Friday, July 19, 2019

217 英语词类基本应用(十一) Who, Whom, and Whose 谁, 给谁, 和谁的

217 英语词类基本应用(十一)     Who, Whom, and Whose      , 给谁, 和谁的           7/19/2019

爱我们的主耶稣基督, 求祢怜悯, 开我的灵眼, 看到自己一无所是, 惟有依靠主祢的大能, 孩子才能战胜魔鬼的引诱, 谦卑的来到祢面前, 求祢赦免我的罪.  更恳求祢赐我智能, 使我仰望祢的再来, 预备我的心, 向人见证祢是如何的拯救我, 陪孩子走人生的道路.  并要一生一世, 只要一息尚存, 永远要见证祢是永生上帝的儿子, 是上帝. 奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷.  阿门.

编辑者希望提醒我国喜好学英文的年轻访友, 造英语的疑问句时, 遇到要代表人称时, 就得用 Who, Whom, Whose.  它们又叫做疑问人称代名词(interrogative personal pronoun).  (Who)是主位人称代名词; (Whom)是宾位人称代名词; 谁的(Whose)是领位人称代名词.

造英语疑问句并不像造中文问句那么简单. 只在句子后面加上” , 再加上问号 “?” 就行.  所以我国学生很容易在造英语的疑问句时出错. 尤其如, “tag questions (反意疑问)” 是少见的, 它具特别的结构, 且有特别的含意.

1.     前面讲过的三种动词: be-verb;  have-verb;  do-verb.编辑者特别强调它们如何用在造疑問句上, :
Are you ready?
Have you seen my books?
Do you like music?

2.     用疑问人称代名词造疑问句, 
 Who is not going? (Who 是主位疑问人称代名词).
To whom am I speaking? (Whom 是宾位疑问人称代名词).
Whose books are these?  (Whose 是领位疑问人称代名词).

[] : 还有其它, , what, where, how 等不举例.

不要误认领位疑问人称代名词 Whose “Who is” 的缩写 “Who’s” (Do not confuse the interrogative possessive pronoun whose with the contraction who's).
                        Whose books are these?         Who’s  that at the door.

练习一:  试用 who whom 填入空格以完成下列各句:
   (Write who or whom to complete each sentence).

1. _____will help decorate the gym for the costume party?
2.  __________did you call?
3. Do you know _______ is planning to attend?
4. With ______are you going?
5. _______are you going to pretend to be?
6.  From  _____did you get that idea?
7. Do you think the others will know ______you are?
8. ________can pick up the refreshments?
9. From  ______do we get the money to pay for them?
10. _______is going to be the costume judge?

练习二:  试用 whose who's 填入空格, 完成下列各句. 
  (Write whose or who's to complete each sentence).
11. ____going to drive everyone?
12. _____parents have a van?
13.  ____your favorite cartoon character?
14. _____the boy in the Napoleon costume?
15. This mask is mine, ____but mask is that?
16. costume did you borrow?
17._____Bradley supposed to be?
18. _____selecting the best costume?
19. I can't decide _____costume should win.
20. The person ____the winner will get a prize.

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