Tuesday, June 30, 2015


132英语语法应用(十九篇章写作的范例  an example of writing a theme    6/28/2015

篇章是段落的集合, 篇章在结构上与段落是一致的. 篇章的结构可以说是段落结构的扩展. 段落的写作方法和手段同样适用于篇章的写作.

英语篇章的写作一般至少包含三个段落作者在首段(opening paragraph) 必须明显的写出篇章的撰写的目的在如何发展中间段落, 必须仔细思索如何用段落来支承作者论点应该与写作大纲互应换句话说, 中间段落是作者如何用设定, 辩证及举例比较来显明他的构思的正确.

本范例是美国高中学生 Steve Crandall 的篇章写作他以讨论当今驾驶执照教育的计划为主题.

首段提出以简单明暸的有煽动性的句子使读者对该论题提高警觉随之在后面三个中间段落以非常严重的口气描述驾驶执照教育的建立及对年轻的驾驶者的驾驶教育的规划更为重要的强调语气. 使该篇章能达到作者为减少车祸的主要构想.
The results of today's driver education programs are visible every day, on every road (主题句). You can see them in the guy who squeals dangerously into traffic on a busy street or in the girl who nearly blows through a stop sign while talking on a cell phone (以年轻驾驶人开车的情况作支承细节). Many people say younger drivers are to blame for the problems on our roads; but, if they are to be blamed, it is only because they were poorly prepared (说明年轻驾驶人开车的教育作支承细节). Young drivers are products of driver education programs that are outdated, ineffective, and in need of improvement (说明当今的驾驶执照教育对年轻驾驶人的缺点作结论).

Some states have adopted graduated licensing programs to produce better drivers(各州採取的特殊的驾驶执照计划的主題句作段落间连续的效用). Such programs require that beginning drivers receive three different types of licenses(州的特殊驾驶执照计划分別作段落內細節支撐). First, they must obtain a learner's permit, then, after six months, a Junior Operator's License. After another six months, they are eligible for a full license(州的驾驶执照计划層次作段落內細節支撐). Before getting this license, a new driver cannot have anyone under 18 in the car unless an over-21 adult is in the front passenger seat(繼續以各州的驾驶执照计划的規定作段落內細節支撐). A new driver is also not allowed to drive between midnight and 5 a.m(州的驾驶执照计划規定作段落內細節支撐). This approach seems good in theory, but is it really effective? For example, do the drivers in these programs receive enough behind-the-wheel experience during their training period? In addition, can any over-21 adult accompany a junior operator? What if this adult has a poor driving record? (對該些驾驶执照计划的批判作段落的小結)

其次第二段, 作者以他本州的驾驶执照教育计划和他国的作比较
A few simple changes in the existing driver ed program would do a great deal to improve the quality of new drivers(用有力的主題句子作段落间连续的效用). On the written test in our state, a score of 14 on a 20-question test is a passing grade. It would not be unreasonable to require at least a score of 18 on this test.  Currently, only 54 total hours of training are deemed necessary, with 30 of these hours completed in the classroom(本州的驾驶执照计划作段落內細節支撐). Some countries, including Canada, require many more hours of training ( triple or quadruple the time), with a higher percentage of in-car training(以邻加拿大的驾驶执照计划比较作細節支撐). Those same countries also require beginning drivers to spend a significant amount of money (up to $2,000) to receive their training(再以一些其它国家的考驾驶执照的规定比较作段落內細節支撐). This is not necessarily what should be done here, but certainly many more hours of behind-the-wheel training are necessary(结论要和他的论点相呼应).

Human error accounts for most traffic accidents(强调人为的因素是车祸发生的最多的原因为主题句). Weather would not have to be a major factor if drivers were taught how to drive on wet or icy roads(以气候的因素作细节的支承). Road rage may cause some accidents, but many could also be avoided if drivers were properly trained(以路况的因素作细节的支承). Unfortunately, no training can help drivers in certain situations, such as confronting drunk drivers(以实例如何面对醉酒驾车的因素作细节的支承). Still, new drivers ought to receive training in night driving, driving in rainy and foggy conditions, and in defensive driving(修改考驾驶执照计划小结论非常有力).

篇章的末段应重新叙述它的要且补充中间段落没有作细节支撑的事项. 若有必须应重新回顾篇章的主要重点, 给以特殊要紧的重点加强使能与读者的经验或生活有关的事项一致.

The current driver education programs don't meet the needs of today's young drivers(强调当今为考驾驶执照计划不能适合年轻驾驶人的需要为主题句). What's needed are new, more extensive programs, producing young drivers who are much better prepared for the road and much less likely to have careless accidents(以修改当今为考驾驶执照计划作细节的支承). Human error, which causes most accidents, will never be totally eliminated; but it can be reduced if young drivers are prepared in the proper way(以人为的错失造成车祸为因要修改考驾驶执照计划作细节的支承). In the end, this training may mean fewer traffic injuries and deaths on the road, something that would benefit everyone(以修改当今考驾驶执照计划, 可减少人命的伤亡, 每个人都蒙福. 作有效的结论).

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