Tuesday, November 15, 2011



                                                單數                                                       複數

    第一人稱( lst person)   :  myself,                                                ourselves
    第二人稱( 2nd  person) :  yourself,                                              yourselves
第三人稱( 3rd  person)  :  himself, herself, itself,                  themselves 

本身代名詞有两種用處:  一是表示反身的或反照的動作(reflexive or reflected action) ; 另一是表示強調(emphasis)的意念.   

用作反身動作的例( “~self” =自己, 自身) :
    Don't starve yourself. (別挨餓)
    If you do, you have only yourself to blame. (只怪自己不好)
    Gave herself a holiday. (自己休假) 

用作強調意念的舉例如下( “~self” =自己, 親自, 本人) :
    They themselves are to blame. (怪他們自己不好)
    Even the king himself didn't know. (連國王本人也不知道)
    You yourself told me. (是你自己告訴我的)
     在上例中, 本身代名詞(self-pronoun)是加重先行的代名詞 (又稱 先行詞’)的意義, 而且和它們是同位(in apposition). 只用本身代名詞而取消先行詞, 也是可能的, 不過需要慎思 :
    It was myself.         
    My wife is the same age as myself.        
Ourselves are to blame. 

不定代名詞(indefinite pronoun)
不定代名詞表示未知的或模糊不明的人和物, 它既非第一人稱, 又非第二人稱, 又非第三人稱, 因為它實在是三種人稱都指到的, 故又稱為 一般人稱’ (general person).  其中之一的one便是中文里的 ’,  別人’ , ‘旁人’, ‘人家的意思. 其他的不定代名詞, few, anything, something, someone.
     例如 :  Someone has made a mistake (有人弄錯了).
                 You must do something about this (關於這個你當做些事情).
                 One must take good care of one's health (人必須留心自己的健康).
                 Few live to be more than eighty years old (難得有人活到八十歲以上).
                 Have you forgotten anything? (忘記了甚麼嗎?).
    [特例]      :   There is a man who is proud of his knowledge.
                    :   Some are proud of their knowledge.
                  含糊:  No man knows what it is.
                  明暸:  No one knows what it is. 
注意: 不定代名詞, 如 one 指示一般人時,  其後所接的代名詞, 該用one, one's, oneself, 不該用 he, his, himself.
       例如: One must learn to do one's work by oneself.  

      [特例] : One is responsible to their family for what he does.
                  : One is responsible to one's family for what one does.
                  : If one starves himself, he may die.
                  : If one starves oneself, one may die. 
:  本博客是針對初中三年級的年青學子所編輯, 以基礎的文法為著眼點. 

     1.  試以本身代名詞 (self-pronoun)造句, 作為強調(emphasis)之用 (  I myself, you
          yourself, ).
     2.  試以本身代名詞 (self-pronoun)造句, 作為反身的或反照的動作(reflexive or
          reflected action) (  I myself, you yourself, ).
     3.  指出下列各句中之one 是泛指一人或特指一人:
        (1.)  I saw one on the floor and picked it up.
        (2.)  One came in and was followed by another.


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