Thursday, August 31, 2023

505 中翻英 (205) Yellow river will be tamed by constructing dam. 馴服黃河用築埧方法可行. 8/31/2023

 505 中翻英 (205) Yellow river will be tamed by constructing dam. 馴服黃河用築埧方法可行.                                 8/31/2023

恩師徐世大教授於1946年工程師節演講談到大禹的治水用疏而成功,这是因为沼泽的功用,而 鲧陻洪水”——而失败,乃是因當時工程技术不够水準。鯀用陻的方法,大概他想拦河筑坝,想暫時把洪留住,  不让洪水流到下游太快,因为工程浩大,所以筑了九年之久,但因那时没有筑大坝的技术,也沒建築大埧的重型機械設備可供使用,  而想遏止就下之水性,所以《洪范》说他 汩陈其五行,现在工程技术昌明时代,黄河下游又无沼泽,我们正应该用鲧方法,把黄河的水陻于山中,一面让泥沙得以沉淀,一面利用水头来开发水力电(据當時估计, 仅河曲到孟津可得八九百万马力),一面存贮洪水以免泛滥成灾。而在发电以后,或用电力引水以灌高地,或下输以通航运,这正是禹所未了之功绩,要待现在的工程师来完成的。                                    [註]: 編輯者引自民国35年(1946年)《水利》第三期第十四卷.  供我國工程師作為參考.


「耶穌說,摩西因著你們心硬,所以許你們休妻,但起初并不是這樣。」            (太   19:8 新國際版


August 31

"Jesus said, Moses, because of your hardness of heart, permitted you to divorce your wives; but it was not so from the beginning" (Matthew 19:8).

From the Pharisees' point of view, Jesus taught us that "what God has joined together, let no man separate" and Moses' command to allow divorce seem to be inconsistent with each other. It seems inconsistent, but it is not so, because God is immutable. This does not mean that what was forbidden at the beginning becomes lawful in the eyes of God, as if God is capricious. Absolutely not!  As the Lord Jesus said, "But it was not so in the beginning," He was categorically claiming that no matter how external circumstances may change, God's will remains the same and never changes. There is a very important spiritual principle here, that is, we need to always seek to understand God's rules, not His permission. We should ask ourselves what is God's original will. When we look at things, we need to see them as they are from the pure source of God’s will, not the status quo that has evolved due to the hardness of the electors.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

509 中翻英 (209) Lord is our sheperd, we shall not want. 主是大牧人, 我們必不致缺乏. 9/4/2023

509 中翻英 (209) Lord is our sheperd, we shall not want. 主是大牧人, 我們必不致缺乏.    9/4/2023

鄭國渠 是 中國 戰國時期 水利 學家 鄭國 ,於 秦王政 元年(前246年)為 秦國 所築的河渠。 河渠長三百里,位於今日 陝西省 涇陽縣 上然村涇出口一帶。 為紀念 韓國 工程師 鄭國而得名。 建造經過 [ 編輯] 鄭國渠由 韓國 水工 鄭國 主持修建。 鄭國原本是西去秦國的奸細 ,勸說 秦王政 興修 水利 工程,企圖使秦國把經費消耗, 免去攻擊鄭國.  却不料使秦國因該水利工程大大的強盛.


「所以弟兄們,應當更加殷勤,使你們所蒙的恩召和揀選堅定不移。」                                           (彼后   1:10 新國際版


September 4th

"Therefore, brethren, be diligent to make your calling and election sure." (2 Peter 1:10  NIV)

Spiritual wealth does not come from special gifts produced by special opportunities, but from God's continuous work on people over the years. One of the things that saddens me is to see brothers and sisters relying too much on special experiences, and when they are not receiving these regular special help, they fall into a life similar to the Gentiles around them. What a state of poverty this shows spiritually! They have no store of spiritual wealth. Except for temporary highs in Christian meetings or other provision of special grace, the rest of the time they live a life of failure. But not so with those who live in the Holy Spirit. Their spiritual wealth is not obtained from the intermittent life supply, but is accumulated due to the continuous operation and work of God's grace during the long and ordinary years between special provisions. Whether a vessel can be rich or not depends on how much dealing he has learned before the Lord. Rich trials can produce rich words. Broad trials can meet the needs of many brothers and sisters in trials. Therefore, not only "some" people can serve, but also "many" people can serve.

504 中翻英 (204) What is the meaning to worship God? 何謂敬拜上帝? 8/30/2023

504 中翻英 (204)           What is the meaning to worship God?    何謂敬拜上帝?     8/30/2023                      

八月三十日的曠野筵席默思, 啟示有基督信仰的人有關敬拜上帝的意義.     就是在日常所遇到的每一件事上,立刻借著感謝和贊美,將榮耀歸給祂, 不要搶奪上帝的榮耀。

            「女子說,  " ..... 我是彼土利的女儿 .....  ." 那人就低頭向耶和華下拜, ......」                                                                     (創   24:24-26  新國際版


August 30

"She answered him, " I am the daughter of Bethuel, ....... then the man bowed down and worshiped the LORD." (Genesis 24:24-26 NIV)

Do you understand what it means to worship God? When a daunting task lies before you, and you take it to God for help, and then get your way, are you just rejoicing in the way you're going?   Do you tend to attribute certain accomplishments to your own talents or chance, that is much worse? However, Abraham's servant was not so.  He didn't congratulate himself on the good fortune he had done.  He didn't even stop to talk to Rebekah first.  He immediately bowed down without hesitation or embarrassment, and said, "Blessed be the God of my master Abraham ......"  the way to worship God was his quick reaction. At the same time, at every turning point, he saw a new opportunity for him to worship God. If you want to be a true worshiper of God, one must immediately give glory to God through thanksgiving and praise in everything that is happening to him every day. For God has arranged all our paths, so that we may ascribe the worship to Him  that is pleasing Him.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

503 中翻英 (203) Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Histroy 中國水利學史 8/29/2023

503 中翻英 (203)       Hydraulic Engineering history of China    中國水利學史                8/29/2023


「就是鷹在空中飛的道。」(箴   3:19 新國際版


August 29

"The way of an eagle in the sky, ......." (Proverbs 30:19 NIV)

Please watch the birds to fly in the sky. If you could ask them whether they were afraid of the law of the earth's gravity, how would they answer? They would say like this,  "We have never heard the name of Newton, we do not understand the law he discovered. We fly in the sky because we have the law of the life from us to fly naturely." These birds  do not only have life with the faith to fly, but also having a law of flight to overcome the law of earth's gravity force.   However,  earth's gravity force is still existing yet. If you were have awaked up on a cold  snowy morning and saw a dead sparrow in your yard, you would have an immediate understanding that the law of the earth's gravity force were still there. But as birds are fkying in the sky, they are able to overcome the force of gravity, because the life within them regulates all their conscious activities and keeps them from falling. That is the truth! In the same way, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us overcoming from the law of sin and death!

Monday, August 28, 2023

502 中翻英 (202) The great ancient irrigation projects in China - Due Jan Weir. 中國古代偉大的水利灌溉工程 - 都江堰 . 8/28/2023

502 中翻英 (202) The great ancient irrigation projects in China - Due Jan Weir. 中國古代偉大的水利灌溉工程 - 都江堰 .  8/28/2023 




August 28

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)If you forgive a brother, the reality of the forgiveness brings life to the body of Christ without any overt display. If you truly love a brother, even if you never tell him, that love will build the body of Christ. Once, at short notice will be imformed me to serve on the platform in a large meeting in England. To my surprise, a Japanese brother was also a speaker in that meeting. We've never met before—and our nations are at war. I don't know how that brother felt, because we had only a very brief opportunity to talk. I just know that when he was speaking, I felt the love and fellowship of brothers in the Lord. This love transcends national boundaries, and we don't need words to express it.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

501 中翻英 (201) God's Will can only spiritual man understand. 上帝的旨意, 惟有屬靈的人才能識透. 8/27/2023

501 中翻英 (201)  God's  will   can   only   spiritual man understand. 上帝的旨意, 惟有屬靈的人才能識透.  8/27/2023

我們在天上的父, 願人都尊祢的名為聖, 願祢的國降臨, 願祢旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上.  我們日用的飲食今日賜給我們.  免我們的債, 如同我們免了人的債.  不叫我們遇見試探, 救我們脫離兇惡.  因為國度, 權柄, 榮耀, 全是祢的, 直到永遠.  阿們. 

八月二十七日 的曠野筵席   只有一盤苦菜   .  主內親愛的訪友,  您有沒有遇見過對上帝的旨意總不清楚的時候.    但當您虛心的禱告後,  就明白了.    我們與上帝相交必須在靈裡.       

「然而屬血气的人,不領會神圣靈的事,反倒以為愚拙,并且不能知道,因為這些事惟有屬靈的人才能看透。」(林前   2:14 新國際版



August 27

"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he can not understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV )

God is pleased to speake many things in the scriptures, which the natural man may easily misunderstand, without explaining them in detail.  Some words in the Bible seem to contradict each other, and others seem to contradict the well-known facts of life. God is happy to keep them in the Bible. There are many scriptures that we cannot explain clearly. If we are writing the Bible, we must organize everything more clearly so that people can see a very simple, systematic, and all-inclusive manual, but can this make life?

God's eternal and powerful truths are often vaguely recorded in the Bible so that the natural man cannot easily abuse them. God hides the truth from the wise and prudent, but reveals it to infants, because the truth needs to be understood by the spirit. The Word of God is not written as a textbook pattern.  His words are meant to meet and speak to us on our daily walk with the spirit. The knowledge that God intends to give us in the Bible is related to life, so it is experimental rather than academic. If we want to know God through that systematic theology, we are absolutely on the wrong track.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

500 中翻英 (200) God's mercy is a great comfort! 上帝的憐憫是多麼浩大的安慰. 8/26/2023

500 中翻英 (200)     God's mercy is a great comfort!  上帝的憐憫是多麼浩大的安慰.      8/26/2023

在美國的水資源教科書中, 有些作者未將灌溉與排水工程列為一章. 值得討論.  因為水分為構成植物生長的主要成分.   植物所消耗之水量, 絕大部份由於葉蒸(Transpiration), 在其生長過程中不斷運作.  並且灌溉排水對生物成長不能分離, 換句話說, 它與水資源有密切不可分的緊要關係.  因此國際排水會議1972年將Irrigation Drainge 合成為 Irrinage, 其意義甚為深長.  

前篇博客所論我國聞名世界的李冰所建築灌溉工程 "都江堰", 因上帝恩賜適用的地形, 排水與灌溉兩工程可在同一人工渠道合用.  從黃河引水灌溉, 其排水問題就另當別論, 因為沒有適合的人工渠道引口位于岷江的沖積扇的扇脊上,換句話說,是成都平原最高頂點,也就是說 引水口位於海拔700多米的高處(成都市附近海拔400米左右),居高臨下向東南傾斜呈扇形擴展,地形坡降平均達5‰。在這種傾斜地形下,是灌溉工程修建的最有利的地形,它可以不打壩,只修堤,開渠引水灌溉, 並且排水可用同一人工渠道, 並且水可重復使用因這優良地形,使挖掘的工程量減少到極度有限,非常經濟.                                                                                                        [註]: 徐世大著: 實用水文學譯名 Transpiration (葉蒸),  Evaporation(晞暵),  Evaportranspiration(晞              蒸).

八月二十六日的晨曦默思告訴基督信仰的人, 上帝要為基督徒作耶路撒冷四圍的火城, 就是使他們從世界里被拯救和分別出來, 這對于上帝的孩子是宏大的安慰!。

「耶和華說,我要作耶路撒冷四圍的火城。...... 」(亞 2:5  新國際版)


August 26

" And I Myself  will be a  a wall of fire around it,'  declares the Lord, ...... " (Zechariah 2:5)

When John described God's holy city in Revelation, he started first speaking about the city wall, because the city wall divides everything that it belongs to Him. Walls signify security and strength, as well as separation. The distinguishing mark of a Christian is that he has been saved and set apart from the world. Satan hates this clear distinction (Satan loves a wall of separation between the saints). At the time of the priests Ezra and Nehemiah, they aroused fierce hatred from their enemies because they focused on building the walls of Jerusalem. Therefore, the Lord Himself said, "I will be a fire wall around the city of the Jerusalem." What is a comfort Word to the God's people!

Friday, August 25, 2023

499 中翻英 (199) Remember God's mercy for giving Dujiangyan. 懷念上帝的憐憫 ─ 都江堰 8/25/2023

499 中翻英 (199)   Remember God's mercy for giving  懷念上帝的憐憫  都江堰         8/25/2023

  編輯者1943年(十二歲)考上空軍幼年學校1949年離開蒲陽場到台灣,共連續五年親身擁抱這稱譽世界的偉大水利工程  清明節步行去灌縣參加都江堰開堰盛典。上帝是這樣的愛我們中華民族2250年前祂為我們預備了李冰郡守 --- 為我們在灌縣玉壘山用8年的時間鑿開寶瓶口, 使成都平原的苦難的農民開鑿出這聞名世界的 “都江堰寶瓶口,使常年發生旱澇的災害的 "成都平原",   變為 旱澇從人的天府之國 是它在抗日戰爭中養活了當時在大後方成千上萬的同胞。支持我們八年的抗日戰爭得到最後的勝利,打倒想吞噬我中華民族的倭冦.

  本來成都平原是多雨則洪水成災的地方。 因為岷江水源絶大部分是來自青城山流域經春天氣溫升高融化的雪水,水量豐富,若無都江堰的魚嘴(分水堤)飛沙堰(溢洪道)、寶瓶口(引水口)三重要工程來控制岷江水流,則水害就常常發生,非澇則旱。李冰斯時為四川郡守,帶領熟悉地形地勢的農民勘查岷江流域的地形,結果規劃出魚嘴在江心位置,飛沙堰排洪,及在玉壘山脚開鑿寶瓶口(灌溉用水的引水口) 在無火藥的情况下要爆破花崗岩石,只有以鉄鑿一錘一錘鑿通玉壘山的花崗岩。後來李以火燒石,(利用熱漲冷縮的原理,爆裂岩石 ),大大加快了工程進度,終于在玉壘山腳鑿出寬20公尺,高40公尺,長80公尺的一條引水口,所以這是用民間血汗鑿出的都江堰工程的樞紐 引水口,沒有它,水就無流入那上帝賜予的,那塊不用挖掘的坡度適合的成都平原的千百條灌溉渠道。因形狀酷似瓶口,故取名"寶瓶口",把開鑿玉壘山腳,分離的石堆,稱為離堆也就是我們旅遊的離堆公園下面的伏龍觀。   

 從水利工程的觀點來說明為何它是上帝賜給我們中華民族的恩典。因為該工程的能有效運作二千多年,得力於地利。 從現代水利規劃的角度來看,魚嘴位置的選擇是因岷江彎曲的河道給以充分的有利條件,在古代二千二百年前,要建埧分水,更本不可能,都江堰是不用實體埧來分水, 以無埧分水”這才稱譽世界,是出于李冰的慧心及苦心的結晶其次,是人工渠道引口位于岷江的沖積扇的扇脊上,換句話說,是成都平原最高頂點,也就是說 引水口位於海拔700多米的高處(成都市附近海拔400米左右),居高臨下向東南傾斜呈扇形擴展,地形坡降平均達5‰。這種傾斜地形,是灌溉工程修建的最有利的地形,它可以不打壩,只修堤,開渠引水灌溉。我們空軍幼年學校的校址所在的蒲陽場,是靠近的人工渠道蒲陽河,就是以人工挖掘的引水灌溉的渠道。 因這優良地形,使挖掘的工程量減少到極度有限,而且灌溉與排水可以使用同一渠道,水可重復使用,非常經濟,最終,開挖出大小干支灌溉渠道共500多條,總長度逹1156公里,自動灌溉成都平原上300多萬亩良田( 註: 2003年增加到1500萬)


     以工程經濟的眼光來分析它為什麼能維持這樣長的壽命? 肯定其中有原因。就如目前的綠化工程的觀念。李冰在財力不富足及工程材料極度缺乏的情形下,利用就地取材,使用當地盛產的竹子,河床沉積下來的砂石及鵝卵石作建堤及擋水埧的材料, 並使用當地農民秋收後的空閒勞工編製竹籠,及榪槎,其成本就大大的減,使工程的效益極度的增加,大大的造福當地的老百姓。編輯者蒙上帝的恩賜,能 每年親眼見到都江堰開堰”(即砍開因維修河道,而建築的臨時擋水埧)歲修就是每年必定要修。歲修是使該工程能千年順暢運作的關鍵。 李冰賜給後人的六字旨是他智慧的結晶。 而且必須每年勤於維護。 工程之能持久,不是在開建時投注大筆資金造成固若金湯的堡壘,而是要勤於因環境及氣候的影響工程壽命的每年維護,才能使工程延年益壽,尤其是都江堰灌溉工程,因為岷江河床變化無常,沖淤肯定發生. 所以六字旨的第一句遺言是深淘灘,低作堰非常要緊。 因為寶瓶口的進水量與河床的深淺有極為密切的關聯. 河床淤高,相對的依照水則”(量取引水多少的指標尺)進水量就不夠。 所以每年必須挖河床,要挖得夠深。 李冰在內江的河床埋了作挖掘深度的凖繩工程物(近日網絡發表在都江堰河床中挖出李冰石像即為挖掘河床深度的凖繩工程物。) 什麼時候挖? 是秋收後,開堰前的一段農閒的時間,也是岷江的枯水季節。 挖出的泥沙供作飛沙堰的維修用。飛沙堰過高會有損壞進水口的可能,因被洪水沖撃。 所以飛沙堰必須要建得低,不能塡修過高,以免內江洪水通洩不暢,把沙石帶進引水口內,引起灌溉渠道的淤塞。 飛沙堰和寶瓶口是有機組成自然排洪、調整輸水功能,完全是李冰精心巧妙設計,幷有完美的工程維修守則,供後人遵行的水利工程。

  李冰並將歲修的工程作業守則: “深淘灘,低作堰六個大字雕刻在玉壘山的岩石上,使後代永遠牢記。(註:   編輯者為有基督信仰的老人.)


「耶和華阿,求祢興起,和祢有能力的約柜同入安息之所。」(詩   132:8 新國際版



August 25

“Arise, O Lord, and come to your resting place,  You and the ark of Your might.”   (Psalm 132:8)

Solomon rebuilt everything in the temple — everything was new except the ark. In the temple there was a new altar, a new laver, a new curtain, a new table, and a new lampstand, etc., and all the things in the temple were greater than those in the tabernacle. The laver and lampstand were doubled in size. The scale of the building, and everything in it, is greater than ever before. Only the ark remained the same without change.

The tabernacle in the wilderness typified God's personal presence among His pilgrims, and the still grander temple typified God's personal presence among His people who had established His kingdom. Of course, in the coming kingdom, we will have a deeper understanding of Christ's sacrifice than we do now.  At the same time, there must be a better understanding of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Yet the unchanging ark reminds us that God's testimony of the person of His Son will always be the same — never enlarged or modified. Our knowledge of Christ and His work can grow, but Christ Himself never changes.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

498 中翻英 (198) In Your light, we shall see light. 在祢的光中, 我們必得見光. 8/24/2023

498 中翻英 (198)     In Your light, we shall see light.       在祢的光中, 我們必得見光.        8/24/2023

八月二十四日倪析聲弟兄在今日的曠野筵席晨曦默思中,   思念帶領他進入侍奉主耶穌基督的英國傳教士和受恩(Missionary Miss Margaret E. Barber), 敬請參閱 "中流砥柱".



August 24

"In your light we shall see light." (Psalm 36:9)

God's light can come to us in many ways. Some of us once knew some saints who really knew the Lord. When we prayed and talked with them, the light of God shone from them, and we saw a spiritual reality that we had never seen before. I once met a person who knew God, and she is now with the Lord. I often think of her as a "shine" Christian. As soon as I walked into her apartment, I immediately felt the presence of God. In those days, I was still very young, I had many plans and projects for the Lord, waiting for God's approval, I brought them all to her, trying to persuade her, telling her what to do this or that thing. But before I opened my mouth, she may have simply said a few very ordinary words, and the light came! I have to be ashamed and ashamed in the light! I saw how natural it was in what I did and what I planned. Because she lives purely for God, she is bathed in the light of God, so others can receive enlightenment from her.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

497 中翻英 (197) Lord, grant me Your light and Your truth. 主阿, 求賜我祢的光和真理. 8/23/2023

497 中翻英 (197)  Lord, grant me Your light and Your truth.  主阿, 求賜我祢的光和真理.  8/23/2023            

為什麼編輯者偏愛水力發電. 1970年, 上帝再恩賜機會赴德國研究水利工程. 是恩師徐世大教授極力推薦, 並親自為學生代授台灣大學土木系水文學一課, 蒙國科會接受, 赴達城(Darmstadt)高級研究所(Hochschule)進修水資源經濟. 斯時適逢石油危機, 又對空氣污染問題非常敏感. 水力發電成了熱烈討論的課題. 德國達城高級研究所重視 "泥沙運行" 的教學. 對大埧前泥沙沉積的問題的討論很有幫助. 

水力發電是當前科技正在發展的國家急需的能源. 它不但是清潔的能源, 又是再度可使用的能源(reusable energy).  前面幾篇博客曾提起American Project-TVA (Tennesse Valley Authority) 美國田域安水利工程, 共建有31座大埧(參考中正科技大辭典-土木分科, 第342頁),  水一層一層的流經大埧發電設施, 產生極大的能源, 使美國那時的經濟不景氣得以復甦. 


「求你發出你的亮光和真實,好引導我,帶我到你的圣山,到你的居所。」                                                           (詩   43:3 新國際版


August 23

"Send forth Your light and Your truth, guide me, and bring me to Your holy mountain, to Your dwelling place." (Psalm 43:3)

"Your Light and Your Truth", the two are connected. The truth is already complete in Christ Jesus, but the need in our heart is to have God's light shine on the truth. Although the basis of all our convictions is based on the fact of Christ's person and His glorious work, we still need God's help to see and know that Christ is not about to reign, but has already reigned. It is a glorious truth that what God is doing in us today, he has already accomplished in Christ. Our greatest need is to be able to see this spiritual fact. All spiritual experience is the light from God shining on eternal truth. Preaching without divine enlightenment means that the truths are just doctrines. Truth, with light upon it, can change you and me. In this way, the reality that previously could only exist in Christ begins to be manifested in us, because God works in us to conform us to the likeness of His Son. Therefore, this path of combining light and truth leads us directly to God’s “Holy Mountain”.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

496 中翻英 (196) The Word of Christ is our light and healing.生命之道是我們的亮光和醫治. 8/22/2023

496 中翻英 (196) The Word of Christ is our light and healing.生命之道是我們的亮光和醫治.                                                                        8/22/2023  

在英國諾森伯蘭郡(Northumberland) 的克拉格塞德(Cragside)的一個住宅裡, 於1878年試驗以建埧提高水位, 以水力發電供電成功; 而第一個商用水力發電廠是在尼亞加拉(Niagara)大瀑布於1879年建成.  在1881年, 在該城的路燈開始是利用由水力發電供電.  自20世紀初開始, 利用水力資源結合水力發電的建築已現代化, 我國的水力發電事業起始於21世紀才大力的發展.  在此以前我們是沒能力來發展該事業.  編輯者1968年在德國卡斯魯爾(Karthruhe)大學Emil Mosonyi 教授講座下就讀, 他是匈牙利著名的水力發電專家, 那時德國的大型的水轉動渦輪及發電轉輪及鋼管的製造已很普遍. 沒有重機械工業的配合是無法發展開水力發電的大業. 因此沒有水力發電的能源配合, 治理黃河也就非常艱難. 首先黃河流域的水土保持大業就無法做成功, 那麼它泥沙問題就無法解決.  

八月二十二日的晨曦默思, 啟示曠野筵席中最要者是生命.     這條生命河是從上帝和羔羊的寶座中流出來,   充滿祂的大能.   我們無論到哪里去,必須帶此俱往   —— 這就是基督生命之道,能叫万國得著亮光和醫治的.

「在河這邊与那邊有生命樹,結十二樣果子,每月都結果子。」                                                (啟  22:2 新國際版




August 22

"......On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit. ...."   (Revelation 22:2 NIV)

There is one river in the Book of Revelation, unlike there are four rivers in Genesis—two of them (the Hiddekiel and the Euphrates) will become a disaster for God’s people in the future. Here in Revelation there is only one river full of water of life, which is flowing out from the throne of God and the Lamb. It makes the holy city of God's people rejoicing.

There is only the tree of life, which bears fruit every month in the holy city . There is no autumn there, and niether winter, therefore it is no need to stock up fruits for future needs. Through the fruit of the tree of life, we can gain eternal fresh knowledge and know Christ continuously. Because of this monthly bearing of twelve kinds of fruit, we know and enjoy Christ not only in one way but in many other ways.

The river and the tree represent the fullness of Christ and His eternal freshness.  We cannot live and act without them. Wherever we go today, we must take this with us—that is the Word of Christ,  which will bring light and healing to all nations.

Monday, August 21, 2023

495 中翻英 (195) God is a mercieful and love God. 上帝是有憐憫及慈愛的上帝. 8/21/2023

495 中翻英 (195)  God is a mercieful and love God.  上帝是有憐憫及慈愛的上帝.  8/21/2023  


「耶穌哭了。猶太人就說,你看祂愛這人是何等懇切。」                                                              (約   11:35-36 新國際版



August 21st

"Jesus wept.  Then the Jews said, "See how He loved him."  (John 11:35-36 NIV)

Compassion was the conduct of the Lord's characteristic. There are four times in the Bible that reminded the Lord expressed sympathy with His people. He felt deeply the suffering of the world at that time. He sympathized with the sick, then He healed them; He sympathized with the hungry, then He took the kid's five loaves and two fishes to feed for five thousand and on another time He feeded four thousand; As He heard the voice from the son of David, have mercy on me, then He healed the blind to see; When He saw the sorrow of the loved ones of the dead, He commanded the dead to raise up. Oh, if we open our hearts, we shall see the sympathy of the Lord poured out upon us. Before He became the Savior of man, He was the Friend of all sinners.

Do you know that our Lord was born into the world for dying .  As for us, if we know for our mission having to die, then I will think, I don’t need to worry about any thing. But our Lord was quite different.  Although the cross had already been placed before Him, the time not coming yet.  As He was walking towards death, He sympathized with the poor who needed Him definitly.  He saves and heals them. Oh, what a loving Lord He is!


Sunday, August 20, 2023

494 中翻英 (194) As the Yellow River under completely control, the country will be strong and prosperous. 澈底治理黃河成功. 國家必強盛. 8/20/2023

494 中翻英 (194)        As the Yellow River under completely control, the country will be                                           strong and prosperous.   澈底治理黃河成功. 國家必強盛.     8/20/2023

我們在天上的阿巴父, 孩子深受祢的憐憫, 自嬰孩時就蒙祢的大恩, 從極大的長江洪災中救活, 在十二歲又帶領我來到四川灌縣蒲陽場, 看到在2250年前, 舉世聞名的都江堰灌溉工程.  又賜孩子在恩師徐世大教授門下受教導, 得知水利工程可以救國濟民. 求愛我的主讓孩子能將我所學寫出來, 供我國有救國濟民心志的年輕人受感動, 再建造幾座如小浪底調水調泥沙的偉大水利工程大埧, 使黃河---我國人民的母親河, 更滋養我們.  奉主耶穌的名禱告.  阿們.

1968美国国会通过了洪災保险計劃,建立了国家洪水保险计划(NFIP)。 1973年《洪水灾害保护法》和1994年《国家洪水保险改革法》进一步定义了NFIP的內容 NFIP的目的是最大程度地消减少未来洪水灾害的损失,并使洪泛区居民代替纳税人来承担洪灾损失成本。由FEMA (聯邦應急管理局) 管理的NFIP提供由联邦政府支持的洪水保险,鼓励社区制定和执行洪泛区法规。如果一个州或社区不参加NFIP,则会发生以下后果:








5).在改变或迁移水道之前,通知邻近社区和州。 \



八月二十日晨曦默思,   上帝如何加添福氣如以色列始祖亞伯拉罕,   他被揀選的唯一理由,只是因著祂喜歡揀選他.    親愛的訪友,   請作上帝喜悅的子民.

「.....古時你們的列祖, .....事奉別神,我將你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕,從大河那邊帶來,領他走遍迦南全地,又使他的子孫眾多。......」                                                                                                                                     (書  24:2-3  新國際版



August 20

"......' Long ago, your forefathers, ....lived beyond the River and  worshiped other gods.  But  I  took  your father Abraham from the land beyond the River, and  led him through Canaan, and I gave him many descendants." (Joshua 24:2-3 NIV )

Abraham's calling and selection were not only for himself, but also for his descendants, not only for receiving grace for himself, but also for passing on grace to others. Before him, there were some great men of faith, such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, etc. They were all aloof and different from others. But judging them according to the records of the history , they seem to have been born to that way. From the beginning, however, Abraham was an idolater, just like those around him. If God hadn’t called him, it would have been impossible for him to be compared with the above three spiritual giants.

However, the Gospel of Matthew begins with his name. Among the names of people in the Old Testament, the one mentioned the most by the Lord Jesus is Abraham. This idol worshiper was chosen by God to bring blessings to countless multitudes. The only reason of his being chosen was God intended to choose him. There is nothing inherently special about him that would allow him to bring blessings to so many people. God called him, led him, and increased his offspring. Couldn’t the same God who was gracious to Abraham be equally gracious to you, calling you and using you?