610 中翻英 (310) ".... Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable." "身上肢體, 人以為軟弱的,更是不可少. " 12/13/2023
愛我們的天上阿巴父, 祢深知孩子老我的罪性, 沉迷於眼目的情慾及今生的驕傲的罪惡裡. 謝謝祢的大能, 拯救孩子脫離眼目的情慾, 而今生的驕傲的罪惡始終纏著孩子. 懇求上帝再賜憐憫. 使我讀了今日的晨曦默思, 領悟 "身上肢體, 人以為軟弱的,更是不可少的. " 才能引人歸向祢. 為主耶穌基督作見證, 見證主的道成肉身, 是為了我們的罪釘死在十字架上而降生世上. 奉主耶穌的名禱告. 阿們.
十二月十三日的晨曦甘露, 最能使罪人飲用後, 得到上帝恩賜的能力除去 "自以為義" 的驕傲的罪. 親愛的訪友, 您有過這樣的領悟嗎? 求上帝憐憫我們.
「不但如此,身上肢體, 人以為軟弱的,更是不可少的。」(林前 12:22 新國際版)
December 13
"On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable." (1 Corinthians 12:22 NIV)
A few years ago, I encountered a big problem in my life, and I knew that I would not be able to find the answer to it by myself. At that time, I was preaching the gospel in a remote area, far away from other servants of God, and I felt that only their knowledge of God's words was indispensable for me to solve basic problems. But how can I go to them and get the fellowship I need? Of course, there were some believers in this place, i.e. the local villagers who received me. But they are only babes in Christ. How can they help me solve this big problem?
However, I have faced a desperate situation. There was no other way but to ask the townspeople (babys in Christ) for help. So, at my request, those simple brothers came to help me. I told them my problems as much as I could, and they prayed. When they prayed, God's light shone on me! My problem was solved naturally. The answer is so complete that no further explanation is needed. How our God loves to reveal the truth so that we may realize that we need the support of His “weaker members.”
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