505 中翻英 (205) Yellow river will be tamed by constructing dam. 馴服黃河用築埧方法可行. 8/31/2023
恩師徐世大教授於1946年工程師節演講談到大禹的治水用疏而成功,这是因为沼泽的功用,而 “鲧陻洪水”——而失败,乃是因當時工程技术不够水準。鯀用陻的方法,大概他想拦河筑坝,想暫時把洪留住, 不让洪水流到下游太快,因为工程浩大,所以筑了九年之久,但因那时没有筑大坝的技术,也沒建築大埧的重型機械設備可供使用, 而想遏止就下之水性,所以《洪范》说他 “汩陈其五行”,现在工程技术昌明时代,黄河下游又无沼泽,我们正应该用鲧方法,把黄河的水陻于山中,一面让泥沙得以沉淀,一面利用水头来开发水力电(据當時估计, 仅河曲到孟津可得八九百万马力),一面存贮洪水以免泛滥成灾。而在发电以后,或用电力引水以灌高地,或下输以通航运,这正是禹所未了之功绩,要待现在的工程师来完成的。 [註]: 編輯者引自民国35年(1946年)《水利》第三期第十四卷. 供我國工程師作為參考.
「耶穌說,摩西因著你們心硬,所以許你們休妻,但起初并不是這樣。」 (太 19:8 新國際版)
August 31
"Jesus said,
Moses, because of your hardness of heart, permitted you to divorce your wives;
but it was not so from the beginning" (Matthew 19:8).
From the Pharisees' point of view, Jesus taught us that "what God has joined together, let no man separate" and Moses' command to allow divorce seem to be inconsistent with each other. It seems inconsistent, but it is not so, because God is immutable. This does not mean that what was forbidden at the beginning becomes lawful in the eyes of God, as if God is capricious. Absolutely not! As the Lord Jesus said, "But it was not so in the beginning," He was categorically claiming that no matter how external circumstances may change, God's will remains the same and never changes. There is a very important spiritual principle here, that is, we need to always seek to understand God's rules, not His permission. We should ask ourselves what is God's original will. When we look at things, we need to see them as they are from the pure source of God’s will, not the status quo that has evolved due to the hardness of the electors.