Wednesday, May 31, 2023

403 中翻英 (103) With the precious blood of Christ, our sins are redeemed. 惟靠基督的寶血, 才能贖我們的罪. 5/31/2023

 403 中翻英 (103)                With the precious blood of Christ,   our   sins   are   redeemed.                                                                                                                                                                                                   惟靠基督的寶血, 才能贖我們的罪.                                                                                        5/31/2023

五月三十一日的曠野筵席呈現出對有基督信仰者最珍貴的菜餚.   惟有  基督在十字架上流下的寶血, 才能贖我們的罪.  

「知道你們得贖...... 不是憑著能坏的金銀等物,乃是憑著基督的寶血,如同無瑕無疵, 無玷污的羔羊之血。」(彼前   1:18-19   新國際版



May 31

"Knowing that you were not redeemed ..... with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish, and without blemish."                                                  (1 Peter 1:18-19 NIV)

Sin makes human being three problems in front  of  God. First, it entered this world by rebellion,  creating a separation between God and man. Due to this big hindrance, God could not communicate with man. Therefore, first God said, "They are all under sin" (Romans 3:9). Second, because sin makes  a   hindrance   within human being, preventing them from having fellowship with God, then attracting  them to act sin. Hence,  it  moved by an conscience touching  to them,  they can say to themself,    "I have sinned against heaven" (Luke 15:18). Furthermore, sin has prepared Satan in our hearts to do accusing, so thirdly, the accuser  who accusere our brethren (Revelation 11:10) can now literally say, "You have sinned!"

However, in order for the Lord Jesus to redeem us and bring us back to God's will, He had to do something  against  sin, acting   sin, and Satan's accusation. His blood, shed for many, has fully met these three problems, that is to say, it has satisfied God, covered our sins, and defeated our great accuser once for all.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

402 中翻英 (102) How to memberize the English vaocubury. 如何記英文生字. 5/30/2023

402 中翻英 (102)     How to memberize the English vaocubury.      如何記英文生字.       5/30/2023

還記得編輯者一再在 "英文文法" 博客中強調, 學習英文要四面顧到 --- 文法, 生字, 發音, 和中英文翻譯.  另外就是大聲郎讀, 它對學習英文有四種好處 --- 能記生字, 自動記文法規則, 學習發音, 再就是會改進你的英文會話學習, 因為增進你的聽力。


「立時,雞叫了第二遍,彼得想起耶穌對他所說的話,雞叫以先,你要三次不認我。思想起來就哭了!」(可 14:72 新國際版


May 30
"Immediately, the rooster crowed a second time, and Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times. Thinking about it, he wept!" (Mark 14:72)
We may think that we are on par with Peter, or maybe even a little better than him, because he was tempted and fell. True, but is it not better for him to fall than for many to never fall? He denied the Lord, but he was not without feelings. As soon as he remembered what the Lord had said, he went out and wept bitterly! Whenever the Word of God fails to inspire a Christian, he is a poor Christian and unworthy of Christianity. For his word is the instrument of cleansing and renewal. If we realize this, and allow Him to work, then, even if we fail terribly, we are not long drowned in a wretched state of ignorance.

Monday, May 29, 2023

401 中翻英 (121) Don't take advantage of others. 不要占人的便宜. 5/29/2023

401  中翻英 (121)                Don't take advantage of others.    不要占人的便宜.               5/29/2023

我們在天上的父, 求祢赦免孩子的罪, 我常常愛占別人的便宜, 是一個品格低劣的人.  從今日起孩子要做又真又活的上帝的僕人,  不要思想如何去占別人的便宜,  要榮耀祢的名.  奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.  阿們. 

                   五月二十九日的晨曦默思是告訴作為主耶穌的僕人,   決不可占別人的便宜,   讓人小看了你.   也羞辱了主的名.

「.... 我們未曾虧負誰,未曾敗坏誰,未曾占誰的便宜。」(林后   7:2   新國際版


May 29

"We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one."                                                        (2 Corinthians 7:2 NIV)

A servant of God should be willing to be taken  advantage by others, but never takes advantage of others. How shameful it is to profess to trust in God, yet play the role of a poor man, revealing one's own needs, and arousing the sympathy of others! Anyone who truly sees the glory of God and his glorious position as a servant of God will be more than sufficient. Not only will he not need to depend on others, but he will even be able to give generously. We have no problem accepting brief hospitality from our brethren. But we have to be strictly guarded against our own indiscretions in everyday matters, such as: a night's lodging, a simple meal, the use of other people's candles, coals, or household utensils, or even a daily newspaper. Nothing is more likely to show a person's inferior character than greed for petty gains. Am I a beggar begging for alms? Or a servant of the living and true God?



Sunday, May 28, 2023

400 中翻英 (120) Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 信是所望之事的實底, 未見之事的確據. (來 11:1 ) 5/28/2023

400  中翻英  (120)   Now   faith is being sure of what   we hope for   and   certain of what we do not see.                                                                                                                                              信是所望之事的實底,   未見之事的確據.   (來    11:1  )      5/28/2023

親愛的訪友, 編輯者有這種經驗. 禱告祈求上帝賜下恩賜時, 你必須要依照上帝的時間.  更重要的是你必須相信已經得著了. 

五月二十八日的曠野筵席真滿桌大菜.   告訴信徒信心的真義.   信是所望之事的實底,   未見之事的確據.   (希伯來書   11:1  英文  Now   faith is being sure of what   we hope for   and   certain of what we do not see.)

 「所以我告訴你們,凡你們禱告祈求的,無論是什么,只要信是得著的,就必得著。」(可   11:24 新國際版


May 28

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24 NIV)

Faith is the reality that you already get it from God. Have you ever thought about it? True faith is often based on the past reality . Those that concern the future are hope, not faith. Although they are closely related, but it is considerable differences. The assurance you have from the words of the Lord Jesus, which is the passage quoted above, is this: If you believe, you have received what you asked for (which, of course, meant asking in Him), so "You shall have it." If you believe that you can have something, or can have something, or even say you will have something, that is not the faith which is saying here. It must be that you believe that you have already received it. This is faith. This kind of confidence is not meaning , "God can do it", or "God will do it", or God "will do it definitly", but affirmative declaration: "God has already done it!  "The life of a Christian begins with the faith of the reality that God has done it, and the subsequent development of this life is also based on this.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

399 中翻英 (119) The faith reality. 信心的實存. 5/27/2023

399  中翻英 (119)        The faith reality.                 信心的實存.                                5/27/2023   


「也要堅守我們所承認的指望,不至搖動,因為那應許我們的主是信實的。」                              (來   12:23  新國際版



May 27

"Let us hold fast the hope we profess without being shaken, for Our Lord is faithful who promised us" (Hebrews 12:23 NIV)

Nothing can satisfy God more than our acknowledgment of the Lord. The Lord Jesus often said, "I am." He also loves to hear us say, "You are." We don't do that much. When things are going wrong and everything is upside down, instead of praying, confess to the Lord, "You are the Lord!" In today's turbulent world, we must stand up and proclaim that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.  He wants to hear us tell ing what we know!  

Also,  when satan hears the saints actively proclaiming the truth, it will tremble.  The name of Jesus is the name above all names, we should proclaim this holy name to the enemy! When our prayers are ineffective, the words of our testimony often do. The Bible tells us to face the mountain and cried loudly, "Move!"

Friday, May 26, 2023

398 中翻英 (118) We are all one in Christ. 我們在基督里都成為一了. 5/26/2023

398  中翻英 (118)            We are all one in Christ.         們在基督里都成為一了.      5/26/2023



「你們在基督里都成為一了。」(加   3:28 新國際版

基督的十字架,對于有基督相仰的人是他的中心。十字架是一切時間的中心,因為十字架是神整個作為的中心,同時也是我們有基督信仰者的中心。我們贊美神,祂已將這事實顯示在我們心里。但我們要記得,十字架的工作,在罪人身上,都是達到目的之方法,它本身絕不是目的。十字架所要引領達到神的目的是   —— 在基督里的新造的人。

得救的事實 :  個人的圣洁,得胜的生活,以及隨從圣靈等等。是所有這些寶貴的救贖果子,它們都是供我們享受的,但它們並不是單單叫我們成為千千万万的個別單位,去為著神而布散在這地上。它們的价值,還有比這些更深遠的意義。因為以基督身體而言,每一項屬靈果子都是我們的。不錯,亞伯拉罕的子孫如同眾星,可是,神要我們基督徒看見,我們在基督里是新人,而不是群眾。我們成為神心意中的目標,實在是屬靈屬天的人,而不是一小群人物。

May 26"You are all one in Christ." (Galatians 3:28 NIV )

The crucifiction of Christ is the center of our believer. It is the center of all time, because it is the center of God's whole work, and it is the center of christian's lives. We praise God that He has revealed this fact in our hearts. But we must remember that the achievement of the cross is the judgement of all sinners, and it is by no means the achievement of judgement in itself. It leads to God's purpose - a new born man in Christ.

The facts of salvation were personal holiness, victorious living, and walking after the Holy Spirit.  These are precious fruits of redemption for us to enjoy, but they don't merely call thousands upon thousands of us to be a individual units scattered over the earth.  It has a deeper meaning of their value than these. Because from the view of Christ's body is concerned, every item of spiritual fruit is belong to us. It is true that the descendants of Abraham are like the stars, but God wants us Christians to see that we are one new man in Christ, not a multitude of people. The goal in God's heart is indeed a heavenly people, not a group of little people.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

397 中翻英 (117) The cross is the foundation of our faith. 十字架是我們信仰的根基. 5/25/2023397 中翻英 (117)

397 中翻英  (117) The cross is the foundation of our faith. 十字架是我們信仰的根基. 5/25/2023




May 25

"Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace" (Romans 6:14)

When the light of God first shone into my heart, my only cry was for forgiveness, for I saw myself committing many sins before Him. But after I was forgiven, I made a new discovery, that is, I still have the nature of a sinner. There is an inner tendency to sin, there is a sinful force that moves me. When that power occurs, I sin. I could seek forgiveness and receive it, but before long I sinned again. My life is such a vicious cycle of being forgiven for sinning and then sinning again. I treasure the blessed fact of God's forgiveness of sins, but I urgently need a deeper salvation! I rejoice because of the forgiveness I have received. But I also need to be rescued from this sinful "me". I need the cross of Christ to strike at the root of my sinful power. The blood of Christ dealt with my sins, but only the power of His death and resurrection was sufficient to deal with my self and my sinful nature.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

396 中翻英 (116) Jesus is our provider. 祂是我們的供需者. 5/24/2023 新國際版

396  中翻英 (116)       Jesus is our provider.            祂是我們的供需者.              5/24/2023  


「他們..... 所需用的..... 都要....  每天供給他們不得有誤。」(拉 6:9 新國際版


May 24

"Everything they need is provided for them every day." (Ezra 6:9 NIV)

If we truly trust God, we should expect to bear the spiritual burden alone without the help of others. This burden includes our own needs and the needs of work. We must not secretly hope for help from some merchant source. The object of our faith is not in both God and man, but only in God. If the brethren show their love, we thank God, and if not, we still give thanks. It is shameful for a servant of God to look at God with one eye and at man with the other! It is something that no Christian should have. If we profess to trust in God, but expect to receive support from our brethren, it will only dishonor the name of the Lord. Our life of faith must be thorough and true, and it must not be degenerated into a life of relief! Yes, in all material matters, we dare not rely on others absolutely, because we dare to trust God absolutely. We cast aside all other hope, for we have infinite hope in God.

395 中翻英 (115) Knowing God is the beginning of wsdom. 認識上帝是智慧的開端. 5/23/2023

395  中翻英  (115) Knowing God is the beginning of wsdom.   認識上帝是智慧的開端.    5/23/2023



我們不時會看見,神的仆人們正在講解神話語的教訓時,突然從他們的衷心涌上贊美和敬拜。使徒保羅在這事上,更是駕輕就熟。在羅馬書第一章,正當他將一連串人類的敗坏罪行嚴酷的暴露出來時,突然轉筆向著造物的主,發出贊美的歡呼:「主乃是可稱頌的,直到永遠!」(25節)然后再加上他自己個人的「阿們」。另一次,在羅馬書第九章,當他描述以色列民在歷史上的优越地位時,到了第五節,他又轉筆向基督發出了類似上述贊美的話:「祂是在万有之上,永遠可稱頌的神!阿們。」現在,到了羅馬書第十一章的末了,我們又發現那同樣自發性的歡呼。當他講到神對外邦人所施的怜憫,以及他們的反應該如何時,他便如此下結語:「因為神將眾人都圈在不順服之中,特意要怜恤眾人。」(11:32)按理這結語應該緊接著第十二章第一節說:「所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上」但保羅又再一次的,在這話語之后,打斷了自己的敘述,而插進十一章卅三節的歡呼与敬拜。他是無法抑制自己的感覺而繼續的說:「因為万有都是本于祂,倚靠祂,歸于祂。愿榮耀歸給祂,直到永遠!阿們。」(   羅    11:36)這种轉筆插入的贊美,并沒有給神造成任何的難處。

May 23

"How deep are the riches of God's wisdom and knowledge, how unsearchable are His judgments! how unsearchable are His tracks!" (Romans 11:33)

From time to time, we can see that when God's servants are explaining the teachings of God's word, praise and worship suddenly spring from their hearts. The apostle Paul was even more familiar with this matter. In the first chapter of Romans, just as he severely exposed a series of corrupt sins of human beings, he suddenly turned his pen to the Creator and uttered a shout of praise: "Blessed be the Lord forever!" (v. 25 ) and then added his own personal "Amen." On another occasion, in Romans 9, when he describes the historical preeminence of Israel, in verse 5 he turns to Christ with a similar praise to the one above: "He is over all, Blessed be God forever! Amen." Now, at the end of the eleventh chapter of Romans, we find that same spontaneous cry of joy. When he spoke of God's mercy to the Gentiles and how they would respond, he concluded by saying, "For God, having shut all in disobedience, intended to be merciful to all" ( Romans 11:32. ) Logically, this epilogue should immediately follow the first verse of   Romans   Chapter 12: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies." But Paul once again interrupted himself after these words. narration, and inserted into    Romans   Chapter 11   verse    33 of the cheers and worship. He couldn't restrain his feelings and continued to say: "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen." (Romans     11:36) This kind of twist. The inserted praise did not cause any trouble to God.

Monday, May 22, 2023

394 中翻英 (114) Lord help me to overcome temptation. 主阿! 求祢助我勝過試探. 5/22/2023

394  中翻英 (114) Lord help me to overcome temptation.    主阿! 求祢助我勝過試探.    5/22/2023 


「因為我們這活著的人,是常為耶穌被交于死地,使耶穌的生,在我們這必死的身上顯明出來。」(林后   4:11   新國際版



May 22

"For we the living are always delivered to death for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal body" (2 Corinthians 4:11 NIV)

What does the above scripture mean? This sentence simply means that only when I trust in the Lord can I act. I will discover my inadequacy. I dare not take a step because of the little strength I have. Because Adam ate the forbidden fruit, he had the natural ability to act and do things, but this was just an ability that fell under the influence of Satan. When you know the Lord, you lose this ability. You are now living through "another" life and claiming everything from Him.

oh friends! I think we all know ourselves a little bit, but a lot of the time, we're not really afraid of ourselves. We may politely say to God, "I can't do it if the Lord doesn't want to." But in reality, we're pretty sure we can do a good job! We are often drawn by people, things, and things to make decisions, to act, or to use abilities other than Him. Because the "self" grows too large in us, Christ appears too small in us. May God forgive us.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

393 中翻英 (113) This is the good will of God the Father's predetermined. 這是父神所預定的美意.(西 1:19,2:9) 5/21/2023

393 中翻英 (113)     This is the good will of God the Father's  predetermined.                                                                                                                                   這是父神所預定的美意.(西   1:192:9                                    5/21/2023


「并知道這愛是過于人所能測度的,便叫上帝一切所充滿的,充滿了你們。」                                                                              (弗   3:19   新國際版

當主耶穌在世上的時候,祂自己就是神生命的器皿。一碰到祂,就碰到了神,一看見祂,就看見了神。因為神本性一切的丰滿,都是有形有體的居住在祂里面。這是父神所預定的美意(西   1:192:9)。


May 21st

"And to know  this love that surpasses knowledge --- that you may be filled with to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:19 NIV)

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He Himself was God's life vessel. As soon as you touch Him, you touch God; and see Him, you see God.    For God pleased to have   all  His fullness   dwell in Him. This is the good will of God the Father's  predetermined. (Colossians 1:19, 2:9).

What do people see now-a-days?     Those of us who believe in the Lord have eternal life, and logically we have also received His fullness.   Do they meet the great love of Christ,   however,    as  they meet us ?    Do they meet the manifestation of God in us,   however, as    people meet us ?

Saturday, May 20, 2023

392 中翻英 (112) Lord! I will be Your slave. 主阿! 孩願一生一世作祢的奴僕, 5/20/2023

392 中翻英 (112)      Lord!  I will be Your slave.   主阿! 孩願一生一世作祢的奴僕,     5/20/2023


「豈不曉得你們獻上自己作奴仆,順從誰,就作誰的奴仆么?或作罪的奴仆,以至于死,或作順命的奴仆,以至成義。」(羅   6:16   新國際版 


May 20

"Don't you know that to whom you present yourselves as slaves to obey, you are his slaves? Either of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness" (Romans 6:16 NIV)

The word "slave" used in this passage actually refers to slaves. This interpretation is important to us because these two words are used several times in the second half of Romans 6, where Paul refers to our usefulness to God. What is the difference between a slave servent and a slave? A slave servent may serve a master, but his "sovereignty" is not vested in that person. If he likes his master, he can serve him, and if he doesn't, he can quit and find another employer. But slaves cannot do this. He is not only his master's servant, but his property. How did I become a slave servent of the Lord Jesus? On His side, He gave up His life as a ransom to buy me, and on my side, I have willingly and willingly dedicated myself completely to Him. Let us not neglect the latter aspect. I am God's property by virtue of God's right of redemption. But if I want to be His useful slave, I have to be willing to give myself all to Him, because He never forces others.

Friday, May 19, 2023

391 中翻英 (111) Lord, You are the bright morning star! 主阿! 祢是明亮晨星. 5/19/2023

391 中翻英  (111)        Lord, You are the bright morning star! 主阿! 祢是明亮晨星.      5/19/2023


「我耶穌差遣我的使者為眾教會將這些事向你證明,我是大衛的根,又是他的后裔,我是明亮的晨星。」(啟 22:16 新國際版


May 19

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright morning star." (Revelation 22:16 NIV)

The Book of Revelation is the book that reveals Jesus Christ (the Greek word means "uncovered"). It lifted the veil and revealed Him. The basic purpose of this book is not to show us things that are about to come, such as: the Antichrist, the hypothetical restoration of the Roman Empire, the rapture of the saints, the thousand-year kingdom, or the final destruction of Satan, etc. The apostle John obviously did not use the signs of the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls to heal the ills of our time. This book is not written to satisfy our intellectual curiosity. Its significance is to reveal the fullness of Jesus Christ Himself so as to meet all our spiritual needs so that we can know Him. Because Christ is the answer to all our problems. Only by knowing Him clearly first will we know all the "things to come" that we should know. He is the resurrected and victorious King of kings. Because of what He is, all subsequent things also took place.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

390 英翻中 (110) .... Why this waste of perfume? 何用這樣枉費香膏呢? 5/18/2023

 390 英翻中 (110)          .... Why this waste of perfume?    何用這樣枉費香膏呢?               5/18/2023


「有几個人心中很不喜悅,說,"何用這樣枉費香膏呢?"」(可   14:4 新國際版


May 18

"There were some who were very displeased and said, What is the use of such a waste of ointment?" (Mark 14:4 NIV)

What is waste? Waste has many meanings, but the basic point is to give extra. For example, if you pay ten yuan when one yuan is enough, it is a waste. Another example is that if fifty grams (grams) are enough, but you give one kilogram (grams), or delay to five or seven days what can be done in three days, that means all in vain. To waste means that you pay a great price for a very small thing. It is in vain if one accepts more than is thought due. Regarding the matter of Mary anointing the Lord, the twelve disciples thought it was overdone, and Judas, who never called Jesus "Lord", certainly felt it even more. For to him, anything poured out on the Lord is in vain. This is just as the world today estimates of us, thinking that our devotion to the service of God is utterly wasted. But when our eyes are opened to see the true worth of our Lord Jesus, nothing is worthy of Him.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

389  中翻英  (109)            To learn English is not difficult, but to use it is much difficult.                                                                             習英文不難, 但要運用它得體却非易事.             5/17/2023      

讀恩師徐世大教授所著的 "回憶與感想" 一書, 他述說他在五十年中涉及有關水利工程的建樹的事.  編輯者記得對的話, 應是他在設計 "石門水庫" 完工後, 快要建造完工引退後時, 全心用在台灣大學土木系培植水利工程後輩, 抽空寫下他一生的回憶及當時在建造石門水庫工程的感想. 他在書中寫下 "學習不難, 但要運用它得體却非易事. "  恩師享年83歲, 求上帝接納他在天的靈.


「但我們已經相信的人,得以進入那安息, ....」(來   4:3 新國際版



May 17

"Now we who have believed enter into that rest, ....." (Hebrews 4:3 NIV)

To rest is coming after working. Resting is possible when the work has been satisfactorily done. Then, it will come the fullest meaning of rest.  When God finished His creating of world in six days, afterward, He was resting.  It was not a small thing. We wonder how God can plan and  have abundant life, finally going to rest? Genesis chapter 1, verse 31, shows us the answer : "God saw that everything He had made was very good!" He has completed some works that let His heart being happy, and His will has been fulfilled, His object was attained, for which He pronounced the word of approval of His work  "in God's rest".

Today God invites us to share His rest in Christ, because another good work has been  done, that is, God’s new creation has been completed, His good will has been fulfilled, and there is no more work need or possibile to be done! So we can share His rest when we cease our own struggling and striving to find our satisfaction in Christ.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

388 中翻英 (108) God is the absolute truth. 上帝是絕對的真理。 5/16/2023

388  中翻英  (108)            God is the absolute truth.        上帝是絕對的真理。            5/16/2023

耶穌說,"我就是這道路,這真理(the   truth),   和這生命;   若不藉著我, 沒有人能到父那裡去。我們應該跟隨真理的主耶穌基督。有誰願意為他人贖罪,捨命在十字架上。

五月十六日的曠野筵席有道極為珍貴的菜餚   ---   上帝的絕對真理。

「你當買真理,就是智慧、訓誨、和聰明,也都不可賣。」(箴   23:23 新國際版

謊言是無需代价的,它們到處充斥,低賤極了。但對于真理,卻需要常常付上代价。首先就是謙卑的代价,因為神賜光給謙卑的人。如果我們尚未預備將自己的謙虛,作為代价來換取真理,我們就得不到它了。跟著就是忍耐的代价,那些急促的判斷,和無耐性的決定,對于神的光是格格不入的,因為神的光是賜給那些要侍候神,和等候神的人。此外,還有那最大的代价,就是順服。「人若立志遵著祂的旨意行,就必曉得....」(約   7:17)如果我們要認識神的旨意,和神的道路,絕對順服是基本的條件。我們的信仰是屬于廉賤隨便,不付代价那一類呢,還是我們准備把它建立在神的真理上,且為真理愿付上任何的代价呢?

May 16

"Buy the truth, and don't sell it; get wisdom, discipline, and understanding."                     (Proverbs 23:23 NIV)

Lies are free, they are everywhere and cheap. But for truth, there is often a price to pay. The first is the price of humility, for God gives light to the humble. If we are not prepared to trade our humility for truth, we will not get it. Then, it comes the price of patience, those snap judgments and impatient decisions that are incompatible with the light of God, which is given to those who serve and wait on God.  Futhermore, there is the obedience, the greatest price. "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find it ....." (John 7:17). If we want to know God's will and God's way, absolute obedience is the basic condition. Does our faith belong to the cheap, casual, and free category, or did we prepare to base it on the truth of God, and are willing to pay any price for the truth?

Monday, May 15, 2023

387 中翻英 (107) Lord, forgive my sin, 主阿! 饒恕我的罪. 5/5/2023

387  中翻英 (107)        Lord, forgive my sin,   主阿! 饒恕我的罪.                           5/5/2023

親愛的我們主耶穌基督, 祢是公義, 仁愛, 又有憐憫的上帝.  謝謝祢赦免我的罪.  孩子今天絕心悔改, 做祢聽命的孩子, 遵守祘的旨意.  奉主耶穌基督的名禱告. 阿名.


「并嘗過神善道的滋味,覺悟來世權能的人。」(來   6:5   新國際版

神的國是現在的,也是將來的。(參閱 太   6:1012:28)在時間上,它屬于未來,在經歷上,它今天已在我們中間了。神樂意我們在此時此地,就預嘗來世權能的實際。宇宙一切將要成的事實,應該是教會目前一些确實的經歷,因為一切都是屬乎她的。若僅僅知道國度里面的一切情形,諸如安息,永遠的生命,永遠的約,撒但的毀滅,神和基督的權柄等,這有什么用處呢?這些不單是將來的光景,更是此時此地可嘗的權能。嘗的意思,就是吃進一點點。這是筵席的開端。我們尚未全享國度里的一切佳美,但我們現在應該嘗嘗它。無論何時何地對于這屬靈的資源有所需要,我們就不要單單活在目前那樣的光景中,要學習預享善道,因為來世的權能是屬于我們的。

May 15

"He who has tasted the good word of God, and has realized the power of the age to come." (Hebrews 6:5 NIV)

The kingdom of God is both present and future. (See Matt. 6:10, 12:28) In terms of time, it belongs to the future, and by experience, it is already among us today. God is pleased that we are here and now, a foretaste of the reality of the power of the age to come. Whatever will happen in the universe should be some definite experiences of the church at present, because everything belongs to her. What is the matter of only knowing all things in the kingdom, such as rest, the eternal life, the eternal covenant, the destruction of Satan, and the authority of God and Christ? These are not only the future conditions, but also the powers that can be tasted here now. To taste means to eat a little bit. This is the beginning of the feast. We have not yet had all the goodness of the kingdom, but we should taste it now. Whenever and wherever there is a need for this spiritual resource, we should not just live in the current situation, but learn to enjoy the good way, because the authority of the future  age belongs to us.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

386 中翻英 (106) Translation method is only for helping to make sentance. 翻譯方法僅僅用來幫助英文造句. 5/14/2023

386  中翻英 (106)             Translation method is only for helping to make sentance.                                                                                       翻譯方法僅僅用來幫助英文造句.                                5/14/2023

親愛的訪友, 在以前的博客中, 曾一再的提醒, 譯文比原始的著作要困難.  它是放在外文系的研究所的課程裡面. 如今編輯者藉著與主內訪友分享聖經真理, 才懇求上帝加添我智慧, 見證祂的旨意美善. 我把倪柝聲所著 "曠野筵席" 的信息, 曾讀過三遍, 而且近年來又從事 "英翻中 " Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe 牧師所著聖經研讀叢書 "Be - Book" 多本. 還有參考本書的英文原版著作人  --- 金彌爾弟兄(Brother AngusIKinear),他從倪柝聲弟兄的講台信息及談話記錄摘選匯集而成(細節請參閱中文版的 "卷首語".) 還要說的一句話是 : 金彌爾弟兄在他所著的序言中的一句很長的心裡話 : Few modern Chinese preachers have so glorified Christ and so edified their hearers as did Watchman Nee from the depth of his experience and the breadth of his reading(在現代中國的傳道人中,很少有像倪柝聲弟兄那樣,從他的經驗深度和閱讀廣度中,如此榮耀主耶穌基督,如此造就他們的福音聽眾。)  倪柝聲弟兄是編輯者自幼就深受其屬靈著作所感動的年輕上帝的僕人.  謝謝上帝賜予夠用的恩典。

五月十四曰曠野筵席比較深奧, 懇主內訪友多多分享。



May  14

"When you eat the lamb, with your loins girded on, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, eat it hastily; it is the Passover of the LORD." (Exodus 12:11)

The lamb's blood was shed for God, and sprinkled outside the house, so that even the sanctified by the blood inside the house firstborn could not see it.  Actually, the blood was shed for God, because He had promised as He saw it, He would pass over. The blood was met God's need, but the Passover meal was met our need. The lamb's blood is used to protect us, hence, we can eat its flesh in the house. So that by eating this way, we can have the strength to run the journey ahead. The Passover feast was not for those who remained in Egypt (although they were protected by the blood of the Lamb), but it was especially for those who had an obvious intention to leave Egypt with God.  And the same is true for us. When we accept Him, we will find that all our needs have been met in Christ. But remember that we accept God, it means to be ready to go right ahead by His will.