920 英翻中 (621) Thank You Lord, I just want to thank You Lord. 主阿, 謝謝祢, 僅僅要謝謝謝祢. 1/30/2024
3. Wisdom’s Call to Life (9:1–18) 3. 智慧對生命的呼召(9:1-18) Instead of going to the busy places of the city, Wisdom now remains at home and serves as hostess of a grand feast. 智慧現在不再去城市的繁華地段,而是留在家裡,擔任盛大筵席的女主人。 Preparation (vv. 1–2). In the previous chapter, we saw Wisdom at work in creation, but here we see her having built a spacious house (“seven pillars”) where she prepares a sumptuous banquet. The Jewish people didn’t use their flocks and herds for food, so opportunities to eat roast beef or lamb were infrequent and welcomed. The table would be spread with delectable foods as well as wine to drink. “Mingled” (mixed) wine could mean diluted with water (usually three parts water) or mixed with spices. However, the presence of wine on the table must not be interpreted as a divine endorsement of alcoholic beverages. Wine was a normal part of a Jewish meal, but nowhere does the Bible approve of drunkenness (see 20:1; 23:29–35; 31:4–7). More on this topic in a later chapter. 準備(1-2節)。在上一章中,我們看到智慧在創造中工作,但在這裡我們看到她建造了一座寬敞的房子(「七根柱子」),在那裡她準備了豐盛的宴會。猶太人並不以牛羊為食,因此吃烤牛肉或烤羊肉的機會很少,也很受歡迎。餐桌上擺滿了美味佳餚和美酒。 「混合」(混合)葡萄酒可能意味著用水(通常是三份水)稀釋或與香料混合。然而,餐桌上的葡萄酒絕不能被解釋為對酒精飲料的神聖認可。酒是猶太人膳食中常見的一部分,但聖經中沒有任何地方贊成醉酒(參閱20:1;23:29-35;31:4-7)。稍後的章節將詳細介紹該主題。 Invitation (vv. 3–9). Instead of going out herself as in the previous two “calls,” Wisdom now sends her lovely maidens to the highest places of the city to invite people to the feast. It was customary in those times for a host or hostess to issue two invitations. The first one, given some days in advance, notified the guests of the day and hour of the feast; the second one, given the day of the feast, ascertained who was actually coming (see Luke 14:16–24; Matt. 22:1–14). Knowing the approximate number of the guests, the cooks could then prepare sufficient meat so that there was plenty for everybody and nothing would be wasted. We don’t read here of any preliminary invitation. The maidens are simply saying, “Come right now!” 邀請(3-9節)。智慧不再像前兩次「召喚」那樣親自出去,而是派她可愛的少女到城市的最高處邀請人們參加盛宴。當時的習慣是主人或女主人發出兩次邀請。第一個通知提前幾天通知客人宴會的日期和時間;第二個通知則提前幾天通知客人。第二個是在節日當天確定誰真正來(參考路加福音 14:16-24;馬太福音 22:1-14)。知道了客人的大致數量,廚師就可以準備足夠的肉,讓每個人都有足夠的肉,就不會浪費任何東西。我們在這裡沒有看到任何初步邀請。少女們只是說:“現在就來吧!” Note that they are inviting one class of people: the simple (Prov. 9:4). Wisdom’s first call was to the simple, the scorners, and the fools (1:22). The scorners laughed at her, so in her second call she invited only the simple and the fools (8:5). But the fools didn’t want God’s wisdom, so in this third call she invites only the simple ones to come to her feast. It’s a dangerous thing to reject God’s invitation; you never know when it may be your last one (Luke 14:24). 請注意,他們邀請的是一類人:簡單的人(箴 9:4)。智慧首先向愚昧人、褻慢者和愚昧人發出召喚(1:22)。輕視者嘲笑她,所以在她的第二次呼籲中,她只邀請了愚昧人和愚昧人(8:5)。但愚人不想要上帝的智慧,所以在第三次召喚中,她只邀請簡單的人來參加她的盛宴。拒絕神的邀請是一件危險的事;你永遠不知道什麼時候會是你的最後一次(路加福音14:24)。 Of course, when the simple people accept the invitation, it means leaving the old crowd, and the fools and scoffers will try to talk them into staying (Prov. 9:6–8). Sinners don’t want to be rebuked and reproved, but wise people will accept and benefit from both. Fools, scoffers, and the simple like to have their own way and be told they’re doing fine, but wise men and women want the truth. Teach wise people and they’ll accept the truth and become wiser; try to teach fools and they’ll reject the truth and become even greater fools. 當然,當單純的人接受邀請時,就意味著離開老百姓,愚昧人和好訌的人會試圖說服他們留下來(箴言9:6-8)。罪人不想受到責備和改正,但明智的人會接受並從中受益。傻瓜、嘲笑者和簡單的人喜歡按自己的方式行事,並被告知他們做得很好,但聰明的男人和女人想要真相。教導聰明人,他們就會接受真理,變得更聰明;試著教導愚人,他們就會拒絕真理,並成為更大的愚人。 Celebration (vv. 10–12). When you respond to Wisdom’s invitation and attend the feast, what will you receive? For one thing, you’ll have a greater respect for the Lord and a deeper knowledge of the Holy One (v. 10). The better you know God, the keener will be your knowledge and discernment when it comes to the decisions of life. 慶祝(10-12節)。當你回應智慧的邀請並參加盛宴時,你會收到什麼?一方面,你會對主更尊重,對聖者有更深的認識(10節)。你越了解上帝,你在做人生決定時的知識和洞察力就會越敏銳。 Once again, Wisdom promises to give us long life (v. 11) and to fill our days and years with rich experiences of God’s grace. God wants to add years to our life and life to our years, and He will do it if we obey His wisdom. Verse 12 reminds us that the Lord wants to build godly character into our lives, and we can’t borrow character from others or give our character to them. This is an individual matter that involves individual decisions. Belonging to a fine family, attending a faithful church, or studying in an excellent school can’t guarantee the building of our character. Character is built on decisions, and bad decisions will create bad character. 智慧再一次應許給我們長壽(11節), 並讓我們的日子和歲月充滿對上帝恩典的豐富體驗。祂想要讓我們的生命加添歲月,生命加添歲月,如果我們服從祂的智慧,祂就會做到這一點。第12節提醒我們,主希望在我們的生命中建立敬虔的品格,我們不能從別人那裡借用品格,也不能把我們的品格給他們。這是涉及個人決定的問題。屬於美好的家庭,參加忠實的教堂,或在優秀的學校學習並不能保證我們品格的建立。品格是建立在你的決定基礎上的,錯誤的決定會造就不良的品格。 Condemnation (vv. 13–18). The chapter closes with a quick glimpse of the prostitute (Folly) as she calls to the same simple ones and invites them to her house. But if they accept her invitation, they’ll be attending a funeral and not a feast— and it will be their own funeral! 定罪(13-18節)。在本章結束時,快速談談妓女(愚蠢)的問題,她被稱著同樣簡單的人,並邀請青年人到她家去。但如果他們接受她的邀請,他們將參加葬禮而不是盛宴 —— 而且這將是青年人的葬禮! In 5:15–18, Solomon compared the joys of married love to drinking pure water from a refreshing fountain, but Folly (the adulteress) offers “stolen water” from somebody else’s fountain. God ordained marriage to be a “fence” around the fountain so that nobody will pollute it. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Ex. 20:14) has never been removed from God’s law. 在 5:15-18 諸節中,所羅門將婚姻之愛的喜樂比喻為從清涼的泉源到喝純淨水,但愚昧(姦婦)卻從別人的泉源提供「偷來的水」。上帝命定婚姻是噴泉周圍的一道“柵欄”,這樣就沒有人會污染它。 「不可姦淫」(出 20:14)從未從上帝的律法中刪除。 When it comes to possessing eternal life and living so as to please God, it’s an either/or situation. Either we accept the invitation or we reject it; either we obey His wisdom or we reject it. Those who claim to be neutral are rejecting His Word as much as those who turn away from it completely. “He that is not with me is against me,” said Jesus (Matt. 12:30). 當談到擁有永生, 及討上帝喜悅而生活時,這是非此/即彼的情況。我們要麼接受邀請,要麼拒絕它;我們要麼服從祂的智慧,要麼拒絕它。那些自稱中立的人, 與那些完全背棄祂的話語的人一樣,都是在拒絕祂的話語的人。耶穌說:「不與我相合的,就是敵我的」(太 2:30)。 What will it be in your life, the feast or the funeral? 你的生活中會會是怎樣,盛宴還是葬禮
Notes : [註:] 1 The father’s statement, “my son,” is found forty-one times in Proverbs, but the influence of the mother isn’t ignored. See 1:8; 4:3; 6:20; 10:1; 15:20; 19:26; 20:20; 23:22; 23:25; 28:24; 30:11, 17; 31:1ff. 1 箴言中出現了四十一次父親的說法“我的兒子”,但母親的影響並沒有被忽視。參閱 1:8; 4:3; 6:20; 10:1; 15:20; 19:26; 20:20; 23:22; 23:25; 28:24; 30:11、17; 31:1 等節。 2 James 1:14 uses the images of hunting and fishing to get the same point across. The verbs “drawn away” and “enticed” carry the idea of “luring with bait,” whether baiting a trap or a fishing hook. Temptation is the bait, and Satan wants us to think we can grab the bait and avoid the consequences (Gen. 3:5). Alas, it never works that way. 2 雅各書 1:14 使用打獵和捕魚的比喻來表達同樣的觀點。動詞「吸引」和「引誘」帶有「用誘餌引誘」的意思,無論是用陷阱還是魚鉤當誘餌。誘惑是誘餌,撒但希望我們認為我們可以抓住誘餌並避免後果(創世記 3:5). 唉,事情從來不是這樣的。 3 In Proverbs, three Hebrew words are translated “fool”: kesyl, the dull, stupid fool; ewiyl, the corrupt fool who is morally perverted; nabal, the stubborn, brutish fool whose mind is made up and won’t be convinced. For a vivid example of this third variety of fool, see 1 Samuel 25. 3 在《箴言》中,三個希伯來文被翻譯為「愚人」:kesyl,遲鈍、愚蠢的愚人; ewiyl,道德敗壞的腐敗傻瓜;拿八,一個固執、殘忍的傻瓜,他的心意已決,不會被說服。關於第三種愚人的生動例子,請參閱撒母耳記上 25 章。