Wednesday, May 8, 2024

757 英翻中 (457) God's gospel is complete. 基督信仰的根基已全備, 不需加添. 8/5/2024

757 英翻中 (457)         God's gospel is complete.      基督信仰的根基已全備, 不需加添.      8/5/2024

親愛的主內訪友,  真對不起, 編輯者不是在賣弄我摸到主的心.  不是的,  我在開始發表時, 就申明 我未通過歌羅書的考試, 而從基督學房聖經涵授學校退學, 如今想補救, 正好看到慕迪聖經學院主任牧師華倫. 魏士比(Dr. Warren W. Weirsbe)所著Be-book 中有 Be complete (全備的福音)一書,  三年前己翻譯完畢, 沒有敢出書. 如今仔細與您們研討後作決定. 在作者的序言中, 您們大概已經了解其思維的艱辛.  編輯者再次致歉意. (總共十二課)

CHAPTER FIVE                  ONE MAN’S MINISTRY        Colossians 1:21—2:3                           第五課                                    個人的傳教職事                      歌羅西書121—23         

If you received a letter from a man you had never met, a man who was a prisoner, accused of being a troublemaker, how would you respond?                                                                                   若你收到從未見過面的囚犯,他被指控是製造麻煩的人的來信,你的反應如何?

The Colossian believers faced that exact problem.                                                                               歌羅西的信徒面臨著這樣真實的問題。

They knew that Paul had been instrumental in leading their pastor, Epaphras, to saving faith in Christ. They also knew that Epaphras had gone to Rome to consult with Paul and had not yet returned.  The church members had received Paul’s letter, brought to them by Tychicus and Onesimus. But the false teachers in Colosse had been discrediting Paul and causing doubts in the people’s minds. “Why listen to a man who is a political prisoner?” they asked.                               歌羅西的信徒知道他們的牧師以巴弗是保羅帶領信奉基督的。他們還知道以巴弗去羅馬,與保羅協商事項,尚未返回。教堂會友收到了保羅的信,是推基古(Tychicus)和阿西尼母(Onesimus)帶給他們的。但是歌羅西的假教師一直在羞辱保羅,並引起人對他的懷疑。他們問,為什麼要聽政治犯的話?

“Can you trust him?”                                                                                                                             你能相信他嗎? 

Paul no doubt realized that this would be the situation, so he paused in the first part of this letter to give some words of explanation. He had been so wrapped up in exalting Jesus Christ that he had not shown any interest in writing about himself! In this section, Paul explained his three ministries.                                                                                                                                                 毫無疑問,保羅意識到情況就是如此,所以他在這封信的第一部分停了下來做一些解釋。他只為了要高舉耶穌基督,若想寫關於表現自己任何的事,沒有一點點興趣!在本節中,保羅解釋了他的三件職事。    

1.  Sharing the Gospel (1:21–23)                                                                                                              1.  分享福音(121–23 

Even though Paul had not personally evangelized Colosse, it was his ministry in Ephesus that led to the founding of the Colossian church. Paul was “made a minister” (Col. 1:25). A large part of his ministry consisted in preaching the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. His was a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:17–21). Paul reviewed for his readers their own spiritual experience.                                                                                                                                    即使保羅沒有親自在歌羅西教會傳福音,可是他在以弗所的事工,導致了歌羅西教堂的建立。保羅是  “建造的宣教士(西1:25)。他的事工中很大的一部分,是傳講相信耶穌基督而得救的好消息。他的信息是和好的信息(林後517-21)。保羅為他的讀者復習他們自己的屬靈經歷。

Their past alienation (v. 21a). The word translated “alienated” means “estranged.” These Gentiles in Colosse were estranged from God and separated from the spiritual blessings of Israel (Eph. 2:11ff.). The gods that they worshipped were false gods, and their religious rituals could not take care of their sin or guilt.                                                                                                              他們過去的離間(第21節前半段)。翻譯為  “離間是指  “隔離。在歌羅西的一些外邦人與上帝隔離,並與對以色列的屬靈祝福疏遠(弗211  比照研讀)。他們所崇拜的是假神,並且他們的宗教崇拜儀式,無法免除罪性或犯罪的行為。

But this estrangement was not only a matter of Gentile position; it was also a matter of sinful practices and attitudes. The Gentiles were enemies, which means they were “actively hostile to God.” Even though they had not received a divine law, such as God gave to Israel, these Gentiles knew the truth about God through creation and conscience (Rom. 1:18ff.). They could not plead ignorance before the bar of God’s justice.                                                                                             但是這種隔離,不僅是因外邦人的地位問題;這也與犯罪行為和心態有關。外邦人是敵人,是說他們  “主動對上帝滿懷敵意。儘管他們沒有得到上帝的神聖律法,例如,上帝賜予以色列的律法,但他們藉著主的創造和自己良心,知道上帝的真理(羅118 比照研讀)。他們不能因為自己的無知,而在無所不知上帝的正義律法前辯護。           

The enmity of their minds led to wicked works. Both in attitude and action, they were at war with God. “Because the carnal mind [the mind of the unbeliever] is enmity against God” (Rom. 8:7). This explains why the unbeliever must repent—change his mind—before he can be saved.   在他們仇恨的心志裡,導致了邪惡的犯罪行為。無論是心態還是行為,他們都反抗上帝。因為體貼肉體的(不信的頭腦)就是與上帝為仇(羅    87)。這說明為什麼不信者都必須悔改,在他得救之前,要改變他的心志

Their present reconciliation (vv. 21b–22). They did not reconcile themselves to God; it was God who took the initiative in His love and grace. The Father sent the Son to die on a cross that sinners might be reconciled to God. Jesus died for us when we were “without strength” (Rom. 5:6) and could do nothing for ourselves. He died for us “while we were yet sinners” and “when we were enemies” (Rom. 5:8, 10).  Paul emphasized the physical body of Jesus Christ that was nailed to the cross. The false teachers denied the Incarnation and taught that Jesus Christ did not have a real human body. Their philosophy that all matter was evil made it necessary for them to draw this false conclusion. But the New Testament makes it clear that Jesus did have a fully human body and that He bore our sins on that body on the cross (1 Peter 2:24).                                他們當前的和好(21節後半段至22節)。他們沒有與上帝和好;是上帝以祂的愛和恩典主動與他們和好。天父差遣祂兒子,死在十字架上,罪人才能夠與上帝和解。耶穌在我們還軟弱的時候(羅     56),是說靠我們自己什麼也做不了的時候,就為我們的罪死。 甚至祂  “在我們仍是罪人,和  “仍是心裡與祂為敵的時候 祂就為我們死(羅    5810)。 保羅強調釘在十字架上是耶穌基督真實人的身體。假教師否認主耶穌  “道成肉身,並教導說,耶穌基督沒有真正人的身體。他們認為所有的物質都是邪惡的,以致引進他們這個錯誤的結論。但是新約清楚地記載耶穌確實擁有完全的人性,這樣祂才能為人的罪而死在十字架上,才能贖人的罪(彼前     2:24)。

The purpose of this reconciliation is personal holiness.                                                                       和好的目的就是個人的聖潔。

God does not make peace (Col. 1:20) so that we can continue to be rebels! He has reconciled us to Himself so that we may share His life and His holiness.  We are presented to God “holy and unblameable and unreproveable” (Col. 1:22).                                                                                        上帝沒有與人和好(西   1:20),我們因此可以繼續背逆祂! 祂自己與我們和好了,這樣我們就可以分享祂的生命和聖潔。 我們在上帝面前都成了  “聖潔,沒有瑕疵,無可指責”   (西     1:22)。

The word holy is closely related to the word saint. Both of these words express the idea of “being set apart, being devoted to God.” In the New Testament, saints are not dead people who during their lives performed miracles and never sinned. New Testament saints were living people who had trusted Jesus Christ. Paul wrote this letter to living saints (Col. 1:2).                                         聖潔一詞與聖徒這詞有密切相關。 這兩個詞都是表達  “分別為聖, 獻給上帝。”  在新約中,聖徒不是死人,他們行奇蹟,從不犯罪。新約聖徒是信靠耶穌基督活著的人。保羅寫道這封信給活著的聖徒(西     12)。 

Unblameable means “without blemish.” The word was applied to the temple sacrifices, which had to be without blemish. It is amazing that God looks at His children and sees no blemish on them! God chose us to be “holy and without blame” (Eph. 1:4).                                                                   "不可責備的意思是  沒有瑕疵。凡用於聖殿祭祀之物,必須是沒有瑕疵。多麼奇妙,上帝注視著祂兒女,看不到他們的瑕疵!上帝選擇我們要聖潔,沒有瑕疵(弗  14)。

Unreproveable means “free from accusation.” Once we have been reconciled to God, no charges can be brought against us (Rom. 8:31–34). Satan, the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:1–12), would like to hurl charges at us, but God will not accept them (see Zech. 3). People may have accusations to bring against us, but they cannot change our relationship with God.                    無可指責的意思是  “無法指控 一旦 我們與上帝和好,我們就再也沒有任何事可供人指控的(羅  831–34)。撒旦控告弟兄們(啟  121–12),想用惡言來指責我們,但上帝不會接受牠們這種指控(請參閱    3章)。世人可能會指控我們, 但是他們不能改變我們與上帝的關係。

The most important thing in our Christian lives is not how we look in our own sight or in the sight of others (1 Cor. 4:1–4), but how we look in God’s sight.                                                              基督徒生命中最重要的事是我們不要照自己,或他人的眼光來看事物(林前  41-4),但我們要以上帝眼光來看萬物。

I recall counseling a Christian who was in the habit of reminding herself of her past sins and failures. She seemed to enjoy having other people criticize her. I kept reminding her of what she was in God’s sight. Her constant emphasis on her failures denied the work that Jesus Christ had done for her on the cross. It took time, but eventually she accepted her wonderful new position in Christ and began to get victory over criticism and depression.                                                           曾記得我輔導過一位習慣於對自己的過錯和失敗自責的婦人。她似乎很喜歡接受別人的批評。 我一直提醒她要以上帝眼光看待自己。她常常責備自己,強調自己的失敗,否認耶穌基督在十字架上為她付出贖罪的事工。花了很多時間,至終使她接受了在基督裡的奇妙的新地位,開始戰勝別人的批評和自己的沮喪。

Paul’s emphasis on our holy standing before God was certainly an attack on the false teachers, for they promised their followers a kind of “perfection” that nothing else could give. “You already have a perfect standing in Christ,” Paul wrote, “so why seek for it anywhere else?”            保羅的強調我們在上帝面前的聖潔地位,這肯定可以擊敗假教師,因為他們向追隨者許諾了一種  “完美,是無法可以給人的。保羅寫道,你已經在基督裡擁有那完美的豐盛,還要尋找另外別的什麼  ‘完美

Their future glorification (v. 23). “The hope of the gospel” means that blessed hope of our Lord’s return (Titus 2:13). Paul had already mentioned this hope: “The hope which is laid up for you in heaven”  (Col. 1:5). Later in the chapter, he called it “the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).                     他們未來的榮耀(第23節)。福音的盼望是指在我們主再來的祝福(多  2:13)。保羅已經提到了這盼望:天堂里為你奠定了這盼望(西  15)。在本章的後面,他稱其為  “榮耀的盼望(西  1:27)。

There was a time when these Gentile Colossians were without hope (Eph. 2:12). The reason? They were without God. But when they were reconciled to God, they were given a wonderful hope of glory. All of God’s children will one day be with Christ in heaven (John 17:24). In fact, so secure is our future that Paul stated that we have already been glorified! (Rom. 8:30). All we are waiting for is the revelation of this glory when Jesus Christ returns (Rom. 8:17–19).                        曾經有好長一段時間,這些在歌羅西的外邦人,沒有盼望(弗  2:12)。原因在那裡?  是他們 沒有上帝。但是當他們與上帝和好時, 就獲得榮耀的美好盼望。有一天,所有上帝的兒女都將與基督同在天上(約  17:24)。實際上,我們的未來是如此安全,以至於保羅說,我們已經得到那榮耀了! (羅  8:30)。當耶穌基督再來時,我們所有人都在等待著這啟示的榮耀(羅  817-19)。

Paul’s statement to the Colossians seems to cast a shadow on the assurance of our future glory (see Col. 1:23). Is it possible for a believer to lose his salvation? No, the if clause does not suggest doubt or lay down a condition by which we “keep up our salvation.”                                                保羅對歌羅西人的陳述,似乎是對我們未來榮耀的保證除去了陰影(見  西  1:23)。信徒有可能失去救贖嗎? 不會的,這若是(if)” 子句,並不表示懷疑,或放上我們 永遠得救的什麼條件上。

Paul used an architectural image in this verse—a house, firmly set on the foundation. The town of Colosse was located in a region known for earthquakes, and the word translated “moved away” can mean “earthquake stricken.” Paul was saying, “If you are truly saved, and built on the solid foundation, Jesus Christ, then you will continue in the faith and nothing will move you. You have heard the gospel and trusted Jesus Christ, and He has saved you.”                                    保羅在這節經文中,拿建築房屋的形象來說明,房屋必須牢牢的建築在基礎上。歌羅西城位於地震顯明的地帶, 使你信心移動的意思是地震襲擊。”   保羅說,如果你真的得救,信心建立在耶穌基督堅固的盤石上, 然後,你將繼續在信心裡,什麼也不能動搖它。 你聽過福音並信靠耶穌基督,祂拯救了你。

In other words, we are not saved by continuing in the faith. But we continue in the faith and thus prove that we are saved. It behooves each professing Christian to test his own faith and examine his own heart to be sure he is a child of God (2 Cor. 13:5; 2 Peter 1:10ff.).                                          換句話說,這就是我們一次得救,永遠得救。但是,我們繼續在信心裡,而証明我們已經得救。每個自稱為基督徒的人,都應該檢驗自己的信心,亦須考驗內心確定他是上帝的兒女(林前    135;彼後  2110比照研讀)。 


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