Monday, November 28, 2011



In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, 
and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon 
the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw 
the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called 
the light Day; and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were 
the first day.”  (Genesis 1:1-5‘創世記第一章一至五節’)
編輯者今晨靈修(morning devotion) 讀聖經創世記第一章一至五節, 深感神的話語
簡潔有力.  你們會發現文內都是強而有力的短句, 純一的簡單過去時制.                          

動詞的簡單過去時制已經討論過, 但因為世界上事情絶大部份是發生在過去.  故此再講一些有關過去的行為或存在, 也就是已發生的事實.  前面在談簡單過去時制造句時, 没有涉及這種時制的動詞常與表示過去的時間副詞 (Adverbs of Time)同用, 並且在動詞的詞形變化方面也只提及規則的變化, 没有告訴一些其他的詞形變化.
       例如,    He went yesterday.
                   We read that newspaper yesterday.
                    I told you long ago.  (我老早告訴你過了)

在第一句和在第二句中有yesterday (昨日), 另在第三句有很與我國意念相同的long ago(老早) 等表示過去的時間副詞.  這些形式都是極其有用的.
第一句中有 "went" “go”的過去詞形, 及第三句中有 "told" “tell” 的過去詞形;  
又第二句中有 "read" 的過去式其詞形未變, 只是在讀音上不同 (請查字典). 故今附上一些類似的不變詞形的動詞及一些不規則變化的詞形, 以便下次談完成時制”(perfect tense) 使用.
以下是部份動詞不變詞形的, 請必須牢記: 

現在       過去    過去分詞 (past participle)      現在       過去      過去分詞 (past participle)
bet         bet                 bet                                burst          burst                       burst
cast        cast                cast                              cost            cost                        cost
cut          cut                  cut                                hit               hit                        hit
hurt        hurt                hurt                              let                let                         let
put         put                 put                               read            read                        read   
set          set                  set                               shut              shut                       shut
以下是部份不規則的動詞變化, 請必須牢記:
現在       過去    過去分詞 (past participle)      現在       過去      過去分詞 (past participle)
begin      began              begun                          break        broke          broken
bring       brought          brought                        catch        caught         caught
choose    chose              chosen                         come        came           come
do          did                   done                            drink         drank          drunk
drive       drove               driven                         fall             fell            fallen
give        gave                 given                          go             went            gone

作業二十一:  試填入適當的動詞時制的詞形 :

1. He ── with excitement and enthusiasm. (speak)
2. The chorus ── "America" at the spring concert. (sing)
3. The giant sunflower ── taller than my brother. (grow)
4. When Mr. Ortiz asked the question, I ── the answer. (know)
5. Last year I ── to every basketball game. (go)

作業二十二:  試用下列的時間副詞造句, 以表示主語的動作是過去時制 :
   1.  long ago,    2.  yesterday,   3.    last year,  4.  three days ago.
:  因電腦故障, 所以遲了一天才發表.

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