233英語英翻中應用(五) The Bible 生命的活書 12/8/2019
For my Lord’s days upon earth; for
the record of His deeds of love; for
the words He spoke
for my guidance and help; for His
obedience unto death; for the presence of His Spirit with
me now. I thank You, O God.
為著主耶穌的降生人世; 為祂一切愛的行為; 為祂一切指示及幫助我的話; 為祂
至死不屈的順服; 為祂的戰勝死亡; 為祂現今和我同在的靈. 上帝啊! 我感謝祢.
Grant that the remembrance of the blessed
Life that once was lived out on this common
earth under these ordinary skies may remain
with me in all the tasks and duties of this
Let me remember ---
His eagerness, not to be ministered unto, but to minister:
His sympathy with suffering of every kind:
His bravery in face of His own suffering:
His meekness of bearing, so that, when reviled, He reviled not again:
His steadiness of purpose in keeping to His appointed task:
His simplicity:
His self-discipline:
His serenity of spirit:
His complete reliance upon You, His Father in Heaven.
And in each of these ways give me grace to follow in His steps.
求你賜我在今日的一切工作上及職務中, 常記住耶穌當日在同樣的日子裡,
怎樣度過祂的聖潔蒙福的生活. 使我記念 ---
祂怎樣熱心服事人, 而不受人的服事,
祂溫柔的忍受人的唾罵, 而不還口,
祂對祢, 天上的阿爸父完全的信靠,
求上帝的恩典, 使我在這一切的事上, 以祂為典模, 追隨祂的腳步.
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, I commit all my ways unto You.
make over my soul to Your keeping, I pledge
my life to You service. May this day
be for
me a day of obedience and of charity, a day
of happiness and of peace. May all my
and conversation be such as become the
gospel of Christ. Amen.
全能的上帝, 我們的主耶穌基督的天父, 我們向祢交託這一切. 願意把我們的靈命交託
祢保守, 願獻上我的生命事奉祢. 願我今天充滿順服和仁愛, 喜樂與和平. 願我今天一
切的言行, 都能成為基督的褔音.
(註: 英文取自 “A Diary of Private Prayer” John Baillie 著, New York, Charles Scribner’s
Sons 出版. 編輯者節譯 ‘Day Sixth Morning prayer’ )
聖經是基督徒生命的活書. 當我讀到約翰福音第一章說,
“太初有道(Word), 道(Word)
與上帝同在, 道(Word)就是上帝, 這道(Word)太初與上帝同在. ...”(約1:1-4)就感到
上帝進入我的心. 編輯者是研究水文科學的, 每當我以敞開的心去細閱和默想上帝的
話時, 屬靈的眼睛就開啟, 充分的明白聖經與科學是沒有衝突的, 反而聖經能夠補足
科學還未能完全證實的奧秘, 因為至今還沒有物理科學家能製造 “雨”.
In this first chapter, John recorded seven names and titles of
Jesus that identify Him as
eternal God.
在約翰福音第一章裡, 使徒約翰記下了耶穌的七個名字和稱號証明祂是永生的上帝.
以供我們認識主耶穌基督 (下面是編輯者摘自魏士比.華仁著的約翰福音解經書
"來得生命” 的第一章第十至第二十二頁. 英文部分是節譯的.)
The Word (John 1:1-3, 14). Much as our words reveal to
others our hearts and minds, so
Jesus Christ is God's "Word" to veal His heart and mind
to us. "He that hath seen Me hath
Seen the Father (John 14:9). A word is composed of letters, and Jesus
Christ is "Alpha and
Omega" (Rev. 1:11), the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
According to Hebrews
1:1-3, Jesus Christ is God's last Word to mankind, for He is
the climax of divine revelation.
祂是話 (約 1:1-3, 14). 很多我們說的話是要表現我們的思想和心意, 耶穌是上帝的 “話” ,
也是要顯示天父對我們的心思意念. “看到了我, 就看見了父” (約 14:9). 話中含有字,
並且耶穌是 “阿爾法和哦彌加” (啟 1:11), 這是希臘字母的第一個和最後一個字母.
依照聖經希伯來書1章1至3節, 耶穌基督是上帝最後對人說的話, 因為耶穌是聖神
The Light (John 1:4-13). Life is a key theme in John’s Gospel; it is used thirty – six
What are the essential for human life? There are at least four: light (if the sun
went out,
everything would die), air, water, and food. Jesus
is all of these! He is the Light of life and
the Light of the world(8:12).
He is the “Sun of
righteousness” (Mal. 4:2). By
His Holy Spirit, He gives us the "breath of life” (John 3:8;
20:22), as well as the
Water of life (4:10, 13-14; 7:37-39).
Finally, Jesus is the Living Bread of Life that came
do from heaven (6:35ff). He not only has life and gives life, but
He is life (14:6).
祂是光 (約 1:4-13). 生命是約翰福音的鑰宗旨; 被用了三十六次. 什麼是人生命的必要的?
有四樣: 光(若太陽不出現, 世上所有的都會死去), 水, 空氣, 和食物. 耶穌是所有的這些!
祂是生命的光和世界的光(8:12). 祂是 “公義的太陽” (瑪4:2). 由祂的聖靈, 祂帶給我們
“生命氣息” (約 3:8; 20:22), 和生命的活水(4:10, 13-14; 7:37-39). 最後, 耶穌是天上賜下
的生命的糧(6:35等節). 祂不只是生命, 和賜下生命, 但是祂就是生命 (14:6).
The Son of God
(John 1:15-28, 49). John the Baptist is one of the most important persons in the
New Testament. He is mentioned at least eighty-nine times. John had
the special privilege of
introducing Jesus to the nation of Israel. He also had the difficult task of preparing the nation
to receive their Messiah. He called them to repent of their sins and to prove that repentance by
being baptized and then living changed lives.
祂是上帝的兒子(約 1:15-28, 49). 施洗約翰是新約中最重要的人物.
至少有89次之多. 施洗約翰特別有資格向以色列人介紹耶穌基督. 他也感到要預備以色列國
接受這彌賽亞是艱辛的工作. 他呼籲他們要針對他們的罪悔改, 並以受洗來証實他們的悔改,
Lamb of God
(John 1:29-34). This
is the second day of the week that the Apostle John
recorded, and no doubt some of the same committee members were
present to hear John
the Baptist's message. This time, he called Jesus "the Lamb of
God," a title he would repeat
the next day (vv. 35-36). In
one sense, the message of the bible can be summed up in this
title. The question in the Old Testament is, "Where is the lamb
?" (Gen. 22:7) In the four
Gospels, the emphasis is "Behold the Lamb of God!" Here
He is! After you have trusted Him,
you sing with the heavenly choir, "Worthy is the Lamb!" (Rev. 5:12)
祂是上帝的羔羊(約 1:29-34). 這是在本週的第二天, 使徒約翰記載下施洗約翰的信息,
並且毫無疑問的同一群委員會的人仍在聽. 這次他稱耶穌是 “上帝的羔羊,” 來日他
還要再用該稱呼( 35-36等節). 可以這樣說, 聖經的信息可由這個稱呼而總結. 在舊約
中的問題是, “ ‘羔羊’ 在那裡?” (創 22:7) 在四福音裡, 都強調 “看那上帝的羔羊!”
祂在這裡! 當你信靠祂, 你就會與天上的詩班同唱 , “上帝的羔羊是值得稱頌的!”
(啟 5:12).
The Messiah (John
1:35-42). This
is now the third day in the sequence. The seventh day
included the wedding at Cana (2:1); and since Jewish weddings
traditionally were on
Wednesdays, it would make this third day the Sabbath Day. But it
was not a day of rest for
either John the Baptist or Jesus, for John was preaching and Jesus
was gathering disciples.
祂彌賽亞(約 1:35-42). 現在是本週聯續的第三天. 包括第七天的加拿的喜筵總共是
一週(2:1); 因為傳統上, 猶太人的喜筵總是在星期三, 這可能是要使後面的第三天是
安息日. 但是不是為了施洗約翰或耶穌休息, 因為施洗約翰要傳道, 和耶穌要呼召門徒.
The King of Israel
(John 1:43-49). Jesus called Philip personally and Philip
trusted Him and
followed Him. We do not know what kind of
heart preparation Philip experienced, for
usually God prepares a person before He calls him. (編輯者註: 翻譯該句甚是擾人, 獨立
子句的動詞是 ‘know’ , 後面接一個關係子句, 用後面兩個介詞短語帶出的子句加以解說.)
We do know that Philip proved his faith by seeking to share it with
his friend Nathanael.
祂是以色列的王(約 1:43-49). 耶穌親自呼召腓利而腓利信靠祂, 並且跟隨祂. 腓利經過內心
預備的經歷, 我們不知道, 但通常若上帝要呼召你, 祂肯定預備你來帶領他人. 我們肯定
The Son of Man
(John 1:50-51). "son of man" was one of our Lord's favorite titles for
it is used eighty-three times in the Gospels and at least thirteen
times in John. The title speaks of
both the deity and humanity of Jesus. The vision in Daniel 7:13
presents the "Son of man" in a
definite messianic setting; and Jesus used the title in the same
way (Matt. 26:64).
祂是人子(約 1:50-51). “人子” 是我們的主所喜愛為祂自己用的名字, 在四福音中用過
83 次 並且在約翰福音中用過至今十三次. 這名字表示耶穌的神性, 同時也表示祂的人性.
在舊約但以理書7:13提到 “人子” 是有關彌賽亞的事, 耶穌也以同一意義而用它(太 26:64).
He was born in an
obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village,
where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty. Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. 主耶稣生在不起眼的村庄, 是农村童贞女的孩子. 祂却在另外的村庄長大, 祂以做木匠为生, 直到三十岁. 然后的三年,主耶稣出来在当地巡回传天国的福音. |
He never wrote a book. 祂从未写过一本书.
He never held an office. 祂从来没有办公室.
He never had a family or
a home. 祂从来没有固定居所或家.
He didn't go to college. 祂没有上过大学.
He never visited a big
city. 祂从来没有到过大城市.
He never travelled two
hundred miles from the place where He was born.
He did none of the
things that usually accompany greatness.
祂没有做过任何事情通常伴随着 "了不起".
He had no credentials
but Himself. 除了祂自己,祂没有任何可信任的.
He was only thirty-three
when the tide of public opinion turned against Him.
直到祂三十三岁时, 世人才群起而反对祂.
His friends ran away. 祂的朋友都跑了.
One of them denied Him. 其中一人还不认祂.
怎麼將英語翻譯成使人能讀得舒暢有益的中文? 這是從事翻譯者的願望. 好的翻譯工作者 事先應會發現一些常見的翻譯易犯的錯誤, 若能及時仔細複習英翻中的基本原則, 就可以減少事後的浪費時間來修改, 同時使讀者容易閱讀.
一. 在英文裡如 “Somebody says" or "asks", "cries",
"thinks’) 都可以任意放, 句首、句中、 句尾都可以; 但在翻成中文時, 習慣上這些短句都應盡量置於句首.
“Don’t do that,” dad said, “it will hurt you.”
“Don’t do that,” dad said, “it will hurt you.”
父親說, “不要去做那事, 它會傷害到你.”
二 在中文句子中, 其重點總是放在句末, 不像英文句子, 可以出現在句首、句中、句尾, 那裡都可以放. 這是因為英語常常用語調來標出哪個部分最重要,中文卻依賴語序來標示出重點. 所以一讀完英文原句後, 你可以馬上分辨出重點在哪裡, 在中文翻譯時要直接放到句尾.
In 1977, our whole family moved to U.S.A.
according to God’s will.
我們全家是遵照上帝的旨意, 於1977年來到美國.
In 1937, Japan invaded
中文沒有分詞子句(participle clauses), 在翻譯時特別注意要改成從屬子句
Having read the book before, he knew how the movie would be ended.
已經看過書, 他事先知道電影的結局. (比較有些類似英文式的中文.)
因為看過書, 他才知道電影的結局.(這樣才像到地的中文.)
Feeling ashamed, I burst into tears in the office.
感到很羞愧, 我在辦公室裡大哭. (不太像到地的中文.)
感到很羞愧, 我在辦公室裡大哭. (不太像到地的中文.)
我們以中文為母語的中國人, 必須要仔細了解英文句子的時制、人稱、單複數等不同的動 詞字尾變化, 因我國的文字是 “字(character)”, 它本身不能變化, 只有前後排列的變化.
Since I am a child, I’m not allowed to enter a game store.
因為我年紀太小, 更本不允許進入赌钱的打彈子房。
I’ve learned English since I was a child.
因為我年紀太小, 更本不允許進入赌钱的打彈子房。
I’ve learned English since I was a child.
[註]: “Since I
am a child” 和 “Since I was a child” 差在第二句是過去時制, 意思是 “從小就……”, 和第一句 “現在正是…” 有很大的差異.
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