Friday, November 29, 2024

919 英翻中 (619) The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of the wisdom. 敬畏上帝是智慧的開端. 11/29/2024

919 英翻中 (619)   The fear of the Lord,  is the beginning of the wisdom.   敬畏上帝是智慧的開端.        11/29/2024

2. Wisdom’s Call to True Wealth (8:1–36)                                                                                                    2. 智慧呼喚真正的財富(8:1-36)

                                                                                                            In His mercy, the Lord continues to call to sinners because He is “long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9 nkjv). Wisdom returns to the crowded places of the city and calls out so everyone may hear. But note that she addresses the simple and the fools but not the scorners (compare Prov. 1:22 with 8:5). They had laughed at her message and turned away from the truth, so their opportunities were over, not because God wasn’t speaking but because their hearts were too hard to hear. “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Heb. 4:7–8 nkjv). “See that you do not refuse Him who speaks” (12:25 nkjv).                              主本著憐憫,繼續呼召罪人,因為他「向我們長久忍耐,不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改」(彼得後書3 :9 新欽定本)。智慧回到城市擁擠的地方,大聲呼喊,讓每個人都能聽到。但請注意,她針對的是愚昧人和愚昧人,而不是那些輕蔑者(比較箴言 1:22 和 8:5)。他們嘲笑她的信息並遠離了真理,所以他們的機會就結束了,不是因為神沒有說話,而是因為他們的心太難聽了。 「你們今日若聽祂的聲音,就不可硬著心」(來 4:7-8 NKJV)。 「你們要小心,不可拒絕那說話的」(12:25 NKJV)。                                                                                                                     Wisdom’s second message has three very clear points, followed by a call to decision.                               智慧的第二個訊息有三個非常明確的要點,然後是呼籲做出決定                                                       “You can trust my words” (vv. 6–9). Five adjectives are used here to describe the character of the message Wisdom declares. Her words are “excellent” (v. 6), a word that is often translated “captain” or “ruler” in the Old Testament. The New International Version reads “worthy things,” and other translations use “noble” or “princely.” Since God’s message is the Word of the King, it is indeed noble and princely.                                                                                                                                                          「你可以相信我的話」(6-9節)。這裡使用了五個形容詞來描述智慧所宣告的訊息的特徵。她的話「甚好」(第 6 節),這個字在舊約中常被翻譯為「元帥」或「統治者」。新國際版讀作“值得的東西”,其他翻譯則使用“高貴的”或“王子般的”。既然上帝的信息是君王的話語,那麼它確實是高貴而尊貴的。                                                                                                                             The message also contains “right things” (vv. 6, 9), a word that describes something straight. The English word right comes from the Latin rectus which means “straight.” This root is also seen in words like “direct” and “correct.” God’s Word is also true (v. 7) and righteous (v. 8). Folly uses deceptive and “crooked” words to achieve her purposes, language that George Orwell called “newspeak” in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and that we would today call “double-speak.” Whatever God’s Word says about anything is right and can be trusted (Ps. 119:128). “The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether” (19:9 nkjv).                                                                                                                                           這些資訊也包含「正確的事」(第 6、9 節),這個字描述了直接的事。英文單字 right 來自拉丁文 ectus,意思是「直的」。這個字根也出現在「直接」和「正確」等字。神的話也是真實的(7節)和公義的(8節)。愚蠢使用欺騙性和“歪曲”的詞語來達到她的目的,喬治·奧威爾在他的小說《十九八十四》中將這種語言稱為“新話”,我們今天稱之為「雙關語」。神的話語所說的一切都是正確的,都是可以信賴的(詩篇 119:128)。 「耶和華的典章真,全然公義」(19:9 NKJV)。                                                                                                                                                  Wisdom’s words are plain, spoken clearly and openly so that there can be no confusion. Of course, those who reject the Lord don’t understand what God is saying (1 Cor. 2:12–16), but this isn’t because the Word of God is confusing or unclear. It’s because sinners are spiritually blind and deaf (Matt. 13:14–15). The problem is with the hearer, not the speaker. Mark Twain is supposed to have said, “It isn’t what I don’t understand about the Bible that worries me, but what I do understand.”                             智慧的言語是平實的、清晰的、公開的,不會有任何混亂。當然,那些拒絕主的人不明白神在說什麼(林前2:12-16),但這並不是因為神的話令人困惑或不清楚。這是因為罪人在靈性上是又瞎又聾的(太13:14-15)。問題出在聽者身上,而不是說話者身上。馬克吐溫應該說過:“讓我擔心的不是我對聖經的不理解,而是我確實理解的內容。”                                                          “You can receive true wealth” (vv. 10–21). This passage deals with enrichment, not riches in the material sense. Wisdom isn’t promising to put money in the bank for us; she’s urging us to seek eternal wealth instead of gold, silver, and precious stones (see vv. 18–19 as well as 2:4; 3:13–15; 1 Cor. 3:12). This is an Old Testament version of Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (nkjv).                                                                         這些資訊也包含「正確的事」(第 6、9 節),這個字描述了直接的事。英文單字 right 源自於「你可以獲得真正的財富」(10-21節)。這段經文討論的是豐富,而不是物質意義上的財富。智慧不是承諾幫我們把錢存入銀行;她敦促我們尋求永恆的財富,而不是金、銀和寶石(參考18-19節以及2:4;3:13-15;林前3:12)。這是馬太福音 6:33 的舊約版本:「你們要先求神的國和祂的義,這些東西都要加給你們了」(nkjv)。                                                                              Some Israelites during the Old Testament era had the idea that wealth was a sign of God’s blessing while poverty and trouble were evidences that you were out of His favor. Because Job’s friends held to a “prosperity theology,” they concluded that Job was a great sinner or he wouldn’t be suffering so much. When Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to enter God’s kingdom, His astounded disciples asked, “Who then can be saved?” (Matt. 19:23–26). If rich people don’t make it to heaven, who will?              舊約時代的一些以色列人認為,財富是上帝祝福的標誌,而貧窮和麻煩則是你失寵的證據。由於約伯的朋友們堅持“成功神學”,他們得出的結論是約伯是一個大罪人,否則他就不會遭受這麼多痛苦。當耶穌說財主很難進神的國時,門徒們驚訝地問道:“這樣誰能得救呢?” (太 19:23-26)。如果富人都不能上天堂,誰能上天堂呢?                                                                           But Wisdom has better gifts to offer than perishable riches—blessings like prudence, knowledge, discretion (“witty inventions,” Prov. 8:12), the fear of the Lord, humility, godly speech, wise c ounsel, understanding, guidance on life’s path, strength for the journey, and “durable riches.” A life that’s enriched by God may be poor in this world’s goods, but it is rich in the things that matter most. It’s good to enjoy the things that money can buy, provided you don’t lose the things that money can’t buy. What Wisdom has to offer can’t be purchased anywhere, no matter how rich you are.                                         但智慧比易腐的財富能提供更好的禮物——諸如審慎、知識、判斷力(“機智的發明”,箴言8:12)、敬畏耶和華、謙卑、敬虔的言語、明智的勸告、理解、人生指引等祝福。被上帝豐富的生活可能在這個世界上的物品上很貧乏,但在最重要的事情上卻很豐富。享受金錢能買到的東西是件好事,只要你不失去金錢買不到的東西。智慧所提供的東西是在任何地方都買不到的,無論你多麼富有。                                                                                                                                       How do we secure this satisfying and enduring wealth? Hear the Word of God (v. 6), receive instruction (v. 10), love truth and wisdom (vv. 17, 21), and seek God and His wisdom daily (v. 17). Many of God’s people have discovered how important it is to start each day with the Lord, meditating on His Word, praying, and worshipping Him. (See Ps. 57:8 and 63:11; Gen. 19:27; Ex. 24:4; Mark 1:35.)                                                                                                                                                                        我們如何才能獲得這種令人滿意且持久的財富?聆聽神的話語(6節),接受教導(10節),喜愛真理和智慧(17、21節),並每天尋求神和祂的智慧(17節)。許多神的子民都發現每天與主一起開始、默想祂的話語、禱告和敬拜祂是多麼重要。 (參考詩篇 57:8 和 63:11;創世記 19:27;出埃及記 24:4;馬可福音 1:35。)                                                                                         “You can see my works” (vv. 22–31). We touched upon this in chapter 1 and found it to be an explanation of the wisdom of God at work in the creation of the universe. While it isn’t a description of Jesus Christ, for the eternal Son of God was never created, it does foreshadow Christ as the creative Word that brought everything into being (John 1:1–4; Col. 2:3)                                                                          「你可以看見我的作為」(22-31 節)。我們在第一章中談到了這一點,發現它是對上帝創造宇宙的智慧的解釋。雖然它不是對耶穌基督的描述,因為永恆的上帝之子從未被創造過,但它確實預示著基督是創造萬物的道(約翰福音 1:1-4;歌羅西書 2:3)                                                    One of the lessons of this paragraph is that the power and splendor of God, seen all around us in creation, are evidence of what God’s wisdom can do. The same God who worked in the “old creation” also wants to work in our lives in the “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10; 4:24; Col. 3:10). The Lord Jesus Christ, who holds the universe together and causes it to fulfill His will, can hold our lives together and accomplish His purposes for His glory.                                                                                                            這一段的教訓是,我們周圍的創造物中隨處可見的上帝的力量和輝煌,證明了上帝的智慧所能做到的事。在「舊造」中工作的同一位神也希望在「新造」中在我們的生活中工作(哥林多後書5:17;以弗所書2:10;4:24;歌羅西書3: 10)。主耶穌基督將宇宙維繫在一起,並使其實現祂的旨意,祂也能將我們的生命維繫在一起,並為了祂的榮耀而完成祂的目的。                               When we belong to Jesus Christ and walk in His wisdom, all of creation works for us; if we rebel against His wisdom and will, things start to work against us, as Jonah discovered when he tried to run away from the Lord.                                                                                                                                                當我們屬於耶穌基督並行走在祂的智慧中時,所有的創造物都會為我們工作;如果我們反抗祂的智慧和旨意,事情就會開始對我們不利,正如約拿在試圖逃離上帝時所發現的那樣。               “You must make a decision!” (vv. 32–36). Having declared God’s truth, Wisdom now calls for a decision, as all faithful heralds must do. How people respond to God’s message is a matter of life or death (vv. 35–36), and it’s impossible to be neutral. Wisdom calls for a sincere, life-changing decision that involves turning from sin (repentance) and turning to Christ (faith). If the decision is real, it will result in a commitment to the Lord that leads to meeting with Him daily, like a servant at the master’s door.                                                                                                                                                                        “你必須做出決定!” (32-36節)。在宣告了上帝的真理之後,智慧現在需要做出決定,正如所有忠實的使者必須做的那樣。人們如何回應上帝的信息是生死攸關的問題(35-36節),不可能保持中立。智慧需要做出真誠的、改變生命的決定,包括從罪中迴轉(悔改)並轉向基督(信心)。如果這個決定是真的,就會導致對主的委身,導致每天與祂見面,就像僕人在主人門口一樣。                                                                                                                                                          Those who reject God’s truth sin against their own souls. Those who hate God’s truth are heading for eternal death (Rev. 20:11–15).                                                                                                               那些拒絕神的真理的人是在得罪自己的靈魂。那些憎恨上帝真理的人正在走向永恆的死亡(啟20:11-15)。

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