Thursday, November 24, 2011


動詞時制 : 過去時制 

今天是感恩節,六十五年前, 恩師鄧老師苦心教導編輯者初三英文, 使我今日能在美國享用英文語言所潤育的文化──感恩節是其一.  今以此信表示對他感謝的心.

My dearest teacher,                                                                                                            11/24/2011

I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.

During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me.  Firstly, you let me know what is the West thinking pattern — straight thinking pattern.  It is very important to understand the West’s thoughts, as we learn English.  Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English.  It is from your help──to practice it with you in your leisure time.  Now, I try to express my thanks to you by opening this Blog (博客) to share my English knowledge with young Chinese students.  It’s great to do that and with pleasure.

Above all, thanks be to God for having a teacher like you.  And thank you for treating me with the father’s love.

God Be with You till We meet again

                                                                            in Christ,
                                                                            Stephen Lei (雷萬清) 

                              *      *      *       *      *     

2.   過去時制 (Past Tense) : 過去時制的動詞詞形是在其詞尾加上 ‘-ed’.  以顯示主語
行為 存在是已經發生. 
       例如,   1. Stoves and fireplaces warmed people in 1900.
                   2. They heated small areas at a time. 

如何形成過去時制的動詞變形 : 

1.  一般動詞形成過去時制的方法只在其詞尾加上 ‘-ed’.
            例如,   the boy stayed              the boys stayed
                        he wanted                     they wanted 

2.  若動詞詞尾是 ‘e’ , 要把 ‘e’去掉, 再在其詞尾加上 ‘-ed’.
           例如,        live-lived                   hope-hoped  

3.  若動詞的詞尾是 ‘y’ , ‘y’ 前面是輔音 (consonant) 字, 要把 ‘y’ 先變成 ‘ i ’ 再在其
詞尾加上 ‘-ed’.
           例如,       study-studied             worry-worried

4.  若動詞的尾部是: 輔音-母音 (vowel)-輔音所組成, 重覆最後的輔音字一次, 再在其後加上
      ‘-ed’.          例如,       pop-popped            plan-planned

作業十八:  試用過去時制的動詞變形, 填入各句的空格內:
1. My brothers ____ firewood into the house. (carry)
2. We ____ bread over the fire. (toast)
3. It ____ delicious. (taste)
4. Dad ____ the brick in a thick towel. (wrap)
5. He ____ the brick at the foot of my bed (place) 


. 過去時制的動詞是顯示主語的行為或存在已經發生.
. 記住形成過去時制動詞變形的規則.  

作業十九: 用適當的過去時制動詞填入各句空格內 :
        例句 :  Early Americans ____ fireplaces for heat. (use)     àused

6. They ____ their meals in the fireplace. (cook)
7. The settlers ____ ashes in their fields. (bury)
8. The ashes ____ the soil. (improve)
9. Colonists _____ young trees in the forest. (plant)
10. The new ____ trees the old ones. (replace)

作業二十 : 選出下列各句中的動詞並加以說明是現在時制或是過去時制 :
       例句 :We open our history books.  à open - present
11. We study early American food.
12. American Indians introduced popcorn to the settlers.
13. Settlers shipped popcorn to their friends in Europe.
14. The noisy snack amazed Europeans.
15. We all enjoy a healthful, delicious snack.

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