Saturday, May 4, 2024

753 英翻中 (453) Crown Jesus Christ Lord of all! 加冕耶稣基督為萬主之主! 04/05/2024

753 英翻中 (453)      Crown Jesus Christ Lord of all!      加冕耶稣基督為萬主之主!       04/05/2024

CHAPTER FOUR             CROWN HIM LORD OF ALL!             Colossians 1:13–20                       第四課                               加冕祂為萬主之主!                             歌罗西书   113-20                   

The false teachers in Colosse, like the false teachers of our own day, would not deny the importance of Jesus Christ. They would simply dethrone Him, giving Him prominence but not preeminence. In their philosophy, Jesus Christ was but one of many “emanations” that proceeded from God and through which men could reach God. It was this claim that Paul refuted in this section.                                                                                                                                                       歌罗西教會的假教师,像我们今天的假教师,他們不会否认耶稣基督的重要性。只会不認祂為王,給祂著名的,而不是超越的。在他们的哲学中,耶稣基督只是从上帝  放射靈體(emanations)” 之一,人可以通过這放射靈體到达上帝那裡。保罗在这段章節中,驳斥諾斯底學说希臘智慧

Probably no paragraph in the New Testament contains more concentrated doctrine about Jesus Christ than this one. We can keep ourselves from going on a detour if we remember that Paul wrote to prove the preeminence of Christ, and he did so by using four unanswerable arguments.可能在新约中,没有任何段落,比在這段教義中論及耶稣基督為中心的更詳盡。如果還记得保罗写這信時,他用四段不可能回答的论据,來证明基督的优越性,那麼我们就不至繞弯路. 

1.  Christ Is the Savior (1:13–14)                                                                                                              1.  基督是救主113-14

Man’s greatest problem is sin—a problem that can never be solved by a philosopher or a religious teacher. Sinners need a Savior. These two verses present a vivid picture of the four saving actions of Christ on our behalf.                                                                                                                             人的最大问题是罪性 這是哲学家或宗教教师永远不能解决的问题。有罪性的人需要救主。这两节经文(13   基督救我們脫離黑暗的權勢,把我們遷到祂愛子的國度裡。14  我在愛子裡得蒙救贖,罪過得以赦免。將基督的四種拯救我們的行為,活画在我們眼前。 

He delivered us (v. 13a). This word means “rescued from danger.” We could not deliver ourselves from the guilt and penalty of sin, but Jesus could and did deliver us. We were in danger of spending eternity apart from God. The sword of God’s judgment was hanging over our heads!     基督拯救我们(第13节上半段)。祂把我們  从危险中解救出来。靠我们自己是無法摆脱罪的邪恶和惩罚,但耶稣可以,并且祂确实救贖了我们。是當我们處在與上帝將永遠隔離的危险。上帝的审判之剑已經放在我們頸子上!

But this deliverance involved something else: we were delivered from the authority of Satan and the powers of darkness. The gnostic false teachers believed in an organization of evil spirits that controlled the world (see Col. 1:16; 2:10, 15); angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, and thrones. John Milton used these titles when describing Satan’s forces in his classic Paradise Lost.                                                                                                                                           但救恩涉及一些其他的事:我们是从撒但和黑暗的权勢中获得拯救的。诺斯底學派的假教师相信是邪灵组织在控制這世界(见  西   1:16; 2:10,15天使,天使長,公国的最高權,权力,美德,领土和宝座。约翰 ·米尔顿(John Milton)在他撰寫的经典著作  失乐园時,用這些名稱描述撒但的權勢

He translated us (v. 13b). This word was used to describe the deportation of a population from one country into another. History records the fact that Antiochus the Great transported at least two thousand Jews from Babylonia to Colosse.                                                                                     基督遷移我们(第13节下半段)。是描述人的驱逐出境而遷移进入另一个地方。历史记載安提阿(Antiochus)大帝将至少二千名犹太人,从巴比伦遷移到歌罗西的事件。

Jesus Christ did not release us from bondage only to have us wander aimlessly. He moved us into His own kingdom of light and made us victors over Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Earthly rulers transported the defeated people, but Jesus Christ transported the winners.                                     耶稣基督没有把我们從束缚中释放,只让我们漫无目的地行走。祂使我们进入祂自己光明国度,使我们胜过撒但黑暗的權勢。世上统治者只遣送击败的人,但耶稣基督遷移勝利者。

The phrase “His dear Son” can be translated “the Son of His love.” At the baptism and transfiguration of Jesus Christ, the Father declared that Jesus was His “beloved Son” (Matt. 3:17; 17:5). This fact reminds us of the price the Father paid when He gave His Son for us. It also reminds us that His kingdom is a kingdom of love as well as a kingdom of light.                           爱子可以译成祂所爱的兒子。在耶稣基督受洗礼和豋山變象時,父上帝宣称耶稣是祂所爱的儿子(太  3:17; 175)。这事提醒我们,当上帝為我们賜給祂愛的儿子时,祂所付出的代价是多麼的大。也提醒我们,祂的国度是爱的国度,也是光明的国度。

The experience of Israel in the Old Testament is an illustration of this spiritual experience; for God delivered them from the bondage of Egypt and took them into the Promised Land of their inheritance. God brings us out that He might bring us in.                                                                   以色列在旧约中所经歷的就是这屬靈经验的例证;    因为上帝将他们从埃及的捆綁中拯救出来,把他们遷移到应许之地。上帝将我们遷出,我们才可以進到上帝那兒。

He redeemed us (v. 14a). This word means “to release a prisoner by the payment of a ransom.” Paul did not suggest that Jesus paid a ransom to Satan in order to rescue us from the kingdom of darkness. By His death and resurrection, Jesus met the holy demands of God’s law. Satan seeks to accuse us and imprison us because he knows we are guilty of breaking God’s law. But the ransom has been paid on Calvary, and through faith in Jesus Christ, we have been set free.                       祂付出我们的赎罪金(第14节上半段)。是說, 通过支付赎金而释放囚犯。保罗並不是說,耶稣向撒但付赎金,以拯救我们脱离黑暗的王国。而是耶稣以捨命,复活,满足了上帝律法的圣洁要求。撒但试图指责我们,监禁我们,因为牠知道我们违反上帝的律法。但是,赎罪金已经交付给骷髏地 ,并藉著信靠耶稣基督,我们得到了自由。

He has forgiven us (v. 14b). Redemption and forgiveness go together (Eph. 1:7). The word translated “forgiveness” means “to send away” or “to cancel a debt.” Christ has not only set us free and transferred us to a new kingdom, but He has canceled every debt so that we cannot be enslaved again. Satan cannot find anything in the files that will indict us!                                         祂饒恕了我们(第14下半段)。救赎与饒恕是一回事(弗  17)。饒恕是指  沒有了  债务付清。基督不仅使我们獲得自由,而且将我们遷移到新的国度,而且祂為我们付清了所有的债务,使我们不能再被奴役。撒旦在文件中,再也找不到可以指控我们的任何东西! 

In recent years, the church has rediscovered the freedom of forgiveness. God’s forgiveness of sinners is an act of His grace. We did not deserve to be forgiven, nor can we earn forgiveness. Knowing that we are forgiven makes it possible for us to fellowship with God, enjoy His grace, and seek to do His will. Forgiveness is not an excuse for sin; rather, it is an encouragement for obedience. And, because we have been forgiven, we can forgive others (Col. 3:13). The parable of the unforgiving servant makes it clear that an unforgiving spirit always leads to bondage (Matt. 18:21–35).                                                                                                                                                   近年来,教会重新发现了有饒恕人的自由。上帝恩典的大能可以赦免人的罪。我们原不配得饒恕,也不能賺取饶恕。知道我们被赦免,使我们有可能与上帝共享受團契,享受祂的恩典,并寻求順服祂的旨意。饒恕不是犯罪的借口,而是鼓励对上帝順服。而且因为我们的罪赦免了,才可以寬恕别人(西  3:13)。不宽恕人的仆人的比喻清楚地表明,不原谅的靈命总是导致束缚(太     1821- 35)。

Jesus Christ is preeminent in salvation. No other person could redeem us, forgive us, transfer us out of Satan’s kingdom into God’s kingdom, and do it wholly by grace. The phrase, “through His blood,” reminds us of the cost of our salvation. Moses and the Israelites only had to shed the blood of a lamb to be delivered from Egypt. But Jesus had to shed His blood to deliver us from sin.       耶穌基督在祂救恩中是優越。 沒有人可以贖我們的罪,饒恕我們,將我們從撒但的權勢中,遷移到上帝的國度裡,這完全靠恩典行事。 “藉著祂的寶血”這詞句使我們想起了贖我們的罪,得拯救的代價。 摩西和以色列人只需要流羔羊的血就脫離埃及的捆綁。 但是耶穌必須流血,才能贖我們罪債。


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