Monday, April 6, 2015


120英语语法应用()   我是生命的糧                                                            4/6/2015

我們在天上的父,  感謝祢,  將主耶穌賜給我們, 感謝祢賜下豐豐富富的靈糧, 日夜喂養我們.  求主賜孩子一顆饑渴慕義的心及謙卑受教的靈, 讓我能天天靠着上帝的話語活着, 能夠使生命成長起來, 越來越有主耶穌的樣式.  主啊, 求祢的聖靈時時充滿我,  讓我的生命能透出祢的榮光, 照亮仍在黑暗中行走的人.  我願意真正的委身與祢, 使我軟弱却不至跌倒, 靠主而成為剛強.  願祢美好的旨意得以在孩子的生命中彰顯並得以成全, 願祢自己成為我生命的糧靈,  活水的泉源, 直湧到永生.  願孩子只單單仰望祢去打那美好的仗, 靠主耶穌復活的大能得勝.  求主垂聽孩子誠實的禱告, 奉主耶穌基督的名,阿們!

 "我是生命的糧"  使徒約翰在他所著的書卷中, 第六章所寫的 "標記(signs)" 奇蹟.  來分別與其他三本有關記述耶穌生平的馬太福音, 路加福音和馬可福音用 "神蹟(miracles)" 的不同.  耶穌行了餵飽約一萬五千多人(連妻子帶兒女), 祂作了世上最合理入微的說明人性的一段扎心的講道.  世人常是想要滿足眼前的, 肚腹的; 而忽略永遠的, 屬靈的生命.  請拜訪者隨我看两段有關此事的聖經描述. 

The gospel of John 6:6-14  Five Thousand Fed  約翰福音6:6-14 餵飽五千人

6 After these things Jesus went away to the other  6 事后,耶稣渡过加利利湖, (或稱
side of the Sea of Galilee (or Tiberias). 2 A large        提比哩亚海). 2 许多人因
rowd followed Him, because they saw the signs    见过耶稣治病的神迹, 就跟随了祂.
which He was performing on those who were sick. 3 耶稣到了山上与门徒一起坐
 3 Then Jesus went up on the mountain, and there      下来.4 那时,犹太人的
He sat down with His disciples. 4 Now the Passover,            逾越节快到了.
the feast of the Jews, was near. 5 Therefore Jesus,     5 耶稣举目看见一大群人
lifting up His eyes and seeing that a large crowd       向祂走来, 就对腓力说: 我们到
was coming to Him, said to Philip, “Where are we    哪里去买饼给他们吃呢?
to buy bread, so that these may eat?” 6 This He         6 祂这样说是想试试腓力
was saying to test him, for He Himself knew what    其实祂知道应该怎么做.
He was intending to do. 7 Philip answered Him,        7 腓力回答说: 就是
 “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not               二百個幣的餅也不够他们
sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little.”   每人一口啊. 8 另外有一个
8 One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s                门徒是西门·彼得的弟弟安得烈
brother, *said to Him, 9 “There is a lad here who               对耶稣说, 9  这里有个小孩子带了
has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are     五个大麦饼,两条鱼不过, 这么多人,
these for so many people?” 10 Jesus said, “Have   这一点东西实在无济于事.10 耶稣说
the people  sit down.” Now there was much grass in       你们叫大家坐下. 那地方草很多
the place. So the men sat down, in number about   众人便坐下来, 当时在场的男人
five thousand. 11 Jesus then took the loaves, and大约有五千.11耶稣拿起饼来祝谢后,
having given thanks, He distributed to those who 分给坐着的众人;然后又照样分鱼,
were seated; likewise also of the fish as much as they众人可以随意吃. 12 他们吃饱
wanted. 12 When they were filled, He said to His   ,耶稣对门徒说:把剩下的零碎
disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments so                                    收拾起来,免得浪费.
that nothing will be lost.” 13 So they gathered              13 他们便把大家吃剩的
them up, and filled twelve baskets with fragments      那五个大麦饼
from the five barley loaves which were left over                                  的零碎收拾起
by those who had eaten. 14 Therefore when the             装满了十二个篮子. 14 大家
people saw the sign which He had performed,             看见耶稣行的这个神迹,
they said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to              都说: 这人真是那位
come into the world.”                                                   要来到世上的先知!

[] : 1. 耶穌行這 "標記" 的奇蹟, 主要是要告訴祂的門徒祂是新創造的主. 
          2. 耶穌知道要如何做來餵養祂的子民, 只是在這裡, 祂試試祂的門徒對
          3. 安得烈是一位引人歸主的好榜樣, 他在本書卷中有三次提到他引人到
             耶穌面.信徒有引人到主耶穌基督面前的委身事奉, 讓主復活的大能使

Peter’s Confession of Faith: John 6:66-71.              彼得的信心的認定:  約翰福音  6:66-71.

66 As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew66此后,很多门徒离开了,不再跟从
and were not walking with Him anymore. 67 So       耶稣67 于是耶稣问那十二个门徒,
Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go         你们也要离开我吗?
away also, do you?” 68 Simon Peter answered Him,     68 西门·彼得答道:
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of        主啊!你有永生之道,
eternal life. 69 We have believed and have come to  我们还跟从谁呢? 69 我们已经相信
know that You are the Holy One of God.” 70 Jesus 并且知道你是上帝的圣者.70 耶稣
answered them, “Did I Myself not choose you, the  我不是拣选了你们十二个人吗?
twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” 71 Now He其中却有一个魔鬼.71 耶稣这话
meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one 是指着加略人西门儿子犹大说的,
of the twelve, was going to betray Him.    因为他十二个门徒之一,后来出卖了耶稣.

[] :主耶穌知道人心. 祂知道誰是真門徒. 誰自始至終永不回頭.  雖牺牲生命也在所惜. 所以祂在行完 "標記" 之後, 語重心長的說出了一段心痛的話, 為使門徒的代表彼得當面承認他對老師主耶穌的信心.


Hymn  I have decided to follow Jesus                       聖詩    我已經決定要跟隨耶穌

   1    1    3 l  5  - 5  l 5 5   6    5  l  3 - 1-  l 1
1 I have de-cid - ed     to fol-low Je -  sus,                 我已經決定,要跟隨耶穌,
2 Though none go with me, I still will follow            雖無人同走,我仍要跟隨,
3 The world behind me, the cross before me             十架在前面,世界在背後
   .   .   .   .    .     .  .   .

   1   1 -  1 l  1  - 1 - l 1  2    1 l  6 - 5 - l  5  1  
   I have de-cid-ed    to fol-low Je-sus,                       我已經決定,要跟隨耶穌,
Though none go with me, I still will follow               雖無人同走,我仍要跟隨,
The world behind me, the cross before me                 十架在前面,世界在背後

1   1     3 l  5  - 5  l 5 5   6    5  l  3 - 1-  l  1
I have de -  cid - ed to fol - low Je -  sus,                   我已經決定,要跟隨耶穌,
Though none go with me, I still will follow               雖無人同走,我仍要跟隨,
The world behind me, the cross before me                 十架在前面,世界在背後

5    6    5   l  3 - - - 3  l 1    2     2  l  1 - - - l  1  ll
no turn-ing back,        no turn-ing back.                      永不回頭,永不回頭!
no turn-ing back,        no turn-ing back.                      永不回頭,永不回頭!
no turn-ing back,        no turn-ing back.                      永不回頭,永不回頭!

The story behind the hymn:                               聖詩後面的故事

"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" is a Christian “我已經決定,要跟隨耶穌是首
hymn originating from India. The lyrics are based印度東北亞撒省格羅
on the last words of a man in Assam, north-east  族人的最後一句,出自印度民謠.
India, Garo tribe, who along with his family was在19世紀中期,此地一家人因威
concerted to Christianity in the middle of the 19th  爾斯宣教士的教導而感化,全都悔
century through the efforts of a Welsh missionary.改基督徒. 該村落的酋長恐嚇他
Called to renounce his faith by the village chief, the們放棄基督信仰,他面對恐嚇仍
convert declared, "I have decided to follow Jesus.",唱,“我已經決定,要跟隨耶穌.
In response to threats to his family, he continued 他對酋長恐嚇要殺害他的家人,他
"Though no one joins me, still I will follow." His仍唱,“雖無人同走,我仍要跟隨.”
wife was killed, and he was executed while singing,他的妻子被殺.當他繼續唱最後
"The cross before me, the world behind me." This一節,十架在前面,世界在背後
display of faith is reported to have led to the時他也被.這基督信仰的顯示,使得
conversion of the chief and others in the village.酋長和村里的其他人都歸向基督.

An American hymn editor, William Jensen                1959年美國聖詩的編輯
Reynolds, composed an arrangement which was       威廉. 詹森.雷諾士為它配上
included in the 1959 Assembly Songbook.             和聲, 並將它刊印在聖詩集裡. 
His version became a regular feature of Billy        該聖詩為美國葛理翰世界佈道團
Graham's evangelistic meetings in America and     常常使用, 使它成為舉世早聞名
elsewhere, spreading its popularity.                            決志信主耶穌基督的聖歌.

[] : 唱這首歌, 需要無比的勇氣和毅力. 1977年編輯者順服上帝的旨意, 全家來美.在美國校園向來自國內的中國留學生傳福音, 每遇到挫折困難時, 總想到這首聖詩, 使我真正體會到要永不回頭, 是多麼的不容易的一件事. 二千多年來,前仆後繼為主殉道的信徒無法數算! 他們用生命來詮釋這首詩歌.

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