Saturday, October 7, 2023

544 中翻英 (244) God's timing is important for our life. 上帝的時間對我們生命很重要. 10/7/2023

544 中翻英 (244)  God's timing is important for our life.  上帝的時間對我們生命很重要. 10/7/2023

10月7日的晨曦默思是有關我們信仰的根基.  尤其在我們與聖靈交通時, 特別要警醒.  因為聖靈的帶領是短暫, 就像信主的時機, 常常有擦身而過的感受.  親愛的主內訪友, 您有過這樣的感受嗎?  祈望您抓住聖靈的感動.

你們听見有吩咐古人的話, 說, "  ..... '只是我告訴你們 ..... ' "(太   5:21-22 新國際版


「只是我告訴你們 .....」主耶穌這些話,包含著适合每一個時代的原則。我曾經听見有人用下面的話來解決一項爭論,他們說,    "那問題在大加爾文(或衛斯理,或達秘)的時代中,早已有定案了!」但他們的時代,是「听見有吩咐古人的話說」的時代,也正如你和我的昨天一樣。如果主今天帶領我做一件事,是我一個月前做過的,我這樣去做,是出于生命,但如果我所做的,只因為主在一個月前曾帶領我如此做,那就是律法了。律法可能有一星期,或几世紀的歷史,但圣靈的帶領,是沒有超過廿四小時之久的。那最主要的問題在于:我是否認識今天与主同行的新鮮呢?

October 7

"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago ..... , but I tell you that ..... "          (Matthew 5:21-22 NIV)

It can be interpreted as strictly adhering to the rules of life in the past, so that we are unable to accept and obey what the Lord Jesus is saying to us now, being bound by the law . We know that the law is a standard in life, but it is an unchanging standard.  As we were young still in school, the physical education teacher would move the high jump pole lower or higher according to our age and ability to suit for us. This standard can be adjusted to allow us to fit. But the standard of the law is strict and unchanging, leaving no room for any possibilities out of the limits which are set by the law.

These words of the Lord Jesus said, "But I say to you."  It contained principles suitable for each century.  I heard once someone to use the following words: "The question had been settled in Calvin's (or Wesley's, or Darby's) day!" to resolve a dispute.  But in that times, "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago."   It is just like you and me said something yesterday." If the Lord leads me to do something today, I did it a month ago, and I do it from my life. But if I do it just because the Lord led me to do it a month ago, then That's the law.  The law may be a week or centuries old, but the leadership of the Holy Spirit cannot last more than twenty-four hours. The most important question is: Do I understand the timing of my walking with the Lord today?

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