Tuesday, October 31, 2023

567 中翻英 (267) God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. 上帝就是光,在祂毫無黑暗. 10/31/2023

 567 中翻英 (267)  God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.  上帝就是光,在祂毫無黑暗.                                                                   10/31/2023

十月三十一日的晨曦默思,   使徒約翰要有基督信仰的人了解,   主耶穌基督為什麼在約翰福音預表為恩典與真理,   但在約翰壹書中却預表為是光和愛.   因為在上帝里面的光,當帶到人面前時,便成為真理,在上帝里面的愛,當帶到人面前時,便成為恩典.  因為只有回到源頭的  光和愛.    才能使我們重新發現這些最初而首要的屬靈事物 --- 光與愛.

「神就是光,在祂毫無黑暗。」(約壹   1:5 新國際版

在約翰福音里,我們的主耶穌在世人中間,被啟示為恩典和真理,但在約翰書信里,這同一位的主,卻被顯示著是与父神同在的光和愛。在福音書里的真理,就是在書信里的光,在福音書里的恩典,就是在書信里的愛。為什么這樣呢? 因為在神里面的光,當帶到人面前時,便成為真理,在神里面的愛,當帶到人面前時,便成為恩典。在這里是真理和恩典,回到神那里就是光和愛了。正因如此,恩典很可能常常被人誤用,而真理也很可能常常被人誤解。人們常濫將這些屬靈的事物錯誤的据為已有,然而,神是光,神是愛,人不能爬高到神那里去褻玩濫用。因此,為著要恢复那些已失去的(恩典和真理),約翰就不給我們提供任何新奇的東西,他只帶領我們回到寶座前,叫我們再一次面對那從起初原有的(光和愛)。因為只有回到源頭去,我們才能重新發現這些最初而首要的屬靈事物。

October 31st

"God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5 NIV)

In the Gospel of John, our Lord Jesus is revealed as grace and truth among men, but in the Epistles of John, this same Lord is revealed as light and love with God the Father. The truth in the Gospels is the light in the Epistles, and the grace in the Gospels is love in the Epistles. Why is this so? Because the light in God, when brought before people, becomes truth, and the love in God, when brought before people, becomes grace. Here is truth and grace, and back to God is light and love. Because of this, grace is likely to be often misused, and truth is likely to be misunderstood. People often misappropriate these spiritual things as their own. However, God is light and God is love, and people cannot climb up to God to abuse and abuse them. Therefore, in order to restore what has been lost (grace and truth), John does not provide us with anything new. He only leads us back to the throne and allows us to face once again what we have from the beginning (light). and love). For only by going back to the source can we rediscover these first and primary spiritual things.

Monday, October 30, 2023

566 中翻英 (266) Love your enemies." (Matthew 5:44) 要愛你們的仇敵. 10/30/2023

 566 中翻英 (266)             Love your enemies." (Matthew 5:44)   要愛你們的仇敵.          10/30/2023





October 30

"But I say to you, love your enemies." (Matthew 5:44)

I know a friend who hates another person because the latter has greatly offended him. The incident was so serious and extraordinary that my friend even killed the man, as if it was not enough revenge. Later, my friend who was offended by others believed in the Lord. He had not seen the person who had harmed him for many years. One day, he arrived in a certain town and attended a bread-breaking meeting with the local believers on Sunday. When he was introduced, he suddenly saw his former enemy also in the meeting. He thought to himself: "So he is here! I don’t know that he has believed in the Lord and been saved, what should I do?” While others were praying, he walked out quietly. On the way, on the one hand, he was thinking about how to be saved, and on the other hand, he was filled with hatred for his enemies. The farther he walked, the sadder he felt at leaving the party. At the same time, his irritation against his enemy increased. He also recalled how the Lord forgave him when he was saved by grace ten years ago. On the other hand, he felt that he could not forgive his enemies. However, the Holy Spirit brought the Lord's words into his heart: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35) He immediately stopped and cried to the Lord: " Lord, I forgive him!" Then he turned around and returned to the meeting with tears in his eyes. When he arrived at the meeting and they were about to break bread, he stood up and communicated all the past and told them how God had removed all hatred from his heart.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

565 中翻英 (265) The unite of the church members does matters. 教會的合一確實重要. 10/29/2023

565 中翻英 (265) The unite of the church members does matters.   教會的合一確實重要. 10/29/2023 


「使他們都合而為一,正如你父在我里面,我在你里面,使他們也在我們里面,叫世人            可以信你差了我來。」(約   17:21 新國際版



“That they may all be one, just as your Father is in me and I in you, and they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21 NIV)

The manifold wisdom of God is to be revealed to all spiritual forces through the church (Ephesians 3:10). When we are "one" we become the dwelling place of God through the Holy Spirit. Because God's children today do not come together to display the function of the Body, they are like broken vessels. For example, if we break a big glass cupwhat will it look like? Each piece of broken cup can still hold a little water, but compared to the amount of water that the cup can hold, it is quite different. The same is true in spiritual matters. What we individually can receive, in mathematical terms, are only two measurements: length and breadth. But if we are in the church, the capacity is expanded to the sum of length, times width and times height.  Ten thousand individual Christians are nothing, but ten thousand members of the body of Christ does  matter.   The head of the church, Christ has more spiritual riches to give us from His fullness, but we must return to the position of that great container, a body, in order to accommodate all that He has.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

564 中翻英 (264) We present our bodies as a living sacrifice. 我們將身體獻上,當作活祭. 10/28/2023

 564 中翻英 (264)    We present our bodies as a living sacrifice.   我們將身體獻上,當作活祭.                                                                10/28/2023

十月二十八日的晨曦默思使我回憶起25年前參加的一次靈修聚會, 是在達拉斯恩友堂參加一次一週的教會外的靈修特別聚會, 由何仲柯醫師帶領,   主題    "將身體獻上,當作活祭."    對編輯者的影響非常深刻.    他說,  " 有基督信仰的人是將身體獻上當作活祭.   不像一般的牲畜祭物, 是被殺死後奉獻.   我們信徒是活活的獻上,   為主所用.   但有的會從祭壇上偷偷的溜走.   編輯者沉思默念後實有所感.   至今仍然時時警醒自己.

「所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悅的。你們如此事奉,乃是理所當然的。」(羅   12:1 新國際版


October 28

“I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service.” (Romans 12:1 NIV)

In the above scriptures, it indicates not only for the benefit of the individual, but also for the benefit of the entire church body.  "Devotion" is personal, but service is for the church collective. Although there were many believers' bodies consecrated to Him, the result was "one" living sacrifice. This is what all wise and natural service to God should be like. Basically, this is "one" service. However, in this "one" service, we should all have our own share. Every member should feel that the portion he gives to God is valuable. Because each person's offering is not counted as one of many individual sacrifices, but as a part of the overall living sacrifice. Every life that surrenders to God is needed by God. Together, such lives can form a complete living sacrifice that is acceptable to God. This is something we know for sure. Since God is pleased and satisfied, shouldn’t we also be satisfied?

Friday, October 27, 2023

563 中翻英 (263) I am pleased to do your will, O my God. 我的上帝, 我樂意照你的旨意行. 10/27/2023

 563 中翻英 (263)  I am pleased to do Your will, O my God. 我的上帝, 我樂意照祢的旨意行.                                                                   10/27/2023

編輯者曾在前面的博客中, 談及英文句子重點在後面, 而中文句子, 重點却位於前面.

十月二十七日的晨曦甘露, 點滴值得主內的弟兄姊妹仔細的品嚐.    否則您便失去了在主內的     福氣.   本晨曦默思的作者倪柝聲弟兄親身經歷過, 所以該篇晨曦默思必仔細研讀, 才能悟出其中上帝的作為.

「我的神哪,我樂意照祢的旨意行。」(詩    40:8 新國際版


October 27

"I am pleased to do Your will, O my God." (Psalm 40:8 NIV)

At one point, I knew clearly that God was calling me to do something. But at that time, I was recovering from an illness and my weak body was not yet capable for doing it.  So I prayed to God for strength. I believe that God is willing to grant me what I ask for so that I can obey His will. I prayed about this over and over again for three months. Later, God seemed to say to me, "You have prayed enough, now you can let it go!" I remember that I was walking by holding a cane on the beach . I walked for a while and then stopped and pushed the cane into the sand completely.  I stood on the cane and declared,  "I leave my prayer for needing body's energy here."  Then I continued to walk again, but it did not work not far,  my weak body really invaded me again.  I thought, yes, in order for God’s purpose to be accomplished, I must be given renewed physical strength. In this state of mind, I unconsciously began to pray again. But I was just in a minutes to stop for praying.  I asked myself, "Am I trying to pull God’s will down to fit my own needs by doing this? I walked back to where I buried the cane, pointed to it, and said, "Lord, here is my testimony of letting it to go off this problem. I will not mention it again anymore. Whether we are weak or strong, I will obey Your will now. " From that day on, I put aside my personal problems and devoted myself entirely to His work, and in doing so, my physical needs began to be blessed miraculously.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

562 中翻英 (262) God's will must be fulfilled. 上帝的旨意必須成全. 10/26/2023

562 中翻英 (262)        God's will must be fulfilled.    上帝的旨意必須成全.                10/26/2023

十月二十六日的晨曦甘露必須品嚐.     親愛的的訪友, 您遇見到這境遇嗎?   苦杯與上帝的旨意.  同時呈現在您面前,  您如何應付,   是求主耶穌基督拿開苦杯,   還是遵行主的旨意?     聖經的教導,   主的旨意最美善,   是上帝對你生命計劃的全部.   編輯者已活到93歲,   深深領悟主的旨意甘甜.   但要依據上帝的時間.     祂的時間最恰當.

「我父阿,倘若可行,求你叫這杯离開我。」(太   26:39 新國際版



October 26

"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup taken away from me." (Matthew 26:39 NIV)

Since the Lord Jesus came to obey God’s will also, we may be surprised by His prayer. However, this prayer shows us a very important difference. The Lord asked the Father to take  this cup away from Him. This is obviously possible. But He was definitely not praying to escape the Father's will.  He mentioned this cup might be the secondary after God’s will. But God’s will is to be expressed through the cup, because in the Lord Jesus, this cup refers to the death of the cross. What the Lord Jesus is all about is not suffering for the sake of suffering, but through suffering for fulfilling God’s will. The Lord Jesus drank the cup, not because it was a bitter cup, but because it was the will of God the Father.

As for the Lord Jesus, “the cup” is something He can put down at any time, but for us, “the cup” is often what we try to hold on to.  Perhaps our greatest spiritual danger is to hold on dogmatically to something concerning God's plan for us.  Every kind of cup, no matter how it is used by God, should not be grasped by oneself (it should be left in God's hands very easyly). The  God's highest requirement on us is not the cup, but the Father’s will for us now.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

561 中翻英 (261)       Never give up!               永不放棄!                                                 10/25/2023              





October 25

“Then Job got up, tore his robe, shaved his head, fell on the ground, and worshiped, saying, Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord "(Job 1:20-21)

The greatest happiness in my life is that I can know and be blessed by priests. Dozens or hundreds of times in her prayers she said, "Lord, I bless your ways." I know that this is the most profound prayer and this is the most powerful prayer. Please remember that God’s way may not always be so smooth, and God’s way may not always be so profitable. God may not always listen to your prayers. But at that time, can you say, "God! I worship you, and I want to worship your ways."

Brothers and sisters, I don’t know what you have experienced, but I know that God is doing the work of deprivation in many people, causing you to lose a lot and making your way unsuccessful. Let me tell you, how are you doing there? The reason why many people are not blessed is that they keep kicking and being unyielding, and they keep asking why others don’t have such difficulties. The trouble is just happening to me. I tell you, you can say many things, but you must learn to obey God, you must learn to submit to God, and you must learn to accept God’s way. I tell you, when you submit to God’s ways, you can worship.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

560 中翻英 (260) Have a Mercy on me, Lord. 主阿! 憐憫我這罪人. 10/24/2023

560 中翻英 (260)            Have a Mercy on me, Lord.    主阿! 憐憫我這罪人.        10/24/2023

十月二十四日晨曦曠野筵席有盤可口的大菜,   就是上帝賜我們信徒生命.     親愛的的訪友,   您感到有主就有生命嗎?    您是否仍在尋找生活的目的?   當中日戰爭小日本軍伐空襲南京時,那死亡的情況,真是令人惊駭!  我們沒有要他們賠償,  因為主在登山寶訓中教訓祂的子民說,  "你們要愛仇敵."     我們有基督信仰的總統蔣介石先生,   他做到了.

「凡活著信我的人,必永遠不死,你信這話么?」(約 11:26   新國際版




October 24

"Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:26 NIV)

The Lord Jesus came to give people life. As you read the Gospel of John, keep this thought in mind. Whoever believes in Him has eternal life. He is the water of life and the bread of life. He came to give us “more abundant” life. Because He was first willing to die on our behalf, He is also our resurrection and life.

In times of crisis and disaster, what we have to hold on to is life, because at that critical moment of life and death, the importance of life is higher than anything else. When the Japanese air raided Nanjing during the Sino-Japanese War, the death and destruction was truly horrifying! How many beautiful houses were once turned into rubble and ruins in an instant! "Who is in there?" Everyone was asking this question in their mind. Suddenly, a pile of rubbish began to move, a beam was moved away, and then a man climbed out and shook off the dust and broken tiles from his body. The reason he can do this is because he still has life within him!

We live through the life of the Lord Jesus, which has passed the test of death. He declared, "I am he who lives and has the keys of death and of Hades." (Revelation 1:18) It is safest and most secure to trust in God who raises the dead.

Monday, October 23, 2023

559 中翻英 (250) We, believers must recognize God. 信徒必須認識上帝. 10/23/2023

559 中翻英 (250)        We, believers must recognize God.   信徒必須認識上帝.           10/23/2023   


「耶和華的使者哈該,奉耶和華差遣對百姓說,  "..... ".」(該   1:13   新國際版



October 23

"Then Haggai, the   LORD's   messenger, gave this message  of the LORD  to the people, said to them,    '...... .' "   (Haggai 1:13 NIV)

God imparts the gift of prophecy to His servants, and He gives prophets to the church. A prophet is a person who has a spiritual history with God and has experienced the organizing work of the Holy Spirit in his life. Some preachers who are preparing to serve the Lord ask us, how many days does it need to make preparing a sermon? The answer is at least ten years, or close to twenty years! The adage "the longer the better" is usually true, at least in this case. To God, the importance of a preacher before God is no less than the sermon he preaches. The prophets chosen by God are those who are dealt with by God in their lives and bear fruit that is in line with God's will. Such fruit becomes the raw material for the message God has destined to use in this era.

We have  the  only   one purpose to make people knowing the Lord. God places us in an environment that it causes us to encounter difficulties, and  a great need that we force us to seek and know the Lord. If you have a complete knowledge of the Lord, you will naturally have to go through a lot, such as: having new dealings, new disciplines, and  a new understanding of Christ. As your knowing of Christ increasing day by day, you will be able to supply church.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

557 中翻英 (257) Believers, resurrected with Christ. 我們信徒与基督一同复活. 10/20/2023

557 中翻英 (257)  Believers, resurrected with Christ.    我們信徒与基督一同复活.    10/20/2023


「因為你們立志行事,都是神在你們心里運行,為要成就祂的美意。」                  (腓   2:13 新國際版 





October 20

“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13)

Now that I am in Christ, God's moral requirements have not changed anything for me, but from now on, I am no longer responsible for meeting these requirements on my own. Praise God, He is the Lawgiver on the throne and the Lawfulfiller who lives in my heart. He established the law, and He Himself fulfilled it. He made demands, and He Himself fulfilled the demands. If we try to do it all on our own, He will be limited in what He can do. The reason why we fail frequently is because we struggle and try again and again. Our problem is that although we are too weak to obey God's will, we are not weak enough to let go completely and let God handle everything. Only when we reach the point of becoming disillusioned do we return in despair to the God who is ready to do all things for us.

If a Christian wants to be saved, the first thing he must know is that God has no hope for him as a person, and from now on, he no longer has hope for himself. God knows that you have no strength and cannot do anything, so He nailed you to the cross.

There are two facts in Christ. One is that Christ died and we also died. Second, they are resurrected with Christ, and those who are resurrected in Christ will bear fruit to the glory of God.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

558 中翻英 (258) Our bodies are the temples of the God. 我們的身體是上帝的殿. 10/21/2023

558 中翻英 (258)     We were bought by the Jesus' blood.    我們是基督用祂寶血贖回的.  10/21/2023     


「因為你們是重价買來的,所以要在你們的身子上榮耀神。」(林前 6:20 新國際版




October 21

"Because you were bought with a price, glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:20)

Thousands of tents formed the camp of the Israelites, but one of them stood out from the rest. In other ordinary tents, you can do whatever you want, eat or fast, work or rest, be happy or solemn, speak or be silent. But the unique tabernacle inspires piety and awe. When you approach the tabernacle, you naturally walk very lightly. When you stand in front of it, you naturally bow your head in silence. Why is this tabernacle so special? On the outside, it is also made of ordinary materials, but inside, it is filled with the glory of the eternal God! "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?" (1 Corinthians 6:19) When we are born again and saved, God makes our hearts his dwelling place. Have we begun to understand this solemn fact?

God has given us the Holy Spirit to live in us so that we can have fellowship with God. The Holy Spirit gives us the joy of heaven and pours out the Lord’s love on us. This is a foretaste of heaven!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

556 中翻英 (256) The truth will set you free. 真理使你們得自由. 10/19/2023

 556 中翻英 (256)        The truth will set you free.             真理使你們得自由.            10/19/2023


「你們必會認識那「真」,這「真」必叫你們得以自由。」(約   8:32 直譯)


我們頭腦里,填滿了許多真理,又复混淆不清,我真怕這一來會為自己构成一個虛妄謊謬的世界,作茧自縛,無以自拔。我們常把「真實」“TRUTH”和「道理」“DOCTRINE”二者混為一談,其實這二者是大有分別的:「理」不過是屬地的話語用以說明那些屬天的永恒的「真」。這個「真」“TRUTH”在中文圣經中常把它翻為「真理」,其實希腊原文這個字根本沒有包含「理」的意思,「理」是從「真」出,先有「真」,后才產生出「理」。那位說, "你們必會認識那 '真' "(約   8:32直譯)的主耶穌,祂自己就是包羅一切的「真」。


October 19

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  (literal translation of John 8:32)

Be careful to apply "spiritual interpretations" to the realities recorded in the Bible carelessly. (That is to treat it as a symbol or metaphor of some kind of truth) The new heaven and new earth was seen by the apostle John in the book of the Revelation which are realities.  It is just as the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead is the reality.  These are not allowed to be "spiritually interpreted". Many heavenly things being recorded in the Bible are true. However, some people do not know the authenticity of these things and find them difficult to understand, so they use "spiritual interpretations" indiscriminately and far-fetchedly.

Our minds are filled with so many truths and become confused again. I am really afraid that this will create a world of falsehood and lies for myself, and I will be trapped in it and unable to extricate myself. We often confuse "truth" and "doctrine" together. In fact, the two are very different: "doctrines" are just earthly words used to explain those heavenly and eternal "truths" . This "truth" is often translated as "truth" in the Chinese Bible. In fact, the original Greek word does not contain the meaning of "reason" at all. "理 'Li' " comes from "true", with "true" first, and then coming "理 'Li' ". Only then does "reason '理 Li' " come into being. The Lord Jesus said, "You will know the truth" (literal translation of John 8:32), is the all-inclusive truth.

Therefore, the test of your level of spiritual maturity is always to observe whether you can begin to understand how reality He is, and how reality it is to further understand all heavenly things!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

555 中翻英 (255) Don't judge and despise your brother. 不要論斷和輕看你的弟兄 10/18/2023

555 中翻英 (255)     Don't judge and despise your brother.    不要論斷和輕看你的弟兄   10/18/2023




October 18

"Why do you, O man, judge your brother? And why do you despise your brother? For we all will stand before the judgment seat of God." (Romans 14:10)

In this verse, God forbids us from two things: "judging" and "looking down on" our brothers. The former is external behavior, and the latter is inner attitude. I may not have reached the point of publicly judging my brother, which is fine, but am I constantly counting his evil in my heart? Do I secretly pity him because he has not yet seen what I see? Do I regard him as weak or eccentric and despise him in my heart? If I were, I'd be in danger. Because in the next step, I will think that I am better than him. If I despise him, I must think too highly of myself. Let me be careful not to think of myself as a spiritual strongman, because this only shows to God how carnal I am. Of course, God wants me to clearly distinguish right from wrong, but I can never make others a victim of my sense of right and wrong. The throne of judgment belongs to Christ forever, not to mention that it is still a thing in the future. Who are we to usurp this right of judgment now?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

554 中翻英 (254) God's will must be obeyed. 上帝的旨意必必遵守. 10/17/2023

 554 中翻英 (254)            God's will must be obeyed.       上帝的旨意必必遵守.      10/17/2023

十月十七日的晨曦甘露是有基督信仰者必須飲用的.   它是基督徒的見證.   為什麼基督信仰的人在蒙受苦難時仍是喜樂的?    為什麼使徒保羅在受苦受難之境遇中,  仍是勇往直前?  因為上帝愛我們,   祂的旨意必定是美善.



October 17

“The children of Israel received some of their food without consulting the LORD.” (Joshua 9:14)

There are two types of sins that humans commit before God: One is that humans refuse to obey commands issued by God. One is that God has not yet issued a command, but we do whatever we want. The former is disobedience and disobedience to God's commands; the latter is arrogance and presumptuousness, arbitrarily doing things that God has not commanded. How much of the work we do for God is based on the Lord’s clear commands? Or how much do we do it because it is a “good thing”? We often think that as long as our conscience does not prohibit it, or our conscience thinks that something is good and beautiful, it is enough reason for us to do something. Brothers and sisters, don’t you know that every servant should first wait for the Lord’s command before serving Him according to His command?

Monday, October 16, 2023

553 中翻英 (253) Christians' long longsuffering is for glorious Lord. 基督徒的歡然受苦, 是為榮耀主的權能. 10/16/2023

553   中翻英 (253)          Christians' long longsuffering is for glorious Lord.                                                                           基督徒的歡然受苦, 是為榮耀主的權能.                                                       10/16/2023


「照著祂榮耀的權能,得以因各樣的大能而堅強,以至達到忍耐并歡然受苦的地步。」(西   1:11  另譯)


October 16

"Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and  joyfully." (Colossians 1:11 NIV)

The minister of the apostles are warranted. If there is truly a mission from God, the evidence of the apostles will always be evident. Paul had ample evidence that he was a true apostle. He said in 2 Corinthians 12:11-12: “For although I am nothing, yet in no way am I inferior to the greatest apostles. I am among you with all longsuffering, through signs, wonders, and miracles will showing the credentials of an apostle." From the above words, we can infer that patience is the most important evidence of spiritual power. The ability to endure under constant pressure is a true test of whether we are truly sent by the Lord. Patience and joyful suffering will only be revealed among those who know what it means to be "strengthened with all power according to His glorious power."



Sunday, October 15, 2023

552 中翻英 (252) David is a man after God's heart. 大衛是合乎上帝心意的人. 10/15/2023

552 中翻英 (252)        David is a man after God's heart.    大衛是合乎上帝心意的人.      10/15/2023  

十月十五日的晨曦默思顯示大衛為什麼犯重罪後, 仍為信靠基督的人稱為他是"合乎上帝心意的人."  雖然他在年老時犯肉體情慾, 及殺人等罪, 為何仍能在聖經中記載稱為"合乎上帝心意的人."    

「 ...... 我主大衛王的國位 ....」(王上   1:37 國際版


October 15th

"..... The throne of my lord King David ...." (1 Kings 1:37 NIV)

The people Israel with full emotion called him,  "My beloved king David." This is because every part of David’s charateristic was filled with kingly qualities. When he was tending his father's flock in the wilderness, he drove out lions and bears in the name of the Lord, which showed that he was already a king in the wilderness. Later, Goliath came to threaten the Israelites. Even Saul was terrfied, and more to Israelites (1 Sam. 17:11); but David still had no fear. The heart of a king should be nothing to fear. He also had showed more transcendent performance, when he was fleeing from Saul  in the wilderness, by chance he found Saul falling into his hands once, but he decided not to kill him, preferring to loss a chance that he might be able to quickly save himself.  This shows him truly a kingship. For whoever cannot rule his own spirit cannot be a king to reign his country. A true king behaves ecverthings as he is a king in anyway.  He reigns in wherever he is.