questions of life as they sought to understand life’s problems from God’s point of view. After all, just because you’re a believer and you walk by faith, it doesn’t mean you put your mind on the shelf and stop thinking. The Lord expects us to apply ourselves intellectually and do some serious thinking as we study His Word. We should love the Lord with our minds as well as with our hearts and souls (Matt. 22:37).                                             箴言” 屬於神學者所稱為的舊約中的“智慧文學”也包括《約伯記》和《傳道書》。該些書籍試圖幫助我們理解生活的問題,與生活中一些最困難的問題時,  進行了鬥爭.  從上帝的角度來看。畢竟其原因只是因為你是信徒,你憑信心行事,這並不意味著你把你的想法擱置起來,停止思考。主希望我們運用理智並在做事及學習祂的話語時,進行認真的思考。我們應該用我們的思想和身體及心靈與靈魂來愛主(太 22:37)。                        Wisdom was an important commodity in the ancient Near East; every ruler had his council of “wise men” whom he consulted when making important decisions. Joseph was considered a wise man in Egypt, and Daniel and his friends were honored for their wisdom while serving in Babylon. God wants His children today to “walk circumspectly [carefully], not as fools but as wise” (Eph. 5:15 nkjv). Understanding the book of Proverbs can help us do that. It isn’t enough simply to be educated and have knowledge, as important as education is. We also need wisdom, which is the ability to use knowledge. Wise men and women have the competence to grasp the meaning of a situation and understand what to do and how to do it in the right way at the right time.                                                                                                                      在古代近東,智慧是一種重要的商品。每個統治者都有他的「智者」委員會,他在做出重要決定時會諮詢這些人。約瑟在埃及被認為是一位智者,而但以理和他的朋友們在巴比倫服役期間因他們的智慧而受到尊敬。神希望祂今天的孩子們「行事謹慎,不像愚昧人,乃像智慧人」(弗 5:15 NKJV)。理解箴言可以幫助我們做到這一點。僅僅受過教育和擁有知識是不夠的,教育同樣重要。我們還需要智慧,也就是運用知識的能力。聰明的男人和女人有能力掌握情況的意義,了解該做什麼以及如何在正確的時間以正確的方式去做。                        To the ancient Jew, wisdom was much more than simply good advice or successful planning. I like Dr. Roy Zuck’s definition: “Wisdom means being skillful and successful in one’s relationships and responsibilities … observing and following the Creator’s principles of order in the moral universe.”2 In that definition you find most of the important elements of biblical wisdom, the kind of wisdom we can learn from the book of Proverbs.                                      對古代猶太人來說,智慧不僅僅是只是好的建議或成功的計畫。我喜歡羅伊·扎克博士(Roy Zuck)的定義:「智慧意味著熟練,  並在人際關係和責任方面取得成功…。觀察並遵循造物主的原則道德宇宙中的秩序。找到聖經智慧的大部分重要元素,我們可以從書中學到的智慧箴言。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Biblical wisdom begins with a right relationship with the Lord. The wise person believes that there is a God, that He is the Creator and Ruler of all things, and that He has put within His creation a divine order that, if obeyed, leads ultimately to success. Wise people also assert that there is a moral law operating in this world, a principle of divine justice that makes sure that eventually the wicked are judged and the righteous are rewarded. Biblical wisdom has little if any relationship to a person’s IQ or education, because it is a matter of moral and spiritual understanding. It has to do with character and values; it means looking at the world through the grid of God’s truth.                                                                                                                   聖經智慧始於與主耶穌有正確的關係。聰明人相信有上帝,祂是萬物的創始者和統治者,並且在祂的創造物中放入了一個神聖的秩序,如果服從,最終會帶來成功。聰明人也斷言這個世界有一個道德法則在運作,神聖正義的原則,確保惡人最終受到審判,義人受到審判得到了獎勵。聖經智慧幾乎沒有關係影響一個人的智商或教育程度,因為這關係到道德和屬靈上的理解。這與性格和價值觀;這意味著放眼世界透過上帝真理的網路。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “wise” (hakam) is used to describe people skillful in working with their hands, such as the artisans who helped build the tabernacle (Ex. 28:3; 35:30—36:2) and Solomon’s temple (1 Chron. 22:15). Wisdom isn’t something theoretical, it’s something very practical that affects every area of life. It gives order and purpose to life; it gives discernment in making decisions; and it provides a sense of fulfillment in life to the glory of God.                                                                                                                            在舊約中,希伯來文的「智慧」一詞(hakam) 用來形容熟練工作的人用他們的雙手,例如幫助建造的人工會幕(出   28:335:3036:2)和所羅門的聖幕聖殿(代上   22:15)。智慧不是理論上的東西,而是影響每個人的非常實際的生活領域。它賦予生活秩序和目的;它給了決策時的洞察力;它提供了一個生命中的滿足感,榮耀上帝。                     Wisdom keeps us in harmony with the principles and purposes that the Lord has built into His world so that as we obey God, everything works for us and not against us. This doesn’t mean we don’t experience trials and difficulties, because trials and difficulties are a normal part of life. But it means we have the ability to deal with these adversities successfully so that we grow spiritually and the Lord is glorified.                                                                                    智慧使我們與原則保持一致以及主在祂的世界中建立的目的,以便當我們服從上帝時,一切都會為我們效力,而不是反對我們。這並不意味著我們沒有經歷考驗和困難,因為考驗和困難是生活的正常組成部分。但這意味著我們有能力應對成功地面對這些逆境使我們成長的人.                                                                                                                                       People with wisdom have the skill to face life honestly and courageously, and to manage it successfully so that God’s purposes are fulfilled in their lives. That’s why I called the original Be series book on Proverbs Be Skillful, because we’re seeking to learn from Proverbs the divine principles that can make us skillful, not in making a living, but in making a life. The pages of history are filled with the names of brilliant and gifted people  who were smart enough to become rich and famous but not wise enough to make a successful and satisfying life. Before his death, one of the world’s richest men said that he would have given all his wealth to make one of his six marriages succeed. It’s one thing to make a living, but quite something else to make a life.                                                                                                                      智慧人具有能力,  能誠實、勇敢地面對生活,並成功地管理生活,使上帝的旨意在他們的生活中得以實現。這就是為什麼我將《箴言》的原版《Be》系列書稱為“Be Skillful"要精巧”,因為我們尋求從《箴言》中學習神聖的原則,這些原則可以使我們精巧,不是在謀生方面,而是在創造生活方面。歷史的書頁充滿了才華橫溢、才華橫溢的人的名字,他們聰明到足以變得富有和出名,但不夠聰明,無法過上成功和令人滿意的生活。世界上最富有的人之一在去世前曾表示,他願意奉獻自己的全部財富,以使他的六次婚姻中的一次獲得成功。謀生是一回事,酬活出生命卻是另一回事。

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