Thursday, January 2, 2025

952 英翻中 (652) Ecclesiastes (二) 傳道書(二) 01/02/2025

 952 英翻中 (652)                   Ecclesiastes (二)                          傳道書(二)                      01/02/2025

The Analysis                                                                                                                                                分析                                                                                                                                                        Refer back to the outline of Ecclesiastes, at the beginning of this study on Ecclesiastes, and note the places where Solomon admonished us to enjoy life and be satisfied with what God has assigned to us. 回顧傳道書的大綱,在本次傳道書研究的開頭,請注意所羅門勸告我們要享受生活並滿足        上帝所分配給我們的恩賜。                                                                                                                                In Ecclesiastes 12:8–12, Solomon explained how he wrote this book: he sought out the best words and arranged them in the best order. As he wrote, he included “goads” to prod us in our thinking and “nails” on which to hang some practical conclusions. Keep this in mind as you study. His work was inspired by God because he was guided by the one “Shepherd” (Ps. 80:1).                                                        在傳道書 12 章 8-12 節中,所羅門解釋了他是如何寫這本書的:他尋找最好的詞語,並以最好的順序排列它們。正如他所寫,他加入了「刺激物」來刺激我們的思考,也加入了「釘」來讓我們得出一些實際的結論。當你學習時,請記住這一點。他的工作受到上帝的啟發,因為他受到「大牧人」的引導(詩篇 80:1)。

The Application                                                                                                                                              應用                                                                                                                                                              What is the practical application of this book for us today? Is Ecclesiastes nothing but an interesting exhibit in a religious museum, or does it have a message for people in the information age?                  這本書對我們今天的實際應用是什麼? 《傳道書》只不過是宗教博物館裡有趣的展覽聖經,還是對這資訊時代的人們有什麼啟示?                                                                                                                 Its message is for today. After all, the society which Solomon investigated a millennium before the birth of Christ was not too different from our world today. Solomon saw injustice to the poor (4:1–3), crooked politics (5:8), incompetent leaders (10:6–7), guilty people allowed to commit more crime (8:11), materialism (5:10), and a desire for “the good old days” (7:10). It sounds up-to-date, doesn’t it?          是針對今日這时代的信息。畢竟,所羅門在基督誕生前一千年他所研究的社會與我們今天的世界並沒有太大的不同。所羅門看到了對窮人的不公義(4:1-3)、扭曲的政治(5:8)、無能的領導人(10:6-7)、有罪的人被允許犯下更多的罪行(8 :11)、物質主義(5 :10),以及對「美好時光」的渴望(7:10)。聽起來很很新,不是嗎?                                                                                   If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, then this book urges you to do so without delay. Why? Because no matter how much wealth, education, or social prestige you may have, life without God is futile. You are only “chasing after the wind” if you expect to find satisfaction and personal fulfillment in the things of the world. “For what shall it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” asked Jesus (Mark 8:36).                                                                          如果你從未相信耶穌基督是你的救主,那麼這本書敦促你立即這樣做。為什麼?因為無論你有多少財富、教育程度或社會聲望,沒有上帝的生活都是徒勞無功的。如果你期望在世間的事物中找到滿足感和個人成就感,那麼你只是在「追風」。 “人若賺得全世界,卻賠上自己的靈魂,有什麼益處呢?”耶穌問(可 8:36)。                                                                                                      Solomon experimented with life and discovered that there was no lasting satisfaction in possessions, pleasures, power, or prestige. He had everything, yet his life was empty! There is no need for you and me to repeat these experiments. Let’s accept Solomon’s conclusions and avoid the heartache and pain that must be endured when you experiment in the laboratory of life. These experiments are costly, and one of them could prove fatal.                                                                                                             所羅門對生活進行了實驗,發現財富、快樂、權力或聲望並不能帶來持久的滿足。他擁有了一切,但他的生活卻是空虛的!你我沒有必要重複這些實驗。讓我們接受所羅門的結論,避免在生命實驗室進行實驗時必須忍受的心痛和痛苦。這些實驗成本高昂,其中一項可能會致命。                                                                                                                                                                        When you belong to the family of God through faith in the Son of God, life is not monotonous: it is a daily adventure that builds character and enables you to serve others to the glory of God. Instead of making decisions on the basis of the vain wisdom of this world, you will have God’s wisdom available to you (James 1:5).                                                                                                                                                當你透過對神的兒子的信仰而成為神的家中的一員時,生活就不再單調了:它是每天的冒險,可以塑造品格,使你能夠為他人服務以榮耀神。你不再根據這個世界的虛妄智慧來做決定,而是擁有上帝的智慧(雅各書1:5)。                                                                                                      As far as wealth and pleasure are concerned, God gives to us “richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17). “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22 nkjv). The wealth and pleasures of the world do not satisfy, and the quest for power and position is futile. In Jesus Christ we have all that we need for life and death, time and eternity.                                                                  當你透過對神的兒子的信仰而成為神的家中的一員時,生活就不再單調了:它是每天的冒險,可以塑造品格,使你能夠為他人服務以榮耀神。你不再根據這個世界的虛妄智慧來做決定,而是擁有上帝的智慧(雅各書1:5)。 就財富和享樂而言,神賜給我們「豐豐富富的一切,可以享受」(提摩太前書 6:17)。 「耶和華所賜的福,使人富足,不加上憂愁」(箴 10:22 NKJV)。世間的財富和享樂並不能滿足,對權力和地位的追求也是徒勞無功的。在耶穌基督裡,我們擁有生與死、時間與永恆所需的一切。                                                                                           If there is one truth that Solomon emphasizes in this book, it is the certainty of death. No matter what Life is not worth living! Consider: A.The monotony of life. 1:4–11 Solomon enjoyed or accomplished, the frightening shadow of death was always hovering over him. But Jesus Christ has defeated death and is “the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). The victory of His resurrection means that our “labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).    如果所羅門在這本書中強調了一個真理,那就是死亡的必然性。無論如何,人生都不值得過!考慮: A. 人生的單調。 1:4-11 所羅門享受或成就了,死亡的可怕陰影卻始終籠罩在他身上。但耶穌基督已經戰勝了死亡,並且是「復活和生命」(約翰福音11:25)。祂復活的得勝意味著我們「在主裡的勞苦不是徒然的」(哥林多前書 15:58)。                                                                                                                                                     If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then all that you work for and live for will ultimately perish; and you will perish too. But faith in Jesus Christ brings you the gift of eternal life and the privilege of serving Him and investing your years in that which is eternal. So, the first message of Ecclesiastes is turn from the futility of sin and the world, and put your faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Eph. 2:8–10). But if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have received the gift of eternal life, then Solomon asks you, “Are you living for the Lord or for the things of the world?” Remember, Solomon knew God and was greatly blessed by Him, yet he turned from the Lord and went his own way. No wonder he became pessimistic and skeptical as he looked at life! He didn’t have God’s perspective because he wasn’t living for God’s purposes.                                                                                                         如果你不認識耶穌基督為你的救主,那麼你為之工作和生活的一切最終都會滅亡;你也會滅亡。但對耶穌基督的信仰會帶給你永生的禮物和服事祂的特權,並將你的歲月投入永恆的事。因此,傳道書的第一個信息就是遠離罪和世界的虛空,並相信耶穌基督(約翰福音 3:16;弗 2:8-10)。但如果你是耶穌基督的信徒,並接受了永生的恩賜,那麼所羅門會問你:“你是為主而活,還是為世上的事而活?”請記住,所羅門認識神,並蒙他大大賜福,但他卻背離了神,偏行己路。難怪他看待生活變得悲觀和懷疑!他沒有神的視角,因為他沒有為神的目的而活。                                                                                                                                                                        More than one professed Christian has followed Solomon’s bad example and started living for the things of this world. Paul wrote about one of his associates in ministry, “Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world” (2 Tim. 4:10). The apostle John warned, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15), and James admonished us to keep ourselves “unspotted from the world” (1:27).                                                                                                                                           不只一位自稱基督徒的人效法所羅門的壞榜樣,開始為今世的事物而活。保羅在談到他的一位事工同事時寫道:「底馬因為愛現今的世界,就離棄了我」(提後書 4:10)。使徒約翰警告:「不要愛世界和世界上的事」(約翰一書 2:15),雅各勸告我們要保守自己「不受世界的玷污」(1:27)。                                                                                                                                                When you start living for the world instead of for the will of God, you begin to look at life from the wrong perspective: “under the sun” and not “above the sun.” Instead of seeking “those things which are above” (Col. 3:1ff.), you start majoring on the things that are below. This wrong vision soon causes you to adopt wrong values, and you stop living for the eternal. The result is disappointment and defeat; the only remedy is repentance and confession of sin (1 John 1:9).                                                                      當你開始為世界而不是為神的旨意而活時,你就開始從錯誤的角度看待生命:“在日光之下”,而不是“在日光之上”。你不再尋求「上面的事」(歌羅西書 3:1ff.),而是開始專注於下面的事。這種錯誤的願景很快就會導致你採取錯誤的價值觀,並且你不再為永恆而活。結果就是失望、失敗;唯一的補救辦法就是悔改和認罪(約翰一書 1:9)。                                                              Ecclesiastes also contains a message for the faithful believer who wants to serve the Lord and have a fulfilled life in Jesus Christ. Solomon says, “Don’t bury your head in the sand and pretend that problems don’t exist. They do! Face life honestly, but look at life from God’s perspective. Man’s philosophies will fail you. Use your God-given wisdom, but don’t expect to solve every problem or answer every question. The important thing is to obey God’s will and enjoy all that He gives you. Remember, death is coming—so, be prepared!”                                                                                                   傳道書也包含了那些想要事奉主並在耶穌基督裡過充實生活的忠實信徒的信息。所羅門說:「不要把頭埋在沙裡,假裝問題不存在。他們做到了!誠實地面對生活,但要從上帝的角度看生活。人類的哲學會讓你失敗。運用上帝給你的智慧,但不要指望解決每一個問題或回答每一個問題。重要的是遵行神的旨意,享受神所賜給你的一切。請記住,死亡即將來臨——所以,做好準備!                                                                                                                                                     Perhaps this message is best summarized in the prayer of Moses: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Ps. 90:12).                                                                                       摩西的禱告或許最好地概括了這個信息:「求你教導我們數算自己的日子,好使我們的心追求智慧」(詩篇 90:12)。                                                                                                                               I opened this chapter by quoting some metaphors that describe “life,” and I want to quote one more. It’s from the popular American novelist Peter De Vries: “Life is a crowded superhighway with bewildering cloverleaf exits on which a man is liable to find himself speeding back in the direction he came.”                                                                                                                                                                     我在本章開頭引用了一些描述「生命」的比喻,我想再引用一個。這句話出自美國著名小說家彼得·德·弗里斯之口:“生活是一條擁擠的高速公路,有令人眼花繚亂的立體出口,一個人很容易發現自己正在加速返回原來的方向。”                                                                                                 That need not happen to you! King Solomon has already explored the road exhaustively and given us a dependable map to follow. And if we follow God’s Word, we will be satisfied.                                         這不必發生在你身上!所羅門王已經徹底探索了這條道路,並為我們提供了可靠的地圖供我們遵循。如果我們遵循神的話語,我們就會感到滿足。                                                                                Are you ready for the journey?                                                                                                                      您準備好踏上旅程嗎?                                                                                                                                  What will life be for you: vanity or victory.                                                                                                  你的生活將會是什麼:虛空或是勝利。

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