597 中翻英 (297) Don't be a ungraceful man. 不要作忘恩負義的人. 11/30/2023
十一月三十日晨曦默思給予有基督信仰者一盤苦菜, 叫我們沉思對主耶穌基督真正的認識. 否則我們信徒的所作所為不實在.
「耶和華阿,我向來等候你的救恩。」(創 49:18 新國際版)
November 30
“I have waited for your salvation, O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18 NIV)
Genesis chapter 49 reveals Jacob was a prophet. Out of a real understanding of God's heart, he could utter its trmentous forecast. But this verse(Genesis 49:18), set right in the middle, is not a prophecy; it is a cry of Jecob himself. For there was sorrow and a foreboding of sin as well as joy and good in these oracles, and he had just been compelled to paint a very dark picture of Dan as a serpent in the pathway. Then, just here, Jacob showed himself. Lifting his eyes to heaven he revealed what he, prophet raised his eyes to heaven and revealed who he, was. It is easy to preach; but when a man preaches we know at once if God has hold of him or not. The old Jacob would have begun to think up a scheme for dealing with Dan (the snake). He could always get the better of people; but not now. Now he had learned to know God. "I have waited for your salvation, O Lord, !"