Sunday, August 13, 2023

487 中翻英 (187) How do we mitigate the flood disaster?如何設計洪災消減工程? 8/13/2023

487  中翻英 (187) How do we mitigate the flood disaster?   如何設計洪災消減工程?         8/13/2023

說實話, 洪水災難是不能完全消除的, 只能計劃設計盡量的消減(mitigate).  一条河流或一个地区的防洪任务,通常由多种措施相结合构成的工程系统来承担。工程的布局是根据自然地理条件,洪水、泥沙特性,社会经济,洪灾情况,本着除害与兴利相结合,局部与整体统筹兼顾,蓄泄兼筹,综合治理等原则,统一规划。一般是在上中游干支流山谷区修建水库拦蓄洪水,调节径流;山丘地区广泛开展水土保持,蓄水保土,发展农林牧业,改善生态环境;在中下游平原地区,修筑堤防,整治河道,治理河口,并因地制宜修建分蓄(滞)洪工程,以达到洪灾消減的目的。(待續)


「神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快,甚至魂与靈.....都能刺入剖開。」(來   4:12 新國際版


關于圣經,有一件令人覺得奇特的事,就是它不是用系統的方法來使我們明白一些教義。我們也許認為,假如保羅和其他寫經的人,能集中在一起為我們預備一本詳細解釋的基督教教義手冊,豈不是更好么?但神并不允許這樣做。神若要解決我們一些神學問題的爭執是何等容易,但祂似乎很喜歡讓困惑臨到那些單憑智力去認識圣經的人!祂是防止人只去抓住一些道理。卻愿意用祂的真理來抓住人。August 13"For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing of soul and spirit ..... ." (Hebrews 4:12)Some of God's children emphasis on correcly to explan the God Word's truth. Yes, the Bible does tell us to do so (2 Timothy 2:15). But the Bible also tells us that the Word of God is to open and discern the thoughts and intentions of our heart.  Our wrong way may be: as we have not let the God's Word working in ourselves first, then try to explan the Word of God! Do we know the vital and powerful nature of God's Word? Does it deal with us like a sharp double-edged sword and discern us? Or should we just treat it as an ordinary book for general reading and analysis?

One of the strange things about the Bible is that it doesn't use a systematic method to make certain doctrines clear to us. We might think, wouldn't it be better if Paul and other Bible writers could get together and prepare for us a handbook of Christian doctrine explained in detail? But God doesn't allow it. How easy it is for God to resolve some of our theological disputes, but He seems to enjoy confounding those who know the Bible solely by their intellect! He is to prevent people from grasping only some truths. But He is willing to use His truth to catch people.

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