Monday, May 20, 2024

761 英翻中 (461) Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord. 主阿, 求祢憐憫孩子. 26/5/2024

 761 英翻中 (461)         Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord.     主阿, 求祢憐憫孩子.                 26/5/2024

親愛的主內訪友, 您內心是否有如編輯者心中的苦惱. 上帝引導我走在祂的正路上94年多, 仍然沒有把祂認識淸楚. 所以無法把福音說的全備. 親愛的朋友,  有了上帝的兒子主耶穌就有了一切, 請不要再添加什麼. 

回憶起在讀基督學房的聖經函授學校自認為已經了解, 魔鬼的引誘, 使我心中充滿今世驕傲的罪, 失去了保貴仔細讀聖經的機會.  下面有紅色的字雖然翻出來, 但不懂.  經過數天默思, 及在網路上聽到馬利蘭州中國聖經教會程德鵬主任牧師的講道, 才了解歌羅西書是講屬靈的生命, 是描述屬天的事.

The nature of progress (vv. 2: 5–7). In order to emphasize his admonition, Paul used several vivid pictures to illustrate spiritual progress.                                                                                                 成長的性質(5-7節)。保羅為了強調他的訓誡,使用了幾幅生動的畫面,來說明屬靈上的成長。

The army (v. 5). The words order and steadfastness are military terms. They describe an army that is solidly united against the enemy. Order describes the arrangement of the army in ranks, with each soldier in his proper place. Not everybody can be a five-star general, but the general could never fight the battle alone. Steadfastness pictures the soldiers in battle formation, presenting a solid front to the enemy. Christians ought to make progress in discipline and obedience, just as soldiers on the battlefield.                                                                                           隊(第5節)。秩序和堅定不移是軍事術語。他們描述堅決團結反對敵人的軍隊。秩序是軍隊裡編制的安排,每位士兵都有他適當的位置。並非每位士兵都能成為五星級將軍,但只有將軍也無法獨自作戰。堅定不移是士兵們在戰鬥中的紀律編排,向敵人展示了堅定不移的戰線。基督徒應該像在戰場上的士兵一樣,在紀律和服從上取得屬靈的成長。

The pilgrim (v. 6). The Christian life is compared to a pilgrimage, and believers must learn to walk. Paul had already encouraged his readers to “walk worthy of the Lord” (Col. 1:10), and later he used this image again (Col. 3:7; 4:5). In the Ephesian epistle, the companion letter to the Colossian epistle, Paul used the image at least seven times (Eph. 2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15).         朝聖者的形象(第6)。基督徒的生活應像朝聖者,信徒必須學會行走。保羅已經鼓勵他的讀者  “行事為人要對得起主(西   110),後來他又使用了這個形象(西   37 45)。保羅在寫給歌羅西書的同時,給以弗所人的書信中,他至少使用朝聖者的行像七次(弗    2210; 4117; 52815)。

We are to walk in Christ the same way we originally received Christ—by faith. The gnostic teachers wanted to introduce some “new truths” for Christian maturity, but Paul denounced them. “You started with Christ and you must continue with Christ,” Paul wrote. “You started with faith and you must continue with faith. This is the only way to make spiritual progress.”     我們要以原先憑著信心接受基督的樣式與基督同行。這位諾斯底的教師想為基督教的靈命成熟帶進一些  “新真理,但保羅譴責他們。保羅寫道,你們從信基督開始,必須繼續信祂。你們對祂以信心開始,必須繼續以信心依靠祂。這是使得靈命成長的唯一途徑。

The tree (v. 7a). Rooted is an agricultural word. The tense of the Greek word means “once and for all having been rooted.” Christians are not to be tumbleweeds that have no roots and are blown about by “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14). Nor are they to be “transplants” that are repeatedly moved from soil to soil. Once we are rooted by faith in Christ, there is no need to change the soil! The roots draw up the nourishment so that the tree can grow. The roots also give strength and stability.                                                                                                                               樹(第7節中第一小段)。紮根是一個農業上用的名詞。希臘語的過去時態表示  “已成的事實  基督徒不要成為無根的風滾草,而被 任何教義之風” 吹跑(弗4:14)。它們也不是重復從這土壤轉移到那土壤的 移植的植物。一旦我們因對基督的信心,而根深蒂固,就無需改變土壤了!根吸收了營養,使樹木得以生長。根部也賦予樹的堅強度和穩定性。

The building (v. 7b). Built up is an architectural term. It is in the present tense: “being built up.” When we trust Christ to save us, we are put on the foundation; from then on, we grow in grace. The word edify that is found often in Paul’s letters simply means “to build up.” To make spiritual progress means to keep adding to the temple to the glory of God.                                                       建築物7節中第二小段)。建造是土木工程結構學上的術語。用現在時態是表示:已建好基礎 當相信基督已拯救了我們時,我們信心的根基就被建立。從那時起,就在祂的恩典中成長。保羅的書信中經常出現 訓誨” 詞,它的意思很單純,是  “建立。要取得靈命的長進,就得繼續為上帝的榮耀聖殿建築物再添加。

The school (v. 7c). It is the Word of God that builds and strengthens the Christian. Epaphras had faithfully taught the Colossian believers the truth of the Word (Col. 1:7). But the false teachers were undermining that doctrine. Today, Christians who study the Word become established in the faith. Satan has a difficult time deceiving the Bible-taught believer.                                              學校(第7節中第三小段)。是上帝的話語建立及加強基督徒。以巴弗忠實地教導歌羅西信徒真理的道理(西17)。但是,假教師却正在破壞這教義。今日,學習聖經的基督徒在信心中已經被建立。撒但要欺騙已被聖經教導建立的信徒是艱難的。

The river (v. 7d). The word abounding is often used by Paul. It suggests the picture of a river overflowing its banks. Our first experience in the Lord is that of drinking the water of life by faith, and He puts within us an artesian well of living water (John 4:10–14). But that artesian well should become a “river of living water” (John 7:37–39) that grows deeper and deeper. The image of the river flowing from the sanctuary (Ezek. 47), getting deeper as it flows, probably is what Paul had in mind. Sad to say, many of us are making no progress—our lives are shallow trickles instead of mighty rivers.                                                                                                            河流(第7節後半段)。保羅經常使用 豐盛這個詞。它暗示河流的水滿溢,從河岸溢流出的景象。 初次經歷在主裡時,我們是憑信心喝祂賜的生命水,祂在我們腹中放入湧流的活水(約  410-14)。但那在腹的湧泉要流出  “生命活水的江河(約737-39),並且越流越深。 或許是在保羅的腦海中的,從聖殿流出水的圖像(結47),隨著水的流向越流越深。可悲的是,在我們很多人的生活中都沒有什麼成長  --- 生活依然是淺滴的水流,而不雄偉的大河。 

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