659 英翻中 (359) Sin Is a Choice. 罪是自己選擇的. 1/31/2024
Jan. 31 Sin Is a Choice. Bible reading : James 1:13-16 Key verse : 1 Corinthians 1:29 1 月 31 日 罪是自己選擇的. 讀經 : 雅各書 1:13-16 鑰節 : 哥林多前書 1:29
That no flesh should glory in His presence. 凡有血氣的人都不應在上帝面前誇耀.
Of all who have ever lived, Evewas the one who could come the closest to using legitimately the phrase "the devil made me do it," And God did not accept this excuse even from Eve, who had the serpent speaking directly to her (Gen. 3) . We cannot pass the buck for sinning to anyone else. God wants us to understand the true source of sin so that we can come to terms with it honestly before Him. 在所有活著的人當中, 只有夏娃可以使用「魔鬼讓我這麼做的」這句話作脫罪的藉口. 即使夏娃有蛇直接對她說話, 上帝也不接受她的藉口(創世記 第 3 章). 我們不能把犯罪的責任推卸給任何人. 上帝希望我們了解罪的真正根源, 好讓我們能在祂面前誠實地認罪.
Patrick Morley describes our blame passing in his book Walking with Christ in the Details of life: 派崔克 ‧ 莫利在他的著作《在我們生活全部中與基督同行》中描述了我們應受的責備:
We give Satan too much credit, Satan is fallen. He cannot foretell the future. He is limited in space and time --- he can only be one place at a time. He is not etenal .... It is inpossible for Satan to make you sin. Sin is a choice. Satan can tempt us, but we decide to sin. "By his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed" ( James 1:14). Since the devil is enable to make us sin, we need to reconsider blaming him for our wrong choices ... The bigger enemy is our flesh. To square off against Satan is easy by comparison. The flesh must be battled daily, even momentaryily. That's why the Scriptures say, "For the ... Spirit desires what is contrary to the sinful nature." ... The battle against Satan is already won. The ongoing battle is with the flesh. 我們給撒但太多的認同, 撒但是墮落者. 牠無法預測未來. 牠的空間和時間都是有限 的 —— 牠不能分身, 牠不是永恆的…… 撒旦不可能讓您犯罪. 罪是由您自己選擇的. 撒旦可以誘惑我們犯罪, 但不能使我們犯 罪. 「是被他自己的私慾牽引誘惑的」(雅 1:14 新國際版). 既然魔鬼有能力讓我們犯罪, 需要重新考慮是否應將我們的犯罪的選擇過錯歸咎於牠…… 更大的敵人是我們的肉體. 在比較對抗肉體之下, 與撒旦對抗就比較容易多了. 肉體 必須每天, 甚至是立刻的與肉體對抗. 這就是為什麼聖經記載, “因為…聖靈所渴望的, 是 與老我的罪性對立的. ” ……與對抗撒旦的戰爭已經得勝. 現在正進行與肉體的戰鬥.
If you want to ascend the mountain of His holiness and dewll in the presence of God, Then you must recognize that sin is a choice. Reject it. 如果你想攀登上帝聖潔的山, 並與祂一起同居, 那麼你必須確認罪是自己的選擇. 拒絕牠.
Father, I realize now that sin is a choice. Help me choose the paths of righteousness that will to new spiritual heights with You in the mountain of Your holiness. 我們在天上的父, 求祢使我現在意識到罪是我自己的選擇. 幫助我選擇正義的道路, 與祢一起在聖山上達到祢聖潔新的更屬靈.