Thursday, May 2, 2024

751 英翻中 (451) Paul Prayed for Their Moral Excellence. 保羅為歌羅西信徒的道德品格禱告. 5/2/2024

 751 英翻中 (451)

3.  He Prayed for Moral Excellence (1:11–12)                                                                                      3.  他为卓越的道德品格祷告(111-12 

Wisdom and conduct should always be related to moral character. One of the great problems in our evangelical world today is the emphasis on “spiritual knowledge” and “Christian service,” without connecting these important matters to personal character.                                                 智慧与行为应始终与道德的品格相关。今天福音世界的重大问题之一,就是强调 屬靈知识”  基督徒事奉,而沒有将这些重要事项与基督徒个人品格联系起来。


For example, some teachers and preachers claim to have God’s wisdom—yet they lack love and kindness and the other basic qualities that make the Christian life beautiful and distinctive. Even some “soul-winning Christians” are so busy serving God that they cannot take time to check facts—so they publish lies about other Christians. For some months, I read a certain religious publication. But when I discovered that they had no “Letters to the Editor” column (except for praise), and that they never published a correction or apologized for an error, I stopped reading the magazine.

例如,教师和传道人声称他們拥有上帝的智慧 —— 然而缺乏爱和善良,以及使基督徒生活美丽独特的其他基本素质。即使是  嬴得灵魂的基督徒” 也是如此忙碌的服事上帝,他们不能花时间检查事实 所以他们隨便发表有關其他基督徒的谎言。几个月来,我读到一些宗教出版物。但是当我发现他们没有 给编辑者的信” 栏時(除了赞美之外),他们从来不公布改错或为错误而道歉的話,所以我停止阅读像这本杂志。


Knowledge, conduct, service, and character must always go together. We know God’s will that we might obey it, and, in obeying it, we serve Him and grow in Christian character. While none of us is perfectly balanced in these four factors, we ought to strive for that balance.



It is God’s energy that empowers us. Colossians 1:11 reads, in effect, “With all power being empowered according to the might of His glory.” Paul used two different Greek words for God’s energy: dunamis (from which we get our word dynamite) means “inherent power”; and kratos means “manifested power,” power that is put forth in action. The grace of our Christian lives is but a result of God’s power at work in our lives. Spiritual growth and maturity can come only as we yield to God’s power and permit Him to work in us.

上帝的大能在賜予我们的能力。歌罗西书111读到,实質上,是 所有的能力都按照祂的荣耀的大能賜予” 保罗用上述两种不同的希腊语表达上帝的大能:炸药(dunamis)(从這詞英文得到炸药這字)是指  天生的权力”; 而克拉托(kratos)是指 表现的能力,將能力顯示出在動作上。基督徒生活的恩典,只不过是上帝在我们生命中工作的能力的结果。只有当我们屈服于上帝的大能,并允许祂在我们里面工作时,屬靈的成长和成熟才能顯示出來。


We usually think of God’s glorious power being revealed in great feats of daring—the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, David leading a victorious army, or Paul raising the dead. But the emphasis here is on Christian character: patience, longsuffering, joyfulness, and thanksgiving. The inner victories of the soul are just as great, if not greater, than the public victories recorded in the annals of history. For David to control his temper when he was being maligned by Shimei was a greater victory than his slaying of Goliath (2 Sam. 16:5–13). “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city” (Prov. 16:32 nasb).

我们通常认为上帝荣耀的大能, 只显露在以色列人出埃及过红海,及大卫领导打胜仗,或保罗使人復了活等偉大勇敢的事件上。但这里強調基督徒的品格:忍耐,持久受苦,喜乐,和感恩。灵魂内在的胜利与历史记录上的公開胜利一样伟大,甚至更偉大。 当大卫被凶恶的示每(Shimei)咒罵时,他能控制不發脾气的勝利,比他杀了歌利亚的胜利更偉大(撒下165-13)。 不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士治服己心的,強於取城(箴16:32 新美國標準版)。


The word patience means “endurance when circumstances are difficult.” It is the opposite of despondency. This word is never used in reference to God, for God does not face difficult circumstances. Nothing is impossible with God (Jer. 32:27).

忍耐是指 困难情况时的持久力,与 沮丧相反。这个词从来不用于提及神,因为上帝并不面对困难的环境。上帝没有什么是不可能的(耶32:27)。


Patience is an important characteristic of the maturing Christian life. If we do not learn to be patient, we are not likely to learn anything else. As believers, we are able to rejoice even in our tribulations, because we know that “tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven character; and proven character, hope” (Rom. 5:3–4 nasb).



We must never think that patience is complacency. Patience is endurance in action. It is not the Christian sitting in a rocking chair, waiting for God to do something. It is the soldier on the battlefield, keeping on when the going is tough. It is the runner on the racetrack, refusing to stop because he wants to win the race (Heb. 12:1).



Too many Christians have a tendency to quit when circumstances become difficult. The saintly Dr. V. Raymond Edman, late president of Wheaton College (Illinois), used to remind the students, “It is always too soon to quit.”

当情况变得困难时,太多的基督徒有倾向放棄。史蒂芬·威尔顿学院(伊利诺州)已故总校長雷蒙 · 埃德曼(V. Raymond Edman)博士曾经提醒学生 总是太早放棄


I have often thought of that statement when I find myself in the midst of trying circumstances. It is not talent or training that guarantees victory: it is perseverance. “By perseverance the snail reached the ark,” said Charles Spurgeon.

当我发现自己在尝试中时,我经常想到上面的说法。保持胜利不是人才或培训,而是坚持不懈。司布貞说, “通过坚持不懈的蜗牛,終於到达方舟。


Along with patience, we need longsuffering. This word means “self-restraint” and is the opposite of revenge. Patience has to do primarily with circumstances, while longsuffering has to do with people. God is longsuffering toward people because of His love and grace (2 Peter 3:9). Longsuffering is one fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). It is among the “grace garments” that the believer should wear (Col. 3:12).

随伴着耐心,我们仍需要堅忍。 它的 意思是 自我克制,与报复相反。耐心是以環境为主的持久的抗力,而堅忍却以人為對象的持久的耐力。上帝因祂對人的的爱和恩典持久的忍耐受苦(彼前39)。忍耐是聖灵所結的果子(加5:22)。信徒应该穿上 恩典的袍子” (西3:12)。


It is amazing how people can patiently endure trying circumstances, only to lose their tempers with a friend or loved one. Moses was patient during the contest with Pharaoh in Egypt. But he lost his temper with his own people and, as a result, forfeited his right to enter the Promised Land (Num. 20). “Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit” (Prov. 25:28 nasb).

令人惊奇的是,人们如何耐心地忍受尝试探的環境,常常對朋友或亲人失去自己的耐心。摩西在与埃及法老的對話時,總是有耐心。但他對自己的同胞時,却沒有耐心,以致丧失了进入应许之地的权利(民  20)。 人不制伏自己的心,好像毀壞的城邑,没有墙垣(箴   25:28  新美國標準版)。


Patience and longsuffering go together if we are growing spiritually. Paul listed them as the marks of the true minister of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 6:4–6). Certainly, Paul displayed these graces in his own life (2 Tim. 3:10). The great example of patience and longsuffering in the Old Testament is Job (James 5:10–11). In the New Testament, of course, it is Jesus Christ.

如果我们屬靈正在成长,耐心和堅忍必須結合在一起。保罗将它们列为耶稣基督真正宣教者必須有的标记(林前64-6)。当然,保罗在自己的生活中显出这些恩典(提前3:10)。旧约中有耐心和堅忍的伟大榜样是约伯(雅   510-11)。在新约里,当然是耶稣基督。


It is easy for God to perform miracles in the realms of the material or physical, because everything in creation obeys His command. Jesus could heal Malchus’s ear, but He could not automatically change Peter’s heart and remove the hatred and violence that was in it (Luke 22:50–51). God could bring water out of the rock, but He could not force Moses to be patient.



A pastor often visited a Christian young man who had been badly burned. The young man had to lie still for hours, and it was difficult for him to perform even the basic functions of life.



“I wish God would do a miracle and heal me,” the young man said to his pastor one day.



“God is doing a miracle,” the pastor replied, “but not the kind you are looking for. I have watched you grow in patience and kindness during these weeks. That, to me, is a greater miracle than the healing of your body.”

牧师回答说,上帝正在行神迹,但不是你所求的那個。 我已经在这几星期中,察看你的耐心和慈祥。那对我来说,是比醫治你燒傷的身体,上帝行了更大的神迹。


God’s power is evidenced in our lives not only in our patience and longsuffering, but also in our joyfulness. When circumstances are difficult, we should exhibit joyful patience, and when people are hard to live with, we should reveal joyful longsuffering. There is a kind of patience that “endures but does not enjoy.” Paul prayed that the Colossian Christians might experience joyful patience and longsuffering.



We often use the words joy and happiness interchangeably, but a distinction should be made. Happiness often depends on happenings. If circumstances are encouraging and people are kind, we are happy. But joy is independent of both circumstances and people. The most joyful epistle Paul wrote was Philippians, and he wrote it from jail as he faced the possibility of being martyred for his faith.

我们经常把 喜乐快樂相互换的使用,它們是应该有区别的。快樂往往取决于環境。如果環境令人鼓舞,及遇到的人很慈祥,那麼我们會很快樂。但喜樂却不受環境和人的影響。保罗写的最喜乐的书信是腓立比书,那是他从监牢中写的,是他要面临着为了對基督信仰的信心,而將有為基督殉难的可能性。


Only God’s Spirit working within us can give us joy in the midst of problem circumstances and problem people. “The fruit of the Spirit is … joy” (Gal. 5:22). Joy is not something that we ourselves “work up”; it is something the Spirit Himself “works in”—“joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17 niv).

在有问题的環境裡,和與有问题的人的交通時,只有在我们内心工作的上帝聖灵,才能为我们带来喜乐。 “圣灵的果子是 ……喜乐(加5:22)。喜乐不是我们自己 做得到的。 这是圣灵,祂自己 在人內心” 中所行的  —— “圣灵的喜乐(罗14:17 新國際版)。


I can recall times in my life when all the circumstances around me pointed to difficulty and possible defeat. Yet my heart was filled with a spiritual joy that could only come from God. Sad to say, I also remember times (far too many!) when I gave in to the problems around me, and I lost both the joy and the victory.



The fourth evidence of God’s power in our lives is thankfulness. Christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit will be joyful and thankful (Eph. 5:18–20). When we lose our joy, we start complaining and becoming critical.



The Colossian epistle is filled with thanksgiving. Paul gave thanks for the church in Colosse (Col. 1:3), and he prayed that they might grow in their own thanksgiving to God (Col. 1:12). The Christian life should abound with thanksgiving (Col. 2:7). One of the evidences of spiritual growth in our Bible study is thanksgiving (Col. 3:15–17). Our prayers should always include thanksgiving (Col. 4:2). The Christian who is filled with the Spirit, filled with the Word, and watching in prayer will prove it by his attitude of appreciation and thanksgiving to God.



Some people are appreciative by nature, but some are not, and it is these latter people who especially need God’s power to express thanksgiving. We should remember that every good gift comes from God (James 1:17) and that He is (as the theologians put it) “the Source, Support, and End of all things.” The very breath in our mouths is the free gift of God.



Years ago, Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois had a life-saving squad that assisted passengers on the Lake Michigan boats. On September 8, 1860, a passenger boat, the Lady Elgin, floundered near Evanston, and a ministerial student, Edward Spencer, personally rescued seventeen persons. The exertion of that day permanently damaged his health and he was unable to train for the ministry. When he died some years later, it was noted that not one of the seventeen persons he had saved ever came to thank him.

几年前,在伊利诺州的埃文斯顿 (Evanston) 的西北大学有一个救生队,帮助保護密歇根湖上的乘客。 186098日,一艘名稱埃金(Elgin)夫人的客船,在埃文斯顿附近翻船,一位受宣教士訓育的学生,名稱爱德华 · 斯潘塞(Edward Spencer)一人總共救起17人。那天的劳累,大大损害了他的健康,以後无法繼續求學。几年后,当他去世时,有人提起他曾救了17个溺水人的命,但其中没有人回來感谢他。


Thankfulness is the opposite of selfishness. The selfish person says, “I deserve what comes to me! Other people ought to make me happy!” But the mature Christian realizes that life is a gift from God, and that the blessings of life come only from His bountiful hand.

感恩与自私是相反的。自私的人说,我应該得到這些給我的東西!其他人应该让我开心!" 但是,成熟的基督徒領悟到生命是上帝的恩赐,生命的祝福只是从祂丰盛的手中得来的。


Of course, the one blessing that ought to move us constantly to thanksgiving is that God has made us “meet [fit] to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12). The word fit means “qualified”: God has qualified us for heaven! And, while we are waiting for Christ to return, we enjoy our share of the spiritual inheritance that we have in Him (Eph. 1:11, 18–23).

当然,上帝叫我们  能與眾聖徒(配合)在光明中同得基業 這祝福, 应该使我们不停的感恩(西1:12)。(配合)的意思是  合格:上帝已经認定使我们能進天堂!而且,当我们在等待基再来的时候,我们分享在祂裡面所拥有的属灵基業(弗1:11,18-23)。


In the Old Testament, God’s people had an earthly inheritance, the land of Canaan. Christians today have a spiritual inheritance in Christ. Canaan is not a picture of heaven, for there will be no battles or defeats in heaven. Canaan is a picture of our present inheritance in Christ. We must claim our inheritance by faith as we step out on the promises of God (Josh. 1:1–9). Day by day, we claim our blessings, and this makes us even more thankful to the Lord.

在旧约中,上帝的子民有地上迦南地的基業。今天的基督徒在基督里有属灵的基業。 迦南不是天堂的寫照,因为在天堂没有战斗或失败。迦南地是我们目前在基督里基業的寫照。当我们踏出走在上帝的应许上时,必须藉着信心向祂懇求我们的基业(书  11-9)。日復一日的向祂懇求我们的祝福,这甚至使我们對主更加感恩。


As we review this marvelous prayer, we can see how penetrating it is. We need spiritual intelligence if we are going to live to please God. We also need practical obedience in our walk and work. But the result of all of this must be spiritual power in the inner man, power that leads to joyful patience and longsuffering, with thanksgiving.

当回顧这奇妙的祷告时,我们可以看到它是多么的深入。如果我们為討上帝喜悅的去生活,確實需要屬靈的智慧。 也需要在我们與主同行和工作中实質的顺服。但是,所有这一切的结果,必须是來自内心的屬靈的能力,這能力將会导致喜乐的忍耐,堅忍及感恩。


Have you been praying this way lately?                                                                                               你最近一直是這樣的祷告吗?



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