Thursday, September 5, 2024

842 英翻中 (542) Do it Step by step, never give up! 一步一步的去做, 求不放棄! 5/9/2024

842 英翻中 (542)  Do it Step by step, never give up!       一步一步的去做, 求不放棄!       5/9/2024

Chapt. 3             THE FREEDOM FIGHTER—PART I                          Galatians 2:  1–10                第三課                自由而战斗者 —— 第一部分                                    加拉太書  21-10

 “This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”  So wrote veteran news analyst Elmer Davis in his book  But We Were Born Free, and his convictions would certainly be echoed by the apostle Paul. To Paul, his spiritual liberty in Christ was worth far more than popularity or even security. He was willing to fight for that liberty.                                             只要有勇敢的人,它就是自由的.”  资深新闻分析家埃默.戴维(Elmer Davis)在他的书 —— 我们生来就是自由。他寫這本書的信念,肯定到使徒保罗的影響。对保罗而言,他在基督里的属灵自由远远超过气,甚至安全。他愿意为生來自由而战。

Paul’s first fight for Christian liberty was at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:1–35; Gal. 2:1–10); his second was at a private meeting with Peter (Gal. 2:11–21). Had Paul been unwilling to wage this spiritual warfare, the church in the first century might have become only a Jewish sect, preaching a mixture of law and grace. But because of Paul’s courage, the gospel was kept free from legalism, and it was carried to the Gentiles with great blessing. Before we look at the three acts in the first drama, the Council at Jerusalem, we must get acquainted with the participants. Paul, of course, we know as the great apostle to the Gentiles.                                                              保罗次为基督徒自由而战是在耶路撒冷大公会议上(徒   151-35; 加   21-10; 第二次是与彼得的私人会面的交談上(加   211-21)。保罗沒有致力进行这属灵争战,那么,第一世纪的教会,可能只会有犹太教派,传播律和恩典的混合教義。但是由于保罗的勇气,福音不受律主義的影响,并且帶着极大的祝福传给外邦人。在觀看第一部戏剧耶路撒冷的大公中的三場景之前,必须了解与会的人。当然,保罗是我们知道的外邦人的伟大使徒。

Barnabas was one of Paul’s closest friends. In fact, when Paul tried to get into the fellowship of the Jerusalem church, it was Barnabas who opened the way for him (Acts 9:26–28).                     巴拿巴是保罗最亲密的朋友之一。事实上,当保罗试图进入耶路撒冷教会的团契时,正是巴拿巴为他路(徒  926-28)。

The name Barnabas means “son of encouragement,” and you will always find Barnabas encouraging somebody. When the gospel came to the Gentiles in Antioch, it was Barnabas who was sent to encourage them in their faith (Acts 11:19–24).                                                                 巴拿巴的名字有勸慰的意思,你总会发现他在鼓励人。当福音来到安提阿的外邦人时,巴拿巴被派去鼓励信徒他们(徒   1119-24)。

Thus, from the earliest days, Barnabas was associated with the Gentile believers. It was Barnabas who enlisted Paul to help minister at the church in Antioch (Acts 11:25–26), and the two of them worked together, not only in teaching, but also in helping the poor (Acts 11:27–30).                       因此,从最初的日子开始,巴拿巴就与外邦信徒联系在一起。巴拿巴是邀请保罗帮助安提阿教会事工的(徒  1125-26),他们俩一起工作,不仅在教導上,也在帮助穷人的事工上(徒   1127-30)。

Parnabas accompanied Paul on the first missionary trip (Acts 13:1—14:28) and had seen God’s blessings on the gospel that they preached. It is worth noting that it was Barnabas who encouraged young John Mark after he had dropped out of the ministry and incurred the displeasure of Paul (Acts 13:13; 15:36–41). In later years, Paul was able to commend Mark and benefit from his friendship (Col. 4:10; 2 Tim. 4:11).                                                                             在第一次传教旅行中,巴拿巴陪伴保罗同行(徒   131-1428)并且看到了上帝对他们传讲福音的祝福。值得提出的是,巴拿巴鼓励年轻的约翰 . (John Mark), 當他第一次旅行传道工作退出,同時引起保罗對他的不满(徒  13:13; 1536-41)。但在后来的几年里,保罗能够赞美马可,并从他的友谊中受益,完全是得力於巴拿巴的鼓勵(西  4:10; 提后  4:11.

Titus was a Gentile believer who worked with Paul and apparently was won to Christ through the apostle’s ministry (Titus 1:4). He was a product of the apostle’s ministry among the Gentiles, and was taken to the Jerusalem conference as “exhibit A” from the Gentile churches. In later years, Titus assisted Paul by going to some of the most difficult churches to help them solve their problems (2 Cor. 7;Titus 1:5).                                                                                                                    提多是外邦人信徒,与保罗合作,显然是通过使徒保羅的事工,基督赢得了的信徒(多   14)。他是保羅在外邦人中職事的果子,且带到耶路撒冷的大公会议,作为来自外邦人教会的展览。在后来的几年里,提多通过前往一些最困难的牧養的教会,帮助保羅解决他们的问题(林前  7;   15. 

Three men were the “pillars” of the church in Jerusalem: Peter; John; and James, the brother of the Lord (who must not be confused with the apostle James, who was killed by Herod, (Acts 12:1–2). Peter we know from his prominent part in the accounts in the Gospels as well as in the first half of the book of Acts. It was to Peter that Jesus gave “the keys,” so that it was he who was involved in opening the door of faith to the Jews (Acts 2), the Samaritans (Acts 8), and the Gentiles (Acts 10). John we also know from the gospel records as one of Christ’s “inner three” apostles, associated with Peter in the ministry of the Word (Acts 3:1ff.).                                           耶路撒冷教会的三大支柱:彼得约翰主的兄弟雅各(不要与使徒雅各混淆,后者被希律杀害,(徒 121- 2)。从福音书中的重要部分以及佔有使徒行传的前半部中都記載彼得,得知他在耶路撒冷教会中的地位。对彼得说,耶稣给了钥匙,所以他是参与向犹太人(徒  2章),撒玛利亚人(徒 8章)和外邦人(徒 10章)打开信仰之门的人。我们也从福音書中知道彼得是基督的  “靠近的使徒之一,他們与彼得在傳上帝話語的事工中的同伴(徒 31比照研讀)。

It is James who perhaps needs more introduction. The gospel record indicates that Mary and Joseph had children, and James was among them (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3). (Of course, Jesus was born by the power of the Spirit, and not through natural generation, Matt. 1:18–25; Luke 1:26–38.) Our Lord’s brothers and sisters did not believe in Him during His earthly ministry (John 7:1–5). Yet we find “his brethren” associated with the believers in the early church (Acts 1:13–14). Paul informed us that the risen Christ appeared to James, and this was the turning point in his life (1 Cor. 15:5–7). James was the leader of the early church in Jerusalem (Acts 15; see also 21:18). He was also the writer of the epistle of James; and that letter, plus Acts 21:18, would suggest that he was very Jewish in his thinking.                                                                                    雅各可能需要較多的介绍。福音表明玛利和约瑟夫所生的孩子中,雅各是其中之一(太 13:55;    63)。 (耶稣是靠圣灵成孕,上帝的大能而生,而不是人為自然而生,馬太福音 11825路加福音 12638  我们的主的兄弟姐妹在祂於地上的事工中都不相信 (约   71-5)。然而,我们发现的弟兄中与早期教会的信徒有关(徒   113-14)。保罗告诉我们,复活的基督向雅各显现,这是他生命中的转折点(林前   155-7)。雅各是耶路撒冷早期教会的领袖(徒  15;又见  21:18)。他也是雅各书信的作者那封信,再加上使徒行传2118,就暗示他充滿犹太人的思想

 Along with these men, and the “apostles and elders” (Acts 15:4, 6), were a group of “false brethren” who infiltrated the meetings and tried to rob the believers of their liberty in Christ (Gal. 2:4). Undoubtedly these were some of the Judaizers who had followed Paul in church after church and had tried to capture his converts. The fact that Paul called them “false brethren” indicates that they were not true Christians, but were only masquerading as such so they could capture the conference for themselves.                                                                                                  与同其他一些人及使徒和长老(徒  154,6)一起都是一群虚假的弟兄,他们渗透会议,试图抢夺信徒在基督里的自由(加  24)。无疑的,他們是一些犹太律法師,他们緊跟随著保罗從一個教会到另一個教會企圖從保羅的偷走他的信徒。保罗称他们为假弟兄”  的事实,是表明他们不是真正的基督徒,而只是伪装成这样,所以他们可以为自己控制会议。 

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