Wednesday, June 10, 2015


129英语语法应用(十六)   段落的写作()  writing a paragraph              6/10/2015

我们在天上的父,  感谢祢赐孩子生命求祢使我有永不放弃的心志.  帮助我把英文写作的博客诚实的放在爱好英文学习的朋友手中主耶稣啊, 求祢开导他们, 像祢带领我走过的生命中, 享用它的好处求祢使他们像我一样能体会及了解在英文学习的过程中写作的重要, 请不要让他们在中途放弃奉主耶稣的圣名祈求阿门.

编辑者没有研究英语语言的专长, 为什幺还继续写英文作文的讲章呢? 我的理由是:回忆起这几十年的日子, 英文作文改变了我的生活 (如前面一讲所作的见证).  我深信你们若不放弃学习英语, 在你们老年时或许会来美国探望你们的儿女, 那时它就会使你们的生活比较舒畅及顺心多了.

段落是写作的重心段落自成为整体, 也可作长篇大论的学术论文的一部分. 本博客介绍的是学生作文(theme)──单一段落在学生英语短文中常写的有描绘性的(descriptive), 叙述性的(narrative), 辩论性的(persuasive), 和说明性的 (expositive)等段落描绘性的段落已经讲解过现继续介绍叙述性的段落”.

叙述性的段落是叙述事件, 个人生活或故事的一组句子.

1. 用一句强而有力的句子作本段的主题句, 建议置放在句首.
2. 紧接着使用支持细节的句子, 围绕主导思想写作, 使达成段落的一致性建议依时
3. 写不同的句子作本段的结尾, 表明事件发展的结果.
4. 使用副词的修饰语, , because, so , 在支持细节句子之首, 以达成段落中各句

Napoleon certainly made a change for the worse by leaving his small kingdom of Elba (主题句).  After Waterloo, he went back to Paris, and he abdicated for a second time. A hundred days after his return from Elba, he fled to Rochefort in hope of escaping to AmericaFinally, he gave himself up to the English captain of the ship Bellerophon. Once again, he suggested that the Prince Regent grant him asylum, and once again, he was refused. In the end, all he saw of  England was the Devon coast and Plymouth Sound as he passed on to the remote island of  St. Helena(支持细节的句子, 围绕主导思想──他的离开Elba确实使他生活更为恶劣──写恶劣的情况, 使达成段落的一致性该段落是依时序来书写, 读起来比较顺畅). After six years of exile, he died on May 5, 1821, at the age of fifty-two(结语).
(取材于 Norman Mackenzie, The Escape from Elba)(取材于 Norman Mackenzie, The Escape from Elba)
[] : 有底线的短语都是用来达成段内各句的连贯性.
拿破仑离开他的小王国──Elba 确实使他生活更为恶劣自滑铁卢战败后, 他回到巴黎, 这是他的第二次逊位一百天后他逃离 Elba, Rochefort 企图远走美国愿望未达成. 终于向 Bellerophon 舰长投诚再一次, 他以为 里根王子会给与庇护; 然而, 再一次的被拒絶. 最后, 当他被遣送到 .海沦勒 离岛之途中时, 所看见的是得文郡的海岸和普里茅斯海湾放逐六年后, 他死于1821年的五月, 享年52.

辩论性的段落是作者用事实及理由来说服读者, 改变他们的想法, 企图他们赞同自己的意见.

1. 在主题句中简单明了的提出你的主要意见.
2. 把你要说服的读者或听众牢牢的记在心里.
3. 至少写出三个理由的支持细节的句子并连同你的例证把紧要的放在最后.
4. 在结语句子中用变换语气的句子重述你的辩证论点; 并说服读者接纳, 或听众一

I am writing to ask the city council to ban smoking in public places.(主题句) I feel this would be a good idea for three reasons. (至少有三个理由) First, smoking bothers many nonsmokers.( 理由一) Second, smoking sets a bad example for young people.( 理由二) Third, the tars and nicotine in smoke can damage the lungs of nonsmokers as well as smokers.( 理由三) It is not right for children to be forced to inhale smoke in public, so it should be banned immediately. ( 结语句子中以不同的语气重述你的辩证论点)


1. 在主题句中呈现出你要申论的主要意念, 放置在段落的首位.
2. 逐条提出支持细节的句子, 以阐释主题句的主导思想.
3. 要注意支持细节句子的前后次序正确.
4. 使用单词或短语参与其间, first, next, then, finally以示其先后的次序.

The countryside is a lovely place to live in.(主题句) First, there is a lot of fresh air in suburb areas. For example, not only are there few factories and cars to pollute the air, but also there are lots of trees for making air fresh. Next, it is not crowded on the outskirts of a town. For instance, houses and buildings are spread out on vast areas of land. Finally, people are friendly outside of the cities. To illustrate, neighbors help one another for cleaning community. (支持细节句)  So, living away from the city is comfort for various reasons.(结论句)

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