443 中翻英 (133)
「因為情欲(肉體)和圣靈相爭,圣靈和情欲(肉體)相爭,這兩者是彼此相敵,使你們不能做所愿意做的。」(加 5:17 新國際版)
請留意這處經文所說的話,在我們里面的「肉體」不是反對我們,但卻是反對神的圣靈。同時,不是我們,乃是圣靈在應付和對付肉體的發動。這結果如何呢?「使你們不能做所愿意做的。」我想,我們常常摸不到這最后一句話的重要意義。我們天然「所愿意做的」到底是什么?答案是:我們會漠視神的旨意,并憑著自己本性所喜好的去偏行已路。所以,我們若讓圣靈應付和對付肉體的發動,不离開基督的遮護,那結果就是圣靈可以自由地做祂的工——自由地對付我們里面的肉體。這樣,我們就不會按自己天然所愿做的去做了。我們若不憑著自己的計划和途徑而奔走,我們就必在祂完美的旨意里得著喜樂。June 30"For the lust (flesh) is against the Spirit, and the Spirit is against the lust (flesh), and the two are in opposition to each other, and keep you from doing what you will." (Galatians 5:17)Notice what this verse says. The "flesh" within us is not against us, but against the Holy Spirit of God. At the same time, it is not we but the Holy Spirit who is dealing with and dealing with the mobilization of the flesh. What is the result? "To prevent you from doing what you will." I think we often miss the significance of that last sentence. What exactly is our natural "willingness to do"? The answer is: We will disregard God's will and go astray according to our own natural preferences. Therefore, if we allow the Holy Spirit to deal with and deal with the mobilization of the flesh without leaving the protection of Christ, the result will be that the Holy Spirit can freely do His work—freely deal with the flesh within us. Then we don't do what we naturally want to do. If we do not run according to our own plans and ways, we shall find joy in His perfect will.