Saturday, December 31, 2022

251 中翻英 (二) What is God's will? 什麼是上帝的旨意? 12/30/2022

 251     中翻英 (二)                 What is God's will?            什麼是上帝的旨意?                    12/30/2022

愛我們的天父上帝,祢的旨意最美善,孩子樂意奉行祢的旨意。求祢賜恩,讓孩子在這要來的2023的一年中,把祢的旨意彰顯給自己及慕道友們,讓他們也樂意知道並接受。  奉主耶穌的名禱告。 阿門。






 "I am willing to spend money and labor for your souls." (2 Corinthians 12:15)

After finishing a long period of preaching gospel , I returned to my hometown, Fuzhou, exhausted,in 1929.  One day, I was walking with a cane in the street in a state of great weakness and ill health, while I met an old professor who had been taught me at the school.  He invited me to have a talk in a tea-room.  After we sat down, he looked at me intensively and said,  "Now listen,  we expected a lot from you, as you were my student in school.  We all thought you were going to achieve a lot.  Why will you look like that ? You tell me truly today that you have taken preaching gospel for your career now?" Upon hearing his sharp question, I had to admit that my initial reaction was almost crying, my career, my future, everything in vein. Now he kept going to ask me "Are you still obsessed with it, no achievements, no development, and no performance?" But suddenly I really know what it  “reality”  means to have the spirit of God dwelling in my heart . When I think of being able to pour out my life completely for service of the Lord, my soul is filled with glory from Him. I can look upon the sky and say to the Lord peacefully, "O Lord, I praise You!  I have chosen the right, and the best aim of my life."

親愛的朋友, 主耶穌是祂信徒的一切. 倪析聲弟兄誠心將他最好的奉獻給主, 他的老師却誤解了。

[註] : 2020年教會年長姊妹 張劉佩金(我的主內姊妹享年99歲)。 她送這 "曠野的筵席" (每曰讀禱)給我,編輯者連續每日讀了三年,覺得內容很好,因此翻成英文,供年輕學習英文的朋友之用,也決心每日翻譯一篇,與您們一起分享並討論。敬請主內弟兄姊妹為我祈禱,使編輯者有永不放棄的心志。


編輯者再引用聖經說明 : 要常常喜樂,不住地禱告,凡事謝恩,因為這是上帝在基督耶穌裡的旨意。(帖前  5:16-18)

上帝的旨意最美善,使祂的信徒樂意遵行。祂愛世人, 祂要您喜樂; 要您與祂親近; 要您謙卑。所以倪析聲弟兄在今天的筵席請您嘗他經歷吃過的一盤美味:

O Lord, I praise You!  I have chosen the right, and the best aim of my life.

Friday, December 30, 2022

250 中翻英 (一) God's will 上帝的旨意 12/29/2022

 250     中翻英 (一)             God's will                上帝的旨意                    12/29/2022

感謝我的主,使孩子能寫成博客的目錄。244 如何使用本博客。

Be joyful always, pray contiunally, giving thanks in all circumstances,for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18)

要常常喜樂,不住地禱告,凡事謝恩,因為這是上帝在基督耶穌裡的旨意。(帖前  5:16-18)

這是編輯者送給有基督信仰的博客訪者新年的禮物。因為我們信徒常常在思考,什麼是上帝的旨意,我們樂意遵行祂的旨意,因為祂的旨意最美善。祂的旨意要您喜樂; 要您與祂親切; 要您謙卑。

上帝要我完成 "中翻英" 的未完畢的工作。昨日送出博客談及中文句子用  "了" 表示過去時間,英文則在動詞上改變字體,例如,加 "-ed",另外還有些不規則的變化,今列如下:

beat beat                         become became             begin began                 bend bent

break broke                     bring brought                  build built                    buy bought

catch caught                   choose chose                  come came                  cost cost            cut cut

do did                               draw drew                       eat ate                       fall fell

feel felt                            find found                       fly flew                      forget forgot

get got                             grow grew                       go went                      hang hung

have had                          hear heard                      know knew                  lead led

leave left                         lose lost                           make made                  meet met

pay paid                           put  put                           read [red讀音]             rise rose                           

run ran                             say said                           see saw                        sell sold

[註] : 過去分詞(past particible)是用在完成時制(perfect tense)上,暫且不提, 上戶詞中文意義, 請查 字典, 增加記憶。



「我的鴿子阿,你在磐石穴中,陡嚴的隱密處,求你容我得見你的面貌,得听你的聲音,因為你的聲音柔和,你的面貌秀美。」(雅歌  2:14) 


                                                                        December 29

"My dove, you in the cleft of the rock, in the steep secret place, let me see your face and hear your voice, for your voice is soft and your face is beautiful" (Song 2 :14)

How difficult it is for us to break free from the burdens of the world and come before the Lord! We often avoid the opportunity to meet with the Lord alone, even when we are physically separated from the outside world, our minds are still wandering outside. Many of us are happy to work among people, but how many of us are willing to draw near to God in the Holy of Holies? It takes all the strength in our being to kneel before Him for an hour. If we don't demand ourselves strongly, we won't be able to do this. Yet everyone who serves the Lord recognizes the value of those moments of intimacy with Him, whether it is an hour of fellowship with Him after a midnight dream, or the pouring out of one's heart to Him at the crack of dawn. Minutes, the experiences in it, are all sweet and extraordinary. Let me tell you very frankly that you cannot serve God by maintaining a distance from Him. Only by learning to draw close to Him can you know what true service is.

    此處 "yet" 是最撓人的英美人士對他們文字的用法, 中國學生一不留意就會出錯。肯定在考試題目中會出現。此處是表示做不到(應該理所當然的要做的)。還有是用在否定句中。  
        例如,      They have not come yet.
                          I have yet to meet him. 

                         Only by learning to draw close to God can you know what true service is.

        Mary is my mother-in-law. (您覺得這英文翻譯得怪怪嗎? )
                         英文裡沒有 "萬" 字。所以用  ten thousand  


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

249 恭賀新年喜樂 Happy New Year ! 12/28/2022

249 中翻英 (149)            恭賀新年喜樂            Happy New Year !               12/28/2022

我們在天上的父,謝謝祢賜孩子生命,孩子決心從今日起用生命和心志事奉祢。使世人都知道,主,祢道成肉身,為贖孩子所犯的罪,釘死在十字架上。愛我的主耶穌,現在活著不再是我,而是祢在我裡面活著。孩子遵行祢的旨意向世人作見證 —— 基督耶穌仍然活著,祢活在我心中,並以祢賜的智慧,每日翻譯祢的作為,歸榮耀於主的名。奉主耶穌的名禱告。阿們。

1930年,12月,28日,編輯者生在中國江西省九江縣,1931年8月的長江極大洪水,估計約14萬人死亡。半歲的我被美國美以美會傳教士 Rev.   Williams Rechard    Johnson   帶動的救災機構拯救我。能活到現在,完全是主的恩典。

從今日起,編輯者決心用一年的時間翻譯倪柝聲著 "曠野的筵席" 每日禱讀轉載於本博客,供訪問朋友知道主耶穌道成肉身的實存的屬靈意義。懇求有基督信仰的訪問者,在禱告中紀念編輯者現年93歲,求愛我們的主再賜孩子一年的活命的日子,完成祂的旨意。

十二月,二十八日            曠野的筵席

「我祈求為要得這孩子,耶和華已將我所求的賜給我了。所以我將這孩子歸与耶和華。」(撒母耳記上     1:27-28)   註:   這節聖經記載在 "撒母耳記上",是闡明基督信仰者敬拜的真義。



December 28

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has given me what I asked for. So I will return this child to the LORD." (1 Samuel 1:27-28)

Did you notice the two short sentences in the verse above? For me, these two sentences are so precious! Now let;s read it together: "The LORD has given me what I have asked for, and I have given the child to the LORD." Hannah prayed to God for a son in her distress, and her request was granted. What prayer can be answered more than this? All her prayers were for a child, but when she got her heartfelt wish, she dedicated the child back to the Giver—God. When Samuel delivered the offering from her hand to God, the Bible tells us, they "there they worshiped the Lord there" (1 Samuel 1:28).

When the appointed day comes, I will, like Hannah, take my Samuel, on which all my hopes are concentrated, and hand it over to God from my own hands. Only then will I know the true meaning of worshiping God. Worship follows the cross, where God must be our all in all. When we give all our precious things to God, but with empty hands, then the focus of our lives shifts from ourselves to God. This is true worship.

註: 該篇晨更重點在: This is true worship.  什麼是基督徒的真敬拜。

Happy New Year !    祝賀新年喜樂 !

編輯者補述:  你們有沒有注意到英文翻譯大半时制是用過去時制(past tense)。而中文則是 "了"。要不然就用 "從前, 過去等詞來表達。 因為在寫英文句子時,用現在時制的機會不像用過去時制多, 所以英文動詞的子體變化比較複雜.  如在字詞上加 "-ed"。或用 "不規則的變化" 。

Friday, December 16, 2022

248 The Word Became Flesh. 道成肉身 12/16/2022

 248                        The Word Became Flesh.               道成肉身                                 12/16/2022

我們在天上的父,謝謝祢賜下祢的愛子,為我這罪人捨去生命,拯救孩子,使我得永生的福份。並使我現在活著只為遵行祢的旨意向世人作見證 —— 基督耶穌仍然活著,祂活在我心中。並榮耀祢的名。奉主耶穌的名禱告。阿們。

上帝已賜給我一個很寶貴的官能,得以將現在看不見,却是「實存」的信心  (Faith of Reality) ——上帝儿子的信心,就是這個寶貴的官能。信心將那屬靈的事物,在我的生命的經歷中成為真實的存在。信心安定在上帝的信實上,就能將我在盼望中得見事物的實存,如永生,主耶穌的復活及祂的再來等的實存,使信徒有喜樂的盼望

能不能讓編輯者申說我實存的信心,及對耶穌是上帝的兒子作見證 : 2022年前那耶穌生在以色列國的伯利恆城。耶穌由童女馬利亞所生,在本丟比拉多羅馬總督手下受難,死在十字架上,是為贖我的罪而死。死後第三天從死裡復活, 在世上40天中見證祂復活的身體,後升天坐在父上帝的右邊。祂現在仍是活著,祂活在我的心內。可能您會說編輯者太愚蠢,但我認為是謙卑

回憶在十年前,2011年12月23日寫的博客中述說(編輯者是有基督信仰的人), 主基督耶穌今日降生人間, 使我這罪人喜樂. 因祂是為死而降生世界,為的是救贖罪人而自己走上十字架捨己的。 所以編輯者的生活是:

                             To praise God as I am in happy moments.   喜樂時刻, 讚美上帝.
                             To seek God as I am in difficult moments. 
困難時刻, 尋找
上帝.                                                              To worship God as am in quiet moments. 安靜時刻, 敬拜上帝.                                                              To Trust God as I am in painful momets.    痛苦時刻, 信靠上帝.                                                               To thank God as I am in every moments.    時時刻刻, 感謝上帝.




1.  一致性 (Subject  and  Verb Agreement)。


            例如                      He is a boy.     寫成   He am a boy.         就錯了。

            為什麼?    英語句子在主語和動詞之間有人稱( personal)代名詞的限制。前面主語是第三人稱主語,因此後面的動詞的選用受前面主語的限制,要使用第三人稱的動詞,是所"一致性"。

2.   冠詞(Article: Definite and Indefinite)

      這在中文句子中更是難分別。中文句子有一條,一隻,一個.... 等等。但不是在每一個名詞都要加。在英文中的名詞前却不可少。少了就錯。

            例如,                 He is a boy.     若寫成   He is boy.       (少了 ' a' ) 就錯了。


3.  前置詞 ( 'Preposition':  有介詞的翻譯)編輯者認為前置詞的使用比較恰當。因它常常放置在名                      詞的前面 (也有例外)  。

            例如,At, in,on等,三個最常用的前置詞,在地方上怎麼用。

                        I live at Taipei street, in an appartment, on the second floor.  您能分辨嗎? 

                        因為在中文中並沒有太大的分別,在英文却有規矩 ,at 用在確定地點;  in 用在不                   確定地點,有空間而是在裡面的意思; on 用在平面肯定看得到的地方。

              At, in,on 在時間上怎麼使用?

                        I was born at mid-night, on Monday, in 1930.       

                     at 用在確定的時間;  on 用在週日(week day)上; in 用在有一段時間的意義上,如,月               年等。