Thursday, January 9, 2025

958 英翻中 (658) The Ecclesiastes (八) 傳道書(八) 09/01/2025

958 英翻中 (658)                 The Ecclesiastes (八)                    傳道書(八)                   09/01/2025

愛我們的主耶穌基督, 求祢再次可憐孩子的軟弱, 墜入魔鬼的試探裡, 忘了翻譯 "傳道書( Ecclesiastes)".  孩子向祢懇求再一次的饒恕, 賜我憐憫, 給我靈裡重生的恩賜.  孩子決心悔改, 求祢賜下恩典能住在祢裡面, 戰勝魔鬼的引誘. 做討祢喜悅的事.  奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.  阿們.

Look Within: Eternity Is in Your Heart (3:9–14)                                                                                  向內心看:永恆就在你的心中(3:9-14)                                                                                                The Preacher adjusted his sights and no longer looked at life only “under the sun.” He brought God into the picture, and this gave him a new perspective. In verse 9, he repeated the opening question of 1:3: “Is all this labor really worth it?” In the light of “new evidence,” Solomon gave three answers to the question.                                                                                                                                                        傳道者調整了他的視野,不再只關注「日光之下」的生活。他把上帝帶入畫面,這給了他一個新的視角。在第 9 節中,他重複了第 1 章第 3 節的開頭問題:“這一切辛苦真的值得嗎?”  根據 “新證據”,所羅門對這個問題給了三個答案。                                                                                              First, man’s life is a gift from God (v. 10). In view of the travail that we experience from day to day, life may seem like a strange gift, but it is God’s gift just the same. We “exercise” ourselves in trying to explain life’s enigmas, but we don’t always succeed. If we believingly accept life as a gift, and thank God for it, we will have a better attitude toward the burdens that come our way. If we grudgingly accept life as a burden, then we will miss the gifts that come our way. Outlook helps to determine outcome.                                                                                                                                                                 首先,人的生命是上帝的恩賜(10節)。考慮到我們每天所經歷的辛苦,生命似乎是一份奇怪的禮物,但它仍然是上帝的禮物。我們「鍛鍊」自己,試圖解釋生活命的來由,但總尋不著。如果我們相信生命是一份禮物,並為此感謝上帝,我們就會對我們所面臨的重擔有更好的態度。如果我們勉強接受生活作為一種負擔,那麼我們就會錯過降臨在我們身上的禮物。盼望有助於我們確定生活結果。                                                                                                                                Second, man’s life is linked to eternity (v. 11). Man was created in the image of God, and was given dominion over creation (Gen. 1:26–28); therefore, he is different from the rest of creation. He has “eternity [“the world,” kjv] in his heart” and is linked to heaven. This explains why nobody (including Solomon) can be satisfied with his or her endeavors and achievements, or is able to explain the enigmas of life (1:12—2:11). God accomplishes His purposes in His time, but it will not be until we enter eternity that we will begin to comprehend His total plan.                                                                                     其次,人的生命與永恆息息相關(11節)。人是照著上帝的形像被造的,並被賦予受造物的統治權(創 1:26-28);因此,人與其他受造物不同。他擁有  “永恆 [欽定本譯為‘世界’]在他的心中”  並且與天堂相連。這就解釋了為什麼沒有人(包括所羅門)能夠對自己的努力和成就感到滿意,或能夠解釋生命的奧秘(1:12—2:11)。上帝在祂的時間完成祂的目的,但直到我們進入永恆,我們才會開始理解祂的整體計劃。                                                                                                Third, man’s life can be enjoyable now (vv. 12–14). The Preacher hinted at this in 2:24 and was careful to say that this enjoyment of life is the gift of God (see 3:13; 6:2; 1 Tim. 6:17). “The enjoyment of life” is an important theme in Ecclesiastes and is mentioned in each of the four sections of chapters 3—10. (Review the outline on pages 479–480.) Solomon is encouraging not pagan hedonism, but rather the practice of enjoying God’s gifts as the fruit of one’s labor, no matter how difficult life may be. Life appears to be transitory, but whatever God does is forever, so when we live for Him and let Him have His way, life is meaningful and manageable. Instead of complaining about what we don’t have, let’s enjoy what we do have and thank God for it.                                                                                                         第三,人的生活現在可以享受了(12-14節)。傳道者在其書中第 2章24節暗示了這一點,並謹慎地說,這種生命的享受是上帝的恩賜(參考 傳  3:13;6:2;提前 6:17)。 「享受生命」是傳道書的重要主題,第 3 章至第 10 章的四個部分都提到了這個主題。 (回顧第 479-480 頁的大綱。)所羅門鼓勵的不是異教享樂主義,而是享受上帝的恩賜作為個人勞動成果的做法,無論生活多麼困難。生命看似短暫,但上帝所做的一切卻是永遠的,所以當我們為祂而活,讓上帝按祂的方式行事時,生命就變得有意義、可控制。與其抱怨我們所沒有的,不如享受我們所擁有的,並為此感謝上帝。                                                                                                                                When the well-known British Methodist preacher William Sangster learned that he had progressive muscular atrophy and could not get well, he made four resolutions and kept them to the end: (1) I will never complain; (2) I will keep the home bright; (3) I will count my blessings; (4) I will try to turn it to gain. This is the approach to life that Solomon wants us to take.                                                                           英國衛理公會著名傳教士威廉‧桑斯特(William Sangster)得知自己患有進行性肌肉萎縮症,且無法痊癒時,他立下四項決心,並堅持到底:(1)我永遠不會抱怨; (2)我會讓家中保持明亮; (3)我要數算上帝對我的祝福; (4)我會努力把肌肉萎縮症變成收穫。這就是所羅門希望我們採取的生活方式。                                                                                                                                     However, we must note that Solomon is not saying, “Don’t worry—be happy!” He is promoting faith in God, not “faith in faith” or “pie in the sky by and by.” Faith is only as good as the object of faith, and the greatest object of faith is the Lord. He can be trusted.                                                                    然而,我們必須注意,所羅門並不是說:“別擔心 —— 只要快樂!”  他所提倡的是對上帝的信心,而不是「因信仰而信仰」或「是盼望從天上掉下餅來」。信心的好壞取決於所信仰的對象,而信仰最大的對象就是主耶穌基督。祂是值得信賴的。                                                                    How can life be meaningless and monotonous for you when God has made you a part of His eternal plan? You are not an insignificant insect, crawling from one sad annihilation to another. If you have trusted Jesus Christ, you are a child of God being prepared for an eternal home (John 14:1–6; 2 Cor. 4). The Puritan pastor Thomas Watson said, “Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.”                                                                                            當上帝讓你成為祂永恆計畫的一部分時,生活對你來說怎麼會變得毫無意義和單調呢?你不是一隻微不足道的蟲,從一悲傷的毀滅爬到另一悲傷的毀滅。如果你相信耶穌基督,你就是上帝的孩子,正在為永恆的家做準備(約 14:1-6;林後 4)。清教徒牧師湯瑪斯‧沃森(Thomas Watson)說:「對敬虔的人來說,永恆是沒有日落的一天;對惡人來說,永恆就是沒有日出的黑夜。"                                                                                                                                                  The proper attitude for us is the fear of the Lord (v. 14), which is not the cringing of a slave before a cruel master, but the submission of an obedient child to a loving parent. (See 5:7; 7:18; 8:12–13; 12:13.) If we fear God, we need not fear anything else, for He is in control.                                                        我們正確對生活的態度是敬畏主(14節),這不是奴隸在殘酷的主人面前的卑躬屈膝,而是喜愛的孩子對慈愛的父母的順服。 (參閱   傳  5:7;7:18;8:12-13;12:13)如果我們敬畏上帝,我們就不需要害怕其他任何事情,因為祂掌管一切。                                                                   

Look Ahead: Death Is Coming to All (3:15–22)                                                                                      展望未來:死亡即將來臨到所有的人(3:15-22)                                                                                Solomon already mentioned the certainty of death in 2:12–23, and he will bring the subject up several times before he ends his book (4:8; 5:15–16; 6:6; 8:8; 9:2–3, 12; 12:7–8). Life, death, time, and eternity: these are the “ingredients” that make up our brief experience in this world, and they must not be ignored.                                                                                                                                                      所羅門已經在傳道書2章12-23等節中,提到了死亡的必然性,他將在結束這本書之前多次提到這個主題(4:8;  5 : 15-16;6:6;8:8;9:2-3;12:7-8)。生、死、時間和永恆:這些是構成我們在這個世界上短暫停留的 “要素”,須重視它們。                                                                                              Verse 15 helps us recall 1:9–11 and gives us the assurance that God is in control of the “cycle of life.” The past seems to repeat itself so that “there is no new thing under the sun” (1:9), but God can break into history and do what He pleases. His many miracles are evidence that the “cycle” is a pattern and not a prison. His own Son broke into human life through a miraculous birth. He then died on a cross and rose again, thus conquering the “life-death cycle.” Because Jesus Christ broke the “vicious circle,” He can make us a part of a new creation that overcomes time and death (2 Cor. 5:17–21).                                 第 15 節幫助我們回想 1 章 9至11 節,並讓我們確信上帝掌控「生命的循環」。過去似乎在重演,因此「日光之下並無新事」( 傳  1:9),但上帝可以闖入祂的歷史過程,並做祂所喜悅的事。祂的許多奇蹟證明「循環」是一種模式,而不是監獄。祂自己的獨生兒子,透過奇蹟般的誕生,闖入了人類的生活。然後主死在十字架上,並復活,從而克服了  “生死的殘酷循環”。因為耶穌基督打破了這 “惡性循環”,祂可以使我們成為克服時間和死亡的新創造的一部分   (林後   5:17-21)。                                                                                                                                        Solomon added a new thought here: “and God will call the past to account” (v. 15 niv). Scholars have a difficult time agreeing on the translation of this phrase. It literally says “God seeks what hurries along.” Solomon seems to say that time goes by swiftly and gets away from us; but God keeps track of it and will, at the end of time, call into account what we have done with time (12:14). This ties in with verses 16–17 where Solomon witnessed the injustices of his day and wondered why divine judgment was delayed.                                                                                                                                                          所羅門在這裡添了新的想法:「上帝必追究過去的事」(傳  15 節)。學者們很難對這句話達成一致的翻譯。它的字面意思是 “上帝尋找匆忙的事物”。所羅門似乎在說,時間過得很快,離我們而去;但上帝會追蹤時間,並會在它束時,考慮我們在時間上所做的事情(傳  12:14)。這與第 16 至 17 節聯繫在一起,所羅門目睹了他那個時代的不公正現象,並想知道為什麼神聖的審判被推遲了。                                                                                                                                                “How can God be in control when there is so much evil in our world, with the wicked prospering in their sin and the righteous suffering in their obedience?” Solomon was not the first to raise that question, nor will he be the last. But once again, he comforted himself with two assurances: God has a time for everything, including judgment (see 8:6, 11), and God is working out His eternal purposes in and through the deeds of men, even the deeds of the wicked.                                                                              「當我們的世界上有如此多的邪惡,惡人因罪而興盛,義人因順從而受苦時,上帝怎麼能控制呢?”  所羅門不是第一個提出這個問題的人,也不會是最後一個。但祂再次用兩個保證安慰自己:祂對每件事都有定時,包括審判(參考  傳  8:6, 11),上帝正在,和透過人的行為,甚至是在邪惡者行為上,來實現祂永恆的目的。                                                                                                Yes, God will judge when history has run its course, but God is judging now (v. 18). In the experiences of life, God is testing man. (The word is “manifest” in the kjv. The Hebrew word means “to sift, to winnow.”) God is revealing what man is really like; He is sifting man. For, when man leaves God out of his life, he becomes like an animal. (See Ps. 32:9; Prov. 7; 2 Peter 2:19–20.) He lives like a beast and dies like a beast.                                                                                                                                    是的,當歷史結束時,上帝會施行審判,但祂現在正在施行審判(傳  18 節)。祂在人生命的經歷中考驗人。 (這個字在欽定版中是「顯明」。希伯來文的意思是「篩選、篩選」。)上帝正在揭示人的真面目;祂正在揭示人的本質。他正在篩選人。因為,當人將上帝從他的生活中剔除時,他就變得像野獸一樣。 (參考詩篇 32:9;箴言 7;彼得後書 2:19-20。)如野獸般活著,也如野獸般死去。                                                                                                                                We must be careful not to misinterpret verses 19–20 and draw the erroneous conclusion that there is no difference between men and animals. Solomon merely pointed out that men and beasts have two things in common: they both die and their bodies return to the dust (Gen. 2:7; 3:19). Being made in the image of God, man has a definite advantage over animals as far as life is concerned, but when it comes to the fact of death, man has no special advantage: he too turns to dust. Of course, people who are saved through faith in Christ will one day be resurrected to have glorified bodies suitable for the new heavenly home (1 Cor. 15:35ff.).                                                                                                                                          我們必須小心,不要誤解傳道書19-20 兩節,並得出人與野獸沒有區別的錯誤結論。所羅門只是指出,人和獸有兩個共同點:他們都會死,他們的身體也會歸於塵土(創  2:7;3:19)。人是照著上帝的形象造的,就生命而言,比野獸有明顯的優勢,但就死亡而言,人卻沒有什麼特別的優勢:他也會化為塵土。當然,藉著信仰基督而得救的人有一天會復活,擁有適合新天家的榮耀身體(林前 15:35比照研讀.)。                                                                                                            The Bible says that death occurs when the spirit leaves the body (James 2:26; and see Gen. 35:18; Luke 8:55). In verse 21, Solomon indicates that men and animals do not have the same experience at death, even though they both turn to dust after death. Man’s spirit goes to God (see 12:7), while the spirit of a beast simply ceases to exist. You find a similar contrast expressed in Psalm 49.                                 聖經說,當靈魂離開身體時,死亡就發生了(雅各書 2:26;參考  創世記 35:18;路加福音 8:55)。在傳道書第 21 節中,所羅門指出,人類和野獸在死亡時的經歷並不相同,儘管他們死後都化為塵土。人的靈歸向上帝(參閱 12:7),而野獸的靈則根本不復存在。你會發現詩篇 49 篇中也表達了類似的對比。                                                                                                                                  The Preacher closed this section by reminding us again to accept life from God’s hand and enjoy it while we can (v. 22). Nobody knows what the future holds; and even if we did know, we can’t return to life after we have died and start to enjoy it again. (See 6:12; 7:14; 9:3.) Knowing that God is in sovereign control of life (3:1), we can submit to Him and be at peace.                                                                傳道者在結束本節時,再次提醒我們要從上帝手中接受生命,並盡我們所能地享受生命(22節)。沒有人知道未來會怎樣;即使我們知道,我們也無法在死後復活並再次享受生命。 (參閱   傳  6:12;7:14;9:3。)知道上帝對生命擁有主權(傳  3:1),我們就可以順服祂並享有平安。

                        God holds the key of all unknown,       上帝掌握著一切未知的鑰匙,                                                    And I am glad;                                       我很高興;                                                                                    If other hands should hold the key,        如果其他人掌握著這鑰匙,                                                        Or if He trusted it to me,                        或者如果祂信任我,                                                                    I might be sad.                                        我可能會感到悲傷。

                        I cannot read His future plans,               我無法解讀祂未來的計劃 ,                                                          But this I know:                                      但我知道這一點:                                                                        I have the smiling of His face,                我有祂臉上的微笑,                                                                  And all the refuge of His grace,              以及祂恩典的所有避難所,                                                      While here below.                                    而就在這塵世。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               J. PARKER   J · 帕克 

         Faith learns to live with seeming inconsistencies and absurdities, for we live by promises and not by explanations. We can’t explain life, but we must experience life, either enduring it or enjoying it.                從信心學會忍受看似矛盾和荒謬的事情,因為我們靠著應許生活,而不是靠說明而生活。我們無法解釋生命,但我們必須體驗生命,要麼忍受生活,要麼享受生命。                                            Solomon calls us to accept life, enjoy it a day at a time, and be satisfied. We must never be satisfied with ourselves, but we must be satisfied with what God gives to us in this life. If we grow in character and godliness, and if we live by faith, then we will be able to say with Paul, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Phil. 4:11 niv).                                                                                      所羅門呼籲我們接受生命,一天一天地享受生活,並感到滿足。我們永遠不能對自己感到滿意,但我們必須對上帝在今生所賜給我們的東西感到滿意。如果我們在品格和敬虔上成長,如果我們憑信心生活,那麼我們就能和保羅一樣說:「我學會了無論在什麼景況下都可以知足」(腓 4:11 新國際版)。

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