Thursday, November 30, 2023

597 中翻英 (297) Don't be a ungraceful man. 不要作忘恩負義的人. 11/30/2023

597 中翻英 (297)            Don't be a ungraceful man.    不要作忘恩負義的人.       11/30/2023

十一月三十日晨曦默思給予有基督信仰者一盤苦菜,   叫我們沉思對主耶穌基督真正的認識.     否則我們信徒的所作所為不實在.    

「耶和華阿,我向來等候你的救恩。」(創   49:18 新國際版


November 30

“I have waited for your salvation, O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18 NIV)

Genesis chapter 49 reveals Jacob was a prophet. Out of a real understanding of God's heart, he could utter its trmentous forecast. But this verse(Genesis 49:18), set right in the middle, is not a prophecy; it is a cry of Jecob himself.  For there was sorrow and a foreboding of sin as well as joy and good in these oracles, and he had just been compelled to paint a very dark picture of Dan as a serpent in the pathway.  Then, just here, Jacob showed himself.  Lifting his eyes to heaven he revealed what he,  prophet raised his eyes to heaven and revealed who he, was.  It is easy to preach; but when a man preaches we know at once if God has hold of him or not. The old Jacob would have begun to think up a scheme for dealing with Dan (the snake). He could always get the better of people; but not now.  Now he had learned to know God.  "I have waited for your salvation, O Lord, !"

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

596 中翻英 (296) Do not steal the God's glory. 不要虧欠上帝的榮耀. 11/29/2023

596 中翻英 (296)             Do not steal the God's glory.            不要虧欠上帝的榮耀.        11/29/2023


「因為我見了你的面,如同見了神的面。」(創   33:10 新國際版

雅各說這句令人惊奇的話是什么意思呢?他在毗努伊勒曾面對面的看見神,現在他形容他与以掃的會面,正如再次的看見了神的面!這也許是出于諂媚,顯明雅各仍然保留著一些他早年那詭詐多謀的性格,這也可能是一种自由,承認將家人和產業分隊行進的精心安排,都不過是浪費時間而已。當以掃在歡迎他的時候,他就認識拯救已經臨到了他,但不是借著他自己的聰明和謀略,乃是憑著神管治一切的權能。然而還有一個可能的意義,這意義是一個具有普遍性的屬靈事實,那就是說:我們所得罪的人,他們對于我們,必會常常在代表著神。當我們看見他們的時候,就好像是看見了神,并能叫我們有受審判和被定罪的感覺。感謝神,如果有這种情形出現,那就顯明我們的心在神面前是實實在在的謙卑下來了。這也可能導至蒙怜恤并彼此和好。經上說:「先去同弟兄和好,然后來獻禮物。」(太   5:24 

November 29

"For to see your face is like seeing the face of God." (Genesis 33:10 NIV)

What does this astonishing statement mean?  Jacob, who had seen God face to face at Peniel, now  describes his meeting with Esau as if he were again seeing the face of God!  It may have been mere flattery, an evidence that Jacob still retained something of his earlier scheming nature.  It may also have been a kind of confession that all his elaborately planned arrangment of his family and possessions had been a waste of time.  In Esau's welcome he may have recognized that deliverance had come to him, not through his own clever artifice but through the overruling of  God.  But there is one more possible meaning, and this is a universal spiritual fact.  It is that those whom we have wronged will always represent God to us. When we see them, it is as though we were meeting God.  It can be in judgement. Thank God if, when this is so, our hearts are truly humbled before Him. It can also meam mercy and reconciliation. "First be econciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matthew 5:24)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

595 中翻英 (295) Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩節喜樂! 11/28/2023

595 中翻英 (295)                Happy Thanksgiving!                      感恩節喜樂!                11/28/2023 

如果有人问我,  你一生中有甚麼值得感恩的事?” 我会这样回答:  1962年上帝恩賜我終身伴侶柴桂祥姊妹. 結伴61年, 養育子女三人: 雷應遠(John), 雷小清(Ruth), 雷保羅(Paul).  感謝上帝的恩典和憐憫.


1930才出生半年的我上帝就差遣祂的仆人William Richard Johnson 宣教士拯救我们于1931年的长江极大洪水灾难中没有把我們放在14萬多因洪災喪生的人當中并且收容孩子全家住在他的地下室達五年之久. 1945, 在我初中三年级时, 祂赐有如父親的邓岳宗英文老师教孩子學英文他利用宝贵的休息时间与孩子练习英语会话, 才有今日我能在網路上靠上帝的大能, 幫助我國的青少年學習基本英語語法博客的發表1977年遵照上帝的旨意, 差遣我們来到美国学习事奉祂.  

回忆1977來到美國, 見到各大學中內中國學生查經班像雨後春筍般, 紛紛在上帝的永遠的旨意中建立起來. 這一切都是出自今早起床后禱告,  “謝謝上帝又赐我一天活命的恩典.”  因为93岁的我能自己起床, 是上帝的恩典.  

感恩是基督信仰者的生命, 因为在我一生中祂都看顾我們没有缺乏;我們感恩,因为主耶稣拯救了我們创造了我們;  我們感恩, 因為主耶穌基督為我們的罪, 釘死在十字架上, 付上我們的全部罪債, 賜我們永生的應許.

十一月二十八日的晨曦甘露真正的滋潤了我們罪人的心田.   使徒保羅是滿腹經綸的智慧者.     他謙卑的在哥林多教會只傳講基督並祂釘十字架的真理,   展示他因見到耶穌基督復活的大光.  每當他一站出來傳講上帝的福音時,   十字架的大能就展示在人的腦海裡.   他不是從前追殺捕捉基督徒的兇手嗎?    怎麼現在傳講主耶穌基督並祂釘十字架的真理呢!?       是主復活的大光使他領悟出, 耶穌基督是上帝的兒子.   所以他只要傳福音,   必定是傳講主耶穌的復活, 沒有任何的畏懼.    

「并不用智慧的言語,免得基督的十字架落了空。」(林前   1:17 新國際版 

當年青的時候,我在講道中極力要達到一個最完美的標准,好叫听眾沒有任何誤解的可能。因此,我極其謹慎,不敢有絲毫過分或冒險之處。但我也必須承認,在那樣的講道中,屬靈的价值是非常的少。不久,我便發現,上帝使用軟弱的器皿來做祂信息的出口者。祂不要求我們去作明智的解釋,但祂卻要借著片斷而不完整的話語,這里一字,那里一句的,把祂的亮光帶給人。祂不是要求人在講道上需具有全然清晰的明辨力,或無懈可擊的教導。事實上,我們若在這些方面追求完美,反而會攔阻了神首要的目標,就是將生命帶給死在過犯中的罪人,并將天上的嗎哪供應那些飢餓的心靈。主耶穌說:「我對你們所說的話,就是靈,就是生命。」(約   6:63 新國際版

November 28

"Not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."  (1 Corinthians 1:17 NIV)

When I was young, I tried my best to take care of my sermons being in so perfect that there would be no possibility of misunderstanding by the audience. Therefore, I was extremely cautious and did not dare to go overboard or take any risks. But I must also admit that there is very little spiritual value in that kind of preaching. Soon I discovered that God uses weak vessels to be the bearers of His message. He does not want us to give our wise explanations, but He does bring His light to people through fragmented and incomplete His words, a word here and a sentence there. He does not require perfect clarity of discernment or impeccable teaching in preaching. In fact, if we pursue perfection in these areas, we will hinder God's primary purpose, which is to bring life to sinners dead in their trespasses and to provide manna from heaven to hungry souls. The Lord Jesus said,  "The Words that I say to you are spirit and life." (John 6:63)

Monday, November 27, 2023

594 中翻英(294)Now offer the parts of your body as a slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. 現今也要照樣將肢體獻給義作奴仆, 以至于成圣. 11/27/2023

594 中翻英(294)Now offer the parts of your body as a slavery to righteousness leading tholiness.  現今也要照樣將肢體獻給義作奴仆以至于成圣.              11/27/2023

十一月二十七日晨曦默思是有基督信仰的人, 必須警惕的.   我們的肢體現在應該獻給義作奴仆,以至于成圣.     凡屬於不聖潔的事一概不能做.     親愛的的訪友,   您遇見過這樣的試煉嗎?

「我因你們肉體的軟弱,就照人的常話對你們說,你們從前怎樣將肢體獻給不洁和不法作奴仆,以至于不法,現今也要照樣將肢體獻給義作奴仆,以至于成圣。」                                        (羅   6:19 新國際版

一位中國籍的主內弟兄,有一次在火車上旅行,發覺与三位不信的乘客在一個車廂內。為著打發時間,那三位不信的人提議玩紙牌,但需要多一個人才能湊成游戲。于是他們邀請那位基督徒參加,他卻回答說:「非常抱歉,要掃你們的興,我不能与你們一起玩,因為我沒有帶自己的手。」那三個人十分惊异,問說:「你這是什么意思?」他答道:「這一雙手不是屬于我的了。」接著他解釋主耶穌如何拯救了他,現在他生命的所有權是如何已轉移交給主。保羅說:「將肢體作義的器具獻給神。」(羅   6:13)這位弟兄認為他身體上的肢體,完全是屬于主的,這就是圣洁的實行。

November 27

“I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves.  Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. " (Romans 6:19 NIV)

A Chinese brother in Christ was traveling on a train and found himself in the same compartment with three unbelieving passengers. To pass the time, the three unbelievers suggested a game of cards, but one more person was needed to complete the game. So they invited the Christian to participate, but he replied,  "I'm very sorry to spoil your fun. I can't do it with you because I didn't bring my own hands." The three people were very surprised and asked,  " What do you mean?”  He replied,  “These hands no longer belong to me.”  He then explained how the Lord Jesus had saved him and how ownership of his life had now been transferred to the Lord. Paul said,  "..... and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness." (Romans 6:13) This christian brother believes that the parts of his body completely belong to the Lord. This is the practice of holiness.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

593 中翻英 (293) Let me use success as material for thankfulness: 容我利用成功生感恩的心. 11/26/2023

593 中翻英 (293)  Let me use success as material for thankfulness:  容我利用成功生感恩的心.                                                              11/26/2023

Our heavenly Father, Teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.                                                                                                                                     我們在天上的父求祢教導孩子利用今日白晝生活的恩賜結出聖灵的果子而不結罪的果子.     

   Let me use disappointment as material for patience:   容我利用失望訓練忍耐;

   Let me use suspense as material for perseverance:      容我利用阻撓訓練毅力;

   Let me use danger as material for courage:                   容我利用危險培養勇敢;

   Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering:      容我利用責備訓練耐心;

   Let me use praise as material for humility:                   容我利用讚美訓練謙卑;

   Let me use pleasures as material for temperance:        容我利用娛樂訓練節制;

   Let me use pains as material for endurance.                 容我利用痛苦培養堅忍. 

I pray in Jesus' name.  Amen.       奉主耶穌基督的名禱告.  阿們. 


「你們為什么整天在這里閑站呢?你們也進葡萄園去。」(太   20:6-7   新國際版


November 26

"Why have you been standing here all day long?  you also go and workin My vineyard." (Matthew 20:6-7 NIV)

The word "idle" (Greek for "ARGOS") can greatly help us understand the truth of deliverance from sin described by Paul. Because it is the root of the word used in Romans 6:6. There Paul writes of the "annihilation" of the body of sin, which means "making it defeated", "ineffective", etc. through the cross. The old master "sin" is still there, but the slave (old man) who serves sin in Christ has been put to death and thus eliminated. At the same time, his members are no longer employed (unemployed). The gambling hand is now out of a job, the cursing tongue is out of a job, and these members can now be offered to God as “instruments of righteousness” (Romans 6:13). In this case, when you answer the Lord's question, "Because no one hires us," you are seeking employment from the Lord and being hired into His most rewarding service. "You also go and work in My vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right." (Matthew 20:4)

Saturday, November 25, 2023

592 中翻英 (292) Gratitude is the Christian life. 感恩是基督信仰者的生活. 11/25/2023

 592 中翻英 (292)        Gratitude is the Christian life.    感恩是基督信仰者的生活. 11/25/2023                                                        

我们在天上的父,  感谢祢赐足够的饮食使我们四十多年在美国毫无缺乏.  谢谢我们的耶稣基督.  祢是我们的主我们的依靠和我们的山寨

今天感谢爱我们的上帝帮助我战胜懒惰魔鬼的试探!   能翻譯这篇晨曦默思.  虽然我心中充满污秽不堪的七情六欲但祢的大爱怜悯我使我胜过自义自怜和自傲.  跪下求祢的灵充满我能见证孩子與祢同釘十字架死了. 現在祢活在我心里.  奉主耶稣的圣名祈求.  阿门.

十一月二十五日晨曦默思,   是編輯者必須要感謝上帝的慈愛,   使我的舊人與主耶穌基督同釘十字架,   叫我不再作罪的奴仆.

「因為知道我們的舊人,和祂同釘十字架叫我們不再作罪的奴仆.」(羅   6:6 新國際版


November 25

“Knowing that our old man was crucified with Him, so that we should no longer serve sin.” (Romans 6:6)

Why do you believe in the death of the Lord Jesus? What is the basis of your belief? Is it based on your feeling that He is dead? No, you have never felt like this. Your belief is based on what God’s word tells you. When the Lord Jesus was crucified, two thieves were also crucified at the same time. You have never doubted that they were crucified at the same time as the Lord Jesus, because the Bible clearly tells us so. Now, what about the death of your old man? You were crucified with Christ more truly than those two thieves. Although they were crucified at the same time as the Lord Jesus, they were crucified on different crosses. And you were crucified on the same cross as the Lord Jesus, because when He died, you were also included in Him. It's not based on how you feel. The only good reason you can know this fact is because God says so. The death of Christ is a fact. The death of those two robbers is a fact. And your death is also a fact. That “self” that you hate has been crucified with Christ on the cross, and “he who has died has been freed from sin!” (Romans 6:7)

Friday, November 24, 2023

591 中翻英(291) Depend upon the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 憑著聖靈, 字句叫人死, 聖靈叫人活. 11/24/2023

591 中翻英(291)           Depend upon the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.                                                                             憑著聖靈,   字句叫人死,   聖靈叫人活.                             11/24/2023                                                                                                      




November 24

"The new covenant is not by the letter but by the Spirit, for the letter kills but the spirit gives life." (2 Corinthians 3:6)

As I am conversing with only caring about the absolute accuracy of appearance and neglect spiritual life people, even I will not with my downright disgustat, but at least not interesting.  Formulaic terms in  "preaching methods" don't make interesting in me at all. One thing is really deeply sad which is meeting some of God’s children who  have no idea about the  abominable of natural power living , and a few have knowledge Christ as the head of their bodies as in life this portant experience, however,  they are always criticizeing and asking absolute correctness and reasonable in their methods of serving God. God Himself has prepared for His wine the wineskins which are most suitable for retaining the flavor of the wine.  If you have wine but without the wineskins to hold it, it is real indeed a spiritual loss. But if you have the wineskins but do not have the wine in it, this is the worse than Spiritual loss case, because it is Spiritual death.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

590 中翻英 (290) Thanksgiving day is worthwhile to our created God praying for His mighty power. 盼望主內訪友都在這感恩節向創造我們的主發出感恩的禱告. 11/23/2023

 590 中翻英 (290)    Thanksgiving day is worthwhile to our created God praying for His mighty power.                                    盼望主內訪友都在這感恩節向創造我們的主發出感恩的禱告.      11/23/2023


「他說,千万不可!我和你,并你那些為耶穌做見證的弟兄,同是作仆人的,你要敬拜神。」(啟   19:10 新國際版

這到底是什么一回事呢?難道約翰失去了他的理智,以致要去敬拜一位天使嗎?是的,他可能失去了理智,然而這确是因他的心實實在在太受感動和太被吸引了!有些人的頭腦很清醒,他們從不做愚蠢的事,約翰卻不屬于這類的人,因他一連兩次的重复這個錯誤(啟28:8)。其實,約翰是一個好心腸的人,而好心腸的人常會變糊涂而做愚蠢的事。當時約翰的心受了「由神那里,從天而降」那榮耀教會的奇觀所吸引而陶醉了。他看見了在November 23

"But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brethren who hold to the witness of Jesus.  Worship God! ......" (Revelation 19:10 NIV)

What is this all about? Did John lose his mind and wanted to worship an angel? Yes, he may have lost his mind, but this is indeed because his heart is really too moved and touched!  Some people are clear-minded and never do stupid things, but John did not fall into this category, because he repeated this mistake twice in a row (Revelation 28:8). In fact, John is a kind-hearted person, and kind-hearted people often become confused and do stupid things. At that time, John's heart was attracted and intoxicated by the wonder of the glorious church "coming down from God out of heaven." He saw that in his suffering and endurance, he actually participated in this greatest spiritual masterpiece of all time with his heavenly co-workers. What an exciting and amazing thing it was for him! Although his actions (worshiping the angels) were undoubtedly wrong, they came from the right attitude in his heart. And this correct attitude is something that each of us should imitate.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

589 中翻英 (289) Realities of Faith. 信心的實存. 11/22/2023

589 中翻英 (289)                 Realities of Faith.        信心的實存.                             11/22/2023 

"信就是對所望之事的實底(實存)."(來 11:1 達秘譯本)

我們如何將一些東西認定為「實存」?事實上,我們每天都在認定一些東西是實存。我們不能在一個沒有「實存」的東西世界里生存。一件「物質」必定是一個實存的物體,是在我面前的某些東西,雖然它可能像聲音或顏色那樣,是我們所無從触摸的,「實存」就是在我身上有了某种視听的官能,將那些不能触摸得出的「物質」,成為我所能感應或辨認得出來的實存東西。例如:黃的顏色是十分實在的,但如果我們閉著眼睛,那么,黃色就在我們眼前消失了,并且是全然消失——至少是暫時的, 我們對它的顏色無法捉摸,  但它是實存的。但借著視覺的功用,我們以具備的視覺官能去捉摸它的「實存」,那么黃色實在是「實存」的了。不只是那顏色呈現在我面前,并且它在我的意識里也成為實存了。哦!神賜給我的視覺,真是多么的寶貝!

但我們在基督里「所盼望」的事物,比那些触摸不著的聲音、或顏色更加「實存」,因為它們是永存不朽的,所以就更「實存」的了。同時神已賜給我一個很寶貴的官能,得以將那永存的事物見證為「實存 'reality'」。信心——神儿子的信心,就是這個寶貴的官能。信心將那屬靈的事物,在我的經歷中成為我生命里的「實存」。信心安定在上帝的的「實存」上,就能將我在盼望中而未見的事物驗證「實存」了。                                       

 [註:] 編輯者第二次到德國研習水利工程是在德國當時對泥沙研究特別著名的達姆城工科大學(Darmstadt Hochsuchle), 在大學附近約10哩左右有達姆城瑪利姊妹會(Darmstadt Mary Sister Evangelish  Christian association), 主持人: Mother Basilea Schlink(施寧院母)寫了一本非常著名的屬靈著作:  Realities of Faith (信心的實存) .  主旨說明她們的生活所需, 及教堂的建造完全憑她們的信.  編輯者已翻譯成中文.  編輯者整整一年都在她們的教堂參加敬拜上帝.  可以見證她們的信心能將其盼望中祈求而尚未見到的事物驗證為「實存」。 

November 22

“Reality of faith are things hoped for.” (Hebrews 11:1 編輯者另譯)

How do we "materialize" something? In fact, we materialize something every day. We cannot live in a world without "materialization".   A "matter" must be an object, something in front of me.  Although it may be something we can't touch like sound or color, "substantiation" means having some sense of sight and hearing in me, turning those intangible "matters" into actual things that I can sense or recognize. For example: the color yellow is very real, but if we close our eyes, then yellow loses its reality to me and disappears completely - at least I no longer have the feeling of its existence. But through the function of vision, I use my visual sense to "materialize" it, and then yellow becomes concrete for me. Not only did the color appear before me, but it also became a reality in my consciousness. oh! The vision God gave me is such a treasure!

But the things we "hope for" in Christ are more real than those intangible sounds or colors. Because they are eternal, they are more practical. At the same time, God has given me a very precious faculty to "materialize" eternal things.  Faith—the faith of the Son of God is this precious gift --- our mind.  It can let us see spiritual things realities in my life and experience.  Our faith can anchore in God’s faithfulness  “realized” the things we have hoped for but not yet seen.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

588 中翻英 (288) Have Mercy on Me, Lord! 主阿! 憐憫我. 11/21/2023

588 中翻英 (288)            Have Mercy on Me, Lord!            主阿!  憐憫我.        11/21/2023


「因為他們都看見了他,且甚惊慌。耶穌連忙對他們說:你們放心,是我,不要怕。」(可   6:50新國際版


November 21

"Because  they all saw him and were terrified.    Immediately He  spoke to themn  and said,   "Take courage!  It is I. Don't be afraid." (Mark 6:50 NIV)

Once, after the Lord sent away the crowd, He went up the mountain alone to pray. The disciples were in the boat, but the wind was not favorable and the oars were painful. In the fourth watch of the night, when the sky is darkest and people most like to sleep, it is at this time that the Lord comes to help them. They thought it was a ghost, so they were frightened and shouted. But the Lord quickly said to them, "It's me." The Lord could have said to them, "It is your Lord" and "The Son of God," but He did not say this. He said, "It is I." What did this mean? If someone knocks on the door, and the person inside asks who it is, and the person knocking replies, "It's me," this person must be familiar to the people inside, and only the people inside can recognize the voice of "I."    When the Lord came to help the disciples , He came to help them knowingly and lovingly. That being the case, how should we enjoy the service of Christ?

Monday, November 20, 2023

587 中翻英 (287) Have a mercy upon us, our Lord. 求主開恩賜福給我們. 11/20/2023

587 中翻英 (287)        Have a mercy upon us, our Lord.     求主開恩賜福給我們.    11/20/2023

我們在天上親愛的阿巴父,     求祢憐憫孩子.     讓祢的計劃成全.     一年之內要把倪柝聲著的 "曠野的筵席" 晨曦默思翻譯成英文, 現在祢已祝福我完成百份之九十.    懇求祢繼續憐憫,   榮耀歸於我們在天上的父上帝.   奉主耶穌基督的名禱告.    阿們.     


                                                                                                                                                                「西門回答說, "夫子, 我們整夜勞力, 并沒有打著什么.  .......   "」(路   5:5 新國際版



November 20

"Simon answered, "Master, we have worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.  ......" (Luke 5:5 NIV)

Sometime christians spend a lot of time on the Lord's work, thinking that we will definitely get some results, but at the end we achieve nothing.  We feel only infinitely frustrated. We ask ourselves, "Why is this all in vain? It makes no sense that we should work all night long and not receive a blessing!" But there is no use to argue here. God withholds His blessings - it's that simple. In the ordinary world, we judge things by cause and effect, but in the God’s grace, human reasoning is inappropriate. Only God is the cause of everything, and the only cause.

"But according to Your word, I will lower the net."   This is a kind of faith that is effective in God's work. It is also an expression of not caring about one's own gains and losses, but absolutely trusting what God will blessing.  If our hope rests solely on God, I believe we will see God’s blessings on all our future paths.  When God’s grace comes upon to a person, he may lead fifty people to be saved, or he may have hundred people to be saved.  God's blessings are extremely effective. Therefore, it will better let us look up to the supernatural power of God the Father, let us look up to Him to perform miracles.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

586 中翻英 (286) Lord, have a mercy on me. 主阿, 恩賜我憐憫. 11/19/2023

586 中翻英 (286)    Lord, have a mercy on me.    主阿, 賜我憐憫.                11/19/2023


「窯匠用泥做的器皿,在他手中做坏了,他又用這泥另做別的器皿,窯匠看怎樣好,就怎樣做。」(耶 18:4 新國際版



November 19

“But the pot he was shaping from them clay was marred in his hands, so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. ”  (Jeremiah 18:4 NIV)

The potter's original design was marred by the unresponsiveness of the clay. Yes, although it is damaged, it is not destroyed, because the potter can make another vessel from that piece of clay. Likewise, as long as we are always ready to accept God’s adjustment and adjustment, He can still make a difference in us, which is a wonderful thing. Are there areas where we have failed before Him? If so, we should not think that as long as we persevere, God will accept the pressure to resume His abandoned plan for us. If we have this wrong idea, we are very ignorant.

Has God changed His mind? Does He now ordain me to be “another vessel”? If it is true, then if I still strive desperately to become the same vessel as before, I will touch death. God said, "Should I not treat you as a potter makes clay?" (Jeremiah 18:6) We must not make fun of His will. Although He is our loving Heavenly Father, He is also the sovereign in all His actions. Our attitude should be: “Keep me close to you, fear you in everything, and always be ready to choose your best.” I personally have received great comfort from the exhortation of the apostle Peter. He said: "Humble yourselves and submit yourself under the mighty hand of God, who will exalt you in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

585 中翻英 (285) God’s intention is to use these trials to empower us for spiritually growing. 上帝的心意卻要借著這些試煉,使我們得到屬靈的增長. 11/18/2023

585 中翻英 (285)    God’s intention is to use these trials to empower us spiritually growing.                                                                 上帝的心意卻要借著這些試煉,使我們得到屬靈的增長.    11/18/2023

十一月十八日的晨曦默思讓我們深深領悟見證上帝大能的机會是多麼要緊. 敵人可能會攪擾我們, 但是那條試煉的道路, 卻堆滿了屬靈的滋養品, 能使我們得到屬靈的增長.  親愛的的訪友, 在編輯者的一生中有很多這樣的例證.

「但你們不可背叛耶和華,也不要怕那地的居民,因為他們是我們的食物.....」             (民 14:9 新國際版



November 18  

“Only do not rebel against the LORD.  And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up.  .......”       (Numbers 14:9 NIV)

As we move forward to enjoy the rich inheritance in Christ, on the road, we may be face the trials the great size of some of those Canaanites, but God’s intention is to use these trials to empower us for spiritually growing, and to eat it as food by faith. If we recognize this fact, we can thrive and grow in the midst of difficulty. However, the opposite is also true: the ten spies reported in fear, "The land we explored devours those living in it!" (Numbers 13:32). If you give up your trust in God and avoid trials and problems, you will find yourself in a situation where the difficulties that were supposed to make you grow spiritually are now trying to devour you! Many of us avoid difficulties, and we tend to circle around them, trying to find an easy way out. We put problems aside rather than deal with them. We are unwilling to face the experience of risking our way across the Jordan River, yet we are filled with fear of what lies beyond. oh! Yes, we avoid trials, so we suffer spiritual hunger.

Food is what sustains us, but spiritually saying, we must not derive our sustenance as holiday comfort. Let us not lose any opportunity to witness for God's power.  Enemies may trouble us, but the road of trials is filled with spiritual nourishment that enables us to gain spiritual growth.


Friday, November 17, 2023

584 中翻英 (284) Thanks be to God, who always leads us to triumph in Christ. 感謝神,常帥領我們在基督里夸胜 . 11/17/2023

584 中翻英 (284)      Thanks be to God, who always leads us to triumph in Christ.                                                                                  感謝上帝,常帥領我們在基督里夸胜 .                11/17/2023

十一月十七日的曠野筵席內有使徒保羅飲用的苦菜.    他在歌林多教會只宣講耶穌基督釘十字架的救恩福音時,   是又軟弱,又懼怕,又甚戰兢。....... 但他乃是緊緊靠著圣靈和基督的大能誇勝.

「我在你們那里,又軟弱,又懼怕,又甚戰兢。....... 乃是用圣靈和大能的明證。」                    (林前   2:3-4新國際版

圣經給我們看見基督徒的兩种經歷,二者對于一個基督徒,都是同樣正确而必需的。第一方面的經歷是剛強而近乎夸胜的宣告,諸如:「感謝神,常帥領我們在基督里夸胜。」(林后   2:14)「因我活著就是基督。」(腓   1:21)「我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。」(腓   4:13)然而,同樣的人,也在同樣的屬靈里,說出第二方面經歷的話:「我們甚至連活命的指望都絕了!」(林后   1:8)「基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人在罪人中我是個罪魁。」(提前   1:15)「我們也是這樣同祂軟弱」(林后   13:4)后一种經歷,好像是另一類基督徒的表現——有過失,軟弱,懼怕,又非常缺乏信靠的心。其實,在每一個神儿女的實際生活中,這兩方面的經歷是并存的。我們往往喜歡前者。但只有認識這兩方面經歷的人,才會在實際里認識那位以色列的神,同時也是雅各的神!

November 17

“I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.  My message and my preaching were not .... but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power.”   (1 Corinthians 2:3-4 NIV)

The Bible records two kinds of Christian experiences, both are equally correct and must have for a Christian. The first aspect of experience is a strong and almost triumphal declaration, such as: "Thanks be to God, who always leads us to triumph in Christ." (2 Corinthians 2:14) "For to me, to live is Christ." (Philippians 1: 21) "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) However, the same person, in the same spirituality, said the second aspect of experience: "We even "All hope of life is gone!" (2 Corinthians 1:8) "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief." (1 Timothy 1:15) "In the same way we are weak with Him" ​​(2 Corinthians 1:15) 13:4) The latter experience seems to be symptomatic of a different type of Christian—one who is at fault, weak, fearful, and very lacking in trust. In fact, in the actual life of every child of God, these two aspects of experience coexist. We tend to prefer the former. But only those who know these two aspects of experience will know the God of Israel and the God of Jacob in reality!