Sunday, April 30, 2023

372 中翻英 (102) For the battle is not yours, but God's. 胜敗不在乎你們,乃在基督里得胜。4/30/2023

372  中翻英 (102) For the battle is not yours, but God's. 胜敗不在乎你們,在基督里得胜。4/30/2023


「不要.......恐懼、惊惶,因為胜敗不在乎你們,乃在乎神。」(代下20:15    新國際版


April 30

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, ...... For the battle is not yours, but God's."                                            (2 Chronicles 20:15  NIV)

If you strive for victory in your own strength, you are doomed when the battle begins. The embarrassment and embarrassment you encounter as a Christian are caused by your initial estimation that you can overcome by yourself. If Satan intends to attack you in your career or in your family, increasing difficulties and misunderstandings, creating a situation where you cannot cope and escape, and are in danger of being depressed, you should pray, fast, and struggle , resist, but after many days, no effect. why? Because you are trying to get into victory in your own strength. In doing so, you relinquish the one (victory in Christ) position that is yours. Because God has long been victorious in Christ Jesus, and victory belongs to us, because He is our victory! He has given us His victory to enjoy. Satan is already a defeated enemy, and the Lord Jesus can destroy him with just one breath. But you have to rely on your own strength to create a hurricane! So, what is the secret of victory? Simply look up to Him and praise, "Lord, Your victory is all-encompassing, including my current situation. I praise You!" Then,  you will rest in the victory that God has already achieved for you.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

371 中翻英 (101) The christian is wiping away tears and helping the gospel to grow . 基督徒是拭著眼淚扶犁前行 去廣傳福音. 4/29/2023

 371  中翻英 (101)    The christian is wiping away tears and helping the gospel to grow .                                                            基督徒是著眼淚扶犁前行 去廣傳福音.                                                        4/29/2023


「我的肉體,和我的心腸衰殘,但神是我心里的力量,又是我的福分,直到永遠。」(詩     73:26


April 29

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" (Psalm 73:26 NIV)

A brother, whom I knew, was once got a missionary mission for several months as his beloved wife was sick. On the day before he left, a friend of mine asked me to bring a letter him. As I was about to arrive at his home, he just left.  He didn’t see me. He stopped after walking a short distance.  After a little hesitation, he began to step back and turn towards the door. I noticed that he was having some spiritual struggles, so I didn't wait for him, so I walked to the ferry by the river by another road. When he arrived on the ferry shortly after, I handed him the letter and said, "May the Lord bless you". His answer showed that he was very peaceful. A few months later, when he came back from working outside, I will see the scene of him leaving home that day, and we will talk about it a little bit in our conversations. He candidly admits: "Yes, when I stood by the side of the road hesitating, I felt that I couldn't leave her and the children without care and money, but when I stepped back, that had been The Bible verse came to me: "He who puts his hand on the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62)! So I turned around and went straight to the ferry. Wiping away tears and helping the plow move --- that is the christian.

Friday, April 28, 2023

370 中翻英 (100) Jesus is the head of the church. 主耶穌是教會的頭。 4/28/2023

 370  中翻英 (100)        Jesus is the head of the church.      主耶穌是教會的頭。       4/28/2023


「但如今,神隨自己的意思,把肢體俱各安排在身上了。」(林前     12:18  新國際版


April 28

"But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, .... just as He willed them to be."                    (1 Corinthians 12:18  NIV)

Please tell me, which part of the body is better? Is it the hand or the feet?  When you think about the question, you can't answer.  Each member has its unique function. They are equally important for the body.  However, many believers look down on God's personal calling, thinking that they cannot be what they are. They relinquish their status as members of the Body when they are members of the body whom they desire.  In Matthew chapter 25, it is the situation what the Lord Jesus described those servants receiving money according to their ability. In this parable, one man received five talents and another received two talents, but the key point of the whole parable  is the one who received one talent.  The danger thing is happened as the one receiving talent servant who buried his gift in the earth.  Maybe he will ask himself, "Because I am not the prominent part of the body, what it does matter if I function it or not?" Please, it does matter! Because this parable teaches us that if two talents can earn another two talents to become four talents, then one talent can also become two talents. It is by exercising our spiritual faculties in this way that we discover life. The life of the church is hindered and impoverished because the gift is withheld by the one-talent member.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

369 中翻英 (99) Learning translaton is important, but need patience. 學習翻譯很重要, 但是需要耐心. 4/27/2023

 369  中翻英 (99)                     Learning translaton is important, but need patience.                                                                                      學習翻譯很重要, 但是需要耐心                                 4/27/2023


圣徒的忍耐和信心,就是在此。」(啟示錄 13:10 新國際版

看來很難再忍下去的一些圣徒在呼喊,「要到几時呢?」但很有意思的一點乃是,約翰在這本論及審判之書的開始,竟形容自己是「你們的弟兄,又是在那耶穌里同患難,同國度,同忍耐的。」啟示錄這本書給我們看見,到了一個相當的地步,神最終放棄了忍耐而執行審判。忍耐之所以需要,乃因審判尚在將來,但審判的日子一到,就無需再忍耐了。可是在目前,那時刻仍未來到,而我們也如同使徒約翰一樣,仍須生活在忍耐的時代中。拔劍來抗暴拒惡并不難,然而甚至那些殉道的圣徒,神還是告訴他們要等候片時,直至人數滿足的時候(啟 6:11)。神對不忍耐總是否定的,祂本身就是恒久忍耐。讓我們取用神的忍耐,來顯示我們在祂里面的信心實存。

April 27

".... This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints."                                   (Revelation 13:10  NIV)

Some saints who were looking to bear struggling any longer, were crying, "How long?" But John begins his book on Revelation by describing himself as "Your brethren, also in the tribulation, the kingdom, and the endurance in Jesus.”  The book of Revelation shows us that God finally gave up patience and executed judgment to a certain extent. Patience is needed because judgment is not yet coming, but when it comes, there will be no need for patience. But at present, that time has not yet come, and we still have to live in the age of endurance , like the apostle John. It is not difficult to draw the sword to resist violence and evil, but even those martyred saints, God still told them to wait for a while until the number of the saved people is enough (Revelation 6:11). God has always the patience to wait, and He himself is long-suffering. Let us take the God's patience to show our reality of faith in Him.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

368 中翻英 (98) God is faitheful。 上帝是信實的。 4/26/2023

368  中翻英 (98)            God is faitheful。            上帝是信實的。                4/26/2023


今日四月二十六日的曠野筵席顯示出上帝的大愛,祂知道人的老我充滿了罪性。前不幾天我所敬愛的   In-Touch   傳道人Charles   Stanley  博士為主辛苦作見證一生,  現已回到他所愛的主那裡。他天天只講罪 :   他強調愛是捨我其誰,情慾(lust)則是慾火燒心,急急只求一己之樂。世上這麼多為主工作的傳道人,上帝是信實的,祂知道人心。

「但義人的路,好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。」(箴     4:18 新國際版


April 26

"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of the dawn, shining ever brighter till the full  light of day." (Proverbs 4:18 NIV)

Despite the historical records of the fall of Solomon and other kings, we need not assume that the last days of each christian will be spiritual decline at end. Let's think about Jacob's return to Canaan from Paddan-aram: before he is selfish active man has now settled down quietly. In his own family he suffered a lot of sorrows and setbacks, but now she showed a kind of patience and concern for others. These virtues are very different from his early selfish character. Or take a look at him in Egypt later.  At that time, he was the father of Joseph who was in power in Egypt. As if he were in the past, he would have eagerly seized this new opportunity to show off his Status; but now he is a spiritually mature old man who seems contented in back place. Because of this, his prophetic blessings provide a fitting climax to the book of Genesis.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

367 中翻英 (97) Did I obey willingly God's will ? 我甘心 樂意順從上帝的旨意了嗎? 4/25/2023

367  中翻英  (97)    Did I obey willingly God's will ?    我甘心 樂意順從上帝的旨意了嗎?         4/25/2023  

親愛的主內訪友,如何我們才能甘心的順從上帝的旨意?     在今天的曠野筵席中擺滿了各式各樣的菜餚,有山珍海味,也有清淡的蔬菜水果。上帝是公義的,有人被主按手做牧師,有的却做招待引人入座的事工,都是服事主。希望走到人生的盡頭,我們能夠像保羅一樣的說,"當跑的路,我已經跑盡了。"(提后   4:7

「.... 与王同處,為王做工。」(代上     4:23  新國際版  


April 25

"...... ; they stayed there and worked for the king." (1 Chronicles 4:23 NIV)

King David had many warriors, some of whom were generals, and some were gatekeepers. These people all held their positions according to the positions appointed by the king. We must be willing to accept what God has given us. Whether to be a general or a gatekeeper is according to God's will, not according to one's own choice. If you are a Christian, you should know that God has already marked a path for you to take. The apostle Paul calls it "the journey" in 2 Timothy 4:7. God not only marked out a way for Paul, but also for each of His children individually. Therefore, the most important thing is that every child of God should understand and walk on the path God has appointed for him. "Lord, I have only this desire, and that is to give myself to You to lead me in the way You have appointed me to go." That's true consecration. If at the end of our lives, we can say with Paul, "I have finished my course" (2 Timothy 4:7), then we are truly blessed. We only live one life on earth, and the most tragic thing is when we come to the end, we realize that we have been on a wrong path.

Monday, April 24, 2023

366 中翻英 (96) Did I live a life worthy of the calling from God's grace? 我行事為人与蒙上帝的恩召相稱嗎? 4/24/2023

 366  中翻英 (96)             Did I live a life worthy of  the calling from God's grace?                                                                                  行事為人与蒙上帝的恩召相稱嗎?                                                                             4/24/2023

四月二十四日的晨曦默思常常驚醒編輯者:   行事為人与蒙上帝的恩召相稱嗎?   編輯者從嬰孩時期就被上帝揀選為祂的兒子,自認有時我的行事為人与蒙上帝的恩召相稱; 但帶罪性的老我常常引誘我犯眼目情慾,肉體情慾及今生驕傲的罪,使愛我的主蒙羞。親愛的訪友,希望您的行事為人与蒙上帝的恩召相稱,榮耀主的聖名。

「我為主被囚的勸你們,既然蒙召,行事為人就當与蒙召的恩相稱。」(弗     4:1


April 24

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of  the calling with you have recieved" (Ephesians 4:1 NIV). 

Did I realize the Holy Spirit dwelling within me who has a personality?   I am but an earthen vessel, but within this earthen vessel lies a priceless treasure, the Lord of Glory ( 2 Corrins 4:7). If the eyes of the children of God are opened to see that there are abundant resources within them that are more than sufficient to meet any of their needs, then all their worries and troubles will cease. If they knew the vastness of the treasure house hidden in their hearts, then,  their rashness would have ceased to exist. If you have only one dollar in your pocket, you can easily walk down the street, knowing that it won't matter if you lose it, because it's only a small amount. But if you carry five thousand dollars in your pocket, that is quite different. You will have great joy in your heart, but you will not dare to wander carelessly on the street. From time to time you will amble down, reaching your hand into pockets, touching your darling money silently, and  walking continuely joyous solemnity. Yes, I say it with the utmost solemnity, "You are born again of the Holy Spirit carrying God within your heart!"

Sunday, April 23, 2023

365 中翻英 (95) Does the unbeliever smell the Fragrance of Jesus Christ from me ? 慕道者能從我生命裡嗅出耶穌基督馨香之氣? 4/23/2023

 365  中翻英 (95)        Does an unbeliever smell the Fragrance of Jesus Christ from me ?                                                          慕道者能從我生命裡嗅出耶穌基督馨香之氣?                                    4/23/2023




April 23

"The woman said to her husband, I have seen that the man who passes by us constantly is a holy man of God." (2 Kings 4:9)

What a wonderful impression Elisha made on the well-to-do Shunem woman! However, until that time (2 Kings 4:8), he did not perform any miracles in her house, and the Bible does not record that he brought the woman any word of God. He just passed by her house, had a look at them, and went in for a meal. She would not know him very well, yet she said to her husband, I saw him as a holy man of God. It is evident that the woman was impressed not by what Elisha said or did, but by what he was. When Elisha came, she felt God's presence in him. What do others think of us? Everyone can make some impression to others. Do they think we are smart, gifted, or someone different? Elisha had made of a remarkable influrence by showing on his visit: he made an impression to the Shunem woman that he showed him as God Himself. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

364 中翻英 (94) Our Lord is the way, the truth, and the eternal life ...(John 14:6) 我就是惟一的道路, 絕對的真理, 和永遠的生命.....。 4/22/2023

364  中翻英 (94)            Our Lord is the way, the truth, and the eternal life ...(John 14:6)                                                                 我就是惟一的道路, 絕對的真理, 和永遠的生命.....。                 4/22/2023

四月二十二日曠野筵席有道極名貴的菜餚   ---   耶穌基督就是永遠的生命。信徒在地上的生命只是過旅。親愛的朋友,您想得到永遠的生命嗎?     請跟隨編輯者禱告   :   我們在天上的父上帝,   我現在向祢悔改,求祢現在就進入我的內心,作我的主,我的救主。阿們。這是白白的恩典,但不是廉價的,因為主耶穌基督為贖我們的罪釘死在十字架上。

「.... 這永生也是在祂儿子里面,人有了神的儿子就有生命 .....。」(約壹   5:11-12

如果我們能夠發現基督的恩典和基督自己的分別,那是一件非常蒙福的事!譬如說,謙卑和基督的分別,忍耐和基督的分別,愛心和基督的分別等等。神不會把謙卑、忍耐、圣洁、或愛心,作為祂在恩典中個別的恩賜來給你,神不是一位零售商,將祂的恩典一包一包的分配給我們   —— 將一些忍耐分給那不能忍耐的人,將一些愛心分給那沒有愛心的人,將一些謙卑分給那驕傲的人,或按著我們所能取的數量,分給我們作為一种屬靈資本去做工。神只有一個恩賜來應付我們的需要,那就是祂的儿子耶穌基督。


April 22

".... , and this eternal life is in His Son.  He who has the Son has life; ..." (1 John 5:11-12)

If we can discover the difference between the grace of Christ and Himself, how blessed it is!    For example, the difference between humility and Christ, patience and Him, love and Him, and so on. God doesn't give you humility, patience, holiness, or love gift as separate.  God is not a retailer distributing His grace to us in separate gifts of packege : for the impatient giving some patience gift , giving hate person some love,  some humility to the proud man, or give us as much as we can work as for spiritual sources. God has only one gift to meet our needs --- His Son, Jesus Christ.

For the common people, holiness is to life every things that would be holy.  It is only the fruit of holiness. True holiness is just Christ Himself, the Lord Jesus Himself (1 Corinthians 1:30). So you can name the holiness as love, humility, power, self-control and so on. Wherever we need a patience today, He is our patience!  Tomorrow, we may be need a purity, and He is our purity! Our individual imperfections are neither nothing, nor are a thousand different things, because He is always the provider for all our need.

Friday, April 21, 2023

363 中翻英 (93) So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8 : 36) 天父的兒子若叫你們自由, 你們就真自由了. 4/21/2023

 363  中翻英 (93)             So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  (John 8 : 36)                                                                天父的兒子若叫你們自由, 你們就真自由了.                       4/21/2023

四月二十一日的曠野筵席啟示信徒,   天父的兒子若叫你們自由, 你們就真自由了.  "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  (John 8 : 36) "  主內的訪友, 您們肯定與編輯者有同樣的領悟.  信主後就不再受有罪性的老我約束, 我們有新生命, 新生命叫我們認識絕對的真理 --- 主耶穌基督, 因祂是惟一的道路, 絕對的真理, 和永遠的生命, 若不藉著祂, 沒有人能到父那裡去.  是的, 當困難來叩我的心門時, 依靠主, 求祂去開門, 我們就得以自由了.                                                           

「因為賜生命圣靈的律,在基督耶穌里釋放了我,使我脫离罪和死的律了。」(羅     8:2



April 21

"... because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. " (Romans 8:2 NIV).

From the very beginning of Chinese history,  China has implemented a likin tax from the Qin Dynasty till the present century, that had made traders a heavy burden and inescapable. This is a kind of domestic cargo transshipment tax. Many checkpoints have been set up throughout the country to collect it. The officials in charge of taxation have great power. But a few years ago the government enacted another law to replace the original likin tax. Can you imagine how happy of the traders who were breathing under the presure of old law receiving the new laws.  Now the     traders don't need to worry about what to do when they meet a tax official. Because the second law has made them releasing from the presure of the first law.

God's Son has set us free from the old law by His truth.  The old law binds us tightly to sin and death, while Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set us free from the old law and enables us to live in blessed union with the Holy Spirit of life.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

362 中翻英 (92) Lord said, "My grace is enough for you." 主說, " 我的恩典夠你用." 4/20/2023

362   中翻英 (92)          Lord said, "My grace is enough for you."   主說, " 我的恩典夠你用."                                            4/20/2023

我們滿有慈愛, 滿有憐憫的上帝, 祢賜予孩子活到93歲的年日, 使我深信不疑, 祢的恩典夠我用. 懇求祢饒恕我不與同時服事祢的其他信徒相愛, 合一, 犯今生驕傲的罪.  孩子決心學習主耶穌基督的謙卑的樣式, 藉由祂的榮光顯出我驕傲罪的本性, 我向主悔改, 求祢現在進入孩子的心, 作我的救主.  奉主耶穌的名禱告.  阿們.

四月二十日的晨曦默思, 啟示我們自省不能顯示出我們的罪來, 惟一的方法是要用主耶穌基督的光來照亮我們. 因此詩人從內心懇切的禱告, "神阿!求你鑒察我, 看在我里面有什么惡行沒有.

「神阿!求你鑒察我, .....  看在我里面有什么惡行沒有, ......」(詩139:23-24



April 20

"Search me, O God, ..... see if there is any offensive way in me, ....." (Psalm 139:23-24)

True self-knowledge does not come from self-examination. Introspection can never lead us into reality. In fact, we can only see when the light from God shines upon us. I think it's very simple, if we want to pay attention to whether our face is clean, what should we do? Do we carefully touch our face with both hands? Of course this is not acceptable. We must find a mirror, and bring our face into the light, and in that light all things will appear clearly.

Do you understand the meaning of the words "search me"? Of course, this does not refer to me examining myself. "Search me" means "you examine me"! This is the enlightened way. This is for God to come in and inspect us. My true knowledge of myself does not depend on me examining myself, but on God examining me!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

361 中翻英 (61) Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life . no one comes to the Father except through me. 耶穌回答說:“我就是道路、真理、生命,如果不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。4/19/2023

361 中翻英 (61)     Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life . no one comes to the  Father except     through me.   耶穌回答說:“我就是道路真理生命,如果不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。4/19/2023    

愛我們的主耶穌基督,求祢拯救孩子脫離魔鬼的試探,不要墜入眼目的情慾,及今生的驕傲.因為祢是惟一的道路、絕對的真理、和永遠的生命,如果孩子不藉著祢,就不可能到父上帝那裡去. 我已經決志在今年把倪柝聲(Watchman Lee) 的每日晨曦默思(曠野的筵席)奉獻給祢,求祢讓孩子一天一天的藉由祢的憐憫及恩賜為祢作見證.奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.阿們。 





April 19

"Jesus said to it, and it is written again, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test'. ” (Matthew 4:7)

There are difference between tempting God and testing God. The former is not allowed from God, but the latter is welcomed by Him. It may appear to be the same meaning on the outside, but in reality they are quite different. Their difference lies in how to know God's will through His word. The Israelites and the Egyptians provide illustrations of the difference of it. The two nations took the same risk when they tryied to cross over the Red Sea. But there is one risk which let the Israelites to get a glorious deliverance; otherwise it letting the Egyptians army to be drawned to die. Why? Because among the two kinds of people, they were difference to obey God's word.  The Israel people were acted according to His words, and putting God's words into the test not tempting Him.

Taking another example,  Let's take a look at Paul and his young colleague Timothy. Although Paul was not in a healthy, but he accomplished God's giving job in his life more than ten strong men! He toiled on in defiance of reason, and tested the sufficiency of God's power. However, he did not persuade Timothy to imitate him in this way. He actually warned Timothy to pay special attention to health. If Timothy tried to imitate Paul's toil without God's command.  It is that he would be tempting God's atribute. But Paul obeyed God's commands, and the result was to prove God's faithfulness and reality.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

360 中翻英 (60) "Yet you refused to come to me and have life" (John 5:40) 然而你們不肯到我這里來得生命。」(約5:40) 4/18/2023

 360  中翻英  (60)        "Yet you refused to come to me and have life" (John 5:40)                                                                          然而你們不肯到我這里來得生命。」(約5:40        4/18/2023


她對儿子說, "器皿都滿了,再給我拿器皿來。" 儿子回答,"再沒有器皿了。" 油就止住了。」  (列王記下 4:6  新國際版

上帝的大能是甘受我們的容器度量所限制的。聖靈的膏油是按著人為祂所預備的量度容器而涌流。上帝的祝福,是根据人信道的心志來限量而賜下。先知以利沙在另一處曾如此說,「要在這谷中滿處挖溝,因為主如此說,你們雖不見風,不見雨,但在祂眼中這谷必滿了水,這還算為小事,祂也必將摩押人交在你們手中。」(王下 3:16-18)人沒有力量去多得祂定規所賜的那一份祝福,但人卻可以自己定規去少取他可能獲得的祝福。「然而你們不肯到我這里來得生命。」(約5:40

April 18

" ' The vessels were full, "

' she said to her son, ' Bring me another vessel.'  Her son answered, 'There is no more vessel.'  The oil stopped." (2 Kings 4:6)

God's power is willing to be limited by our measured capacity. The anointing oil of the Spirit of God flows according to the measured container which man has prepared for Him. God's blessings are bestowed according to the limits of human faith.  In another placeof the Bible, the prophet Elisha said, "Dig ditches all over this valley, for thus says the LORD, although you see neither wind nor rain, this valley will be filled with water, and this is a small thing in the eyes of the LORD, He will also deliver Moab into your hands." (2 Kings 3:16-18) Man has no power to get more of what God has determined to give, but a man can make his own determination to take less of what he may get bless. "Yet you refused to come to me and have life" (John 5:40)

Monday, April 17, 2023

 359  中翻英 (59)            Be filled with the Holy Spirit。    要被聖靈充滿。      4/17/2023

愛我們的主耶穌基督,求祢使圣靈充滿孩子。叫我在祢的寶座前唱出心靈讚不絕口的新歌。奉主耶穌的聖名禱告. 阿們.



「被充滿」原文是 PLEROUSTHE。這個字用在上引經文是与圣靈有關的,意即「讓你自己繼續不斷的被充滿」。這里所形容的,不是如同五旬節所表現的屬靈轉机,而是我們時刻要去享受的一种光景。這种光景不是外表上屬靈的恩賜和靈力的彰顯,而是神的圣靈在我們靈里的親切同在和運行,猶如那永不涸竭的油,保證明燈不暗不滅,在有需要之際,甚至在漫漫長夜之后,依舊熒然放亮。然而,「被圣靈充滿」不僅是一件個人的事,也是我們和其他基督徒分領共享的事,正如保羅告訴我們說「要彼此唱和」。我們有些人很可能覺得個人的獨唱,比那些需要保持節奏与和諧的多人合唱,或二重唱,都較為容易。然而,圣靈的丰滿已經賜給我們了,其真實的目的,乃是叫我們在寶座前同唱新歌。

April 17

"But be filled with the Holy Spirit, and sing praises to the Lord with a melodious heart." (Ephesians 5:18-19)

The original text of "to be filled" is PLEROUSTHE. This word is used in the above-quoted passage in relation to the Holy Spirit, meaning "to keep yourself filled continuously". What is described here is not a spiritual turning point as shown in Pentecost, but a situation that we must enjoy all the time. This kind of situation is not an outward manifestation of spiritual gifts and spiritual power, but the intimate presence and operation of the Holy Spirit of God in our spirit, like the inexhaustible oil, which guarantees that the lamp will not be dimmed or extinguished. Bright when needed, even after long nights. However, being "filled with the Holy Spirit" is not only an individual matter, but also something we share with other Christians, as Paul tells us to "sing to each other". Some of us may well find it easier to sing solo than to sing in a chorus, or duet, where rhythm and harmony need to be maintained. However, the fullness of the Holy Spirit has been given to us, and its real purpose is to make us sing a new song before the throne.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

358 中翻英 (98) "I know nothing, but He and Him crucified。"Paul said。 保羅說," .... 只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架。" 4/16/2023

 358 中翻英 (98)         "I know nothing, but He and Him crucified。"Paul said。                                                                               保羅說,"    .... 只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架。"            4/16/2023

四月十六日的默思是保羅在第哥林多前書二章二節教導信徒說,"2 因為我曾定了主意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架。...."  他向我們指出那最有价值的事奉,不是恩賜的服事,乃是從基督死而复活之生命來的服事。問題不在乎恩賜,乃在乎十字架的工作。十字架的大愛是信徒服事的動機,十字架的大能是信徒服事的能力的泉源。依靠十字架的信息來服事以就永不會喪膽,因為依靠十字架的事奉,是從主復活的生命流出來的大能與大愛。




April 16

"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart."                                 (2 Corinthians 4:1 NIV)

From which aspect do we discern God's highest purpose — whether it is the service of His gifts or of His resurrection life? For the short-term edification of the church, some minister with miraculous gifts. But in this passage, Paul pointed out to us that the most valuable service is not from His gift, but from the life of Christ's death and resurrection. It is not a matter of gifts, but of the work on the cross — that is the measurement of human's spiritual stature.

Sometimes, spiritual gifts are especially conspicuous for the edification of young churches and the salvation of souls, but they didn't the signs of maturity, and it was nothingm to be boast about. Only a fool can be proud of the God's. Did not God has shown that He make through a donkey to speak?

Friday, April 14, 2023

356 中翻英 (96) Are we the living sacrifices for our Lord? 我們獻上的是活祭嗎? 4/14/2023

 356 中翻英 (96)     Are we the living sacrifices for our Lord?  我們獻上的是活祭嗎?      4/14/2023


 「理當用繩索把祭牲拴住,牽到壇角那里。」(詩 118:27


April 14

"Let the sacrifice be bound with ropes and take it to the horns of the altar."                               (Psalm 118:27 NIV)

What is the purpose of burning the sacrifice on the altar of the LORD? That is to consecrate completely whole offering to God through burning. According to the ability economic condition of the devotee, he may be offere a whole bull, a whole lamb, or a dove, but there is one requirement, that it must be a complete whole burnt offering. Because God does not accept a not perfect sacrifice offering. What we puts on the altar today,  representing not what we have done for God, but what what we live daily for God.  God requires us not our work, but ourselves.  In the Old Testament, the sacrifices were ended after sacrifices, but in the New Testament they are different in the New Testament which is a "living sacrifice" (Romans 12:1). The meaning of it is to dedicate our whole life forever to God. Although we are constantly offering sacrifices, it is going on without ending, because we are still alive.

357 中翻英 (97) Empty tomb. 空墳墓. 4/15/2023

357  中翻英 (97)                      Empty tomb.                    空墳墓.                                4/15/2023

基督信仰的基礎是主耶穌基督的復活, 已經有2000多年的時間. 跟隨主的信徒越來越多. 若是主耶穌基督沒有復活, 那麼幾十億的基督信仰者就不會存在, 顯然主是真活在有基督信仰的門徒心中.  編輯者是研究水科學(Hydrology)的基督信仰者, 積數十年的教學及研究, 始終無法找出天空雲彩形成的原因. 今年美國太空研究機構也放棄了數十年對雲的研究.  這是上帝創造宇宙的確據.

四月十五日的曠野筵席是一桌豐富的有營養的菜餚.   敬請訪友嘗試.


基督有一天,要把一個榮耀的教會獻給自己,在這一句話里,神圣的恩典顯出了神永遠的計划。我們可以見到,由于教會現在因人的墮落受污損,所以需要生命的水借著道來洁淨,以達到預備整齊的地步,可以在榮耀中獻給祂。今日我們仍然站在墮落后的人類蒙救贖的歷史里,仍有許多缺欠需要補救。也有許多傷痕需要醫治。然而,圣靈描述教會的話是多么充滿了恩典,「毫無玷污」——就是說所有罪的痕跡,她已往墮落的歷史,現在已經全被忘記了。「毫無皺紋」—— 時間和年代的記號都消失了,因為現在一切都是妝飾過的,一切都是更新過的。「毫無等類的病」,因此不論撒但鬼魔或世人,再不能找到任何借口去譴責她了。神在祂的思想中,超越了人類的全部歷史,來看祂在榮耀中的教會,祂不提人的墮落,而只彰顯祂那位已得榮耀之儿子的形像。

April 15 

A glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing." (Ephesians 5:27)

One day, Christ will give Himself a glorious Church. In His Word, the divine grace reveals God's eternal plan.  Now it is clear ,  the Church is defiled by the sinful man.  The church should be cleansed by His Word —— the waters of life , and it may be brought in order to be consecrated again to Him in glory.  Today we are still standing in the history of the redemption of sinful human beings, and in the churchstill many deficiencies that need to be remedied. There are also many wounds that need healing. Yet how gracious the Holy Spirit's Words are to describe the Church, "spotless"—— that is, all traces of sin, her past depravity, are now forgotten. "Without a wrinkle" —— the marks of time and age are gone, for now everything is adorned and everything is renewed. "There is no equal disease," so neither Satan nor the world can find any excuse to condemn her. God has in his mind, beyond all human history, to see his church in glory, not to speak of man's fall, but to reveal only the image of his glorified Son.